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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (DS9) All Seasons DVDrip 576p 800kbps
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (DS9) Complete Eng/Ger 10 Subs
Video/TV shows
2010-06-18 (by instantzeug)
Deep Space Nine (1993-1999) is the third live-action TV series set in the Star Trek universe.
-- Source --
PAL DVD images
-- Video --
Format: H.264
Encoder: x264
Compression: 800 kbps two-pass
Dimensions: 576x688 to 576x720
Filters: Black bars on the left and right sides have been cropped
-- Audio --
Languages: en, de
Channels: Stereo
Format: Vorbis
Encoder: vorbis-tools
Compression: VBR -q2 (for most files this is around 85 kbps on average per language)
Filters: The volume has been normalized
-- Subtitles --
Languages (in the .mkv): en, de
Languages (in extra files): da, es, fr, it, nl, no, sv, en-deaf
Format: VobSub
After experimenting with different encoder settings, I found that a two-pass
encode with an average bitrate of 800kbps is optimal for this show. Lower
bitrates don't show enough detail for my taste, and higher bitrates do not
influence the quality enough to justify the file sizes. Keep in mind that the
video quality of this TV show is not too good. When you watch these files and
there is a scene where you think that the quality is bad, the DVD is probably
not much better.
The mkv files contain only English and German subtitles; I attached the
remaining ones as separate files and compressed them using 7zip. Knowing your
tools, you may either choose not to download the extra titles at all or
configure a movie player to show titles from extra files or remux the movies to
include other subtitles. If you do modify the mkv files, please keep the
original files for a while in order to seed them.
1x01-02 _ Emissary ______________________________________ Der Abgesandte
1x03 ____ Past Prologue _________________________________ Die Khon-Ma
1x04 ____ A Man Alone ___________________________________ Unter Verdacht
1x05 ____ Babel _________________________________________ Babel
1x06 ____ Captive Pursuit _______________________________ Tosk, der Gejagte
1x07 ____ Q-Less ________________________________________ Q - Unerwünscht
1x08 ____ Dax ___________________________________________ Der Fall Dax
1x09 ____ The Passenger _________________________________ Der Parasit
1x10 ____ Move Along Home _______________________________ Chula - Das Spiel
1x11 ____ The Nagus _____________________________________ Die Nachfolge
1x12 ____ Vortex ________________________________________ Der Steinwandler
1x13 ____ Battle Lines __________________________________ Die Prophezeiung
1x14 ____ The Storyteller _______________________________ Die Legende von Dal'Rok
1x15 ____ Progress ______________________________________ Mulliboks Mond
1x16 ____ If Wishes Were Horses _________________________ Macht der Phantasie
1x17 ____ The Forsaken __________________________________ Persönlichkeiten
1x18 ____ Dramatis Personae _____________________________ Meuterei
1x19 ____ Duet __________________________________________ Der undurchschaubare Marritza
1x20 ____ In the Hands of the Prophets __________________ Blasphemie
2x01 ____ The Homecoming ________________________________ Die Heimkehr
2x02 ____ The Circle ____________________________________ Der Kreis
2x03 ____ The Siege _____________________________________ Die Belagerung
2x04 ____ Invasive Procedures ___________________________ Der Symbiont
2x05 ____ Cardassians ___________________________________ Die Konspiration
2x06 ____ Melora ________________________________________ Das Melora-Problem
2x07 ____ Rules of Acquisition __________________________ Profit oder Partner
2x08 ____ Necessary Evil ________________________________ Die Ermittlung
2x09 ____ Second Sight __________________________________ Rätselhafte Fenna
2x10 ____ Sanctuary _____________________________________ Auge des Universums
2x11 ____ Rivals ________________________________________ Rivalen
2x12 ____ The Alternate _________________________________ Metamorphosen
2x13 ____ Armageddon Game _______________________________ Das Harvester-Desaster
2x14 ____ Whispers ______________________________________ O'Briens Identität
2x15 ____ Paradise ______________________________________ Das Paradiesexperiment
2x16 ____ Shadowplay ____________________________________ Die Illusion
2x17 ____ Playing God ___________________________________ Der Trill-Kandidat
2x18 ____ Profit and Loss _______________________________ Profit und Verlust
2x19 ____ Blood Oath ____________________________________ Der Blutschwur
2x20 ____ The Maquis, Part I ____________________________ Der Maquis, Teil I
2x21 ____ The Maquis, Part II ___________________________ Der Maquis, Teil II
2x22 ____ The Wire ______________________________________ Das Implantat
2x23 ____ Crossover _____________________________________ Die andere Seite
2x24 ____ The Collaborator ______________________________ Die Wahl des Kai
2x25 ____ Tribunal ______________________________________ Das Tribunal
2x26 ____ The Jem'Hadar _________________________________ Der Plan des Dominion
3x01 ____ The Search, Part I ____________________________ Die Suche, Teil I
3x02 ____ The Search, Part II ___________________________ Die Suche, Teil II
3x03 ____ The House of Quark ____________________________ Das Haus des Quark
3x04 ____ Equilibrium ___________________________________ Das Equilibrium
3x05 ____ Second Skin ___________________________________ Die zweite Haut
3x06 ____ The Abandoned _________________________________ Der Ausgesetzte
3x07 ____ Civil Defense _________________________________ In der Falle
3x08 ____ Meridian ______________________________________ Meridian
3x09 ____ Defiant _______________________________________ Defiant
3x10 ____ Fascination ___________________________________ Das Festival
3x11 ____ Past Tense, Part I ____________________________ Gefangen in der Vergangenheit, Teil I
3x12 ____ Past Tense, Part II ___________________________ Gefangen in der Vergangenheit, Teil II
3x13 ____ Life Support __________________________________ Der Funke des Lebens
3x14 ____ Heart of Stone ________________________________ Herz aus Stein
3x15 ____ Destiny _______________________________________ Trekors Prophezeiung
3x16 ____ Prophet Motive ________________________________ Das Motiv der Propheten
3x17 ____ Visionary _____________________________________ Der Visionär
3x18 ____ Distant Voices ________________________________ Ferne Stimmen
3x19 ____ Through the Looking Glass _____________________ Durch den Spiegel
3x20 ____ Improbable Cause ______________________________ Der geheimnisvolle Garak, Teil I
3x21 ____ The Die is Cast _______________________________ Der geheimnisvolle Garak, Teil II
3x22 ____ Explorers _____________________________________ Die Erforscher
3x23 ____ Family Business _______________________________ Familienangelegenheiten
3x24 ____ Shakaar _______________________________________ Shakaar
3x25 ____ Facets ________________________________________ Facetten
3x26 ____ The Adversary _________________________________ Der Widersacher
4x01-02 _ The Way of the Warrior ________________________ Der Weg des Kriegers
4x03 ____ The Visitor ___________________________________ Der Besuch
4x04 ____ Hippocratic Oath ______________________________ Der Hippokratische Eid
4x05 ____ Indiscretion __________________________________ Indiskretion
4x06 ____ Rejoined ______________________________________ Wiedervereinigt
4x07 ____ Starship Down _________________________________ Das Wagnis [4x08]
4x08 ____ Little Green Men ______________________________ Kleine, grüne Männchen [4x07]
4x09 ____ The Sword of Kahless __________________________ Das Schwert des Kahless
4x10 ____ Our Man Bashir ________________________________ Unser Mann Bashir
4x11 ____ Homefront _____________________________________ Die Front
4x12 ____ Paradise Lost _________________________________ Das verlorene Paradies
4x13 ____ Crossfire _____________________________________ Emotionen
4x14 ____ Return to Grace _______________________________ Zu neuer Würde
4x15 ____ Sons of Mogh __________________________________ Die Söhne von Mogh
4x16 ____ Bar Association _______________________________ Der Streik
4x17 ____ Accession _____________________________________ Die Ãœbernahme
4x18 ____ Rules of Engagement ___________________________ Das Gefecht
4x19 ____ Hard Time _____________________________________ Strafzyklen
4x20 ____ Shattered Mirror ______________________________ Der zerbrochene Spiegel
4x21 ____ The Muse ______________________________________ Die Muse
4x22 ____ For the Cause _________________________________ In eigener Sache
4x23 ____ To the Death __________________________________ Die Abtrünnigen
4x24 ____ The Quickening ________________________________ Hoffnung
4x25 ____ Body Parts ____________________________________ Quarks Schicksal
4x26 ____ Broken Link ___________________________________ Das Urteil
5x01 ____ Apocalypse Rising _____________________________ Die Apokalypse droht
5x02 ____ The Ship ______________________________________ Das Schiff
5x03 ____ Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places __ Gefährliche Liebschaften
5x04 ____ Nor the Battle to the Strong __________________ Die Schlacht um Ajilon Prime
5x05 ____ The Assignment ________________________________ Die Erpressung
5x06 ____ Trials and Tribble-ations _____________________ Immer die Last mit den Tribbles
5x07 ____ Let He Who Is Without Sin... __________________ Die Reise nach Risa
5x08 ____ Things Past ___________________________________ Die Schuld
5x09 ____ The Ascent ____________________________________ Der Aufstieg
5x10 ____ Rapture _______________________________________ Heilige Visionen
5x11 ____ The Darkness and the Light ____________________ Dunkelheit und Licht
5x12 ____ The Begotten __________________________________ Das Baby
5x13 ____ For the Uniform _______________________________ Für die Uniform
5x14 ____ In Purgatory's Shadow _________________________ Die Schatten der Hölle
5x15 ____ By Inferno's Light ____________________________ Im Lichte des Infernos
5x16 ____ Doctor Bashir, I Presume ______________________ Dr. Bashirs Geheimnis
5x17 ____ A Simple Investigation ________________________ Der Datenkristall
5x18 ____ Business as Usual _____________________________ Kriegsgeschäfte
5x19 ____ Ties of Blood and Water _______________________ Die Ãœberwindung
5x20 ____ Ferengi Love Songs ____________________________ Liebe und Profit
5x21 ____ Soldiers of the Empire ________________________ Martoks Ehre
5x22 ____ Children of Time ______________________________ Kinder der Zeit
5x23 ____ Blaze of Glory ________________________________ Glanz des Ruhms
5x24 ____ Empok Nor _____________________________________ Empok Nor
5x25 ____ In the Cards __________________________________ Die Karte
5x26 ____ Call to Arms __________________________________ Zu den Waffen!
6x01 ____ A Time to Stand _______________________________ Zeit des Widerstands
6x02 ____ Rocks and Shoals ______________________________ Entscheidungen
6x03 ____ Sons and Daughters ____________________________ Söhne und Töchter
6x04 ____ Behind the Lines ______________________________ Hinter der Linie
6x05 ____ Favor the Bold ________________________________ Ein kühner Plan
6x06 ____ Sacrifice of Angels ___________________________ Sieg oder Niederlage
6x07 ____ You Are Cordially Invited _____________________ Klingonische Tradition
6x08 ____ Resurrection __________________________________ Erkenntnis
6x09 ____ Statistical Probabilities _____________________ Statistische Wahrscheinlichkeiten
6x10 ____ The Magnificent Ferengi _______________________ Der glorreiche Ferengi
6x11 ____ Waltz _________________________________________ Das Gute und das Böse
6x12 ____ Who Mourns for Morn? __________________________ Wer trauert um Morn?
6x13 ____ Far Beyond the Stars __________________________ Jenseits der Sterne
6x14 ____ One Little Ship _______________________________ Das winzige Raumschiff
6x15 ____ Honor Among Thieves ___________________________ Ehre unter Dieben
6x16 ____ Change of Heart _______________________________ Wandel des Herzens
6x17 ____ Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night _____________ Tiefes Unrecht
6x18 ____ Inquisition ___________________________________ Inquisition
6x19 ____ In the Pale Moonlight _________________________ In fahlem Mondlicht
6x20 ____ His Way _______________________________________ Auf seine Art
6x21 ____ The Reckoning _________________________________ Zeit der Abrechnung
6x22 ____ Valiant _______________________________________ Valiant
6x23 ____ Profit and Lace _______________________________ Die Beraterin
6x24 ____ Time's Orphan _________________________________ Das Zeitportal
6x25 ____ The Sound of Her Voice ________________________ Der Klang ihrer Stimme
6x26 ____ Tears of the Prophets _________________________ Tränen der Propheten
7x01 ____ Image in the Sand _____________________________ Das Gesicht im Sand
7x02 ____ Shadows and Symbols ___________________________ Schatten und Symbole
7x03 ____ Afterimage ____________________________________ Nachempfindung
7x04 ____ Take Me Out to the Holosuite __________________ Wettkampf in der Holosuite
7x05 ____ Chrysalis _____________________________________ Sarina
7x06 ____ Treachery, Faith and the Great River __________ Verrat, Glaube und gewaltiger Fluß
7x07 ____ Once More Unto the Breach _____________________ Der Dahar-Meister
7x08 ____ The Siege of AR-558 ___________________________ Die Belagerung von AR-558
7x09 ____ Covenant ______________________________________ Entscheidung auf Empok Nor
7x10 ____ It's Only a Paper Moon ________________________ Leben in der Holosuite
7x11 ____ Prodigal Daughter _____________________________ Die verlorene Tochter
7x12 ____ The Emperor's New Cloak _______________________ Die Tarnvorrichtung
7x13 ____ Field of Fire _________________________________ Freies Schußfeld
7x14 ____ Chimera _______________________________________ Hirngespinst
7x15 ____ Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang ________________________ Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang
7x16 ____ Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges __________________ Unter den Waffen schweigen die Gesetze
7x17 ____ Penumbra ______________________________________ Im Ungewissen
7x18 ____ 'Til Death Do Us Part _________________________ Bis daß der Tod uns scheide
7x19 ____ Strange Bedfellows ____________________________ Eine sonderbare Kombination
7x20 ____ The Changing Face of Evil _____________________ Im Angesicht des Bösen
7x21 ____ When It Rains... ______________________________ Ein Unglück kommt selten allein
7x22 ____ Tacking Into the Wind _________________________ Kampf mit allen Mitteln
7x23 ____ Extreme Measures ______________________________ Extreme Maßnahmen
7x24 ____ The Dogs of War _______________________________ In den Wirren des Krieges
7x25-26 _ What You Leave Behind _________________________ Das, was du zurückläßt
Files count:
54028.22 Mb
Ooinn (2010-06-18)
wtb: seeders :(familydollar (2010-07-18)
So few seeder, so many LEECHES! I finished downloading, the quality is pretty good, IMO...I'll try as much as possible to give back what I got.
The seeders that are seeding are commendable for their hard work.
badenser (2010-09-13)
Thx a lotandisec83 (2011-07-05)
thanks to all seeders!!!! I´ve got 10 %so please dont stop :)
many thanx to instantzeug :):)
jupp_gc (2012-03-12)
please seed, i will run a 3 TB Star Trek sSeed Server
instantzeug (2012-05-05)
jupp_gc, this is so cool, thank you! I am doing the best I can to keep my torrents running, still my resources are limited.Coldethel (2013-02-09)
Oh puleeze. I am at 91.8% Can we please seed this baby?Coldethel (2013-02-10)
OK got it all. Thanks for seeding :)bottleoff (2013-08-14)
Episode 6x15 is the wrong episode, It's Episode 3x01 again.Can someone upload 6x15 again (pls german dubbed)
bottleoff (2013-08-14)
Episode 6x15 isn't there, but instead of this, there is 3x01Could Someone please upload episode 6x15 (german dubbed)