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Books of Magic: prequel 1-4, #1-#75, Annuals, Names of Magic, Ag






Books of Magic: prequel 1-4, #1-#75, Annuals, Names of Magic, Ag




2005-03-08 (by Spanko)


I min åsikt världens bästa serie, särskilt "huvudserien" om 75 nummer.

DC Vertigo. Av Neil Gaiman, John Ney Reiber, Peter Gross m.fl. Hoplänkad med bland annat Sandman och Hellblazer.

Använd CDisplay för att läsa. CBR är omdöpta RAR-filer; CBZ är omdöpta ZIP-filer.

"In The Books of Magic, a teenager is visited by four mysterious strangers, who tell him that he has the potential to become the world's greatest magician, and offer him a guided tour of the mystical parts of the DC Universe." (Om de 4 "prequel"-böckerna)

En textfil med rekommenderad läsordning ingår.

Files count:



1380.01 Mb




schizimo (2005-03-09)

seriöst? hur kan man tycka Books of magic är bra? det sämsta vertigo någonsin gett ut skulle jag kalla det, usch, eller dom 4 första är otroligt bra, men resten alltså, usch usch usch

Spanko (2005-03-09)

Jag tycker de 4 första är jättetråkiga. Vi har väl olika smak, helt enkelt.

brighteye (2005-03-09)

kanske inget jag skulle springa ned dörrarna på den lokala serietidnings försäljaren för, men att tanka hem så här, ja då kanske man skulle ta sig en titt.
Tackar för upplägget, du gör seriemediet en tjänst ;)

klunden (2005-03-29)

Har läst ett antal nummer in, enligt serieordningen och jag måste säga att det här är riktigt bra. Inte lika bra som renodlade Hellblazer eller Sandman kanske, men i så fall inte långt från. Stundtals rörigt, men rikt.
Om någon har torrents liknande den här för Hellblazer förresten... vore riktigt schysst! Alla borde få chansen att läsa hur storyn egentligen utspelar sig istället för det hopplösa hopmanglandet av storyn från dryga 30 olika nummer i filmen...

xavier103x (2005-04-27)

Can someone seed this for a bit longer, maybe for 48 more hours? I have 99 percent of it. Thanks.

beanieplatypus (2006-10-06)

Someone! Please! Just reseed it for a while, please!

dawning_mind (2008-11-20)

please seed!!!
it would reeally be much appreciated!!!

dawning_mind (2008-11-30)

I've just finished downloading it!!!
thanks to everyone who ever seeded!!!
May Auberon smile upon your lives and Titania leave you alone!!!!


1. Books of Magic/Annuals/Books of Magic Annual #01 - 1997.cbz 11.32 Mb
2. Books of Magic/Annuals/Books of Magic Annual #02 - 1998.cbz 10.45 Mb
3. Books of Magic/Annuals/Books of Magic Annual #03 - 1999.cbz 10.59 Mb
4. Books of Magic/Books of Faerie/Auberon's Tale/The Books of Faerie - Auberon's Tale #1.cbr 8.33 Mb
5. Books of Magic/Books of Faerie/Auberon's Tale/The Books of Faerie - Auberon's Tale #2.cbr 8.01 Mb
6. Books of Magic/Books of Faerie/Auberon's Tale/The Books of Faerie - Auberon's Tale #3.cbr 8.08 Mb
7. Books of Magic/Books of Faerie/Molly's Story (1999)/#01Sep-99 Twilight.cbz 6.39 Mb
8. Books of Magic/Books of Faerie/Molly's Story (1999)/#02Okt-99 Iron and Thorn.cbz 6.40 Mb
9. Books of Magic/Books of Faerie/Molly's Story (1999)/#03Nov-99 Tearing Off Their Wings.cbr 7.00 Mb
10. Books of Magic/Books of Faerie/Molly's Story (1999)/#04Dec-99 The Importance of Being Evil.cbr 7.79 Mb
11. Books of Magic/Books of Faerie/The Books of Faerie I - The Foundling's Tale.cbz 9.72 Mb
12. Books of Magic/Books of Faerie/The Books of Faerie II - The Widow's Tale.cbz 9.64 Mb
13. Books of Magic/Books of Faerie/The Books of Faerie III - The Bastard's Tale.cbz 9.02 Mb
14. Books of Magic/Hellblazer - Books of Magic/Hellblazer - The Books of Magic #01.cbz 8.48 Mb
15. Books of Magic/Hellblazer - Books of Magic/Hellblazer - The Books of Magic #02.cbr 8.32 Mb
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17. Books of Magic/Hellblazer - The Trenchcoat Brigade/The Trenchcoat Brigade 02 of 04.cbr 13.38 Mb
18. Books of Magic/Hellblazer - The Trenchcoat Brigade/The Trenchcoat Brigade 03 of 04.cbr 13.06 Mb
19. Books of Magic/Hellblazer - The Trenchcoat Brigade/The Trenchcoat Brigade 04 of 04.cbr 14.14 Mb
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23. Books of Magic/Hunter - The Age of Magic/Hunter - The Age Of Magic #05.cbr 4.11 Mb
24. Books of Magic/Hunter - The Age of Magic/Hunter - The Age Of Magic #06.cbr 6.36 Mb
25. Books of Magic/Hunter - The Age of Magic/Hunter - The Age Of Magic #07.cbr 7.86 Mb
26. Books of Magic/Hunter - The Age of Magic/Hunter - The Age Of Magic #08.cbr 9.37 Mb
27. Books of Magic/Hunter - The Age of Magic/Hunter - The Age Of Magic #10.cbr 9.58 Mb
28. Books of Magic/Hunter - The Age of Magic/Hunter - The Age Of Magic #11.cbr 8.89 Mb
29. Books of Magic/Hunter - The Age of Magic/Hunter - The Age Of Magic #12.cbr 11.05 Mb
30. Books of Magic/Hunter - The Age of Magic/Hunter - The Age Of Magic #13.cbr 12.22 Mb
31. Books of Magic/Hunter - The Age of Magic/Hunter - The Age Of Magic #14.cbr 11.32 Mb
32. Books of Magic/Hunter - The Age of Magic/Hunter - The Age Of Magic #15.cbr 7.67 Mb
33. Books of Magic/Hunter - The Age of Magic/Hunter - The Age Of Magic #16.cbz 10.64 Mb
34. Books of Magic/Hunter - The Age of Magic/Hunter - The Age Of Magic #17.cbr 7.68 Mb
35. Books of Magic/Hunter - The Age of Magic/Hunter - The Age Of Magic #18.cbr 7.56 Mb
36. Books of Magic/Hunter - The Age of Magic/Hunter - The Age Of Magic #19.cbr 7.43 Mb
37. Books of Magic/Hunter - The Age of Magic/Hunter - The Age Of Magic #20.cbr 7.67 Mb
38. Books of Magic/Hunter - The Age of Magic/Hunter - The Age Of Magic #21.cbr 7.58 Mb
39. Books of Magic/Hunter - The Age of Magic/Hunter - The Age Of Magic #22.cbr 7.40 Mb
40. Books of Magic/Hunter - The Age of Magic/Hunter - The Age Of Magic #23.cbr 8.15 Mb
41. Books of Magic/Hunter - The Age of Magic/Hunter - The Age Of Magic #24.cbr 7.46 Mb
42. Books of Magic/Hunter - The Age of Magic/Hunter - The Age Of Magic #25.cbr 7.47 Mb
43. Books of Magic/Hunter - The Age of Magic/Hunter - The Age of Magic #04.cbr 4.81 Mb
44. Books of Magic/Hunter - The Age of Magic/Hunter - The Age of Magic #09.cbr 9.71 Mb
45. Books of Magic/Mister E/Mister E #1.cbr 5.49 Mb
46. Books of Magic/Mister E/Mister E #2.cbr 5.62 Mb
47. Books of Magic/Mister E/Mister E #3.cbr 5.92 Mb
48. Books of Magic/Mister E/Mister E #4.cbr 5.91 Mb
49. Books of Magic/Prequel series/The Books of Magic #1.cbr 11.97 Mb
50. Books of Magic/Prequel series/The Books of Magic #2.cbr 10.21 Mb
51. Books of Magic/Prequel series/The Books of Magic #3.cbr 11.20 Mb
52. Books of Magic/Prequel series/The Books of Magic #4 - The Road to Nowhere.cbr 25.30 Mb
53. Books of Magic/The Names of Magic/Names of Magic 01.cbz 6.00 Mb
54. Books of Magic/The Names of Magic/Names of Magic 02.cbz 7.62 Mb
55. Books of Magic/The Names of Magic/Names of Magic 03.cbz 7.37 Mb
56. Books of Magic/The Names of Magic/Names of Magic 04.cbz 7.12 Mb
57. Books of Magic/The Names of Magic/Names of Magic 05.cbr 12.12 Mb
58. Books of Magic/! Reading order.txt 2.38 Kb
59. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #001.cbr 13.78 Mb
60. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #002.cbr 12.06 Mb
61. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #003.cbr 14.21 Mb
62. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #004.cbr 12.69 Mb
63. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #005.cbr 10.67 Mb
64. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #006.cbr 11.66 Mb
65. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #007.cbr 11.82 Mb
66. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #008.0.cbr 11.63 Mb
67. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #008.5.cbr 3.01 Mb
68. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #009.cbr 11.93 Mb
69. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #010.cbr 12.07 Mb
70. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #011.cbr 12.06 Mb
71. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #012.cbr 10.49 Mb
72. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #013.cbr 11.48 Mb
73. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #014.cbr 12.83 Mb
74. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #015.cbr 12.57 Mb
75. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #016.cbr 12.50 Mb
76. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #017.cbr 11.68 Mb
77. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #018.cbr 14.33 Mb
78. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #019.cbr 13.28 Mb
79. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #020.cbr 13.48 Mb
80. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #021.cbr 14.28 Mb
81. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #022.cbr 13.35 Mb
82. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #023.cbr 13.27 Mb
83. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #024.cbr 12.05 Mb
84. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #025.cbr 13.04 Mb
85. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #026.cbr 12.74 Mb
86. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #027.cbz 12.83 Mb
87. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #028.cbz 14.31 Mb
88. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #029.cbr 14.57 Mb
89. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #030.cbr 13.01 Mb
90. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #031.cbr 12.19 Mb
91. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #032.cbr 12.13 Mb
92. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #033.cbr 12.19 Mb
93. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #034.cbz 12.48 Mb
94. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #035.cbr 13.80 Mb
95. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #036.cbr 12.73 Mb
96. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #037.cbz 12.75 Mb
97. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #038.cbz 13.57 Mb
98. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #039.cbr 14.77 Mb
99. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #040.cbr 13.29 Mb
100. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #041.cbr 14.05 Mb
101. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #042.cbr 14.04 Mb
102. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #043.cbr 14.46 Mb
103. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #044.cbz 14.55 Mb
104. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #045.cbr 12.84 Mb
105. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #046.cbz 13.52 Mb
106. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #047.cbr 13.56 Mb
107. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #048.cbr 14.70 Mb
108. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #049.cbr 14.86 Mb
109. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #050.cbr 16.11 Mb
110. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #051.cbz 10.38 Mb
111. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #052.cbz 10.14 Mb
112. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #053.cbz 10.92 Mb
113. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #054.cbz 9.35 Mb
114. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #055.cbz 8.12 Mb
115. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #056.cbz 7.30 Mb
116. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #057.cbz 7.03 Mb
117. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #058.cbz 7.04 Mb
118. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #059.cbz 6.15 Mb
119. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #060.cbz 6.25 Mb
120. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #061.cbz 5.91 Mb
121. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #062.cbz 6.08 Mb
122. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #063.cbz 10.51 Mb
123. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #064.cbz 14.02 Mb
124. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #065.cbz 12.46 Mb
125. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #066.cbz 13.47 Mb
126. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #067.cbz 13.79 Mb
127. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #068.cbz 11.70 Mb
128. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #069.cbz 12.10 Mb
129. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #070.cbz 5.38 Mb
130. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #071.cbz 6.23 Mb
131. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #072.cbz 5.95 Mb
132. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #073.cbz 5.66 Mb
133. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #074.cbz 6.24 Mb
134. Books of Magic/Books of Magic #075 - The Closing (3 of 3) - Inner Child.cbz 6.09 Mb