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Garmin Mobile XT GPS v4 10 40 s60v3 [Many Maps Added] + Keygen






Garmin Mobile XT GPS v4.10.40 s60v3 [Many Maps Added] + Keygen




2008-01-15 (by Bluey_Master)


GARMIN Mobile ? 10 software updated version 4.10.40 (only applicable to Symbian S60 v8/v9.) Updated software version, the steps are as follows: Garmin and copied to the System directory on your memory card. Will memory card inserted into the phone. Click phones E: Garmin GarminMobileXT.sis start upgrading program. (If your phone for N70, or N90, is only the completion of Step 2, the program will automatically upgrade) See GPS version, the steps are as follows: Will cursor moved to the mobile applications GmobileXT. Enter GmobileXT navigation software. Will cursor moved to [set]. Select [on]. Which shows that the computer system information. GARMIN Mobile ? 10 update instructions downloaded (763 KB) Note: This software is only applicable GARMIN Mobile ? 10 (Taiwan version) When you are in the implementation of the updated software programs, you will post the routes on the GPS data backup storage. Good USB cable connections, access to memory storage space will be. Gpx backup copy, in order to avoid the loss of your update stored in the GPS machine table flight information. Update is completed, will be. Gpx copy files back to the original path, to enter the mobile phone (Tools) in (my information management) into. Gpx archives. Software upgrades in the last set, GARMIN Mobile ? 10 (Taiwan version) the instructions on the screen will be installed in. This procedure may need to upload spend some time to complete, please update before the power plant confirmed the adequacy of updates, so as to avoid disruption, at the same time when the implementation of updated plant, also do not arbitrarily switch the plant. Upon the completion of this upload procedures, GARMIN Mobile ? 10 (Taiwan version) will be reset and normal boot. The latest software Issue date is 08/31/07. By 4.10.20 Beta version to 4.10.40: 1. Amended horizontal screen mode in the new one route, the route in storage at the problem of the map will not be updated. 2. Amendments to E70 in the horizontal screen mode, a new route storage generated by the closure of the mistakes 3. Scale improvement in the largest release to show that the information did not include coordinates for users interested points, updating maps of the problem too slowly 4. Change backlight adjustment "to maintain close down the" settings, change its name to "nil" 5. Adjustment Nokia E90 of the wide-screen user interface: A: integrity displayed Garmin Online detailed weather information services B: reducing the size of the message box to meet the wide-screen ratio C: reduce route on the map shows that the width of D: reconfiguration of the POI option pages button location 6 amendments Nokia N95 in a number of different types of users interested in point, the court could not issue a search operation 7. New "traffic information" category in the "wanted to go where -> Extras" 8. Attractions guides users Rapporteur of interest under the category of point-maker, increased sub-categories, and, in this sub-category relative to the following points of interest 9. Amendments into the route names too long not fully display the name of the route issue 10. Amendments to the rest stops navigation navigation instructions could be shown the problem of language 11. Depositors route has been amended in a halfway point increase in the program caused the problem freeze 12. Amendment could not link a GPS 10 and the GPS 10 closed issue 13. Amended in turn preview screen in a blank map of the problem 14 improvement in the "wanted to go where -> coordinate" Editor's functions can be based on "Settings -> System -> coordinate format," set to edit coordinates 15. Deviate from the route to improve the stability of recalculations 16. From MapSource when new routes into the path routes, suggested that increase into GPX 17. Improvement in Garmin Mobile XT recalculated, no longer sustained in the future to avoid interference with the use of mobile phone users 18. Amendment can not search for the problem of Chinese contacts 19 improvement multiple lines of Chinese characters broken line position 20. Support Garmin Mobile SDK Version 4.10.20 Beta: New features: 1. Support attractions guide members (Rich POI) 2. Support functions of the card automatically activated program 3. Warning directional point support 4. Support dynamic adjustment of font size (system ==> display ==> Text size) 5. Support new voice Taiwanese Hakka Putonghua Cantonese. 6. Strengthen anti-white text selected when the display 7. Multi-language map can be obtained from 8. Mode maps and night guided trip information for the background color always dark 9. Support Nokia E90, Nokia 6110, Nokia N95 Problems amendment:

Files count:



13.32 Mb




faibs (2008-02-11)

Is this the FULL version or simply an update?

quebec001 (2008-02-16)

just reading description on top

da_murphster (2008-02-22)

New to this but when installed I get a garmin screen.....then nothing. Back to the applications screen on my N95

Balkar (2008-03-15)

An educated guess from me would be that this is either
A: Not for PPC
B: AN update since the file is only 13.32 mb. I downloaded the full file from a website from megauploads and the file was 50megb... As I said THIS IS JUST A GUESS...

Newb787 (2008-05-11)

I am puzzled here. There are free updates and faster on Garmin's website. This looks to be the same app. Link to Garmin is here:

kolev79 (2008-05-12)

I have downloaded Garmin Mobile XT and installed it on my Nokia N73 as well as on the older N70 but when I load it and try to connect to an external BT-541 or iBT-GPS I get a message saying that no GPS device was found. I have already paired the BT device with the phone and there appears to be no problem with it. I am wondering if anybody can give me an idea how to make the Garmin software detect the GPS device. I would appreciate it!

Hatecomplications (2008-05-14)

Ok, guys. Please share on how to fix this issues. There are lots of conflicting info floating around on getting the maps installed, largely to do with the different models and many a-holes who don't want to share their info or their how they troubleshooted their problems in getting this to work with the INTERNAL GARMIN GPS.
These are the issues I have come across or read about: I have the N95-4 (8GB):
1. XT Software- 4.60 needs to be installed. Various incomplete versions floating around. The one from Garmin website is an update and as it says, it does not install the voice and other features. The N95 needs the XT software. There are no instructions on how install the XT software or the correct links with the full and updated version of XT. Downloading Garmin XT apps is hit and miss.
2. Although not mentioned in any install.txt or readme file that you may download. You do need an IMEI to card converter if your N95 doesnt have an SD card slot.
3. Jetmouse aka keygenerator needs the card ID to run to generator unlock codes for both the maps to be transfered and/or for the internal GPS to be unlocked.
4. Help and instructions on how to get these apps to run on the N95-4, the newest N95 to hit North America is scare, confusing, and limited, perhaps in a few months or so, there will be some kind and generous souls to provide complete step by step instructions from downloading and installing the right Garmin XT files and transferring the maps to the N95 including any troubleshooting tips.
If anyone wants to share their info and tips, please do so and help the community out

yurre (2008-06-06)

Does anyone know if this program work with my SE w910i ?

kapechoo (2008-07-01)

Hey JetMouse,
Can you make a keygen for AeroPalm? Thx

DeMandolorian (2008-07-15)

Has anyone got this to work for N95 yet?

MetricRyan (2008-08-24)

can someone please explain how to get started on this, is there someone who has been running it on the phone N95 ther older version ....
Plz share and tell

endoftheline314 (2008-09-24)

1. unzip whatever needs to be unzipped and copy the folder 'garmin' onto your memory card (N95) or copy it via USB directly to the phones mass storage. do not copy this file or the keygen
2. Disconnect phone from pc, or insert the memory card back into the phone then navigate to the garmin folder using the phone's file browser and run the garminxt.sis, this will install the aplication to the applications directory on your phone.
3. when installed (may take a couple of minutes) goto aplications folder and start garminxt.
4. open settings/about
5. Make note of your "Card ID" and quit the application.
6. Launch the keygen, and enter the "Card ID" you saw on GMXT About page.
7. On the keygen, under 'select map product' chose 'custom map set' with MapID:197 for the UK and IRL maps included here.
8. Hit both generate buttons.
9. Copy the Device unlock code to clipboard. (select the text with the mouse, press Ctrl+C)
10. Now open Notepad and paste (CTRL+V) the key into the window. select Save As...
11. Chose save type as 'All Files' and save the file as SW.UNL, it is important that the file is called SW.UNL and not SW.UNL.txt
12. Open Notepad again and create another file containing the map unlock code, save this as GMAPSUPP.UNL using the same technique
13. Copy both these files to the recently created garmin folder on your phone, overwriting if necessary.
14. The maps should now be unlocked, to get the software to recognise your internal GPS you may have to go to settings\system and choose "connected gps" or some such.

ScYm (2008-10-02)

To those who has an N95 8GB and cannot unlock the internal gps:
You cannot use the garmin install provided by the torrent. You'll have to get the most updated S60 version from Garmin and install the application first. You must have the IMEI to card converter for the card id, the one provided on the about page is wrong. After you have the id from the converter, simply follow the steps on how to use the code generator and paste the 2 files on the garmin folder after you have done. You should be able to unlock the internal GPS. For the maps, simply download them from the torrent and upload it to your phone using map loader. Hope this helps for N95 8GB users.

black.sun.rider (2008-11-01)

Downloaded and unzipped the files but can't find the GarminMobileXT.sis file in any of the folders or sub-folders.
Can anyone help? Thanks!

Shanyiee (2008-11-26)

where tha fakk i see the
" GarminMobileXT.sis "
that isn't in the torrent! :@


1. Garmin Mobile XT GPS v4.10.40 s60v3 [Many Maps Added] + Keygen/Garmin.Mobile.XT.Keygen.v1.1.rar 263.58 Kb
2. Garmin Mobile XT GPS v4.10.40 s60v3 [Many Maps Added] + Keygen/Garmin.rar 13.03 Mb
3. Garmin Mobile XT GPS v4.10.40 s60v3 [Many Maps Added] + Keygen/MUST READ Instruction.htm 22.93 Kb
4. Garmin Mobile XT GPS v4.10.40 s60v3 [Many Maps Added] + Keygen/Read First.txt 5.30 Kb