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GameBoy Color Emulator + Pokemon games [MAC]






GameBoy Color Emulator + Pokemon games [MAC]




2010-01-12 (by randomoutburst)


**Lost Data, can't seed, my apologies** **Probably pointless to try to download** :( :( :( :( :( :( :( Gameboy Color Emulator plus Pokemon games Red Blue Yellow Gold and Silver For use on Intel Macs


  1. gameboy
  2. color
  3. pokemon
  4. game
  5. emulator
  6. nintendo

Files count:



11.59 Mb




tbp097663 (2010-01-12)

seed pls

JordoK (2010-01-12)

Usually when you upload a torrent (especially one that is only 11.59 megs) you should seed it until at least one or two other people have downloaded it, to keep the torrent alive somewhat, without these dead patches.

mumboy (2010-01-13)

Yeah. Seed please.

labourfix (2010-01-13)

still needs seed. there are like 8 people stuck at 8.6 %

Darklord1990 (2010-01-14)

Sad that nobody wants to seed. :(

courtesy (2010-01-17)

After searching for awhile I managed to find games and emulator separately and could therefore seed to 100% :)

tbp097663 (2010-01-17)

it doesnt work

Turpitude (2010-01-17)

ya, im havin the same matter how many times u click anythin nothin happens.....i dont know what im missin....

Turpitude (2010-01-17)

figured her out, the emulator was bunk, at least for me....i just typed in kigb in google and one of the first things that came up was a free download, playing as we speak

hammy420 (2010-01-19)

seed plz!!!

hammy420 (2010-01-19)

googled and dled kigb like terpitude said and works perfect.

phantomshadowxv (2010-01-31)

It really works? Being honest I don't think all the information of a GBC game can be only 11.59MB

zh_boy_1896 (2010-03-07)

seed pls

randomoutburst (2010-05-03)

Sorry guys, my laptop crapped out on me and I had to get a new one, so I no longer have this file, hence the lack of seeding. Will upload again once I can recover my files off the old laptop!

Tenedora (2014-08-03)

HI GUYS. It was impossible to open it until I did this:
1. Open Terminal (Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal).
2. Write: "sudo chmod -R 777 " (DON'T FORGET THE SPACE) then paste the KiGB app.
3. Enter.
4. Write your password. IF YOU DON'T HAVE ONE, YOU WILL NEED IT!
5. Open de game.


1. GBC Emulator/ 1.68 Kb
2. GBC Emulator/ 1.25 Mb
3. GBC Emulator/ 448.58 Kb
4. GBC Emulator/ 880 bytes
5. GBC Emulator/ 151.96 Kb
6. GBC Emulator/ 2.35 Kb
7. GBC Emulator/ 6.94 Kb
8. GBC Emulator/ 6.79 Kb
9. GBC Emulator/ 15.50 Kb
10. GBC Emulator/ 1.52 Mb
11. GBC Emulator/ 8 bytes
12. GBC Emulator/ 1.68 Kb
13. GBC Emulator/ 60.88 Kb
14. GBC Emulator/ 49.03 Kb
15. GBC Emulator/ 47.52 Kb
16. GBC Emulator/ 46.79 Kb
17. GBC Emulator/Pokemon Games/Blue.gbc 1024.00 Kb
18. GBC Emulator/Pokemon Games/Gold.gbc 2.00 Mb
19. GBC Emulator/Pokemon Games/Pokemon_Yellow.gbc 1024.00 Kb
20. GBC Emulator/Pokemon Games/Red.gbc 1024.00 Kb
21. GBC Emulator/Pokemon Games/Silver.gbc 2.00 Mb
22. GBC Emulator/Pokemon Games/Yellow.gbc 1024.00 Kb