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ixtreme 5.1 including ALL CK3 Software, IPREP v008.8 and LOADS M






ixtreme 5.1 including ALL CK3 Software, IPREP v008.8 and LOADS M




2009-04-05 (by corguv1)


As some of the regular download sites seem to be having a few problems these days I thought it would be good to bung a torrent on thats got the lot in one place!! Torrent contains 1 zip file which in turn contains: 79unlock 360FW-Toolbox-48 abgx360v1 Benq_iXtreme_v1.51-FINAL CK3 PRO Win95_98_2000_XP_usb drivers CK3_PRO_USB_DRIVER_VISTA ck3tool_v1.2.4 DosFlash_V1.7_Build_20081223 DVDKey32_v0.7 DVDKey32_v0.8.1 firmtool1.3.1 Hitachi_iXtreme_v1.51_with_readme-FINAL iPrep_v008.8 ixDef.1.51 JungleFlasher.0.1.51.Beta Lite-on_iXtreme_v1.51-FINAL mscomctl msinetocx portio32_1.4 Samsung_iXtreme_v1.51-FINAL xbins Xbox_Backup_Creator_v2.7.0.265 XDVDMulleterBeta10.2 If you dont know what youre doing with all this kit - trust me - DONT GUESS !! You can get great advice and help here: Or Google: TEAM XECUTER FORUM PLEASE SEED FOR OTHERS. ** STOP PRESS 09APR09 ** LOOKING FOR SPARE HARDWARE? IVE CURRENTLY GOT THE FOLLOWING ITEMS - 1 - xbox360 Motherboard (Modded to avoid RROD) & CDROM (Hacked) The motherboard IS NOT BANNED from XB Live - Will also supply backup of firmware INC drive key. Simply Put items into an XBOX360 shell and off you go. 1 - Liteon DG-16D2S CDROM. Not hacked but happy to hack for you if you send me relevant firmware backup. For contact details see website below

Files count:



27.02 Mb




DarkZideNinja (2009-04-05)

jungleflasher_v1.55 is out now. It is way easier to use if your flashing a hitachi drive.

corguv1 (2009-04-06)

Youre welcome Sammy. I know what its like. I few kind peeps on Xecuter Forums helped me out - so thought id do the same. Glad its helped ;-)

bcz (2009-04-06)

i'll 2nd that, thanks, perfect timing

corguv1 (2009-04-06)

Sammy - Check out this forum:

These guys know their stuff and im sure they can help. For what its worth, when all else failed for me and I thought I had created a brick, IPREP got me out of the sh1t. It creates a DOS boot disk and amazingly fixed a drive I thought Id bricked. Anyway m8 - check out those forums. I simply listed the software. I am certainly NOT an expert on how to use it, but the nice people on those forums are. Sure they will be happy 2 help you. Good luck!

corguv1 (2009-04-06)

Ronskie, Look m8 Im sorry youre having hassles but I simply put this torrent here so people could download the software. When I thought Id bricked my Liteon the people at Xecuter forums really helped me out - I can only say it how it was. I thought it would therefore be a nice thing to do if i zipped up all the software i could find and put it all into one zip. We all know we use this software at our own risk - lets face it, you cant buy it or the CK3 from PC World ;-) . Im sorry but I dont have the answer to your problems with your drive but I hope that someone that reads your post has and can help you. I have got a spare Liteon drive if you need one though. Maybe the best thing to do is to just use another drive? as long as you have your firmware/drive key backed up you can spoof any drive to work in your xbox. Anyway, good luck & All the best.

corguv1 (2009-04-06)

When I flashed my Lite-On (DG-16D2S) drive using Jungleflasher it went wrong during the earse process which it seems is where other people get problems as well. I thought I had bricked the drive but IPREP saved my bacon. Ive since worked out for myself that the best (and safest) way of flashing a Liteon is to create your firmware with Jungleflasher and then use IPREP to erase and flash. DOS is much more stable than windows. Anyway, thats my two penneth.

habaneroo (2009-04-07)

360 is keff. is there any game that you can play split screen with your friend,without fucking xbox live? the good old black xbox were better in that way.


1. ixtreme 5.1 inc CK3 Software and 27.02 Mb