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Nik Software Color Efex Pro? 3.0 - Photoshop Plug - OSX
Nik Software Color Efex Pro? 3.0 - Photoshop Plug - OSX
2008-01-23 (by brunoximus)
Most recent version of impressive plugins for Photoshop.
Leopard - CS3 - Intel Compatible.
Files count:
36.38 Mb
albinoz (2008-01-24)
Thanks !!!Look Verry Nice :D
loadeddice (2008-01-24)
Crashes Photoshop for me. 10.5.1/CS 3 MacBook 2.2ghz Core 2 Duo. Tried the serial with a trial from their site, same result.hockpooh (2008-01-24)
This is freaking AWESOME, EXCELLENT. I can't thank you enough. This is the one tool that I needed so bad.I feel sorry for the guy with the powerbook and 10.5.1 and the crashing, you don't know what you're missing. Leopard and applications are still trying to play nice with each other and the problems people have with powerbooks is well known and it's all over the web. I'll never buy another one.
I think if I ever need a Mac on the road I'll take a smaller newer iMac and custom make a case. You can always find a plug. You can have a 115 volt adapter to plug into a car lighter. You need one with a powerbook sooner or later, so they just don't make sense, to me anyway.
THANK YOU AGAIN, for this upload.
x-mac-pirate (2008-01-24)
Also crashes my Photoshop:PS CS3 - Leopard - Macbook Intel 2 C2D
x-mac-pirate (2008-01-24)
I dunno how Leopard/CS3 compatible this is - however it DOES work in Rosettax-mac-pirate (2008-01-24)
Update:I went into the PS folder in Applications, then into the Plug-Ins folder and into NikSoftware.... I deleted the Selective Tool folder because I noticed this specifically hanging on the PS startup....deleting this fixes the crash error, the only differences is that you don't have the preset select tool, which you don't need anyway :D
bigginger (2008-01-24)
Crashes for me too - CS3, 10.4.11. I'll give deleting the selective tool plug a go though. Here's hopingbigginger (2008-01-24)
Nope, no joy. Guess it's just not compatible with out antiquesmasterbluestar (2008-01-24)
Looks like a piece of crap software. Crashes Photoshop CS3 on a Mac Pro 8 Quad Core Intel with 7 GB of RAM. Crashing so many macs, definitely a stinker.x-mac-pirate (2008-01-24)
It works perfect on my macIntel Core 2 Duo - 2GB Ram - Leopard 10.5.1
albinoz (2008-01-24)
"deleted the Selective Tool"thanks
rostgabel (2008-01-24)
i have deleted the selective tools too, no more crash, but the ok-button don't apply the filter on the picture; that mean CEP 3 works without results; suggestionsx-mac-pirate (2008-01-24)
Check your settings in terms of where the filter is applied, to the same layer, separate....After I deleted the select tool folder, clicking OK didn't work for me either, I was very frustrated....Then i checked my settings and i restarted Photoshop and now everything works...sounds like a lot of work for a plug in but it really does work fine now
brunoximus (2008-01-24)
Sorry to hear about these problems. I did test this software before uploading to TPB. However; When installing i this on my test systems (Powermac G5 and Imac Intel Core2 Duo) I did not install the selective tool, since this was a feature i already hated in Color Efex 2.loadeddice (2008-01-24)
It's not a problem with your file. I tried it with a download from the efex site and the same thing happened. It will be solved, just will take a little while. Thanks for the upload.masterbluestar (2008-01-24)
I tried deleting the "Select Tool" folder as well and nothing changed - still crashes Photoshop.biglittlefish (2008-01-24)
WHY PS CRASHES: If found it crashes only if using a cracked version of PS. When using PS in trial mode its fine. Its the crack that crashes it, And im running 10.5 macbook pro.FIX: download a non cracked version of PS!
biglittlefish (2008-01-24)
and it will crash with all NIK plugins. Which you can actually get from their web site. Serials are in serial box.albinoz (2008-01-24)
"When using PS in trial mode its fine",?in trial mode need reset every mounth ???
biglittlefish (2008-01-25)
Can some one say how to use the plugs without the selective tool folder - i cant seem to get it to work. thanksbiglittlefish (2008-01-25)
"?in trial mode need reset every mounth ???"Yes but there are non crack versions of PS on TPB (i just havent downloaded one yet though)
albinoz (2008-01-25)
Found How !!!1/ Remove SelectTool Folder
2/ Open image in PhotoShop
3/ OPen Nik Plug
4/ Go Preferences
5/ Select Apply on this Layer
and Work fine to me
biglittlefish (2008-01-25)
Cool albinoz, works for me too. (in the settings)masterbluestar (2008-01-25)
albinoz - your method only seems to work on a single image (NO LAYERS) as soon as I'm working on a layered PSD file and try to use the filter on a layer in a multilayered file it crashes Photoshop. Also, my Photoshop is not cracked.biglittlefish (2008-01-25)
Your PS isnt cracked and the selective folder still crashes it? That is bad newsmatphotomat (2008-01-25)
to avoid the cs3 crash, once installed, delete the selective tool folder from the nik folder in the cs3 plug ins folder and try again. enjoy & thx heaps for this...scunky (2008-01-25)
what a load of crap this is!!!hockpooh (2008-01-26)
That's what happens when you upgrade when something first comes out. This Plugin is really awesome, sorry you guys can't enjoy it.Super Mega Mac Pro Book 100,000 Ghz 700 dual quad with 1.21 jigga watts of Ram. running a ZegaMega quartz numnut Video TV zipzoid card with 900 GB memory with a 1 billion GB HD running at 300,000 RPM powered by its own mini nuke plant cooled by fluid from the mars frozen ice whale worm juice. Works for me, ROTFLMAO
masterbluestar (2008-01-26)
OK. After all this BS I went to Nik's site and downloaded a fresh copy and used the existing serial from KCNcrew. Works just fine with Selective Tool and all in PS CS3. I think this torrent is corrupted that's why so many of us are having problems with it crashing Photoshop. Advice, skip this download and the aggravation, do what I did.biglittlefish (2008-01-27)
I never actually downloaded this torrent - i got it a few weeks ago from their site - so its not the torrent. I still think its the cracked version of PS (or at least my cracked version).But yes just download it from their site if you wan to be sure
papad34 (2008-05-18)
Anyone know of a windows version for thispapad34 (2008-05-19)
Download the program from the website, and use the serial from this torrent. Works great. Even works with Windows.nikita_lion (2008-08-12)
Can somebody just put the serial number here?I downloaded the trial
uhu99 (2008-10-12)
Serial in this torrent:071122936KFCWGGMLXJJDLSPP
Works also for the Aperture plugin!
vslink (2008-10-26)
Anyone have a serial for the Capture NX2 version?Serial in this torrent works brilliantly for all PS versions and the Aperture, but not for the NX2 version.
vslink (2008-10-27)
Users who are upgrading will be relieved to hear this plug-in can be run under a patched CS4 installation (see Cashman's torrent) without the Selective Tool crashing anything! The plugin works amazingly well under CS4.The serial distributed in this torrent will activate Aperture and PS versions download as trials from the website (both Mac and Windows PS versions, actually). However, the serial does NOT work for the Capture NX2 version. There is a patch floating around for the windows version, but not for the Mac. If anyone knows of a patch or serial of Color Efex 3 for Capture NX2, Mac version, please share here. I am searching the net to no avail!
JoeDavola (2009-03-23)
vslink: have you had any luck finding the serial for the NX2 version on OSX?I can't even find the windows version of the patch. If you have it could you please get in touch with me. I'd like to try and duplicate it on Mac. Thanks. ( pleazespamme gmail com )
WizardFingers (2010-07-07)
For me, Photoshop doesn't crash, but it doesn't even recognize the plug-in. I can't get it to show up in the Filters menu? Any advice?(I downloaded the trial from the Nik website, installed, and applied the serial that @uhu99 posted. The installation successfully completed and was installed in Adobe Photoshop CS5 > Plug-ins > Nik Software)
WizardFingers (2010-07-07)
Ah, seems this plug-in doesn't work under the 64-bit. I simply switched to the 32-bit, and Nik finally shows up under filters!treeelee (2010-08-22)
Add trial off their site add key 071122936KFCWGGMLXJJDLSPPtreeelee (2010-12-06)
I just reformatted my HD and reinstalled Nik used the same serial listed and it still works :)dschapin1 (2011-01-18)
i just downloaded the trial and installed for photoshop and lightroom and it wont work, in photo shop it says the plugin is not accesssableand the serial is not working
Teeppeltjes (2011-04-05)
Key works after downloading the trial!!Do you by any chance have the key for Silver efex Pro 2 for Mac???
1. 36.38 Mb