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Halo 2 PC rar
2011-03-10 (by Ferrariaftrdark)
This is Halo 2 PC, the serial is included in the folder as a text file. Live will not work sadly because somebody used the serial already to get on live, so if you want to get on live, just find another serial, but the game works perfectly with the serial included. I can't speak whatever language is on the instructions in the crack folder, that is why I provided a serial. Enjoy :) PLEASE SEED!!!!!
Files count:
7148.28 Mb
gesztenye1969 (2011-03-11)
thank youFerrariaftrdark (2011-03-11)
Your welcome, I thought it would help having the serial, because it took me a while to find onelikeda (2011-03-12)
Online is still fun. Game is dirt cheap now.rndprnd (2011-03-26)
I am stuck at 45%, someone please seed. Meanwhile, I am going to try to find a more seeded torrent to reduce the burden on this one.Choococookie (2011-04-03)
seed pleaseim stuck az 74% xD
footlose5 (2011-04-04)
seed plzzz stuck at 75%DG6648 (2011-04-04)
Please seed stuck at 74.7 plllzzzzDG6648 (2011-04-04)
plz seedarielgod (2011-04-05)
Ferrariaftrdark 74,7% and stop (_))IIIIIIIIIIIID fuckarielgod (2011-04-05)
Ferrariaftrdark 74,7% and stop fuckarielgod (2011-04-05)
74,7% and stop... (_))IIIIIIIIIIIIDarielgod (2011-04-05)
vali callampa 74,7%Ferrariaftrdark (2011-04-05)
I will seed.....again for this torrent, it would be helpful if one of the 87 leechers also seedednoukosal (2011-04-06)
stuck at 76,9% please seed...when im done ill seed 4ever...Tataen89 (2011-04-07)
Spasibo za igru nadejus' amerekanskaja luchshe budet rabotat' chem russkaja kotoraja voobwe pishet chto ne mozhet.Fredriken (2011-04-08)
Please seed I'm stuck at 76,8%Ferrariaftrdark (2011-04-09)
I started to leave my PC on uTorrent all day, I will continue to do this until I have sufficient seeders to keep my torrents working, uTorrent automatically picks up when someone needs help seeding, so this should help majorly, but after you finish, please seed, it will help....everyone.Ferrariaftrdark (2011-04-09)
I meant to say, "needs help downloading", o wellFerrariaftrdark (2011-04-10)
I'm going to upload Need For Speed Carbon if I get 7 seeders on this torrentFerrariaftrdark (2011-04-12)
Is it working any better now?Ferrariaftrdark (2011-04-12)
Thank you, to the one person that decided to seed. I know it's a big file, but it helps everone out. I wish more people would do the same. Ever since I started uploading, I started seeding for others too, because I realized how big of a pain it is when nobody seeds. Everyone immediately blames you for it. I'll try my best to keep all the torrents I have alive. I leave them on uTorrent, so if they ever lose seeds after a while, I can just reseed them.kekepnk (2011-04-12)
seed please im stuck on 77% PLEASE SEED i'll seed after it´s donekekepnk (2011-04-12)
im stuck on 77.0% you would help me a lot if you seed this torrent, actually i seed every torrent because i know the pain that this is, please ferrariafterdark :D seed and i'll seedkekepnk (2011-04-13)
PLEASE!!!!Ferrariaftrdark (2011-04-13)
Sorry about that, this will be moved up to the top again.kekepnk (2011-04-13)
ooh thnx bro i really want this game :D i'll seed u back ;)kekepnk (2011-04-13)
hey im still having the same problem, how can i help you to improve the download?kekepnk (2011-04-14)
please seed!!!kekepnk (2011-04-14)
hey bro this torrent is about to die!! i want to help you but what can i do?kekepnk (2011-04-14)
:/ it stopped completely man!Ferrariaftrdark (2011-04-16)
Hey, I'm sorry about that, I've been leaving it running, but for every time I seed, I get like at least 2 leechers. I might re-upload it, if I need to I will, but for right now, I just need some help seeding, I mean I have 109 leechers! I know seeding takes a while, but just a few of you seeding would make a big difference.Ferrariaftrdark (2011-04-16)
ok, I'm going to reupload, this time, it won't be a .rar file. So, could the first one's to download this seed? It would help a lot. Thanks, it will be up soon. Sorry about that everyone.Ferrariaftrdark (2011-04-16)
kekepnk, I have uploaded Halo 2, once againnada0111 (2011-04-18)
someone plz seed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im stucj on 78.7% if someone seeds and i finish downloading i will seed for 1 weekbluecom (2011-04-19)
What Is These? 0 seeders? People please seed!!nada0111 (2011-04-19)
hey my download has loaded an extra 3% in 3 days not good :C dont want to redownload it cause ive come this far so its completely stopped can someone plz seed!!!!bolobo (2011-04-21)
please seeddddddd i needdd i loves the gamebolobo (2011-04-21)
SEEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD D..;bolobo (2011-04-21)
Evyrunner (2011-04-23)
Yeah, um, this torrent is not going to work. No offense to Ferrariaftrdark but I think everyone should find a different torrent to get Halo 2 Rar'd, too many leechers!reukk (2011-04-25)
seed plz, stuck at 84.1%!nada0111 (2011-04-27)
THANK YOU KEEP SEEDING PLZ STUCK ON 84%Ferrariaftrdark (2011-04-28)
Wow, if I could get somone to help seed also, it's a large file, so everytime I get it seeded once through, it's already too late. I uploaded it again, to spread the seeding, and am having about the same luck there. I'm not kidding, I have pretty much left the seeding non stop.Ferrariaftrdark (2011-04-28)
I'm going to try to split the files into several torrents, give me a little timeFerrariaftrdark (2011-04-28)
Ok everyone, I am uploading halo 2 in parts, part 1 is up now, just follow the instructions on each part, the files shouldn't be to big because they are split up so much, I will upload the rest shortly. This does work on win 7, because that is what I am playing it on, also any problems with the serial are not my fault, I tested the serial with Halo 2 before I put it up, and it worked fine, if you are having problems, there might be a maximum number of uses, so either find one on google, or use a keygen, I might upload a keygen if I have any more issuesFerrariaftrdark (2011-04-29)
I am uploading a version that is half the size, due to compression, and removing the iso, I'm sorry for the delay, I had complaints on my last upload, being "split up" too much, so I am putting it in one torrentlostsoul786 (2011-04-29)
Could someone please seed? I'm stuck on 84.7%I'll seed forever if this download completes :)
Ferrariaftrdark (2011-04-29)
@ lostsoul786I uploaded a newer version that is half the size, could you please use that one and seed?
lostsoul786 (2011-04-30)
Ok, thanks. I'll still keep downloading it just in case someone does seed and it finishes before the other one does.And btw am I the only one that thinks ferrariafterdark is a genius? By splitting up the file into many parts, there's less chance of being stuck with no seeders for a big file, and all parts can be downloaded at once, which saves time spent waiting days for it to finish downloading
Tataen89 (2011-05-02)
Bylo problema s drugoj chsju igry,poprobuju skachat' kakoj to,igru hotel sygrat' dovno,no chto-to meshalo i do oshibki,igraju v pervoju poka kachaetsja ehta i vrode predrat'sja ne k chemu,vot toka ehta igra kachaet slishkom dolgo,uzhe kak dve nedeli,a adminy ne otvechajut,tak chto esli uvidite ehtot koment ehto ne spam prosto ja bol'shensvo russkij a ne amerikanec...rokstaGmatt (2011-05-07)
HELLLLP IM STUCK AT 94.6 i cant seed if there is no seed to finish i just need 1 more seed.copanu (2011-05-10)
Ferrariaftrdark (2011-05-11)
Holy crap! Thank you every one for seeding, last time I checked I had no seeders, so I started seeding like crazy, thanks everyone, I will seed the other version as well, but I deleted the split parts, because everyone was complaining about how many parts there were.Hevimetal8 (2011-05-13)
How the hell do i install and play??? please help :(Hevimetal8 (2011-05-14)
So can anyone help me?Knuttonj (2011-05-17)
How do you install/playplssssssssss help, because i'll seed if I get help
Hevimetal8 (2011-05-18)
Come on guys please help i seeded this torrent please help mehondacity2010 (2011-05-21)
ok, i downloaded the game and am seeding right now... how do i install and play the game exactly? i'm using windows 7 ultimatexd0g (2011-05-26)
u have to xplain how does it works..... u just putted the torrent and nothing.... the serial is no longer avaible undastand? and answer the questions.... i saw many questions and u didnt aswer them.... if u dont speak english get a translator....Ferrariaftrdark (2011-05-27)
Sorry everyone, I haven't been on the PC in a while, In the folder after you extract it, just double click, startup.exe It should pop up a window with several options, just click play Halo 2 for windows vista, it will then ask wether you want to play the trial, or use the full version, in which case, just type in the serial I gave you. Sorry for the inconvenience. If the serial is still giving you problems, I will get another one for you.Ferrariaftrdark (2011-05-27)
If you are having problems with the serialTry: 9BTG3-8FFTD-JBCP3-T4YRM-94RKH
If you are still having problems, I will get more.
Hevimetal8 (2011-05-29)
I can't run startup.exe because this error pops up:The procedure entry point CreateProcessWithTokenW could not be located in the dynamic link library ADVAPI32.dll.
What should i do?
gamerbeatsgamers (2011-05-29)
Anyone tried yet? work?ROYSTAGE (2011-05-30)
Hello everybody,I downloaded this torrent, but when I try to run Halo 2/Startup.exe, I"ll just get a blue screen. I"m trying this on windows 7 but I"ve read that it is possible to play Halo 2 on windows 7, anyone who could help me or knows the problem?
PyroPsychZach (2011-05-31)
When I try to mount the .ISO, I just get "The procedure entry point CreateProcessWithTokenW could not be located in the dynamic link library ADVAPI32.dll". Any way to fix this? I tried translating the instructions, but those require having the game installed, but the error prevents me from getting that far.arabroski (2011-06-01)
When I click the Launcher (With Master Cheif on it) I get an error message that says "The procedure entry point CreateProcessWithTokenW could not be located in the dynamic link library ADVAPI32.dll." What do I do to fix this?faizaan10 (2011-06-04)
does this work on WINDOWS 7 64 BIT?piratebatLOL (2011-06-07)
ETA 1 year.. nice. this torrent will take a long does this have a woking campaign and multiplayer?
Ferrariaftrdark (2011-06-07)
I have a windows 7 computer, the game installed and works, instead of using the iso, try to open up startup.exe, plus if it is giving you errors saying (whatever).dll, then it's probably because you don't have a specific .dll file installed on your computer, try going to,
just follow the instructions for any .dll files needed. I would have included that file, but for some reason I already had it. Yes this works for Windows 7, and yes it does have campaign, online doesn't work unless you get a different serial, for a new serial, try, and type into the search box, Halo 2.Ferrariaftrdark (2011-06-07)
Here are the instructions in EnglishInstallation (XP)
1) Copy to the hard drive folder "XP PATCH" (if it is run from the ISO / DVD does not work)
2) Go to start and then run.
3) Therefore, in consideration for the file "Loader.exe" (located inside the folder "XP PATCH" which should be copied onto your hard disk), followed by this to write down the address of the route where this startup . exe game
"C: \ XP PATCH \ Loader.exe" "D: \ startup.exe"
"C: \ XP PATCH \ Loader.exe" route where the "Loader.exe"
D: \ startup.exe: Path where the startup of the game (the drive letter may vary depending on each PC and its peripherals that contains)
4) Install the game using the Custom Install option.
5) Install XLiveRedist1.0.6027.msi and vcredist.msi from the \ redist (located within the ISO / DVD)
6) Copy the files: dwmapi.dll, mf.dll, Mfplat.dll in the directory where you installed HALO 2.
7) Finally, and was able to play Halo 2 on XP to run the game but always use the "LOADER.EXE" as performed in step 3 (but this time running the file "halo2.exe")
"C: \ XP PATCH \ Loader.exe" "C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Games \ Halo 2 \ halo2.exe"
Ferrariaftrdark (2011-06-07)
When I installed it though, I didn't have to go through all of that, all I did was click on startup.exe, and click customize game install, and type in the serial that I gave you, it went from being a trial (which it is, until you put the serial in) to being the whole game. Sorry for everyone that was having problems, I usually upload easier things to install. I hope one of these last 3 comments helps you get the game to work.piratebatLOL (2011-06-08)
i extracted. came with a million files. I dont have a CD for me to put this game into so that ISO thing sucks.. does this game need a CD? I wish not.. i downloaded Star wars Battlefront 2 that all i had to do was click install and it was done. this game.. has too many files. what do i do??piratebatLOL (2011-06-08)
Found out how.. i need a serial key!!!piratebatLOL (2011-06-08)
i wanna play on LIVE...hondacity2010 (2011-06-17)
alright, atlast, the game has been installed and working, but i am unable to activate the game due to bad serial number, does anyone have a crack? or a working serial number? everytime i enter the serial number, it says invalid code and need to activate. itried these serials: 9GB9H-XP7PK-RGYH8-Q9RWR-Y6BDT9BTG3-8FFTD-JBCP3-T4YRM-94RKH
they ain't working. the game needs to be activated online, which sucks
hondacity2010 (2011-06-17)
alright, finally i got it, here's what i did:after installing the game select activate later then run through the 1st mission and complete it. afterwards it will ask to enter the product key, all you have to do is quit the program then copy all files under the crack folder into the halo 2 folder in program files. rerun the program and no more issues. make sure your system is fully updated with all necessary windows updates.
i am running on windows 7 ultimate 32bit on an asus k42f laptop
TheOneWhoAskes (2011-06-18)
Everytime I start it up, the screen goes black and Im all like Yeah! time to own! but then an erro message pops saying i gotta reinstall the game to fix some goddamn problem. I already activated it and wsutff it still aint working.Diansonic (2011-06-28)
wait does this work on windows 7?Omar3rd (2011-07-08)
Whoa! A lot of seeders, downloading very fast :D hope the game works!bebsebap (2011-07-17)
@FerrariaftrdarkOk.. Why did you unpack the original iso, making it twice the size and then rar it?. Thats just dumb. This was a waste of time.. Anyways.. the game works, so thx for the UL i guess... But i would recommend that others who want this game, download this one:
direct play^^ no install
Ferrariaftrdark (2011-09-07)
Yeah that was kinda dumb. It was one of my first uploads though. Hey but at least if you end up with any currupted files, you can unrar it again.elenaismym8 (2011-09-13)
I instaled milion games but this one is a pain in the ass.... i have XP and it have Instructions for Xp BUT ITS ON SPANISH !!! so some1 pls,explain or translate cuz google translate is shit... how to make it run on Xp.. that thing with that loader.exe,pls explain me here,or I will give you msn or skype or something,just to solve this...elenaismym8 (2011-09-13)
ok,comment sound stupid,cuz i saw Ferraria comment but still I can't figure it out,what to do... that thing with run and letters of the drives and all that story in step 3 is kinda hard to understand...I trying some things but it goes to same error... pls explain that part ty very much :))))takashi8525 (2011-09-27)
hey man,this may be a little old but how come the local doesnt work???lolfake (2011-12-09)
Can you run this on windows 7?Ferrariaftrdark (2011-12-10)
You can run this on Windows 7, that is what I have.Ferrariaftrdark (2011-12-10)
@ Takashi8525 Did you activate the game, because after activation, you can play, the reason you can't play online is, they turned off the Halo 2 servers, I don't think that should interfere with local, but... it might also. I haven't played in a bit, I've been on Halo 1, and Halo on Xbox360.Ferrariaftrdark (2011-12-10)
@ lostsoul786 Yeah, that's what I was thinking, but I guess the general public shunned it or something. Lol.Gary92 (2012-01-06)
Thanks. The seeding is automatic in my torrent, buti don't know, this page look how much MB or GB uploaded ?
VoltZero (2012-03-17)
Will this be able to work on windows 7?VoltZero (2012-03-18)
When i start it up i get a white screen and it has an error saying "There is already a LIVE game running" and nothing seems to work i am running onWindows 7
64 bit
Sadun89 (2012-05-23)
I think this instruction in English. isn't it?TheSlayer150 (2012-06-21)
does this work for windows 7? on 64 bit?Bartmellow (2012-07-20)
I always get the message "live gaming on windows failed, bla bla bla", any ideas why?Phase30 (2013-11-01)
yo...i've tried more than 10 times now installing the game..i've followed every instruction but no hope..can someone help?Zeetrah (2013-11-27)
For anyone still wanting to get this to work, this is how I got it to work (Windows 7, 64 bit).1. Custom install it through the startup.exe (this will install the game, and just that).
2. Launch the game from where you just newly installed it.
-Do not active it, click active later.
3. Play through the first mission and quit the game.
4. Install the crack you were originally supplied with (Extract from "CRACK" into your installation directory).
5. Launch the game again, "Multiplayer" and Network" should be unlocked, as well as "Campaign".
I'm playing this with some friends of mine over Tunngle, brings back old memories.
eternal777 (2014-01-06)
FT4KP-HKDGD-JG4GY-Q9VWJ-QD6VT gfwl key to play online no xlive.dll neededyomamaisonfier (2014-09-27)
There is no "Create a local profile" in GfWL. Everyone keeps saying that, but there isn't.alad11 (2014-10-14)
@yomamaisonfier IDK what to tell you, because I literally just created a local profile in GFWL and am now playing.For everyone wondering, what rbriddickk84 said is correct and got me playing right away.
Steven972 (2014-10-14)
Hey guys the create offline profile thing is correct, but for me I had to press the HOME button to get to the screen.Files:
1. Halo.2.PC.rar 7148.28 Mb