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MAC OS X 10.6.3 Intel Snow Leopard RETAIL.dmg






MAC OS X 10.6.3 Intel Snow Leopard RETAIL.dmg




2011-01-16 (by PirateJFK)


MAC OS X 10.6.3 Intel Snow Leopard RETAIL.dmg -For use to reinstall your INTEL macs operating system -This is a clean rip using disk utility (untouched) -Only for INTEL Processors! This works for any Intel laptops or desktops(app!e branded) -This is the exact same as if you were to walk into the Appl!e store and buy Snow Leopard on DVD off the shelf -Yes it is okay to update, register, and even show Steve Jobs your mac. -There is no crack or serial AS NONE ARE NEEDED!!!!!, all core App!e software never require it. Instructions: Burn to a DUAL LAYER DVD using a Mac with disk utility!! (to boot hold "C" as soon as computer is turned on with DVD already in) or Restore the .dmg to a usb flash drive 8GB or Bigger. (to boot from hold "option" key as soon as computer is turned on with flash drive already in, then select the flash drive) or go to U tube to learn how to install. comments/questions list below As always from PirateJFK Clean, easy, NO RAR, NO ZIP, NO .TXT, Just ".dmg"!!!


  1. mac
  2. macosx
  3. retail
  4. intel
  5. snow
  6. leopard
  7. snowleopard
  8. 10.6
  9. piratejfk
  10. jfk
  11. pirate
  12. macos
  13. restore
  14. disc
  15. disk
  16. recovery
  17. apple
  18. macbook
  19. pro
  20. book
  21. clean
  22. install
  23. oem

Files count:



5826.00 Mb




B1GGul (2011-01-16)

Downloading now about 180 kbps..

macifierad (2011-01-17)

Quite confused. If Im running OS 10.5 and want to upgrade to leopard. Du I just run the dmg or do I have to burn it down to a DVD.. And then WHAT?

PirateJFK (2011-01-17)

First of all
You are already running Leopard which is 10.5
If you want to upgrade to Snow Leopard 10.6 which this is, you need to burn it to a DUAL LAYER DVD.
You can try but it will most likely need to not be mounted from the hard drive its being installed on.
Just buy a DL DVD and be done.
after it's burned (using disk utility)
Since you want to upgrade just double click the DVD from your desktop then a window will pop-up and say "Install Mac OS X" click it and follow the steps, it's very simple..

PirateJFK (2011-01-17)

Oh and if your going to ask all programs and files will remain the same.

elex123 (2011-01-19)

i want to try mac os on my desktop pc will this work on it?my desktop configuration is:
moterboard:asus P5QPL-AM
ONBOARD graphics:256mb
320gb HDD
reply soooooon i want to try this whole mac thing i am running win7 ultimate rigt now
reply soon uploader.

elex123 (2011-01-19)

ya and one more thing my BIOS is American Megatrends Inc. and i dont know the version of it
and does using mac os on my desktop cause any harm to my pc

qwlk (2011-01-20)

I DLed your other one that was meant to be used for 15-17 inch MBPro, and tried to install on my 13 inch 2008 MB. It wouldn't install, will this one install?

aaronj69 (2011-01-20)

So this is better then the old one?
because I couldn't burn on DVD DL the old one. It showed me some errors.

DocRockIt (2011-01-20)

Downloaded this Torrent, burnt the image via DiscUtil. (2,4x on Verbatim DVD+R DL), installed on 10.5.8 to 10.6.3, upgraded to 10.6.6, worked perfect on my MBP (late 2007, Intel C2D).
Thanks a lot! Great Torrent!

DocRockIt (2011-01-20)

Downl. this Torrent, burnt via DiscUtil. (2,4x on Verbatim DVD+R DL) installed on 10.5.8 to 10.6.3, upgraded to 10.6.6, worked perfect on my MBP 17" (late 2007, Intel C2D).
Thanks a lot! Great Torrent!

PirateJFK (2011-01-22)

@ elex123.
This is for App!e Branded products.
For that you need hackintosh not this.
heres the link
please read the notes before asking questions

PirateJFK (2011-01-22)

yes this will work, that's why i uploaded this RETAIL rip instead, because the other one was ripped from recovery discs that came with that computer.
This retail disc is universal for every intel mac laptop or desktop..
This can be used to install mac os x to a brand new hdd or take an existing system say 10.5.8 and update it to 10.6.6 or what ever is the highest 10.6.X at the time.
again please read the notes

PirateJFK (2011-01-22)

@aaronj69 yes this is better than the old one as the old one required the specific hardware, this one does not. works on any intel app!e machine laptop or desktop

PirateJFK (2011-01-22)

thank you for having a brain

mekate (2011-01-23)

hey! i downloaded the file, everything worked fine and fast! with disk utility i restored the file on an usb stick. when i restart and hold option key, it shows the option to boot from it, i select the flash drive and: first it shows the white screen with an apple logo but thereafter the apple changes into a 'do not enter' sign? and nothing happens thereafter, anybody knows what could be wrong?

PirateJFK (2011-01-24)

@ mekate what's your processor brand? powerpc or intel?

mekate (2011-01-25)

its an intel,
you think i should download a different version?

PirateJFK (2011-01-26)

@ mekate
no this should work, burn on a dual layer dvd.
that will for sure work

cabby007 (2011-01-28)

Hi,im trying to make my dell pc boot from win7 and mac os x, would this torrent help me ??

cabby007 (2011-01-28)

Hi i'm trying to make my dell laptop boot from windows and mac os x would this torrent help me ??

PirateJFK (2011-01-28)

@ cabby007
no you need to get
not a regular app!e release
go to

malokolo (2011-01-30)

hi i am trying to repaire mac, i tried to burn the image in pc after changing it to iso using ultraiso but it is not working ;it gave error message at 50%;any help

malokolo (2011-01-30)

i am repairing mac,i tried to burn the image from pc after changing it to iso using ultraiso,it gave error at 50%,any help

man-wild (2011-02-01)

You should install this using an iPod or an external harddrive. It is much faster. Instructions can be found at C4M:

Vesko7 (2011-02-02)

What is different from: - 7.54 GiB - 6.43 GiB
This torrent well only 5.69 GiB
My Mac is MacBOOK Pro 5.3 / 15 inch 2.66GHz Late 2009 /

elimacguy1208 (2011-02-03)

i downloaded the software and tried to open itself on the computer without burning and when i restart my computer it does not go to the installer what do i do

jerico2508 (2011-02-04)

does anyone have done a clean-erase & install option using this snow leopard retail version? planning to format my MBPro 15in. late 2008(10.5.8) and want a clean install...

PirateJFK (2011-02-06)

you need to use a mac to burn the image.
if your trying with the pc your wasting your time.

PirateJFK (2011-02-06)

@ vesko7
the first torrent is just retarded, and should only be 5.69GB
the second one is my first SL upload, but was ripped from the apple restore disc that it came with...not a retail disc (which means it only works on a few computers)
this is a retail copy, and will work on any apple product with an intel chip

PirateJFK (2011-02-06)

you can't mount it on your current os and restart and expect it to boot from it..
you need to burn it to a disc..
when you burn it to a disc and click on it
you are simply telling mac to restart and boot from the disc.
(it's really just restarting and telling "startup disk" to boot from the optical drive @ next boot.)

PirateJFK (2011-02-06)

@ jerico2508
I have.. ha
that's why i uploaded this
I verify functionality before hand..

0r30 (2011-02-08)

Hey JFK, do you know if this will work on a Macbook 2009 its 8months old, The HD is blank on the laptop . I have booted from the DVD with this copy but keep getting an error while install then a Fail ..
any help would be appreciated.

jerico2508 (2011-02-09)

hi JFK, thanks for the comment, currently downloading... one last thing, is this includes bootcamp drivers for windows?

AcuariuZ (2011-02-09)

contains the Spanish language?

PROTEOUS1 (2011-02-13)

TYPE iATKOS in the Pirate Search
Search All without checking any specific

You'll find one by Anonymous and one by PROTEOUS1
They are the same. Its a Hybrid disk (32/64bit) that burns to a single DVD, with Magic ISO or ULTRA ISO.
It is absolutly 100% Snow Leopard FOR PC's not just Intel Mac's !
Read the former comments and use the info and any links provided if necessary. Yes it updates and everything works perfect even on my old ASUS COMMANDO with a PENTIUM 4 EM64T QUICK AS A BUNNY!!!!

jConstantine (2011-02-14)

I've downloaded this and burned it to a DL disc.
When I try to start the installation it starts by telling me I need to restart the computer. So I press the button on the installer to do so. But when the computer starts up again nothing is happening. I've tried with holding the "option" key down and also the "C" key but nothing works?
I need to get this working since I have tiger right now and my Iphone wont work with it.
Help plz!

dparr1 (2011-02-14)

Cheers M8... I downloaded and followed PirateJFK's instructions... Works perfectly!!! Thank you

PirateJFK (2011-02-17)

@ 0r30
Yes this will work for your macbook
try burning at a slower rate like 4x vs 8x or whatever ur burning at now.
and make sure your using a mac to burn the dmg
dont try and convert it to iso and burn with a pc.
or you could use a mac to restore the image to an 8gb flash drive and boot from it with "option" key.

PirateJFK (2011-02-17)

more @ 0r30
and make sure you go to disk utility when booted from the disc and format the drive there, and then proceed to install.

PirateJFK (2011-02-17)

@ jerico2508
yes the boot camp drivers are on the disc.
and if you want a clean install run disk utility under "utlities" menu and format before install.

PirateJFK (2011-02-17)

@ AcuariuZ
si esto tiene espanol, frances, china, y todo. despues lo instalaste cliq espanol al primero menu. es muy facil.

PirateJFK (2011-02-17)

@ jConstantine
try reburning at a slower rate like 4x
and make sure that right after you push the power button you are holding "c" down. it will take a while maybe even two minutes or longer. it doesnt seem like it's loading but it is.
or you could go to system preferences>startup disk and select the disk and then restart and it will automatically boot from it.
if all else fails your dvd drive could be going and you could pick up an 8gb flash drive and use disk utility to restore the image to it and then boot from it using "option" key. like i said don't expect it to start booting from it in 20 secs. it'll be a while just wait!
Good Luck

PirateJFK (2011-02-17)

@ dparr1
thumbs up.

swabibek (2011-02-25)

fck seed mikesssss
plz fkin seeddddd

Zeptinune (2011-02-25)

I'm about to try this on my Acer Travelmate 5740. We'll see how it goes. After I update my mobo though from the Integrated Intel Chip I'll have to do it again probably. But I need to work a dual Win7 + Mac OS X installation out anyway. So this will be good practice for me.
As for the fuckwit who is telling everyone that they cant install this onto a PC he can go fuck himself. and Lifehacker and Tonymac86x all require you to use a LEGITIMATE Leopard Install DVD (Which this is) to make your Hackintosh. Only a wanker would use an iATKOS install... The best Hackintosh Distro is NO Distro.. use the legit CD and get all the benefits, then just work yourself out with Kexts.
Go to to start and then follow the guide on the top front page by Tonymac. Install OS X first and then Windows 7. You'll have to start from a blank drive though so don't be a pussy. Back your shit up and then try this.
If you can't work it out even after that then you don't deserve to run Mac OS. This isn't a game noobs, be happy with your nooby little PC's. Leave this to the big boys.

krizzlec (2011-03-04)

I realize that backing up is recommended but will I lose all my existing data if I install this or can I simply upgrade my 10.5.8 to Snow Leopard?
Please let me know. Thanks!

krizzlec (2011-03-04)

Also Im getting great download speeds!!! Over 1mb per minute! Thanks again!

krizzlec (2011-03-04)

Sorry just found answer to my question! Thanks again!!!!

krakkajax (2011-03-07)

Thank you very much PIRATEJFK!!!!. Works just fine.
For all the losers capping their speeds, You SUCK! For the few that don't...Thank You!

biotats (2011-03-08)

Please Seed

biotats (2011-03-08)

thx @ 256 Kb/s

Century7 (2011-03-09)

I'm a noob, when it comes to this, but does anyone know if there is a way to install without a disk? My disk drive, is a little screwed up. It doesn't work anymore.

biotats (2011-03-10)

Works as advertised.

Jonathanneke753 (2011-03-10)

This is retail so iLife should be on it? Anywayzz, I don't care c:
I'll download and seed for as long as I can ;p

BrIsHtI (2011-03-12)

Clean, easy, NO RAR, NO ZIP, NO .TXT, Just ".FUCK"!!!

BrIsHtI (2011-03-12)


ben.banks (2011-03-12)

I burned the torrent to DL DVD but when I try and boot as instructed, nada...Any ideas?
OSX 10.5.8

N0rs3 (2011-03-13)

Thanx for a great up Mr.Pirate!
Is it possible to dl this os to a pc w win7, copy it to a 8gb, (or bigger), flash drive, copy from flash to mac 21.5 and then restore the image back to flash drive and boot from it with "option" key?
Is this doable? (Got no cd burning options.)

PirateJFK (2011-03-15)

@ biotats
Restore the .dmg to a usb flash drive 8GB or Bigger. (to boot from hold "option" key as soon as computer is turned on with flash drive already in, then select the flash drive)

PirateJFK (2011-03-15)

i mean @Century7
Restore the .dmg to a usb flash drive 8GB or Bigger. (to boot from hold "option" key as soon as computer is turned on with flash drive already in, then select the flash drive)

PirateJFK (2011-03-15)

iLife 11 is not included
but heres a link

PirateJFK (2011-03-15)

@ ben.banks
try burning slower like 2x
or restore to .dmg to flash drive
i always find that the flash drive method works better.

PirateJFK (2011-03-15)

YES it will!!!!
you explained that perfect.

PirateJFK (2011-03-15)

i'm averaging at 140KBPS

TheGregoryPro (2011-03-20)

use a usb flash drive read the description

amax9 (2011-03-22)

I wish all those 837 BLOODSUCKERS keep seeding. I'm downloading @ 24k. Hunf, 128 leechers my ass!

psdie (2011-03-29)

Can I get a quick step by step on how to boot from a USB drive?

PirateJFK (2011-03-31)

@ psdie
^ haha
1. grab a 8gb or bigger flash drive
2. plug it in and open "disk utility"
3. on the left hand side it will list the drive like this
8.0GB Flash Drive

PirateJFK (2011-03-31)

last comment posted incorrectly

djmotown (2011-04-02)

PirateJFK , when i install from usb, and then agree to the terms and click install...will it erase my HDD files? how can i install without removing them?

djmotown (2011-04-02)

when i hit agree to the terms and then install from usb boot, will it erase my hard rive? is there any way how could i install with keeping all my files?

djmotown (2011-04-02)

btw, im on 10.5.8. OS X

RamGuy (2011-05-05)

Will this work on my MacBook Pro 17" 2010 model with Intel Core i5?
My restore disc went faulty several months ago and I've tried downloding several Mac OS X Snow Leopard images, everything from 10.6 to 10.6.3 etc.. But none will boot on my MacBook Pro 17" 2010 model as I need a revision that got the suited driver which none seem to have.
Only solution is to get a new one for a silly fee from Apple which I didn't want to pay for so I'm stuck running Windows7 on my MacBook Pro 17" 2010 model until I find something that actually works. Not even the torrent with the restore DVD for MacBook Pro 13" 2011 models works..

yamaxxx (2011-05-10)

contains the Russian language?

SkeebleDouble (2011-05-13)

THANKS ALOT PirateJFK, great job. Is there any possible way you can upload a OS X SERVER (10.6 or newer) that doesnt need a Serial? or a one with a working Serial!
once again thanks alot.

apipe (2011-05-15)


pirateybs (2011-05-29)

i tried restoring the image on 8 gb flash drive, it shows restore failed. operation not supported. Please guide me through this problem.

actualben (2011-06-14)

Hey, sorry, I need some help! When I try to transfer the .dmg file to an external drive I get an error in finder "Cannot complete".
I want to try and burn it to a disk but it's more than 4 GB's so it won't fit on a DVD-R and I don't understand how to burn a "Dual Layer" DVD in disk utility. Please help! I have an iMac at home with 10.6 and a MacBook with 10.5 that I need to upgrade. It's 2.4 GHZ intel processor so this version of the OS should work. Thanks for your help.

some114 (2011-08-15)

@PirateJFK I'm having trouble installing it to a USB drive.. I'm trying to select the (mounted) retail.dmg to my newly partitioned thumb drive but I can't select "Mac OS X Install DVD" as the source. I've tried dragging and dropping and manually browsing, but it just won't add it. Any advice?

call_me_nobody (2011-08-31)

If i get my little project right, and successfully convert the dmg to iso, im going to run mac virtually:D

thelazo (2011-09-07)

I can burn it to a dual layer DVD, now when install it after i burn it using the dvd on the desktop will it just run automatically. My screen is busted and im using an external display as my desktop. I just want to know if i am going to have to click anything during the install or on the other hand will i be able to use my external display during installation

thelazo (2011-09-07)

i burnt it to a dvd, got my external display to work, and now whenever it goes through the installation it stops and everytime it says it cant read the dvd disk. tried 3x, 3 different burnt dvds from the dmg.
any suggestions

twistit1 (2011-10-21)

for those having problems restoring image to flash drive. Try changing the file system on the flash drive using the disk utility. use the ERASE to re format. I changed mine from MS-DOS (FAT) to MAC OS extended. It has now started to restore the image.

LordSte (2012-03-27)

This disc is missing the BootCamp drivers as well as the entire Windows readable section of the disc. Full disc should be over 6 GB (compressed DMG).

SkiTravelr25 (2012-06-04)

THANK YOU!!! You are awesome!! This worked like a charm! I lost everything on my internal HD and I needed 10.6 in a .dmg file since my optical drive was recently broken. This only took me 3 hours from start of download to running fully installed! Keep up the awesome work!!

Rulez4Fool (2012-08-04)

Will I be able to install if I convert this to a Single Layer DVD - or does OSX demand a DL DVD?

Rulez4Fool (2012-08-04)

I can burn to a DL DVD just fine - but will this work if burned to a Single Layer DVD?

jdubose3 (2012-09-28)

Thanks worked fine for me. I'm on a MB 2009 alumin. Went from 10.5 and restored on a 8gb usb. Takes some work and research thats for sure but it only took maybe 3-4 hours and it was worth it. With google and youtube you have all the tools you need.

butzekopf87 (2012-11-05)

Thank you very much. All worked out fine. Didn't even have to get a DVD. Just put it on a flash drive (large enough) following these instructions:

Don't forget to partition the Flash Drive in GUID or you will get this "Do not enter"-Sign.
Thanks again!

neophyte1313 (2012-11-06)

Worked like a charm using the USB instructions thanks so much PirateJFK you are awesome!

P_Greezy (2013-02-25)

Thanks man gonna try this on my dell optiplex gx620!

P_Greezy (2013-02-25)

For anyone that wants to hackintosh a Dell optiplex gx620 this is the perfect guide that will you up and running to the latest 10.6.8!

yodie1997 (2013-02-27)

excellent works great off usb good upload

bobwoz (2014-03-03)

Finally! Used this to upgrade an old MacBook from 10.5.8 to Snow Leopard (10.6) so I could install a new printer. The other downloads didn't want to work (disk would get spit out after a few seconds.) Burned this .dmg to a dual layer DVD with PowerISO on a Windows PC. Voila! Thanks, poster!


1. Mac OS X Install DVD Snow Leopard RETAIL.dmg 5826.00 Mb