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Games PC






2009-05-18 (by AiTB)


info, links..

Files count:



5053.51 Mb




Kazabar (2009-05-18)

Leaked early ? lol that is hilarious

TheAngelMike (2009-05-18)

weird cus it had to come out in JUNE
wel june second bt still

rajen_23uk (2009-05-18)

this should be real everything i download from this guy is real and no virus or trojans let you no when it finished

nikola018 (2009-05-18)

and this is 100% REAL
because this is posted by AiTB and Ripped by RELOADED
(and AiTB never posts FAKE"s on TPB !)
B.T.W : i'm "mennodings"

 Mbb15 (2009-05-18)

this is not a rip

RDCMrT (2009-05-18)

WOEEEW Tx dude !!!

FiletOfBaby (2009-05-19)

No doubt that this is legit, I worked retail for many years and we get games in about a week or two before release, it's pretty easy to nic it if you know your own security pretty well.

RDCMrT (2009-05-19)

Well i can tell u.
Installed it, used crack, and played it.
Works perfect tx for uploading AiTB !!!

ryancald (2009-05-19)

is this for Mac OS X tooo????????????????

xxxFRIARxxx (2009-05-19)

I logged in to say that almost NOTHING is made for MacOSX.
Sorry buddy but you bought an "artsy" machine.

jabackes (2009-05-19)

This does inclued a Mac version, and for all you nay-sayers about the mac not being "cool", how about this? The Crack included works great on the mac too without any additional software. Just open the Sims package, and put the TS3.exe file in the /Resources/transgaming/c_drive/Program Files/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Game/Bin/ folder, i made a backup of mine just in case.
Use these serial numbers if you get stuck

hepek (2009-05-19)

I know that AiTB is really safe and respectable uploader but on my PC Kaspersky detect virus, invader on sims.exe file.
Does anyone have this expirience? or this is just Kaspersky reaction om modified exe file?

startspring (2009-05-19)

Nope. I got the virus warning too, so its not just you hepek. Otherwise the game runs perfect. Thanx a lot!

markisthejob (2009-05-19)

Cracked exe's and keygen's often show up as trojan's etc. The rip is by RELOADED and AiTB is the uploader so I would trust it as much as if I ripped it myself.I wouldnt worry about it

hepek (2009-05-19)

thanks...just wanted to have safety check.

DarkAnon666 (2009-05-19)

My sister almost had a heart attack when she came home and this game was installed on her pc.

ryancald (2009-05-20)

why dose it take so long to download? its only 5GB

ryancald (2009-05-20)

it says it will be done in 30 days

kalle6988 (2009-05-20)

I have a problem its complaining about the registercode, and once i got it right it says "no internet connection" please some1 help me i want this game rolling..

napalmhatt (2009-05-20)

Have been dling for 15hrs at an avg of 19kbs. Where do all the seeds go? 3500 have it but only 350 are seeding - A mere 10%, much respect to those upping I hope to join you soon

midgetbro09 (2009-05-20)

really does work!
tried on MAC OS X and on PC
kudos AiTB

Cloud_9 (2009-05-20)

I don't know if this has been posted (and yes I'm going to copy/paste this to the other one);
if you copy the crack over, and rename the shortcut to TS3.exe, you won't have to worry about going online. Works perfect for me.

kalle6988 (2009-05-20)

This mfucker doesnt work, what i suppose to do with the ts3 in the "crack" folder, where i put it, and please more detailed information, becouse we all ain't from USA, so please info with detailed, and clearly, please i cant get this work help me, it complains register code, nothing works help me!

kalle6988 (2009-05-20)

what that "burn or mount image" how i do that, sorry i m noob

ashnoob (2009-05-20)

So... I started this download at about 9pm last night. got approx 150kb down and double that up but when I woke up at 9 this morning it was finished.
I installed it and placed the crack... It installs and cracks just like sims 2 (incase your wondering)
Anyways, it works great. Runs alot smoother than sims 2 even and I havent found any glitches yet.
Thanks for the torrent!

msino123 (2009-05-21)

only 10 ppl seeding please seed
down speed 24%
im desperate

ashnoob (2009-05-21)

calm down im seeding!
back to simming :D

Graylorde (2009-05-21)

Aww, i had 100kb+ from a guy at 100% for a while, and it was going to finish in a few hours. But he disappeared and now i only get 5-15 which will take days :(

msino123 (2009-05-21)

Guys please seed
went from 1 day to 3 days 5 hrs
over 600 people download only 20 seeds
I need at least 50 plz

msino123 (2009-05-21)

now 6 seeds
come on

coldlondont (2009-05-21)

2 days and 10 hours,wow
I remember Oblivion took me about 2 hrs to complete
oh well,its out early anyways
thanks a bunch, AiTB!

hinataxsai (2009-05-21)

please help me install
I got all these files like rld-sim3.
my email is [email protected]
I'm a little slow so try explain it in the simplest way

Brewskie86 (2009-05-21)

I cant even beleive how few seeds there are. crazy, cmon people, i know we have dl limits and ul limits but cmon share the wealth people, it takes cooperation to make this whole thing work.

p0ngsifu (2009-05-21)

WTF the game crashed while I was saving and erased all my data, wasted about 10 hours of my life...

ashnoob (2009-05-21)

What's your system specs?
Ive been playing all day and saving along the way and I havent had one glitch or problem to date... I downloaded (and am seeding) this torrent, used this patch and have played a good 10 - 12 hours in the past two days so im not sure what to tell you :(

HPM23 (2009-05-21)

I don`t understand the part when you are supposed to install the game:S and the game dowload runs verrrry slow.. don`t get me wrong, it`s great that you guess have upploaded the sims 3!!! thanks!! plz awnser my question...

b1ackroses (2009-05-21)

Sweeeeet. Can't wait for this one to finish. Thanks!

Graylorde (2009-05-21)

don't listen to arlinenr, those are fake and will instead put a tracker on your IP!

TyTjepelk (2009-05-21)

Can somebody help me please?? I've downloaded, unrared but it's like DT can't read the "disc":S
Disk is not formatted
Windows cannot read from this disk. The disk might be corrupted, or it could be using a format that is not compatible with Windows.
someone PLEASE help me, want to play this game so BADLY

heycaesre (2009-05-21)

can someone please explain in plain english how to install this?
all this mount and burn stuff doesnt make sense to me.
also, anyone tried this on mac yet?

p0ngsifu (2009-05-21)

To the new people that don't know how to use the CD once unRARed, you need to download a program like DAEMON Tools to mount the disk.

Terbert007 (2009-05-21)

Hi, could someone help me? When I try to install it comes up with an error with Sunset Valley and won't install. Any idea how I can get this working?

TyTjepelk (2009-05-21)

p0ngsifu: using DT..

Meesherbeans (2009-05-21)

Come on! 845 seeders, and I'm usually pulling 30kb/s, if that? :(

USA4EVER89 (2009-05-21)

I couldn't extract this file with WinRar or AlZip.. I don't trust it.. It may be a Virus or some kind of hacking thing.. had it happen to me before...

JDFan (2009-05-21)

@USA4EVER89 - AiTB is a trusted uploader and reloaded is a very dependable source as well so the file is fine !! - to unpack just double click on the rld-sim3.r00 file and it will extract all of the files (it is a split archive and winrar will automatically combine the archive when it unpacks)

p0ngsifu (2009-05-21)

Oh and I figured I would suggest that everyone, once quitting the game for night, copy your town so that there are two save files, so that if it crashes and corrupts the save like it did with me, you won't lose ALL the data.
and TyTjepelk, have you tried deleting the disk and re-unRARing it? It sounds like there is a problem with it, probably corrupted as it says. Rebooting also sometimes fixes these sorts of things but that isn't quite as likely to help, but it also can't hurt.

heycaesre (2009-05-22)

dont waste your time.

heycaesre (2009-05-22)

i got the game to install and work on my mac, only the crack doesnt work for mac and it continues to attempt an online registration, how do i stop it?
or does somoene have a registration code?

heycaesre (2009-05-22)

i'm gonna stop seeding unless someone helps me!
i try copying the crack onto the game bin but it says the it cant be modified

m3l33u (2009-05-22)

Seed people!!! 48 Peers and 3 Seeds. I'm pulling about 17 kb/s. Once finished I'll seed for atleast a month. I can't wait x)

DeathStepper (2009-05-22)

Uh, I installed it and cracked it fine, but my trees in the game look completely bugged up? They are glowing bright green and look square. I have maxed out all the settings as my PC is more than capable, anyone know why I'm getting this?

ashnoob (2009-05-22)

Still seeding the whole game... It installed great just the same as all the sims 2 and expansions did. Played it for about two days... Feels just like sims 2, boring.
Yeah its cool how you can make your own custom content but theres lack of actual objects and furniture to design, plus its all ALL furniture from the sims 2 just now you can change the colors -_- So, ill be back to WoW already :D
Great torrent tho... legit and working well. Have fun simming (hopefully more than I did lol)

xsingthesorrowo (2009-05-22)

I have tried 5 times now, coming up with nothing but CRC Errors everytime I try and install, makes it through about 25% then fails install. Id love to be able to drop a good comment for this. Right now its not working out. Anyone know why this may be happening? Thanks

nasholmarn (2009-05-22)

Somthing is wrong with the tree textures. Please help

cntbox (2009-05-22)

hey does anyone else have the problem with speed( the sims time) when playing the game? I have to pretty much watch them sleep at normal time i cant speed it with 3 or 4.

ashnoob (2009-05-22)

For the people having problems, what operating system do you have? Im running on xp, sp2.
And the speed problem in game... I found that they move too fast even at 1 speed, not rediculous but kind of off. Try lowering your graphic settings maybe im not sure =/ And if you dont want to sacrafice looks drop down the neighbors high graphic setting so your not wasting memory on that :)

ashnoob (2009-05-22)

Oh and the problem with tree textures...
What kind of graphics card do you have and is your computer at the minimum requirments? You have to have a graphics card with pixel shading so if your using something integrated or stock theres a good chance it may not which would cause the game to look funky, walls to be and the trees to mess up :(

deathanode (2009-05-23)

Seed PPL. this isn't sharing if you take and give nothing back. don't slow up speeds.

deathanode (2009-05-23)

I might be able to thank you sometime this century if seeding stays this bad.

uknowyalovmeh (2009-05-23)

Okk im new to this whole thing and I really want to play it but when it asks to put the CD in i know your supposed to copy something over, but idk what.
Anyone help?? In detail please :)

michaelfeb16 (2009-05-23)

Tree issue here on a high end computer. 4870x2.

XtremeKai (2009-05-23)

heycaesre - No crap it dosent work on a mac. Did you notice the thing at the top that said Games > PC?

m3l33u (2009-05-23)

Cmon guys.... 3 more percent and I'm done. Just seed for like an hour XD. Like I said I have a good upload so hopefully we can get this shared around fast.

ashnoob (2009-05-23)

For those of you who are new I guess ill briefly explain.
First, go download Daemon Tools if you dont have it. Then Download the program Winrar.
K.. when you have those installed. Go to your bitcoment downloads folder (normally C:\Downloads) and open up the sims 3 folder.
Right click on the first rld-sim3 file and click extract files... Then select for it to go to the desktop so you can easily find it later.
When that finishes, open up Daemon tools. It will put a little lightning icon down by your clock.
Right click, go to Virtual CD/DVD rom, put your mouse over the first device and select "Mount Image"
Now you need to find the file extracted earlier to your desktop. Select it in Daemon Tools and the Sims 3 Launcher should start.
Use one of these serials to install :
Once installed. Dont try to run the game. Go to My Computer and right click on the drive daemon tools asigned, it will have a sims 3 icon on it and click "explore"
There will be a folder called "crack" open it.
Leave that folder up for a second and open my computer again, go to C: Program files / Electronic Arts / Sims 3 / Game / Bin
Now go in the "crack" folder drag the TS3 icon from the "crack" folder to the sims 3 file you opened just before.
It should ask you to replace the file... click yes.
Now that icon, make a shortcut of it (right click, create shortcut) and put THE SHORTCUT. on your desktop. click and play.
Make sure you use the shortcut you made to load the game, the standard one sims 3 put on your desktop wont work.
Hope that helped. lol

LTD602 (2009-05-24)

Nice upload!
So is this the actual *full release* of the game that we'll be getting in June, or is this some sort of beta?
Is anything missing in this?
How did this get an early "release" on torrents? I assume it was a leak . . .
Another thing: can I update/patch this (as necessary) after having applied the crack?
By the way, I'm on a Mac and it works like a charm. The instructions are right on the money.
Nice work, AiTB. ;)

jaybabiey (2009-05-24)

Whenever I try to install I get to the point where I choose my country, then I get an error that says DLL function call crash. Any ideas why?

Spoke50818 (2009-05-24)

Works, buuut:
i think this is some beta. It has several bugs i noticed, and it's soo ... empty. This game is a disaster, by design, you don't lose anything if you skip this, at least for 3-4 expansions to come, and play with sims2 with all it's 17 expansions instead. There are so much more options you'd miss with this one, it isn't worth playing yet!

DeathStepper (2009-05-24)

Tree Issue on a 4850 and E8400.
Pretty sure my spec is not the problem.
It must just be bugged. :/

LTD602 (2009-05-24)

A lot of new releases are buggy before a first patch is issued. Like Fallout 3, for example (was a mess), or Oblivion, etc.
My main concern is whether this is a full release. It's here 2 weeks early. It doesn't preclude the possibility that this is still a beta or a release candidate of some kind and that it'll be changed before release. Unless two weeks is too short s Window to make changes.
Anyway, I'm not sure how old this version is. I'm running in on a Mac, and although it seems to work fine it feels kinda empty.

Spoke50818 (2009-05-24)

Just as i said, empty. And this version - believe me - has issues only a beta has normally. Sometimes when my Sim does something - f.e. mop up - it just ignores walls, and goes through them with the mop. Another time when both of them want to go through the same 1 slot passage, they get into a loop, because the AI can't decide who should go first, and who needs to stand aside. And so on. These are typical beta phase _severe_ problems, not just some minor bugs. And there comes the extra fact that this game is totally empty.
Severe bugs + emptyness = beta IMHO

LTD602 (2009-05-24)

At this point, I have to say I agree.
I'm still grateful for the upload - it gives a bit of a teaser, and it looks promising. I'm a Sims fan anyway so I like what I see, bugs aside. I'll probably just buy it or wait until it's uploaded if my patience doesn't run out. Or I might even buy and upload it myself. ;)

surgedark (2009-05-25)

To everyone who has this game-
Are the relationships broken? because when I try to get my single sim to take things further with a girl, the only romantic options like "kiss" "make out" sometimes "woohoo" come up.
Nothing like "Get married" or "Go steady"

LTD602 (2009-05-25)

Aside from the very real possibility that this isn't the full release version of the game . . .
I think (as with Sims 2 if I recall) you need to get to a certain point with a girl in order to open up other options. So just keep up the flrting, etc. You may have to "work" on her a bit more.

msino123 (2009-05-25)

@ surgedark,spoke, and LTD
EA mentioned that this leaked game is missing alot of contents over half of the game is missing it jut a buggy i still downloaded to get a feel but im gonna bye it in 2 wks

Brewskie86 (2009-05-26)

Anyone tried using cheats on this version, I cant get the command line to come up with ctrl + shift + c

LoveSickDope (2009-05-26)

Beautiful Torrent.
Definetly seems like the full version or dang close to it.
AiTB, can you clarify as to if it or a beta.
Works perfect and runs great n smooth.
and my comp is almost 5 years old.

mel243 (2009-05-27)

I know this game works on both a Mac and PC but it keeps quitting unexpectedly on my Mac. I followed all of the instructions but I was wondering if anyone had the same problem and fixed it.

desert5torm (2009-05-27)

i can open command line, cheats work and mine hasnt crashed at all yet played 2 hours straight and nothing
100% hecticc !! (Y)

omega59 (2009-05-27)

this release is not beta it's a different region that razor911, and also has issues with the Updater!

Sammy92 (2009-05-28)

I have installed everything however when i press the play button to start the game, a black blank screen appears and then it closes almost like a crash to desktop.
I cant get the game to start at all and ive tried re-installing it 3 times.
Does anyone have any idea?

Sammy92 (2009-05-28)

Ive downloaded and itstalled it but a black screen just appears when i start it and then it goes back to the desktop and nothing happens!
Does anyone know the problem?

madeline686 (2009-05-28)

HEY okay i need help i'm getting stressed over this installation process.
i know how to install torrents i've done it many times but while its installing in the wizard it stops at C:\...\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Thumbnails\CasThumbnails.package its been stalled there for.. a couple hours now i've restarted many times and this is the second torrent i've downloaded. they all seem to stall during the install.
help? please.. i can't find anyone else who is having a problem like this

steff92 (2009-05-29)

Is this multi language ???

mel243 (2009-05-29)

I really need help with this. I don't know how to do this with a mac because the TS3.exe file is for PC's only. I can't run that with my mac but everyone keeps telling me that it will work for both mac and pc. I need help!! Tell me how to run the program please!!!

lilwing (2009-05-29)

does anyone else have a problem with your comp freezing as soon as you try to play? its happened 3-4 times now...i've changed the target address of the shortcut (kept the quotes). i've tried just letting autoplay go when i mount the image. i don't know what else to try!

msino123 (2009-05-29)

Why when I launch Sims 3 there is no sound and the volume on my computer is on MAX!!

joris579 (2009-05-29)

Warning ---
When i log in it says: Non - legal version
pleas register a official copy of sims 3 for playing The sims 3

Lynvictus (2009-05-30)

my dl speed is extremely slow plz seed

everettpf3 (2009-05-31)

Why does this have the private flag? I mean wtf?

Kastner14 (2009-05-31)

Where do i have to register me, because i need the registrationcode

Kastner14 (2009-05-31)

please help

eliotschreiner (2009-05-31)

Too bad this version isn't final... I hope someone seeds the real one upon release day.

BlueCreative (2009-05-31)

S E E D ! ! !

liam93 (2009-05-31)

Does anyone have any tips to ensure I am downloading it as fast as possible? Like with settings and things, I am using Transmission as my Torrent downloader. I can't give a current speed as it varies so often, but it goes from 10 kb/s to 80 kb/s normally yet at one point it was at 800 kb/s. Thanks!

nuubitech (2009-06-01)

oh mine, this will take a while. Its to many leechers =/

fame.us07 (2009-06-01)

can anyone tell me what im doing wrong?
everytime i try 2 launch the game it says "go online 2 verify ownership"

fmatteo93 (2009-06-01)

It works great on my old pc!!!!!
But it is the Beta version. There are a lot of bugs!!

fmatteo93 (2009-06-01)

To fame.us07:
Have you copy TS3.exe to \Game\Bin?
In the main page of the game, try to push the play button..

fmatteo93 (2009-06-01)

Stay offline when you play the game, cause it say: You are playing a non-final, unauthorized copy of The Sims 3.

fmatteo93 (2009-06-01)

To organshifter
The "Glowing Trees" is a bug of the beta version.
we have all the same problem, with ati and nvidia

midnightpitbull2 (2009-06-01)

Can someone nice enough help please help me how to install it ;)
I'll return the favor with some naughty pics
my email is [email protected]
i really want to install the game for my little sister

some_j (2009-06-01)

^^its not final, wait........

juultjethebest (2009-06-01)

Very fast i downloaded in less than 4 houres

stregha (2009-06-01)

works great! installed smoothly..great torrent!! looks like shit on my old nvidia 5200, but it's still playable.. Thank you!!!!!

lk09 (2009-06-02)

Seed Or I WIll Ban This Web

lk09 (2009-06-02)

Im The Master Of It So Run HOme Quickly And Seed And Have Ya Curry

Kaybs (2009-06-02)

Help! I get an error saying that this file and many others aren't working!

sadox1 (2009-06-02)

so the game was released today in stores.... does anyone know if this rip is the actual one, or is there going to be a new and "real" rip soon.? thanks.!

MoviemMRZ (2009-06-03)

Works perfect and you can select swedish if you like. Perfect release.

PakkisPakkis (2009-06-03)

This shit needs to be seeded.. Cause it's really sloow.. Can't download 5 gb with 0 kb/s...
I would say it's impossible -_-'
Soo.. Seed this shit for some few days ! :D
! ThxThxThx !

mdgoalie (2009-06-03)

rly guys come on
i was getting 250kbs from one guy and 350 total i was like alright couple hrs awesome i look back im gettin 2kb no seeders plz guys

Puttevaltone (2009-06-03)

Seeds...Seeds..need more seeds..

antecxxo (2009-06-03)

Hi-Def Win Mugen W/ Extra Character Slots & Wario Character

iKev1n (2009-06-03)

How come all of these Sims 3 Downloads have pitiful download speeds?

clementine112414 (2009-06-03)

rld-sim3.r42 is broken .:( pls help!!!!!!!!!!

andy72184 (2009-06-03)

On May 8, 2009, EA announced that The Sims 3 had gone Gold meaning that the game had finished beta testing stage and was off for manufacturing ahead of its June 2009 Release.[36]
On May 15, 2009 EA released some online interactive teaser experiences on The Sims 3 Website, including 'SimFriend', which allows users to choose a vitual Sim Friend who would email them throughout the day. 'SimSocial', which allows users to create their own Sim online, and have an adventure with them. 'SimSidekick', which allows users to surf the web with a sim.[37][38]
Two weeks before the game was scheduled to be released, a pirated version of the digital distribution version[28] of the game leaked onto the Internet.[39] EA later commented the leak was a "buggy, pre-final" version.[40] EA claims that more than half of the game is missing and is susceptible to crashes or worse

andy72184 (2009-06-03)

2nd map called Riverview someone upload it or give out the legit key

gaurav250 (2009-06-03)

can sum1 tell the recommneed settings 4 this one pleez!!!

stunna13 (2009-06-04)

slow as hell!!! 10 seeders? c'mon!!!

jaimey001 (2009-06-04)

andy...thats what EA wants you to think
btw is this the full version?

PackersFan340 (2009-06-04)

111.3 kb/s

sego618 (2009-06-04)

Any crack available ?

juanmastgm (2009-06-04)

Great torrent 100kbs.

But I need to know if this is the real final version so I dont waste my time.
I will seed once I finish downloading.

cruzacsvoice (2009-06-04)

When I attempt to extract from a .rar I receive this:
Data error in 'rld-sim3.iso'. File is Broken.
Any assistance?

pnoyr3dx (2009-06-04)

need help...where can i find the TS3.exe so that i can copy over in the bin folder? and how to prevent the game from connecting to the internet?

dalvana2 (2009-06-04)

ok, so everything worked fine. i could install it without any problems. but then, when im trying to start it and i press the "sunset valley" blaha-button and when it starts loading - after a while my computer just turns off or the game just closes down, its different everytime i start it. i've tried with different torrents to but it's the same with all of them. does anyone have the same problem? i've checked so my computer can handle the game and it can without any problem, so that cannot be the reason why it isnt working. maybe i cant do anything about it. but it would be interesting if anyone could say something about it. thanks!

DickensDuck (2009-06-05)

Hey everyone
AiTB does NOT uploaded viruses or other sorts of "hacking things." It just doesn't happen. It's safe.

foever86 (2009-06-05)

Installation and everything went smoothly, but when I ran the game, it says:
You are playing a non-final, unauthorized copy of The Sims 3.
Purchasing and registering an official copy of The Sims 3 will entitle you to benefits including access to an entirely new game town called Riverview, 1000 SimPoints which can be redeemed for game objects in The Sims 3 Store, and access to The Sims 3 Exchange.

pyrish (2009-06-05)

ok how do i move the crack? ive tryed just moving it but my comp like auto copies it and then trys to paste it in the main folder.... but theres no room for it, so what the fuck?

pnoyr3dx (2009-06-05)

apparently there is suppose to be a "crack" folder but when i downloaded this file, it didnt come with a crack folder, where can i find or get a crack folder that holds the key gen and a crack TS3.exe?

maudeadams (2009-06-05)

how do you mount the image? :(

Sexual_Chocolate (2009-06-05)

pnoyr3dx: the crack folder is in the .iso file itself. you can extract it with WinRAR, and you will find the crack folder with the keygen and the crack itself.

klayton88 (2009-06-06)

out of 1636 people im getting 9 seeds at 2.2 kb/s WTF?
seed people, after two days im stuck at 86.6%

killer2213 (2009-06-06)

Great up!.. works fine...I do have one issue though.. I can't seem to change the Aging speed. Is it because it's not a valid copy?.. or did I just overlook something really simple?... Also thanks for the upload AiTB!

joobleblob (2009-06-06)

PEOPLE! seed.. it's really not that much of a hardship to you.. in fact I'm pretty sure the ammount of torrents you seed is logged and actually speeds up future downloads BECAUSE you seeded (correct me if that's just a myth)

damoose2 (2009-06-06)


Legsie (2009-06-06)

LOL it does come with the crack folder, i D/L it on my PC and it was there and i have played on it, i am now D/L on my lap top. You obviously did not do it right.

akell301 (2009-06-07)

6 out of however many seeders at 53.9kb/s
i've waited 32 minutes and i'm only on 2.5%
if you don't know how.. just Google it or something! it's really not that hard and it doesn't take even 1/4 of the time it'll take to DL this if people don't start seeding.
thanks for the torrent, though.

IXXa (2009-06-07)

At the bare minimum your ratio of download:upload should be 1:1
But to help others you should go to 1:1.5
And then leave computer on overnight and only pause torrent when you using internet.

Flatcher (2009-06-07)

This torrent is good and works fine but,
When I run it I get extremely low FPS (max 9 on all low windowed). I know it's not the torrent and something is wrong with me.
8800 GT
Windows 7
Intel Duo @ 2.6

amyb1812 (2009-06-07)

hi - currently downloading, avg 10kb/s, 7 seeds.
this is my first ever torrent download,
is it possible to play this on a netbook? ie. smaller laptop with no disk drive..
help appreciated so i dont waste time xx

cody2156 (2009-06-08)

you need to download Daemon Tools Lite and mount the iso file. that will make the iso file act like a Sims 3 CD which you use to install it

TheMuffinMan2787 (2009-06-08)

This torrent works, thing is, if you barely have the right specs for the game, then when you create a sim, it goes haywire and the screen turns black. =\

jesusismyairbag (2009-06-08)

Thanks for this torrent. With my Laptop spec at 1.66Ghz and 3GB Ram Windows Vista Home Premium I thought this wouldn't run, but it does suprisingly........also thanks to "ashnoob" for guide to install i'm still nooby with 'cracks' and stuff.

Ard12 (2009-06-08)

Im thinking of BUYING the game?? Whats it take to press the button to seed? a movement? YOU ALWAYS MOVE!! Get up and press that button lazy!

Painted (2009-06-08)

whats the difference between this and the final version?
anybody who has already installed this, pls answer :)

Painted (2009-06-08)

btw, i'm at ~50kbps, yesterday I had 500 for a few minutes, atm i'm at ~100

JohnSena (2009-06-08)

Why is the text in English but the characters talk in a different language? Am I doing something wrong? How do u fix this?

jesusismyairbag (2009-06-08)

I'll seed now.

Bladeboy05 (2009-06-08)

You mount Images By downloading Programs the run ISO files, like Daemons tools. Go here and download the lite version.

Bladeboy05 (2009-06-09)

This Might Sound Nubish, but After I'm Done Downloading the game how do I Seed the game to help out other ppl DL faster?

JohnSena (2009-06-09)

how do you make the characters in the game speak english?

Helzers (2009-06-09)

when i attempt to launch the game after installation etc, i get the following message:
"Unable to start game
Device 0 cannot run this title.
No supporting video graphics card detected. Please check your system hardware."
anybody got any quick solutions? i'm pretty much an idiot.

spearmint64 (2009-06-09)

lots and lots of peers, thanks guys !

Bladeboy05 (2009-06-09)

@Helzers : That can be a few problems, Your Video Card can be old or outdated and cannot be used by this game, Your running more than 1 program that needs you video card or you don't have a video card.

JohnSena (2009-06-09)

I had this working but now it says cannot determine if it's a valid copy and won't let me play after installing the patch.

Bladeboy05 (2009-06-10)

Yea I'm having the same problem, It keep saying Enter your Registration code, But I already did.

Bladeboy05 (2009-06-10)

If anyone have a Registration code that works can u plz post it.

Febronia (2009-06-10)

Alright, so I get that I'm supposed to install the game THEN load the crack. But how the hell am I supposed to do that when I need the crack to install the game? When I mount the .iso onto a drive using Magic Disk, I get F: Sims3. Okay, fin. So I explore that, find the crack file....and then what? I tried running the Sims 3 to install it, only for it to ask for the key....that I don't have because I have to INSTALL THE GAME FIRST.
can someone help me out?

thexshort (2009-06-10)

baah leechers. i hope you all get a mean ass virus one day and lose everything you took and didn't share, plus anything important you have. jerks

spearmint64 (2009-06-10)

Im going to try to not be mean beacuse flaming is silly... BUT JESUS CHRIST! The characters talk in SIMLISH, I remember like 9 years ago when I first saw a friends brother playing sims 1 my first thought was "weird are they talking german or something?", my next thought was "I suppose they just do that to be funny". I figured that out on my own AND I WAS 6. Sorry, I didnt flame I swear...

spearmint64 (2009-06-10)

I had a similar problem, you have to extract the crack and the keygen from the iso, then install the game using the keygen. Once its installed you replace the exe file with the crack in program files

hacksolid (2009-06-10)

I downloaded the torrent, unrar'd it, mounted it. How do I install it? When I try to open Sims3Setup.exe or Autorun.exe, I get this error message in a new window:
>SetupNew\setup.cpp (140)
@Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (6001)
IE Version: 7.0.6001.18000
I'm using Vista. Can someone please help me out? Sorry if I sound noobish.

killer2213 (2009-06-11)

ok so is anyone else not able to change or turn of the sim aging?

:Erlend: (2009-06-11)

Here's some registration codes.
Those two worked for me:
and in case they don't work, try these =)

hdplsa (2009-06-11)

Does it work whit Mac OS X?

rmf86 (2009-06-11)

sims characters don't speak any actual language.

uriel45psm (2009-06-12)

when i try to launch the game this pops up
"Enter your Registration Code here Please enter the entire Registration Code found either in your confirmation email, your game manual/product packaging, or game card." WTF?? i dont got any of those! all i have is a code genarator.. once i put one of those keys in it justs refreshes and asks me again??

sweetaslemons (2009-06-12)

Okay so after mounting and installing the game (using registration code 72MD-YSDQ-7BTF-Z7BU-HRLD as posted by :Erlend:) I appear to have run into a problem. When I try to run the game I get a box asking me to resubmit the registration code, but it doesn't work when I put that ^ one in. It just refreshes. Help, anyone? :\

uriel45psm (2009-06-12)

i got the same stupid problem!!!

IceBliz (2009-06-12)

Seeding at full power! 300kb/s :P

Ard12 (2009-06-12)

seed!!! stuck on 60%! (60.1%)

Maciucha (2009-06-12)

seed please!! stuck on 44.45% ;(

kimmyboy24 (2009-06-12)

Seed please 4.3 kb/s....

Bergooooo (2009-06-13)

what's the second registration code..? can't get it to work..

saskarr (2009-06-13)

@johnsena - umm :D you cant make sims talk english , they talk simlish .

Drewber82 (2009-06-13)

why did it have like 20+ rar files and other files.. im guessing theyre for mac.. (r39) do u have to unzip all the rar files cause tehy all have the same name.. unzipped and mounted first one to iso and it says it was a 5gb file.. im lost

naelm90 (2009-06-13)

i guess u r not so familier with rar files (if i understanded what u really mean) u only have to unrar rld-sims3.rar but u can do that only if all the other rar files are downloaded... i hope i helped

theringmastress (2009-06-13)

Hey everybody. The sims 3 wants me to go onto to make sure it's a legal version. I can't play the game until I do that. So can I just go on there and register considering I have a key or what?

theringmastress (2009-06-13)

Well nevermind I figured out I had to block it from my firewall but now I'm still having an error that says : There is a problem connecting to the server. Please ensure your internet connection is active. If the problem persists try again later.

theringmastress (2009-06-14)

Losing my mind here sombody please help. Now the error is saying "liscense limit has been reached" I just want to play the damn game no other errors up until now.

Shotgun8 (2009-06-14)

Torrent works great! Have not had one problem yet during game play.

The_prototype (2009-06-14)

Please, seed it, I'm downloading it right now, and it is going to take about twenty days

Tyler7975 (2009-06-15)

hey umm im just wondering but um, how do you upload a game ?

Drewber82 (2009-06-15)

@my original question. when i downloaded the file and opened it up in winrar window... there were 20 plus "zipped" files in there. It said only run / install 1 so why are all the other files included? i mean i got it installed and everything just wondering if they are different versions of the game eg: 1.1 1.2 1.3 etc.

Drewber82 (2009-06-15)

also is there a way to download content from the site w/ cracked version of game?

T-Bom (2009-06-16)

ok guys im 14 years old and this game worked perfect for me, no graphic glitches or nothing. Cheat box, EVERYTHING IS GOOD.(except it lags, but that is because of my sucky ass processor)
first download the game from the torrent
2.Then when you open your downloads folder you see all those parts, when you click it it says this program does not open with anything, so open it with winrar, once u did that. Double click it as it should have the winrar icon on it. extract the file in there that ends with .iso.
3. Once that open it with daemon tools mount ot w/e you got.
4. Now install the game.
Since people have problem with keygens use those, now use the crack that FLT PROVIDES FOR YOU. which is

once you done that replace it with the existing ts3 in the bin. Now double click the TS3 and PLAy.
Note: remember to back up your orgianl ts3.

yeahthatsmyzx6r (2009-06-16)

game works great, absolutely no issues with the install. thanks for the upload.

Kittty (2009-06-16)

hey all, installing this is easy if you follow these instructions from ashnoob, thanks a ton!! i copied and pasted the info from page 3. something he left out tho, is if you do not have magicIso, download it! My computer kept diplaying tthe iso file as a rar file, so i figured out i probly need MagicIso and i was right! then you can mount it and intall th sims as the following instruct. don't forget a restart may be required for the file to be read as an Iso before installing. also, you can use the keygen instead of the ones listed below. have fun all, i'm still seeding! he are the install instructions:
For those of you who are new I guess ill briefly explain.
First, go download Daemon Tools if you dont have it. Then Download the program Winrar.
K.. when you have those installed. Go to your bitcoment downloads folder (normally C:\Downloads) and open up the sims 3 folder.
Right click on the first rld-sim3 file and click extract files... Then select for it to go to the desktop so you can easily find it later.
When that finishes, open up Daemon tools. It will put a little lightning icon down by your clock.
Right click, go to Virtual CD/DVD rom, put your mouse over the first device and select "Mount Image"
Now you need to find the file extracted earlier to your desktop. Select it in Daemon Tools and the Sims 3 Launcher should start.
Use one of these serials to install :
Once installed. Dont try to run the game. Go to My Computer and right click on the drive daemon tools asigned, it will have a sims 3 icon on it and click "explore"
There will be a folder called "crack" open it.
Leave that folder up for a second and open my computer again, go to C: Program files / Electronic Arts / Sims 3 / Game / Bin
Now go in the "crack" folder drag the TS3 icon from the "crack" folder to the sims 3 file you opened just before.
It should ask you to replace the file... click yes.
Now that icon, make a shortcut of it (right click, create shortcut) and put THE SHORTCUT. on your desktop. click and play.
Make sure you use the shortcut you made to load the game, the standard one sims 3 put on your desktop wont work.
Hope that helped. lol

zerogs (2009-06-16)

ok guys please listen to me many other people have asked these same questions and not gotten answers so here it goes:
1.why can't i go online with this game? (we have like 5 keys on this torrent)
2.What will happen if i DO go online with this game?
3.Can i register at the sims website so i can download user-made content or will i get in trouble for having a illegal copy?
4.Will there ever be a crack that lets you go online with having your illegal copy undetectable?
ok guys please answer my questions cause i REALLY wanna go online but i don't have enough money to buy a legit version

Kittty (2009-06-16)

you cannot go online b/c you did not buy the game. this should be common sense. it's such a higher risk taking it online. if you register your this game, and other people do too, it's going to become evident that a bunch of ppl from different areas have this game and then some investigations might occur. they will have everyone's email they need to check. trying to go online is just as bad. i don't know the details, but just think about it. Isn't the game enough. if you wanna go online, buy the game. this is not a legal copy so i know that something will boot you off and possibly make it possible to find you. at least you have the game, come on

Kittty (2009-06-16)

so to answer your questions specifically
1. you did not buy it
2. you will be booted off and possibly figured out, at least it will increase your chances of being caught
3. No, do not register, you will get in trouble for having an illegal copy and possibly ruin it for us and future downloaders of this torrent. you will at least get a warning, don't do it, i dont know why you're not more scared of this stuff
4. Possibly someday, not today. patience is a virtue
just remember everyone, be grateful for what you can get, you get this game virtually for free, enjoy it for what it is, don't take risks that could harm you and put you in trouble for some minor additional gratification, it's not worth it.

slimjimtight (2009-06-17)

is this the final version b/c i get this error message(see attached pic)

RicanSuperman (2009-06-17)

seeed plzz

mteye (2009-06-17)

is tis the beta version ?

lazydude906 (2009-06-18)

thanks works perfect

mark4691 (2009-06-19)

hey guys, im having problem running the game, i open the sims 3 game launcher, then when i click the play botton, something pops up and tells me to "Please insert disk labeled Sims 3"

Guardian-oh-Heroes (2009-06-20)

I'm having a problem with this, and having spent 12 days AND nights solidly downloading it i'd appreciate some help.
When i mount the image and install the game the sims 3 doesn't show up in my list of programs. This means that i can't copy the TS3 file into the "bin" of the sims 3, which obviously means i can't play it. I did manage to get it going once, but that was totally by some freak accident and now i can't get it back on. Can someone help me get it going? Or at least tell me whats going wrong.

us01 (2009-06-20)

extremezone has release a new version upon your Razor release. Is his legit and did you know?

us01 (2009-06-20)

If not we should report him. I checked his page and links and they lead to advertisement and untrusty places.

sharni_Babes (2009-06-20)

I Am Tooootally having the same problem as Guardian-oh-Heroes. i cannot copy the TS3 program to the Bin. There wasnt a crack code in the crack folder and if it were that TS3 then it doesnt copy or open!, when i used the back up codes given on the site, i intalled the game and it said this is not a purchased sims 3 but when i went to play onit it just kept sayin re-enter the bar code constently!! please help! btw the BIN has already a TS3.EXE File init but it is unrecognised...? Email me with help please because to be honist i dont really use this site for talking. [email protected]

sharni_Babes (2009-06-20)

for all of you having problems copying the TS3.exe file, thats because you are copying it onto the disk. go to the following location on your PC and copy there.
C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin
i found out on Yahoo XD

GreenMachine420 (2009-06-20)

balls, still not done...

lou212 (2009-06-20)

Hey guys, is this the FULL version of sims 3? I mean is it after the release or before?

burtonbunny (2009-06-21)

This crack isn't working for me. I have the folders open, (Game, Bin) and the Crack, and I am trying to copy the TS3 into the Bin folder. It keeps saying "Cannot copy TS3: Files on this CD-ROM drive are read-only. You cannot copy or move files over to this CD-ROM drive.". How do I fix this?

redkat (2009-06-23)


redkat (2009-06-24)


Heyy cmoon people! seed this treasure :P

Trabitz (2009-06-24)

I'm sorta new to this, but what do you do with all those files?

doddsey_65 (2009-06-24)

I have downloaded this but it won't let me unrar cos it says only ntfs drives can deal with files of more than 4gb and mne is fat32, anyway to get round this without reformatting me hdd?

codi1993 (2009-06-24)

yes, another person who needs help
i have been getting really annoyed because
i have done everything right, installed it and everything.
then when i go to play the launcher comes up and rah rah and then when i click to play it says
the game needs to access to the internet in order to verify ownership of this game
Please ensure that your computer is online and try again.
i have done everything that your ment to do, its really getting on my nerves
someone please help
email address is : [email protected]

doddsey_65 (2009-06-24)

codi1993 - do you have your firewall enabled to stop it tryng to access the net?

codi1993 (2009-06-24)

i tried to do it, i put the ts3 one but when i go to find the launcher its not there to be firewalled :(
my friend and i have spent hours trying to find out how to fix it.

doddsey_65 (2009-06-24)

what steps are you taking to install?

codi1993 (2009-06-24)

the installation went fine,
its just when i go to play it wants to verify the code, i dont think the firewall worked.
and if i dont have the internet on, it still says connect to the internet to verify the code

doddsey_65 (2009-06-24)

sounds like you havent coped over the ts3.exe in the crack folder located within the iso.
2-mount image
4-explore the iso through my computer
5-pull ts3.exe from crack folder
6-copy into ../your specified path/game/bin
7-play the game using thae copied ts3.
That should do it i think. If you don't copy the crack over it will keep askin you for the serial.
Does that help?

sundays2 (2009-06-25)

Error! winrar says the file rld-sims3.r24 is corrupt
anyone else have this problem

sundays2 (2009-06-25)

Fixed, i just re-downloaded the file.
Great game,graphics are bad so it runs better(i think they can be set to be better).

doddsey_65 (2009-06-25)

I had the same prob with rld-sims3.r19 but it was fine once i redownloaded it. And after about a day of downloading my laptop wont run it! even on the lowest settings i can stay near my house but as soon as i go anywhere else t freezes up! Bummer

theringmastress (2009-06-25)

I fucking hate this torrent. I can't even find the image i'm supposed to mount after I unrar the file.

doddsey_65 (2009-06-27)

When downloaded unrar the file rld-sim3.00
The iso is contained within that.
Mount that iso named rld-sim3.iso using daemon tools of magiciso.
When it is installed go into my computer and browse the drive the iso is ounted on. look for the crack folder and copy the ts3.exe from there to the game/bin folder where ever you installed the sims3. play the game using that shortcut.
On a side note dont get pissed just cos you cant work it. Ask for help and you will get it in time.
Hope that helps. Let me know if you are still having trouble.

doddsey_65 (2009-07-01)

well everyones gotta learn sumwhere, they just gotta be a bit more polite instead of slating a torrent just cos the cant work it lol.

tony_day (2009-07-02)

Works great on my pentium dual core 1.8 ghz intel gma 950.Thanks AiTB you are .....

oldsnow1 (2009-07-05)


oldsnow1 (2009-07-05)

seed guys i want seed cause i must wait 140days

tawnnrevenge (2009-07-07)

seed please? i'm at 4.92! and now it's real slow! seeeeed plz :]

albinoky (2009-07-07)

please seeeeeeeed :)

oldsnow1 (2009-07-07)

just joking great torrent works fine man tx

panaisrally (2009-07-08)

I am a new here. Can you tell me how to seed?
Please tell me how to Seed by myself.
Please answer me.

Tikkan_ (2009-07-10)

Answer this:
Or has this download it?
Just to instal?

Tikkan_ (2009-07-10)

Is it just to download this and install it or must i download some crack to it?

myrnaxoch (2009-07-12)

ebvls wolw gevt thvat tvorrent supeir fasft uising tnhis
vmj.gosipm athereda. E c E o E m
pssso tfake abfove anvd patste in bronwser aind deilete aljl E anjd spances hahla

Dase14 (2009-07-12)

between 10kB/s-20kB/s on a ADSL 2 connection.. Whys there so many seeders yet its such a slow torrent?

cascade042 (2009-07-17)

I'm at 23.2%. I want to say thanks to all the seeders. I'm get a reasonable (20 - 150 KB/sec) mostly over 100. Can't wait to get this. It looks like its way better than the other sims games. Thanks reloaded for the torrent. I will continue seeding for others when i'm done.

Acer Aspire 5930G
iPhone 3G 8GB
Samsung 1080p HD LCD
Playstation 3 80GB

trapbob585 (2009-07-17)

You have to buy the crack, and smoke it.
Hope this helps.

betox7 (2009-07-18)

hey people, thanks for the torrent,
can anyone help me with this question...> why when i am downloading, my computer does not find any seeders nor leechers, however they are still in parenthesis... but it does not start downloading?
thanks a lot!

nabo123 (2009-07-24)

guys, to make it work, you need a crack.
here's the newest one:
ziddu dot com/download/5722778/Crack.rar.html
I tested it myself, and it works fine :) no virus or anything

sylfaen (2009-07-24)

i have a problem, every time i try to install the game, it just stops installing on the last line. it just doesn't move anymore. does anyone know what could be causing this?

sylfaen (2009-07-24)

nevermind, i unzipped everything again and it worked, thanks alot for this wonderful torrent, love from croatia

trakomako (2009-07-26)


RichOink (2009-08-03)

How do you play this game without a CD? My CD don't have enough memory. LOL. But someone said that this game works without a CD. Anyone help me?

RichOink (2009-08-03)

HELP! When i'm installing the game it keeps coming up with "feature transfer error". And i click retry and it carries on installing till the end but it just stops and that message keeps coming up!

joeski17 (2009-08-05)

Downloaded but dont know how to go to install it please help

super342 (2009-08-05)

Hey whenever i try to run this i get the ts3 crack is not compatible with my version of windows which is vista 64bit any suggestions?

gamer3994 (2009-08-07)

to in stall the game first your going to need to unzip it(the best program would be 7-zip jest google it) after you have unzip it your going to have to mount it to a disk (jest click on the program that came out when u unzip it)(o and it would be best if you put it on a dvdr it has up to 4.7g which is all your going to need) when it is mounted jest put the disk back in to your drive and in stall =)

catiel211 (2009-08-14)

okay so when i installed the game, the keygen didn't work (it just opened the command prompt box) so i used a random serial that i found on this site...i moved the TS3 to the bin folder but now the game won't start...if i right click the shortcut and hit run as administrator i get to a screen that tells me i have an unauthorized copy but i can still play, so i click play and the game doesn't start... any suggestions? please!!

hachurademon (2009-08-19)

I downloaded it and used the code
in the instalation but now that its done I go to the launcher hit the play button and its comes up with a esrb asking for the ""entire registration code found either in your compirmation e mail , your game manual/product packagaing, or game card"
I have no idea what to do! I have put this code
back into it because when this first came up it was already there but it wont accept it.
Please contact me at [email protected]
I am going into the army in 2 weeks and would really like to try this game before I go =[

beginnergirl (2009-08-20)

it might just be me as im new to all this downloading but iv downloaded this and theres just 55 blank files do i need a special program to open the files?? please write back or e.mail me at [email protected] thanx ppl xxxxxx

krautigor (2009-08-24)

Hi! thx for torrent, great easy instalation. bud suddenly I can´t find crack. Can pleas someone hepl me with it?

 thegrimreaper123 (2009-10-18)

mount the image using daemon tools or poweriso or somethink every tie u wanna play the game works great thnks

elysiaW (2009-10-31)

can someone please tell me how to start installing? i got the torrent downloaded- but i have no idea what to do next. i have never downloaded a game before, only music. my email is [email protected]

gr33neyed (2009-11-13)

Please seed! :D

Godxeala (2009-11-15)

Well, now I need help.
Everything worked out great up until the part where you copy over the TS3 thing into the crack folder.
For me, it keeps saying there's not enough room to do so and I don't know how to fix it.
I'm really desperate. Someone please help. :/

sunshinegirl9208 (2009-11-18)

Can anyone do a simplified/detailed walk through of the process of cracking this on a mac? I have downloaded&installed the game, but I am trying to follow the instructions(with no luck) that came with the download that look like this:
Right mouseclick on The Sims 3.
> Show package contents.
> Open contents folder.
> Replace Info.plist with the one i supplied.
> Open Resources.
> Open transgaming.
> Open c_drive.
> Open Program Files.
> Open Electronic Arts.
> Open The Sims 3.
> Open Game.
> Open Bin.
> Replace TS3.exe with the one i supplied.
Thanks to S0nNY."
Even with the first step, I do not see the contents folder, and later I cannot find Resources. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong?

cali909 (2009-11-28)

it keeps telling me "unable to authenticated CD"

TafariR (2009-11-30)

I have just finished downloading the torrent on Bittorrent and it is seeding but now What Do I Do to install the game on my laptop???

Tzzar (2009-12-02)

I downloaded this.. mounted with Virtual Clone Drive.. it Did not work after installing, it asked for Cd-key so i downloaded the crack from this torrent :

Just add it to the Sims 3 file map and you should be able to play :) Great torrent AiTB

Renekaze (2009-12-05)

Is it supposed to be in a dodgy language? I can't find English and it seems the language won't change on any option I set it to

Renekaze (2009-12-05)

Never mind, guys, all sorted. Works great (Y)

Boesfly (2009-12-05)

Please can someone help me?
I already installed the game with a serial number from the genarator that comes with the torrent but when I go to the launcher hit the play button and its comes up with a esrb asking for the ""entire registration code found either in your compirmation e mail , your game manual/product packagaing, or game card"
please someone, contact me: [email protected]
I would like to play the game as soon as possible

joockel (2009-12-07)

Works great! Now is my girlfriend very happy, Thanks :D

AmDa900920 (2009-12-08)

do i need a cd for the game??

Ajax239 (2009-12-08)

okay Boesfly, you probraly didnt copy over the crack into the bin file because I got the same thing.
I need help. when ever I try to copy the crack to the bin file ( which one are we supposed to copy? rld-sims 3 or TS3 in the crack file?) it says that there is not enough room on the disk. so I have 2 q's: What can I delete without affecting the game and 2. why is it not letting me delete anything???
okay so I solved my own prob and decided to post this anyway for others. I put all the file from the disk onto my desktop and it works great now, just dont know which one to replace, plz tell me

Ajax239 (2009-12-08)

works great now! just copyed over both files. thanks for the torrent. running on vista

FTL3 (2009-12-10)


This patch updates The Sims 3 World Adventures to v. 2.2.8, and includes a fix for save file incompatibilities that result in the Error Code 16 error message while saving.

edapeech (2009-12-12)

someone seed plz! the time keeps bumping up from an hour to 3!!

Experiencia (2009-12-12)

AmDa900920 at 2009-12-08 02:33 CET:
do i need a cd for the game??
Nope, ever heard of deamon tools?

trolfe (2009-12-13)

Make a video about this???

trolfe (2009-12-13)

Can anyone make a y.o.u.t.u.b.e video about this??? plz

dafemads (2009-12-13)

works great thx

enderx121 (2009-12-14)

I have READ THROUGH the 12 pages, 287 comments of this torrent page... and no one else has addressed this problem.
During the INSTALLATION I get an error message
'FEATURE transfer error'
and Incorrect function.
the game has not fully installed when I get this problem.
Any ideas what I should do?

thomas700 (2009-12-20)

This is my first time doing this so im thick.
Ive downloaded the file and added the whole thing to winrar but when it got to /rld-sim3.r43 it stopped working i got an error and had to break the connection someone help me please

Bladeboy05 (2009-12-22)

Can some one help me when I go to install it it tells me me to update my Sims3 , where can I get these patches?

Bladeboy05 (2009-12-24)

Guys can some one help me when I start sims 3 World adventures I keep getting service intailization error 0x039e8474 can some one help me?

AJG2211 (2009-12-27)

PLEASE HELP!!!!!! I installed the game and when it first asks for a registration code i entered the generated one. Once the game finished installing it asked again and said the one i enter is incorrect... I am new to all this so could someone please explain to me in terms anyone could understand!!! much appreciated

vilcsi (2009-12-27)

Can you help me?
I've installed the game copied the TS3 file to bin and i started the game but nothing happened (black screen no sound or anything) and throw back to the desk without error message nothing happened! my video card driver is okay and i have XP SP 3 2.8 GHz P4 processor core duo 2GB RAM videocard: Geforce 9800 gt 1GB memory what's the problem please help

vilcsi (2010-01-03)

akkor ne írjatok vissza a kurva anyátokat gecik

KennethYO (2010-01-04)

THX, installing the game now!
But the Notebook was fucked up D;

dj_sk_89 (2010-01-04)

do u have to have the real game installed first,
before u can play this
i think ive had that problem before
and im just making sure before i waste my time
i bought the expansion pack on accident and did not know that i needed the game first so this would help out alot

anassirc (2010-01-10)

Thankees! Works a treat.

KennethYO (2010-01-12)

dj_sk_89: Yes it works! :D

jecajexycoje (2010-01-24)


forizon (2010-01-27)

well i spent up to a month to download this. and the setup and everything is smooth. went to the link provided to get one of the serial codes and when i tried launching the game, it kept on prompting me to reconfirm my serial code. despite me clicking 'continue' again and again and again the damn thing just won't work. then lastly, it will just appear as 'please make sure your internet is connected' oh come on if i am not connected to the internet how the hell am i here ranting?
well whatever it is man. thanks alot for the effort but i guess it just isn't my luck. to those who are thinking of downloading this torrent, i would say rather than being a vulture and pecking on the remains of whatever this is, why not just save the hassle and just buy the real thing. after a whole month of waiting and risking yourself to all sorts of just isn't worth it.

gavinj123 (2010-01-27)

does any1 know what version of patch i will need to use this as my game keeps cutting off?
btw good torrent . no viruses or problems XD

Blackbyrd (2010-01-28)

I had this game working before, then I had to uninstall it, now that I've installed it again I can't play. Every time I try and move my sim they end up in a taxi then the game crashes, don't know how I fixed before could someone please help, or point me in the direction of a crack that actually works.

YaoiLover0012 (2010-02-04)

What some people are doing wrong is launching the game WHILE you are ONLINE. DO NOT LAUCH THE GAME WHILE ONLINE! It says so specifically to not let the laucher connect to the internet. This may be why your game keeps crashing or won't load right.
Read the info and link section that AiTB has provided people!
Link and info is right below:

I hope this helps some people.

ashleysmashley007 (2010-02-10)

is there a way to get another crack folder, i installed and then uninstalled and now that i reinstalled, i dont have the crack.. anyone know where i can find one?

Cro_hooligan (2010-02-19)

i cant open files it says the archive is either in unknown format or is damaged...and daemon tools says the disk might be corrupted...pleasee help

GUPPY4evr (2010-03-02)

eh, ive read in the comments that you get a keygen in the torrent but i didnt get one. and i cant open the nfo file it says: "system information cannot open this NFO file it might be corupted or an unrecognized version."

paupav (2010-03-03)

it's fast and seeded

paupav (2010-03-03)

What is the quality of graphics

joeremy24 (2010-03-04)

will seed 1 month if works.. all go to
if u want the sims requirements

justin89 (2010-03-16)

hey ummm just giving u guys a heads up about the setup the setup will crash but everything will work just search up the program yu would like to open and it will open like microsoft office word 2007.

BiggDavidLong (2010-03-16)

Please seed everyone please i have only two seeders please seed Thank you in advance.

ivek32 (2010-03-25)

Where is TS3.exe (crack) located? PLS help cant find it

RaandJ04 (2010-03-28)

Seed please! I bought a copy got addicted and promptly left it in Florida while on vacation lol Thanks looking forward to its completion!

BLazerules (2010-04-06)

Umm I want to update to a patch that can play world adventures but i keep getting the same error saying "Error with the Sims 3 update. Setup is unable to continue" and if i try patches it keeps saying wrong region patch and stuff i even tried the world wide patch STILL didnt work so can someone tell me were to get the patch at least plz

lucifersaywhat (2010-04-19)


lucifersaywhat (2010-04-19)

cmon. only 51 of 855 seeders?

pupuhugr (2010-04-27)

Whenever i try to move the crack into the crack file it says there is not enough room, please help :/

abakkalol (2010-05-04)

Please seeed!

Polarburr (2010-05-06)

I got to download and install it. Game works great but i got one problem. How do i save? :/ It says i need to go live to save the game

maximumrisk2004 (2010-05-13)

I just found the Solution to my update problems, maybe this will help others too.
The Region problem is easily solved by doing the following..
Open REGEDIT from Start Menu > Run and do this:
Windows XP:
2. Choose Value Name: SKU ,and double click to change the Value Data to: 2 or to 7 (depending what the value is).
Windows Vista / Windows 7:
1. Go to:
Sims 3
2. Choose Value Name: SKU ,and double click to change the Value Data to: 2 or to 7 (depending what the value is).
The wrong file error while updating is a bit trickier...
You need to change this download to the Razor version.

Then you may still be missing some files so the setup wont kill itself.
Download this file :

and copy to \Game\Bin folder, replace all default files so now you have a full Razor version.
With this the updates should work perfectly, at least I updated so far to version 1.7.9 without any trouble.

BillyBob217 (2010-05-15)

uhhhh ya i installed and all but now it asks for me to retype my serial code to register, and when i diconnect from internet it says this game requires and internet connection to start
any1 know wat to do?

greg8up (2010-05-16)

ok guys I got it to finally work created my sim moved him in and when the tutorial has you buy your sim a couch when I click on the buy interface it just crashes and takes me back to the desktop, I dont have an error messages when it take me back to desktop.... Any suggestions on what to do? btw I have razorz verson couldnt post there plz help and thanks

Rabie123 (2010-06-04)

Aey! what happened to the torrent? It suddenly stopped at 75.4%. 0seed 0peer.

mistadrum (2010-06-07)

Hey ive just finishing dling after 20 hours and i open the file and it has nothing but blank files called (rzr-sims3.001)and so on , what have i done wrong?
damn its annoying!

RaandJ04 (2010-06-11)

Seed please had an old copy apparently and when I tried to install all the updates the TS3 version wouldn't work so I am re-downloading lol I was so excited too :( Will share the love. Susu! haha

jston (2010-06-14)

Yes im a noob here. and im new-ish to seeding. but if its going to take 2 months to download. PLEASE SEED!!! its taking for ever 1kb/s

Vicccy (2010-06-14)

Oh my god. Thank you so much for this torrent! I'm a girl and new to this whole download thing. But I managed to install it after the Second try ;)
I'm so happy now, hihi. :D
The download was fast also, just a few hours :)

googler69er (2010-06-14)

@mistadrum ... Only thing i can suggest for you, is to go to google and search for and download HJ Split. Then join the numbered files together to create one file.

MrJohnluke (2010-06-15)

An excellent torrent, works fine, although im wondering if i can now delete all these zip files now i have unpacked the game, i have 2 GB left and i need to make space thanx

MagnumZero (2010-06-21)

what does it mean when every time I play the game after about 10 or 15 minutes it closes down to desktop, no not responding window pops up or anything.

cdillon9 (2010-06-25)

not done downloading yet but going at 489 kb/s! good work seeding this one!

cdillon9 (2010-06-25)

okay i dont understand any of this, i know im an idiot but i dont know how to install or mount it or add a crack. can someone PLEASE do a full description of what they did for everyone else's sake

FourYear (2010-06-28)

download daemon tools lite
once you're done, open it, then click the CD with tthe plus sign and pick whatever they say to mount(sorry i havent downloaded it or read the instrictions yet) then it should pop up, click on it and press the CDwith the play sign. then you'll see from there

MollyMedley (2010-06-29)

Okay. So, I downloaded this Torrent, and was super patient for hours and hours. When it was finally done, and I opened the file, all that came up was a System Information file, which when I try and open it says, `System Information is unable to open this .nfo file. This file might be corrupt or incompatible with this version of System Information`, and then there was 52 files which are R00-R51 files, which are each 97,657 KB each. There is also a RAR File and a SFV File. However, when I try and open any of these files, it tells me that Windows cannot open the file.
SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!! I wanna play it soo bad . :( Please help. :(

computer-guy (2010-06-29)

please seed... btw i think this torrent is better than the most seeded

5iTH (2010-06-30)

Works perfect, playing now.
Thank-you for the time and effort!

nik9997 (2010-07-06)

i have a question i download the sims 3 and everything works but i wont buy world advantures and i don t know doeis it work beacouse the sims 3 is not original and the wa is orignal,please help

Rhino3k (2010-07-11)

Works great! What i did:rnrn1) unraredrn2) mounted .iso (using magicdisc)rn3) copied crack to dirrn4) executed launcher and clicked updates then de-authorized pc, played the game!rnrnthx to uploader

hozzawy (2010-07-24)

now that the download reached 75% it stopped and i want to know why :S i've clliked start and t it still stopped . PLZ Help

hozzawy (2010-07-24)

After download reached 75% it stopped :S i don't know why :S Plz HELP

nfarnham2001 (2010-07-25)

Just wondering, I started this like a week ago, and it is still at 60%. I use Utorrent and almost all the time it has 0(0) seeders on. ....does this mean the other people that have it and seeded aren't online? or what? k Thanks.

hozzawy (2010-07-25)

I have the same problem it was working very well then stop and 0(0) seeders and peers i use bittorrent and i dunn know what does this mean?! can anybody give us an answer PLZ

StudentGR (2010-07-28)

Don't download this version of Sims 3!!
This is not the full version of Sims 3, it's a beta version and you can't install expansion packs..
I tried to install World Adventures and High End Loft Stuff but this beta version is not compatible with the expansion packs..
Try the Razor's 1911 version of Sims 3 which is the full version of the game.. :)

theaxam (2010-07-30)

thnx.its only taking 6 hrs for me to download
.but i still dont know what to do with those zip files

theaxam (2010-07-30)

man it was in 6hrs and after 3hrs i was 10 hrs
but still dont know what to do with the zip files
And now it is 60%

theaxam (2010-07-30)

this thing is slow
i've been waiting for 6hrs
and now it is 3hrs

theaxam (2010-07-30)

i want to play this so bad than i wanted to play sims 2 once

josha24 (2010-07-31)

pleaaseee can anybody help my :$
I instal sims 3? and now I read : we can't see it's a legal sims.
pleasee help me!!!

josha24 (2010-07-31)

pleaaseee can anybody help my :$
I instal sims 3? and now I read : we can't see it's a legal sims.
pleasee help me!!!
pleaaseee can anybody help my :$
I instal sims 3? and now I read : we can't see it's a legal sims.
pleasee help me!!!
pleaaseee can anybody help my :$
I instal sims 3? and now I read : we can't see it's a legal sims.
pleasee help me!!!
pleaaseee can anybody help my :$
I instal sims 3? and now I read : we can't see it's a legal sims.
pleasee help me!!!
pleaaseee can anybody help my :$
I instal sims 3? and now I read : we can't see it's a legal sims.
pleasee help me!!!

hoke2012 (2010-08-06)

it doesn't work anymore :( i got it all the way and mounted and etc.... it failed and i have to send error report. then i can't remount for some reason

galionmolt (2010-08-12)

Good Torrent but once past 95% it gets a bit slow, for anyone wondering how to install this just download magicdisc, mount the iso on magicdisc and install crack.

galionmolt (2010-08-12)

Works Great, I scanned the files using Norton, AVG and McAfee, non of them detected anything, i also checked the files myself for anything suspicious, i found nothing. Completly safe and great torrent.
Thanks AiTB

NGC17 (2010-08-17)

Ok i might sound like a total computer noob but when I try to copy and paste the crack from the crack folder into game\bin but it says "Not enough space to place here." Or something like that.

Tijana92 (2010-08-20)

What I am supposed to do with all these WinRar files when I download them at first? I'm new at all this torrents, so please help me... ! :)

Tijana92 (2010-08-20)

Can anyone seed please, only 30 out of 1000...
And if anyone has time, please write everything step by step. I know how to mount an image, how to crack and find a keygen, BUT I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH THESE FILES WHEN I DOWNLOAD THEM! Please help me, thanx

Tijana92 (2010-08-20)


Gazela10 (2010-08-21)

wheres is the ISO image that we have to burn?
help a brother out please...

Tijana92 (2010-08-21)

Well thanx guys, stuck on 95.5% all day... :/

-Raven (2010-08-26)

Works Fine For Me 709.9 kB/s
Will Be Seeding =)

Pinkabecca (2010-08-31)

Worked for me.
This is what I did on my mac
> Opened and installed files with MacPAR
> Applications
> Open Sims 3 folder
> Show package contents
> Open
files/electronic arts/the sims 3/game/bin/
> Replace TS3.exe with the cracked one
Should work
Anyone know of a patch for mac for the speed problem?

LogicalMadness (2010-09-04)

For those of you that are seeing the "R00-R51" files you need to download WinRAR.
You can get it here:

razzy09 (2010-09-06)

OK for people who are struggling: what i did, 1.first i downloaded this torrent via limewire.
2. I then downloaded 'freearc', winrar and daemon tools net/lite.
3. I found where the sims 3 file that i just download was eg. users/documents/limewire/save/sims3
4. i looked through the files and found the one that had the freearc logo as the picture. (if yours doesnt then the file should still be called rar archive)
5. i extracted that file by right clicking on it and finding the extract here button. (for me it was under the freearc tab thing)
6. i opened daemon tools net.
7.i clicked the button on the top left which said add images.
8.i browsed for that newly extracted file. (should be the only one there and should be located wherever you downloaded the sims 3 to).
9.there should now be a new icon towards the right that says rld-sims3. double click it
10. look down at the bottom at virtual devicec and make sure that tab is selected.
11. left click on the file down the bottom that has the sims3 logo and then ceft click the button on the top that says mount.
12. go to computer or my computer (whatever system ur running vista,xp etc.)
13there should be a new cd drive there now labeled E: or D: etc and had the sims3 weitten next to it, double click it.
14. now it will run autorun, follow the steps and when it asks you for the cd key go to computer right click the new cd drive, click explore, find the folder named crack, open it and double click the file that says rld-sims3. generate and it should automatically enter the code. if not just type it in manually.
16 don't download, download manager or anything like that as i think it will update the sims 3 making it unusable.
17. once installed find where u just installed it to (default is under ea or electronic arts.
18. once u find it go to to the game binary (sims 3/game/bin).
19. go to that crack folder that u went to before and copy the other file (ts3) and paste it in the game binary.
20. (optional) make a shortcut to "ts3", paste it onto desktop and run game through that. (ENJOY!)
Hope this helps!

razzy09 (2010-09-06)

OK for people who are struggling: what i did, 1.first i downloaded this torrent via limewire.
2. I then downloaded 'freearc', winrar and daemon tools net/lite.
3. I found where the sims 3 file that i just download was eg. users/documents/limewire/save/sims3
4. i looked through the files and found the one that had the freearc logo as the picture. (if yours doesnt then the file should still be called rar archive)
5. i extracted that file by right clicking on it and finding the extract here button. (for me it was under the freearc tab thing)
6. i opened daemon tools net.
7.i clicked the button on the top left which said add images.
8.i browsed for that newly extracted file. (should be the only one there and should be located wherever you downloaded the sims 3 to).
9.there should now be a new icon towards the right that says rld-sims3. double click it

razzy09 (2010-09-06)

OK for people who are struggling: what i did, 1.first i downloaded this torrent via limewire.
2. I then downloaded 'freearc', winrar and daemon tools net/lite....

razzy09 (2010-09-06)

OK for people who are struggling: what i did, 1.first i downloaded this torrent via limewire.
2. I then downloaded 'freearc', winrar and daemon tools net/lite.
3. I found where the sims 3 file that i just download was eg. users/documents/limewire/save/sims3
4. i looked through the files and found the one that had the freearc logo as the picture. (if yours doesnt then the file should still be called rar archive)
5. i extracted that file by right clicking on it and finding the extract here button. (for me it was under the freearc tab thing)
6. i opened daemon tools net.
7.i clicked the button on the top left which said add images.
8.i browsed for that newly extracted file. (should be the only one there and should be located wherever you downloaded the sims 3 to).
9.there should now be a new icon towards the right that says rld-sims3. double click it
10. look down at the bottom at virtual devicec and make sure that tab is selected.
11. left click on the file down the bottom that has the sims3 logo and then ceft click the button on the top that says mount.
12. go to computer or my computer (whatever system ur running vista,xp etc.)
13there should be a new cd drive there now labeled E: or D: etc and had the sims3 weitten next to it, double click it.
14. now it will run autorun, follow the steps and when it asks you for the cd key go to computer right click the new cd drive, click explore, find the folder named crack, open it and double click the file that says rld-sims3. generate and it should automatically enter the code. if not just type it in manually.
16 don't download, download manager or anything like that as i think it will update the sims 3 making it unusable.
17. once installed find where u just installed it to (default is under ea or electronic arts.
18. once u find it go to to the game binary (sims 3/game/bin).
19. go to that crack folder that u went to before and copy the other file (ts3) and paste it in the game binary.
20. (optional) make a shortcut to "ts3", paste it onto desktop and run game through that. (ENJOY!)

emily050891 (2010-09-13)

when i try to copy ts3 to game/bin .... it says theres not enough space on sims 3..... please hellp ive downloaded this so many times trying to get it to work

Aphrodite2009 (2010-09-20)

Works fine thanks for the up. :) Seeding Peeps. :)

justin427 (2010-09-29)


Razeth (2010-10-12)

Someone seeeeeeeeeed please. :(

prada_chiq (2010-10-14)

Omg I'm so frustrated can someone please seed ! its so slow that my download hasn't even started yet... please seed

ash1998 (2010-10-22)

im gonna download it too but im new here so
How Can I Seed??

ash1998 (2010-10-22)

another game that i downloaded was during 1 week
i hope this one is quicker

generalabuse (2010-10-24)

well bruvas here it is - if it won't work for you, pack yo puter back in its box as you will an epic fail ...

domudog (2010-10-28)

so i did everything that @razzy09 said to do....
The same thing happened to me that happened to @emily050891: i tried to copy the TS3 file from the Crack folder, but it says i have no room on the game.
When i go to my computer, the little icon for the Sims 3 says 0bytes free of 5.59GB. This is a problem.
On the other hand, when I try to pllay the game, it always says thatI need to enter my registration code. I already did that once when i was setting the game up....I tried entering the same code, but tthat did not help. I tried entering a different code, but that didnt work either.

CaShFlOwDrIp419 (2010-10-29)

Hey ive got a question I downloaded the torrent, Now im installing it Only problem is all the files are taking up alomost 11 gigs of space after its installed can i delete files that came with the torrent? Or do i still need them to play the game? Any suggestions would be appeciated thank you

Qualanqui (2010-11-03)

Works perfect for me cheers ul

INVADERMUFFIN (2010-11-06)

How the f**k to i unrar?

pavlito91 (2010-11-07)


Ahamandyne (2010-11-11)

Hey guys !
Thank you so muuch razzi for explaining the whole thing ! I'm kinda new at this .
So , actually I did what you say and i got the same problem than emily and domudog !
At the end , i doesn't work .
Could someone help us please ! :)

Ahamandyne (2010-11-11)

OKay so , I resolved the problem that emily , domudog and I had !
" i tried to copy the TS3 file from the Crack folder, but it says i have no room on the game"
In fact , you have to copy TS3 from the Crack folder on the "Computer" to the "bin" not on the computer E: or D: cd drives but under electronic Arts ! For me it's under C: .
Still , when everything is done and I Replaced TS3.exe with the cracked one and run the game through t , it doesn't work .
It asks for the key , so I type the one I generated but it says the key is not VALID !!
Somebody help ?

Ahamandyne (2010-11-11)

OKay so , I resolved the problem that emily , domudog and I had !
" i tried to copy the TS3 file from the Crack folder, but it says i have no room on the game"
In fact , you have to copy TS3 from the Crack folder on the "Computer" to the "bin" not on the computer E: or D: cd drives but under electronic Arts ! For me it's under C: .
Still , when everything is done and I Replaced TS3.exe with the cracked one and run the game through t , it doesn't work .
It asks for the key , so I type the one I generated but it says the key is not VALID !!
Somebody help ?

nakina225 (2010-12-23)

Is there a way I can reverse this? After i downloaded this I got Ambitions and downloaded it leaving the crack there and I forgot to copy the original file. My problem is that I can't install any custom content anymore. So can someone send me the original file not the crack?

Christsoldier41 (2010-12-23)

ok i got it to install but when it installs it says insert disc 1 how do i get passed this

kamikaza69 (2010-12-24)

please seed people, stuck at 55%

Scullyy (2010-12-26)

can't update this shit

alex_boss (2010-12-28)


xRawr (2011-01-02)

Ok, so after i downloaded this, installed, used serials, it wouldnt work ]= Well it opened and said that the serial was invalid etc. But if anyone has a similar problem to me heres the solution (Credit to Connor from
1. download the game
2. extract the iso file from the game it will be the zipped file
3. get a software that mounts iso files (deamon tools, magic iso etc)
4. mount the iso files for deamon tools users install dt and then on the logo right click virtual devices device 0 and then mount image
5. install the game
6. go to the download where the keygen is there should be two files the keygen and ts3 file cut them both
7. go to my computer local disk (C:)
8. go into program files
9. electronic arts then sims 3 them game then bin
10. paste them two files in you should be given the option to overwrite a file say yes

Boon69123 (2011-01-05)

Where is the iso file ?

beatnicker (2011-01-06)

are there no more steps after 10? and that does not solve the invalid code problem. aargh i hate this have been trying to get this to work for forever!

spiderpig773 (2011-01-08)

Hey guys. I seem to be having the same problem both with a different torrent (same game) and with this one. After downloading, extracting, mounting, and installing, I copy the crack to the Game/Bin folder and try to play. When I double-click the icon, the screen goes blank for a couple of seconds, then just returns to the folder where I just tried to start it from. I have tried this with multiple torrents and cracks and it always does the same thing. Thanks in advance for any help!

Hauresify (2011-01-11)

Please SEED guys!

Hauresify (2011-01-13)

can someone seed?! T_T

Hauresify (2011-01-13)

comeone guys.. seed pls!

Blackout1051 (2011-01-13)

I noticed some people (including myself) have crashing problems when either the game is saving or just anytime your playing. Is there some sort of fix for this? I've lost quite a bit of progress because the game crashed when it was saving.

Raikun (2011-01-17)

Hey everyone, I downloaded this with no problem. I'm running Windows XP. Here's how I got it to work:
1. Download the Torrent.
2. Untorrent it.
3. There was multiple .rar files, but for everyone's sake, extract ONE of them to your desktop..
4. If you have Daemon Tools (Easily Attainable, I used Daemon Tools Pro Standard.) Right click the .ISO file and go to Daemon Tools > "Mount to>" > J: (It'll say a drive like J: or 0, it should be the only one. Mine was "S**H* - 0")
5. Open the drive you just mounted. (My Computer > Sims 3)
6. Run Sims3Setup.exe
7. When it asks for a product key go to the Crack folder in the drive.
8. Run rld-sim3 and copy that key into the game installer.
9. Once installed, (right-click)cut the rld-sim3 and TS3.exe from the Crack folder.
10. Paste them into C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Sims 3\bin
11. It will ask to overwrite a file, hit yes.
REMEMBER: Prevent the Sims from going online.

Raikun (2011-01-17)

C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Sims 3\Game\Bin\bin

Raikun (2011-01-17)

Remove the second "\bin\"

anonymous974 (2011-01-20)

but. what if i wanna download stuff for the sims 3 ? it says that i have to enter the entire code found either in my confirmation email, my game manual/product packaging, or game card...??? HELP.

whattheydiedfor (2011-01-22)

okay, I had played it half a year ago but uninstalled since then. now after I install it, the screen goes black for a few seconds and then returns to desktop. I tried with different downloads, different cracks, with other expansion packs, different updates, nothing works. if anyone knows what should I do, PLEASE, pleasepleasepleaseplease.

un.pajaro (2011-01-30)

Yeah, I'm having the same crashing problem. Not even ten minutes into the game.
Anybody have any solutions yet?

galionmolt (2011-02-04)

Great torrent, fast download and crack working great. Completely clean no virus' or trojans.
Thx AiTB for another great torrent!

LeviLaviLovi (2011-02-06)

I've used this torrent before, but when I tried to get expansion packs, it just messed up the original game. In the past, I've redownloaded this torrent and it worked, but I tried again and now it says to contact EA assistance. Am I doing it wrong?

alan1040 (2011-02-10)

downloaded this and it says its corrupt, any help?

spiderpig773 (2011-02-13)

@whattheydiedfor, I had the same problem, and after scouring the internetz, it seems that my case of this problem was caused by newer versions of Nvidia video drivers being incompatible with the game. Try this one:

jnault123 (2011-02-14)

Download = flawless & fast.
Install = perfect.
Included cracks = perfect.
Anyone who was having troubles with this game must be a first time installer, because it's the same basic steps you use to install any game. RELOADED FTW (as usual).

emmachristina (2011-02-15)

Thank u!! Worked perfectly!! :)

CyclopsChrist (2011-02-16)

Thanks so much for the upload, great speed, no problems at all, just need to mount the iso, and explore via my computer to find the crack

5abipirate (2011-02-18)

please seed!! just started downloading 2.5kb/s :(

eric4287 (2011-02-20)

ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEMS, works great, thanks again

kasumik (2011-02-20)

i'm kind stuck..
i wanted to delete the sims 3. . . but when i click "remove" it shows this ->

how do i remove it?

soigneret (2011-02-20)


superpuppyone (2011-02-24)

When I press the play button, the Sims icon bounces in the dock, then the game exits right away. :( I can't play it.

thegamer1 (2011-02-28)

its fake !?!

fadrigalan (2011-03-04)

easy and perfect! tnx dude

theycallmenea (2011-03-05)

Thanks alot! Works perfect! :D:D

Softy_John (2011-03-06)

Extremely slow download, started it an hour ago, not even reached 0.1% yet.

McGuffey (2011-03-06)

I keep using keys from the keygen, but it always says my registration is invalid. anyone want to put a few directions in with this? daemon tools won't mount it, I can't find where to insert the crack, does anyone have any tips on this?

chriskwn (2011-03-07)

Thanks, works perfectly with Alcohol 120% :)
If you're having trouble with the crack file:
Go to program files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin --> paste (replace the old file). This should work.
I opted out from downloading the EA download manager just in case.

deadsoldier2610 (2011-03-09)

Works fine for me but...
I already had EA Download Manager and it worked fine!
I patched the game and i wanted to play again. I pressed the "Play" button and it didnt work just did nothing. no error or something..nothing -.-

i3DV1N (2011-03-10)


deadsoldier2610 (2011-03-13)

Am I the only fuckin one who wants to patch this shit...!!??

deadsoldier2610 (2011-03-13)


xpensivtaste (2011-03-13)

i have downloaded it and it is split into many files rather than one zipped iso. can anyone help me mount to daemon tools please?

RX31RAD (2011-03-14)

For those of you who have patched the game to the newest version: the cracked file included in this torrent is NOT going to work with the patched version. If you want to continue playing, you're going to need to download the UPDATED versions of the cracked .exe and .dll files that you copied to Game/Bin. To figure out what version you need, open the launcher and look in the bottom left; the base game's version number should be there. Then download the new files for that version - I got mine at GameCopyWorld.

MrWindscape (2011-03-15)

where can i find the REGISTRATION CODE??

HP-NRNS (2011-03-17)

Works great. Thanks for a brilliant game! :D
RELOADED = Epic Win!

kewonevans (2011-03-18)

why don't people ever seed (does it slow their computor) any ways i cant get past 50 percent plz seed even if it never download i will seed what i have

kewonevans (2011-03-18)


kewonevans (2011-03-18)


DiamondPhoenix133769 (2011-03-20)

@kewonevans: Hey you fucking idiot, there are 528 people seeding for fuck sakes! So stop freaking out you stupid bastard!
Also, why do we have to listen to you?
If they dont want to seed, good for them, so stop acting as if you were the boss or something.
I wish that asteroids and thunder will hit your sims constantly.

DiamondPhoenix133769 (2011-03-20)

Oh and learn how to spell "bitches" bitch!

pedocarebear (2011-03-22)

the crack codes arent working, but is that due to me being online?

browngiant (2011-03-23)

works great installed noproblem

TriQueSter28 (2011-03-23)

not a single problem...It worked like a charm!!...Download it guys,great game for people who like Simulations

Revolverkiller (2011-03-24)

is this still a Pc/Mac hybrid?

R3nnyQ (2011-03-24)

ok i'm gonna try this

R3nnyQ (2011-03-25)

woow... thanx.. this works!!!!
ok so i'm gonna try be of help too someone, maybe like myself u have no idea wat these people talking bout... so do wat i did and follow this youtube post.

R3nnyQ (2011-03-25)

type in How To Get The Sims 3 For The PC For Free (Private Tracker Fast Download )
rhe link to this won't post

isgod101 (2011-03-27)

Anyone having trouble patching etc. you need this patch.

TY4DL (2011-03-29)

Hey thanks for great game quick question iv seen some one saying this is not full game? is there add ons for more cities? anyways Still a great download thanks

ashweebaby (2011-03-29)

help? i cant figure out how to install the game, it wont open anything i click on.

Endent (2011-04-03)[Worldwide_Version].rar

Updates from 1.00 to 1.19.44! Hope this helps you guys!

Eragon82 (2011-04-06)

37 ot of 756 are seeding @ 7.6/14.9 kB/s
Come on people, if you can download you can upload!
Seed please! i should not wait over 5hours for a 5Gb file, should be 1 at max!

yourkidds (2011-04-07)

i need help instaling it!!
my email is [email protected]

sshep64 (2011-04-09)

I downloadit it great but how do i find the keygen... or can someone plz jus email it to me... thanks

sshep64 (2011-04-09)

i cant find the keygen... this is my first game iv downloaded

AlfonsaMouse (2011-04-11)

Great torrent, thank you!

AlfonsaMouse (2011-04-11)

1. Download this torrent with uTorrent.
2. When it's done, open the file you just downloaded. There should be a crapload of RARs in there, along with a lot of other files!
3. Not to worry though, simply double click on ANY ONE of the RAR files and it'll show you a little .ISO file - this is what you need.
4. Now, copy and paste that .ISO file to any folder on your computer! It may take a while, 'cause it's pretty big.
5. Make sure you have POWER ISO installed. This is an awesomesauce program that lets the computer think the Sims 3 disc is inside, even though it isn't! So download that program and then launch it up. Up in the top bar, there should be an option that says 'Mount'. Click that and then click 'Mount image to drive [whatever your drive is]'. Find the .ISO file we just copied and double click it; it should now be mounted to that drive!

AlfonsaMouse (2011-04-11)

6. Now just find that drive by going Start > Computer and launch the Sims. This should start the installation! DON'T install download manager.
7. Get a serial code. Use one of these:
If they don't work, try the keygen in the CRACK.

Shadoona (2011-04-13)

When i downloaded it ... it says download the new patch ... then i try to download the new patch form ea games ... it says 2 me write the registration code ?!! wtf should i do .. HELP

LucidMind (2011-04-19)

Okay so, I fucked up and accidentally deleted the TS3 app when I was trying to replace the other one. I was trying to get the expansion packs to work with the game, Can anyone help with how I get the TS3 App back and how to make expansion packs work with it? Thanks (: You can Email me or IM me if it's quicker: [email protected]

Mixxaa123 (2011-04-19)

Iv installed it, but i cant put the crack files into the other one it keeps saying that the memory is full on sims 3, T^T

sofiarocha69 (2011-04-19)

I can't move the TS3.exe to the game/bin folder, it says it needs more 23MB space..

pepsu (2011-04-23)

I have a problem, I installed like AlfonsaMouse told to, but now when I try to start the game (push the PLAY button) it says "write your registeration code here" so, what code I'm supose to put in there !!?? Before in WELCOME it says "You're playing The Sims™ 3 illegal Development version" (I translated from finnish so it's not correctly typed.) plz help mee !!!

gcsadie (2011-04-29)

Can someone please help me? I've gotten through all the steps and all, but how do I copy "Copy over TS3.exe to “install.folder\Game\Bin”." Where do I find these files? I used PowerIso to mount in the beginning I'm just stuck at the very last step. Thanks. Email at [email protected] if you are willing to please help me. Thanks.

Mohamoud89 (2011-05-06)

Been stuck with four seeders for two days now. Can someone PLEASE help me? Much love

jjagdish (2011-05-10)

hi friends it's a expansion or the base game. i already downloaded the sims 3 late night but whenever i click on setup.exe it give me error
"This product requires an installed copy of the sims 3 please install the sims 3 before installing this product..." what does it means

fallengun04 (2011-05-12)

This is a base game. the one you have is an expansion which is not a stand-alone game. It needs the base games to make it work.

Imlegit (2011-05-20)

Where is the crack?

channel_discovery (2011-05-20)

First of all,thanks 2 uploaded!! The question is i can't save the game,any helper there,i really appreciate..

cheo93 (2011-05-20)

i've got a problem.. after many attempts of getting into the game with the codes from the keygen now im getting an error that says that the license has expired.. i tried reinstalling but its the same.. anyone can help me please?

silverking789 (2011-05-22)

please seed guys..and tnx for the upload..seed seed seed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finale6 (2011-05-31)

Downloaded and unpacked perfectly on a Mac...but I don't know how I can keep it from going online...PLEASE SUGGESTIONS?!

kmg1994 (2011-05-31)

worked fine..played for a day...then while playing i got a black screen my computer froze, i got a blue sreen and then happened i am scaredof opening the game.....anyone else have this problem??

Finale6 (2011-05-31)

so I tried to copy the TS3.exe into the "Bin" folder...but it won't even let me have the option of copy and paste...
anyone know the solution? Thanks!

jvezirian (2011-06-03)

Can anyone tell me if using one of the keys for Sims 3 will work to register for the community forums site?
[email protected]

Arti789 (2011-06-03)

I agree LucidMind, can anybody help on how to get expansions to work?

incecti13 (2011-06-05)

im downloading this since last 20hrs or so
is this seriously gonna work
my OS:Windows 7
oh and btw plz seed...i have only35-40seeders out of 688 D:

incecti13 (2011-06-05)

oh and will i be able to download/install all the expansion packs..??

incecti13 (2011-06-05)

im downloading this since last 20hrs....
will this seriouslly work....ive done this till 75.1%
oh and btw plz seed i get only 36 out of 688seeders..D:
oh and will the expansion packs work with this download......?

incecti13 (2011-06-05)

F***ing hell....seed
this torrent is shit if u dont seed....

pamperush (2011-06-08)

Whats the difference between RELOADED and RAZOR? Which one is better? Which one should I download?

catsmilk (2011-06-08)

They're both pretty much the same. Just cracked by a different group of people.

catsmilk (2011-06-08)

For all of you who get the registration error when replacing with the crack, it's because you need to generate your own key.

CondeBoy670 (2011-06-10)

Thank you so much @AiTB Your the best! By the way does building work?

Perrin162 (2011-06-13)

keygen is no longer working.

ai.gamisou (2011-06-13)

Hey guys first time i'm doing that, soo could someone help me ? I'm still on the first step : INSTALLING ! yeah i know i rule ;)
so anyone (really) with 5 minuts to guide me kindda step by step would be my hero !
Thaaanks :)

ai.gamisou (2011-06-13)

well no actually got it !
but the key doesn't seem to be working.
it's saying that "you're using a non legal versions of the game please enter your key".
help please.

clairex35 (2011-06-16)

Hi :)
I don't understand, when I want to open the torrent nothing is happening :( please help me :$

captainginu (2011-06-16)

4722-KNEU-LSUG-NLSQ-KRLD use this keygen, worked for me

clairex35 (2011-06-16)

Maybe I m not going on the right link ? It's my first time i'm dowloading like that...

XzSiiCkShad0wzX (2011-06-16)

Hahaha i bought this game ages ago and i lent it to my friend and he lost it :D. Really good torrent and i suggest people to buy the game if you like it!

Tshw33 (2011-06-17)

A great torrent it works fine on windows 7

rtn362 (2011-06-23)

Hi everyone, I must be an idiot, I've been downloading games for years, but WHEN I PLAY IT TELLS ME TO INSERT THE GAME DISC, BUT I DID COPY THE CRACK, what do I have to do??

josemurinho55 (2011-06-24)

I instaled game ,everything was perfect BUT: when i lunch the game it says 'Device 0 cannot run this title.
Your video card must be set to application-controlled antialising.Please check your video card settings.

MDksa123 (2011-06-25)

i cant unrar rld.sims when i try to unrar it says file is corupt any one knows the solutio

MDksa123 (2011-06-25)

Guys i cant unrar it says file is corupted HOW CAN I FIX???

crackers123 (2011-06-30)

I have managed to download this, and followed all instructions as closely as I can (I am new to this whole downloading game)...
But I downloaded the "Download manager".. Is that why it keeps asking for the authorization code and not accepting it? If that's why, what should I do? and if it isn't, what the frick is the problem?
Ta :)
(I have - I think - done the moving TS3 to the Bin - I literally shouted with joy when I found the bin after 4 hours of searching)

ps2man617 (2011-07-06)

What is the patch version is this on? I want to mod so I downloaded the razor one but its 1.0.6etc and the mods I want to use wont work or idk how to install mods on that version. Can someone help?

yellowboy06 (2011-07-10)

4722-KNEU-LSUG-NLSQ-KRLD use that key in the Setup, then copy the crack on the ISO to the games directory, ur done...

ShadowNick (2011-07-10)

Took me 10 seconds to download :D

rainsong91 (2011-07-12) can you tell what version this is..? i really need 1.12 but i don't know how to get it..would appreciate if someone told me. thank you!!!

CocaColaberoende (2011-07-14)

Doesent work

tykep (2011-07-15)

the torrent is broken.. I can't download it none of the major trackers work and the tpb trackers won't work

robbit (2011-07-31)

Works really good, Thanx AiTB

MasterBattousai (2011-08-01)

Works perfect! No errors or crashes I am well into the game and it runs great thanks AiTB!
Reloaded torrents always work!

shadowfirmeza (2011-08-02)

Crack inside?

angel88891 (2011-08-05)

What do I do once downloaded?
Thanks guys. :) xx

sbbday (2011-08-07)

Is it just me, or when ever I start this game it shuts off my internet till I either close or minimize the game.

Urenotasgood (2011-08-09)

Can you use exchange or downloaded items in this cracked version??

heli3 (2011-08-11)

Works perfectly thanks!!!

Killjoy_666 (2011-08-17)

The game does not work for me.
It asks me for some confirmation code.
Check it out:

vididi234 (2011-08-17)

It doesn't work for me! I mean... HOW TO INSTALL THE GAME?

vididi234 (2011-08-17)

I don't understand how some people are saying "Works perfectly". What am I missing?!

thisistakingforever (2011-08-17)

It DOES work perfectly fine. I had to read through 10 pages to find a perfect guide.
Follow this it worked for me than the other guides:
>For those of you who are new I guess ill briefly explain.
First, go download Daemon Tools if you dont have it. Then Download the program Winrar.
K.. when you have those installed. Go to your bitcoment downloads folder (normally C:\Downloads) and open up the sims 3 folder.
Right click on the first rld-sim3 file and click extract files... Then select for it to go to the desktop so you can easily find it later.
When that finishes, open up Daemon tools. It will put a little lightning icon down by your clock.
Right click, go to Virtual CD/DVD rom, put your mouse over the first device and select "Mount Image"
Now you need to find the file extracted earlier to your desktop. Select it in Daemon Tools and the Sims 3 Launcher should start.
Use one of these serials to install :
Once installed. Dont try to run the game. Go to My Computer and right click on the drive daemon tools asigned, it will have a sims 3 icon on it and click "explore"
There will be a folder called "crack" open it.
Leave that folder up for a second and open my computer again, go to C: Program files / Electronic Arts / Sims 3 / Game / Bin
Now go in the "crack" folder drag the TS3 icon from the "crack" folder to the sims 3 file you opened just before.
It should ask you to replace the file... click yes.
Now that icon, make a shortcut of it (right click, create shortcut) and put THE SHORTCUT. on your desktop. click and play.
Make sure you use the shortcut you made to load the game, the standard one sims 3 put on your desktop wont work.
Hope that helped. lol
-This was found on page 8.

bornix (2011-08-18)

Everythink is ok torrent is fast and it work

theLionBar (2011-08-19)

can I install this just using power iso and/or alcohol 52% ?
someone told me that power iso was another form of daemon tools... ??

thisistakingforever (2011-08-20)

power iso IS another form of daemon tools

wethelaura (2011-08-20)

When I try to run the game, it makes the screen go black and then goes back to the desktop screen. ?

nobodylikesyou (2011-08-21)


kbmarin (2011-08-22)

Ok so i downloaded this game i got it working fine but, when i updated it all the way so i could use the things i downloaded from
it asks me to please insert the correct disc but, before i updated it didnt ask me that it played just fine

kbmarin (2011-08-22)

Nevermind i got it workin now

leo4333462 (2011-08-22)

Great game.

lupo97 (2011-08-23)

question: will downloading patches break the crack on the game and is there a way to download patches from EA without getting locked out?

Schwa7 (2011-08-23)

Does anybody read the previous comments to see if their problem has already been answered? Doesn't look like it. "I can't get it to work. IT MUST BE CRAP." Shut up.

lupo97 (2011-08-23)

Wow, sorry I guess it was too much to ask that somebody answer a simple question. It had nothing to do with keygen or getting the game to work so I don't see what your problem is.

Ferly (2011-08-24)

I was running on the Beta for a while when the Launcher stopped working. Now that is posing a problem because when I'm trying to install this version, the Launcher always errors upon start up and does not work, and I can't install the game. I have updated my .NET framework, as I've seen suggested, but the launcher still does not work and I cannot install this. I also tried on the nakreb torrent, just to be sure, but that didn't work either.
Can anyone help?

robsta612 (2011-08-24)

Does anyone know if this has viruses? Please help us keep it safe!

robsta612 (2011-08-24)

Does anybody know if this has viruses?

tornbetween2 (2011-08-25)

Not a Virus, user trusted, Good torrent! and for you who want to patch it and all that without EA locking the game on you, torrent games are mainly used so u can try out the full version of the game to see if you like it or not, if you like it then go out and BUY it so that you can have all the expansions and patches without having to worry about it!

700rex (2011-08-26)


i download the file but when i try to install it i get this error message:

unable to launch c:\users\99fo1\appdate\local\temp.

the files are sims 3 unistall exe and sims 3 code exe. has anyone had the same problem?

merarxos (2011-08-30)

i have already installed the game... but when i try to open it... another window comes out with an EA logo on it telling me that i have to put a security code... it also says that i can find this code in the booklet of the cd.... i have tried many keys from the ''keygen - the sims 3 (c) Ea'' which was included in the torrent but didn't work... if anyone have an idea pls help.....

HexTR (2011-09-01)


Rick_In_Peace (2011-09-01)

thanks, it works perfectly!!! is that just only one town to choose???

Manken12345 (2011-09-02)

do i need allot of seeds to play, if i have to please seed me ? pls?

theheartlover (2011-09-02)

I keep getting this error message when I install;
c:\Program Files\Electronis Arts\The sim 3\Games\bin\TSLHost.dll doesn’t match the file the setup’s .cab file
The game runs fine regardless. But I'm not sure how to install custom content? I don't want to use the launcher to do it, and the launcher won't...well, launch.
Is there a replacement TSLHOST.dll I could download that would work for this?

theheartlover (2011-09-02)

Yeah, now I have the EA logo problem asking me for another code and something about needing Internet to verify it.

hemalihpk (2011-09-04)

pls seed!!!!!

hemalihpk (2011-09-04)

please seed!!!!....:(

mark_ante_amazing (2011-09-05)

do not waste your time.......these download has has many errors.....

cuddles26 (2011-09-12)

Im new at this are there any step by step instructions on how do do this

Max.B (2011-09-14)

Hey, I've had a problem installing an expansion and had to uninstall the whole thing. I've used AppZapper to delete everything I could find but now I can't re-install it. The launch screen appears but when I press Play it crashes. Any thoughts?

tysoNg (2011-09-18)

Does anyone else get a CRC Error?

dkolkman (2011-09-20)

Can somebody help me?
A long time ago i installed sims 3 and later i reinstall it. Now i downloaded this one and it is saying now when i want to install it. : Your computer contains a earlier version of the sims 3. Please delete that one before you can install this one. Somebody know what to do?

dkolkman (2011-09-20)

It worked for me! The same as page 8 , But how does it work with the updates? AND how do i install all the expansion packs now? Thanks!

chelseyh (2011-10-02)

In the instructions on page 8 it tells you to go to the mounted drive, right click and hit "explore".
I have no option to explore, am I clicking in the wrong place? Is he using a different operating system than me? Im on Windows 7 btw.
I went to my computer, found BD-ROM Drive (G:) Sims3, I right click and my options are "Install or run program from your media, Open AutoPlay, Open, Open in New Window" and so forth.

ChimChimtheOmni88 (2011-10-09)

AHHH!! Where did the seeds go?? I'm stuck at 78.4%, and the expansion packs are done already. Pweez help!

Nitro2012 (2011-10-12)

thanks for this amigo !!

iisopy (2011-10-14)

I don't have the registration code for EA... I've tried going offline and THAT doesn't work either. I played for about three hours last night and I had to completely uninstall and reinstall to get to where I was supposed to be today. I'm having a lot of trouble with this torrent. can someone please tell me why I can't just play the damn game?

Devidoll (2011-10-17)

So many CRC errors /sigh

[F]OxY (2011-11-07)

Fuck Yeah its work!! if u dont know how to install it or the other shit just open the comment.. Stop giving stupid comment before you read the other comment!!!

EverDelusional (2011-11-24)

Hey guys
Thought it would be a good idea to mention there is a trojan horse lurking in the crack folder, in the rld-sim3.exe file.
Just thought i'd share my experience.

EverDelusional (2011-11-26)

Hm...ignore that post, it seems my antivirus picked it up as a trojan, when in fact it is not. Ignore the previous message. Everything is working fine :)

Amer90 (2011-11-26)

Hi Guys.
So i have this problem and i hope i get help !
The game worked perfectly when i downloaded it, till i downloaded The sims 3 pets, where there were lots problems and bugs in Pets, i uninstalled the base game and installed it again, and its not working at all, no message box nothing, its just i press play and everything disappears thats it.
I'm using Mac, with the new lion OS, does it effect the old version ?!
I need some help !
Thanks =D

maffiameesaron (2011-11-30)

laag, plz help!

suyash20 (2011-12-03)

WORKS 100 %

bougarri (2011-12-05)


bougarri (2011-12-05)

hi geys i have downld the sims 3 generations but when i try to install it say y must have the sims 3 plz heelpp ????? PLZZZZZZZ

Givati0n (2011-12-17)

Ok, I've installed the game and it works just fine! So thanks for it. If you guys can't get it working read carefully the guide on page 8.

Danetria (2011-12-26)

I downloaded everything fine but the graphic are blurry and i cant play already made families

kamchi (2012-01-15)


kamchi (2012-01-15)

it shows 1067 seeders...
but i hav nly 1

kamchi (2012-01-15)

nly 12 seed....4rm 1238

kamchi (2012-01-16)

thanx...for the work fine...but took long to it

god-ess (2012-01-18)

So i've downloaded it, mounted it cracked it and its installed fine... Go to play and the start screen comes up and on it next to where you click to play it says its an unauthorized version and such... then once i click play it pops up with an EA games grey screen where i am supposed to enter the serial code again, i do so but it wont work i've tried heaps of them and still nothing.

photogrl000 (2012-01-20)

If you open download extra stuff from the net for the sims 3 will it work or when you do to download them will they figure the game is a fake and do the whole register serial again? and also can you update it? your help is much appreciated thank you!

girandhistacos1 (2012-01-20)

CRC failed in 'rld-sim3.iso'. File is broken.
I get this notice after I unrar the file. The ISO won't install. Anyone else?

sargentblooper (2012-01-21)

Seed Please! :)

rezabrando (2012-01-25)

This is a pre-final version of the game. Go download this one:

I honestly don't know why people still seed this one. It can't be patched to the lates version and it is full of bugs.

Bsballeddy456 (2012-01-28)

Downloading 8 mb/s. Thanks AiTB!

bvorak (2012-01-30)

Worked excellent. Thanks!

lolamarie (2012-02-03)

can someone PLEASE seed this????????!!!!!!!

Ashleybaaaby (2012-02-10)

This torrent sucks ass. i downloaded it then my computer couldnt recogize the files and i pretty much wasted my time. thanks -_-

Arcas664 (2012-02-13)

Hey so i just downloaded this toorent but in the last one i've got an error and it has 0x3...whatever i hope that it wont be in this one

rezabrando (2012-02-24)

This is a pre-final version of the game. Go download this one:

I honestly don't know why people still seed this one. It can't be patched to the lates version and it is full of bugs.

ronan17 (2012-02-27)

thank you, works perfectly.

Miaros (2012-03-02)

Where exactly are the install notes?

Miaros (2012-03-02)

guys just unrar all the rar files and will be iso .. u know what to do next its easy and take those if you need them.
I am installing it right now so i dont know if it will crash or not .. but i have a feeling it will work .

ackeygen (2012-03-09)

comon seed im getting 198 kb/s

Sir_Mark (2012-03-10)

If your game randomly crushes to desktop just install patch (1.19.44 in my case). It solves the problem.

Hiyjae (2012-03-12)

Great game, Thanks!

savvymaryv (2012-03-13)

its asking me for the registration code? is it the same as keys?

dehdeh02 (2012-03-19)

Don't believe in anything bad people say, this torrent works perfectly and it's very simple!!! :) 10/10

epoli (2012-03-21)

Seems to no longer work. Had to uninstall and now I'm looking for a newer version. Thanks for trying, though.

0524julie (2012-03-28)

I cannot get the game to play. It installed fine, but it keeps asking for a key to be entered. I've tried the 3 that Miaros posted on 3/2 and have tried at least 10 in the key generator that came with the download, but none of them work. Any other suggestions?

shankton (2012-03-29)

Heres how you do this. First you unrar the zips. then mount it. After this you mount and install. I used daemon tools lite to mount it. You gotta open the virtual drive to explore the folders. Open the crack and get a keygen. Copy paste when the install asks for it. complete the install then open the crack folder again and there is a TS3 folder there. An application file that you need to swap out wit the TS3 file of a smaller size that install into the computer. the one you need to replace is the smaller file of the two. After you do this then you can play all day. The game locked up on me once and I had to start over but no big deal. I just run a save every few hours or so. Have fun people!!

shankton (2012-03-29)

Just to be sure I made sense... After you copy and paste a keygen during the intial install then explore the virtual drive sims folder. This gives you access to the keygen crack and the TS3 file you need. so you gotta explo;)re the sims virtual drive after you mount it. I hope this makes sense to yo all. The TS3 file you gotta replace is in the sims file under your program files. I hope I reiterated enough for the newbies!

kburket45 (2012-03-30)

Unrar ALL the in all 20+ or just pick one?

jaggy1963 (2012-03-31)

Just Unrar anyone of the 20 that will unrar them all to a iso. incidently shanktons method is dead right.

ZparatexX (2012-04-02)

Seed please guys, hasn't started to download yet, the other RELOADED torrents for the sims 3 are fine, downloading nicely, just this one. Will seed once downloaded.

spaace (2012-04-23)

rld-sims3.r00 to r51 ?

ginojo (2012-05-03)

great, works fine ;)

snowbard (2012-05-13)

Thankyou It was a easy install and setup hope you have more games :)

hax1337 (2012-05-27)

I can't get this torrent to start

hax1337 (2012-05-27)

I've right-clicked the first .rar and clicked "Extract Here", now I have mounted the image with Daemon Tools Lite but it won't run. Any help?

KizzyRiehl (2012-05-28)

how do I get it to play with out it asking for the disk

matato97 (2012-06-09)

Great download. If you follow the directions exactly as it says in the ReadMe file then you'll be fine.
One question: it says you can't add any new patches/versions/updates. Does that include extensions? I heard Generations was fun but i dont want the download to work if i install an extension. Anyone know?

rezabrando (2012-06-25)

I don't understand why people still seed this. This is a beta (pre-release) version of the game which cannot be upgraded to the latest version via patches. Search for 'sims 3 razor1911' for the final verson here in TPB.

grizzlies6 (2012-06-27)

SEED please, thank`s a lot!

ped0810 (2012-07-22)

so I have a question:I am downloading with qtorrent 3.1.3 and yesterday I downloaded some extensions and like always it run just fine,but I had some problems with sims 3 so I was needed to uninstall all and install all again,but my sims 3 had an error(probably because I had it too long on PC)so I came todey to download it again,but there is something I never seen,there where is status (downloading 9.6%)is in red(and I know it must be green) and in trackers where is DHT is writes not allowed,local peer discovery not allowed,peer exchange not allowed,...offline,no connection,connection timed out...the speed is 480kb/s and I always have that speed....Is this ok?I dont know what to do...please help

siriuslyy (2012-07-24)


aviator23 (2012-07-24)

i finished downloading the file in utorrent and am currently seeding but I cannot get the game to open . How do I get the game to open?

Afokiller (2012-08-06)

is this working?

TomorrowNvrKnows (2012-08-07)

Hey guys I cant replace the TS3 file because it says it's "read only", and when I uncheck the read only box in the TS3's properties, it says "access denied". Any ideas how to solve this?

jenstl (2012-09-03)

****************This is not the full version. Do NOT waste your time downloading ******************* Im not writing this to troll Im serious I just downloaded it for my friend and am now finding out taht it is not the full version. You cannot update your game with this version. Do not waste your time.

rezabrando (2012-09-13)

As 'jenstl' said above, this is a BETA version of the game. DO NOT DOWNLOAD IT.
Download razor1911 instead here:

That's the version you wanna get if you want to update the game and install extensions.

bluelief (2012-09-15)

@TomorrowNvrKnows When you right click on your file's properties, click the security tab and then click "edit" click your user name and click full control then ok and it should work :)

g10111801 (2015-09-14)

Thanks mate!

ReenX (2015-09-18)

Did everything u said but the daemon tools doesnt even opens the file...theres no file under ISO format in the xtracted files.. how to install???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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