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iPhone TomTom USA Canada Mexico 1.5 Speed Cam Map 8.55.2934 ipa




Software Mobile


iPhone TomTom USA Canada Mexico 1.5 Speed Cam Map 8.55.2934 ipa




2010-10-30 (by blueeyeblond)


THIS VERSION HAS EXTRA ITEMS AND FEATURES THAT THE RETAIL VERSION OF USA & CANADA ON APPLE APP STORE DOES NOT HAVE ARE: *Additional map of Mexico integrated into the app *Additional Text to speech voices for: German, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Swedish, Norwegian, and Finnish *Four (4) premium Star Wars voices in English *Red light camera warning at intersections for United States and Canada. iPhone TomTom USA, Canada, & Mexico Version 1.5 With Red Light Cameras Map Version 8.55.2934 ipa This is a custom made ipa file of TomTom Mobile Navigator that covers USA, Canada, & Mexico, with its latest version of 1.5 for iPhone, iTouch, and iPad, and with latest map version 8.55.2934 that included such features as: 1. IQ route 2. Text to speech 3. Lane assistance 4. Google POI search 5. Navigate to photo 6. Retina display graphics 7. Radar safety speed cameras with red light cameras at intersections. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you all have noticed that I added 3 extra features that the retail Tomtom Mobile Navigator for iPhone, iPad, and iTouch don't come with are : 1. Detailed map seamlessly covering the USA, Canada and Mexico - unsimplified version.Map coverage statistics: * countries fully covered (99.9%): the US (all states, including Hawaii and Alaska), Canada (all provinces) and Puerto Rico. * includes over 7 million Points of Interest * countries partially covered: Mexico * roads covered: over 7.4 million miles * additional information: Street level coverage for 40% of the population in Mexico with detailed coverage of 23 cities including Mexico City and Guadalajara * additional information: 100% of connected network of major roads that allows you seamless navigation throughout Mexico. * additional information: over 1500 miles of additional coverage added in Canada 2. Four (4) premium voices of Star Wars characters of Yoda, Han Solo, C3P0, and Darth Vader 3. Radar Safety Speed Cameras with Red Light Cameras at Intersections. The TomTom Safety Camera Service provides audio and visual alerts of dangerous intersections on your route. With this service, you'll know which intersections are monitored by red light cameras. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The app only works for jailbroken iPhone, iPad, and iTouch with Installous already installed into the iDevice. Installous is an app that allow you to install cracked apps onto your iDevice via Installous, or Itunes. You can find Installous in Cydia by adding: repo under: Manage / Sources / Edit / Add 1. Text To Speech voices are in the following languages: * American English * Mexican Spanish - Espanol * Canadian French - Francais * German - Deutsche * Italian - Italiano * Portuguese - Portugues * Dutch - Nederlands * Swedish - Svenska * Norwegian - Norsk * Finnish - Suomi IN ORDER FOR TEXT TO SPEECH TO WORK. YOUR iDEVICE MUST BE SET TO ONE OF THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGES ABOVE, BY GOING TO: Settings / General / International / Language and change to one of the languages listed above 2. Non Text To Speech voices and premium voices are included in other languages that can be used in any language setting on your iDevice. Here is the fully detail of the app: TomTom app v.1.5 App Version 8.300 (585805) Map: 'USA, Canada, & Mexico' v855.2934 Language: English US

Files count:



1856.72 Mb




bjporter76 (2010-10-31)

Will you be doing Australia as well ?

rob0202 (2010-11-03)

Awesome thanks a lot. Seems to be working fine on my iphone 4 w/ 4.1 on a Mac. Haven't driven with it yet but seems to work fine.

mikekavla (2010-11-05)


kunt1e (2010-11-13)

Excellent package!! Works perfectly on iOS 4.1 on 3Gs and XP.

blueeyeblond (2010-11-16)

ok for those of you think that the 4 extra premium voices of star wars don't work, you're wrong, they actually work,. pay attention, lol.
in the english voice section at the top, you will see c3po, darth vader, yoda, and han solo voice with buy button next to them, then as you scroll down to the bottom of english voice section you will see the same thing, c3po, darth vader, yoda, and han solo voice without buy button next to them. use the ones at the bottom of english voice section, and just ignore the ones on the top of english voice section. now you see that the ones at the bottom of english voice section work just perfectly fine. i am sorry for the confussion. i should have just deleted the ones at the top of english voice section so that way you would not get confused.

sjpierre (2010-12-03)

can someone help, i downloaded this and installed it on a iPod touch 2g. everything works except that when i type a destination it doesn't work, and if im driving around, the free mode doesn't work, the screen just stays gray and it continues to say connect to gps, what does that mean..please help

sjpierre (2010-12-03)

currently my ipod touch 2g is jail broken to version 4.2.1

silversurfer9999 (2010-12-23)

Hey will you UL the latest version 1.6
Loved the 1.5 V, works great both on my iPhone and iPad