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WWF Hardcore Championship PPV Set (24 PPV Hardcore Title Matches






WWF Hardcore Championship PPV Set (24 PPV Hardcore Title Matches


Video/TV shows


2009-05-25 (by lk09)


Complete WWF Hardcore Championship PPV Matches Set by PapaShango10 As promised here is every (I Think!) PPV match for the Hardcore Championship, 24 in total, a great set for newer WWE fans to see what it use to be like, or for more violent wrestling fans in general! A bit of history on the title: The WWF Hardcore Championship ran for nearly 4 years between 1998 - 2002, it was first introduced by Vince and presented to Mankind, it was a way of bringing up Foley's status as a hardcore legend, and also WWF's way of competing with the ever grown ECW, by allowing ECW style matches within the WWF, as Mankind gained popularity with the audiences, so did the Hardcore title, and throughout 98 - 99 the fans really cared who had the title! In 2000 the 24/7 rule was introduced, and while some great matches still happened, the fact that pretty much anyone, at anytime, could win the title, killed off the buzz it once had (a good example of this is that JBL is a 17 times Hardcore champion, yet does not appear in even one PPV singles match for the title!). By 2002 WWE had purchased WCW & ECW, and with no competition it no longer had to risk it's wrestlers in hardcore style matches, so they had RVD beat the final (real) hardcore champion, Tommy Dreamer, and he unified the title with the IC title, effectively planting the seeds for the WWE's PG era, until it slowly turned into the rubbish you can see today! ;-) Some personal highlights of this set for me include Al Snow's run with the title in it's infancy, Mankind may have been the first champ, but Al Snow was the guy who ran with it and set the tone for WWE hardcore style matches, be sure the check out his excellent feud with Hardcore Holly. Another standout moment is Shane O'Mac vs. Steve Blackman, Shane takes, what i still think, it's the most outrageous stunt in all of professional wrestling! Sure it's padded, and maybe it was seeing it live at the time, but i will ALWAYS mark out for that fall!!! Of course matches of this style include some "classic duds" aswell, worth watching for the comedy value in how bad they are alone are the Kennel From Hell Match (i wonder why they haven't done one of them since?!?!?!) and the male Evening Gown match is well... horrible! You know you want too see it! ;-) Most of them video's are in avi / divx format, a few i had trouble converting due to older compression types, so they had to remain mpg. Also due to the age, some are VHS rips and not the best quality, but are watchable, most are from DVD. I've put this in Matches as i want everyone to be able to enjoy it, just remember to seed it correctly! All matches are as separate files, I've done this some people can pick and choose what they want if they don't wish to see every match, just make sure whatever you download you seed until at least 1:1. Credit goes to the original rippers of these PPV's, I've had these files so many years I've forgot who you are, but a big thanks to you for sharing! Lastly, DO NOT share this set anywhere else. 1. St. Valentines Day Massacre 1999 (In Your House 27) Al Snow vs. Bob Holly (13:11) 2. WrestleMania 15 Triple Threat Match Mr. Ass vs. Hardcore Holly vs. Al Snow (10:43) 3. Backlash 1999 Hardcore Holly vs. Al Snow (19:05) 4. Over The Edge 1999 Al Snow vs. Hardcore Holly (16:58) 5. Fully Loaded 1999 Al Snow vs. The Big Boss Man (13:49) 6. SummerSlam 1999 The Big Boss Man vs. Al Snow (9:59) 7. Unforgiven 1999 Kennel From Hell Match Al Snow vs. The Big Boss Man (17:57) 8. WrestleMania 16 15 Minute Hardcore Battle Royal (20:46) 9. Backlash 2000 Six Man Match Crash Holly vs. Hardcore Holly vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy vs. Tazz vs. Perry Saturn (16:04) 10. Insurrextion 2000 Crash Holly vs. The British Bulldog (4:28) 11. King Of The Ring 2000 Evening Gown Match Pat Patterson vs. Gerald Brisco (10:07) 12. SummerSlam 2000 Shane McMahon vs. Steve Blackman (15:11) 13. Unforgiven 2000 10 Minute Hardcore Battle Royal (13:30) 14. Rebellion 2000 Steve Blackman vs. Perry Saturn (8:18) 15. No Way Out 2001 Raven vs. The Big Show (6:56) 16. WrestleMania 17 Triple Threat Match Raven vs. Kane vs. The Big Show (13:32) 17. Backlash 2001 Rhyno vs. Raven (11:20) 18. Judgment Day 2001 Triple Threat Match Rhyno vs. The Big Show vs. Test (11:33) 19. InVasion 2001 Jeff Hardy vs. Rob Van Dam (15:26) 20. SummerSlam 2001 Ladder Match Jeff Hardy vs. Rob Van Dam (20:10) 21. Unforgiven 2001 Rob Van Dam vs. Chris Jericho (19:48) 22. Vengeance 2001 Rob Van Dam vs. The Undertaker (17:18) 23. WrestleMania 18 Maven vs. Goldust (6:02) 24. Insurrextion 2002 Steven Richards vs. Booker T (17:57) My upload connection tops out at about 120kbps, so be patient, also i might not be able to seed 24/7, i normally can but sometimes i have to turn it off again, but again be patient, if it does go off i will be back so don't worry! NEXT UP: I'll be working on a bunch of feuds that sharped the WWF before 2002, not sure what order they will come in yet but they will include, Bret Hart, Steve Austin, HBK, Mankind, Owen Hart, Triple H, Ken Shamrock, The Rock, The Undertaker, Kane and loads more. Enjoy! :-)

Files count:



4145.25 Mb




lk09 (2009-05-26)


Dexter81 (2009-05-27)

please seed if u can.thanks

jessicamnicholson (2009-06-01)

dude just as promised ..lookforward to more

Lord-Bishop (2009-09-10)

Please seed! The torrent doesn't start downloading.

rev_devin (2012-06-23)

downloading now and will seed, hopefully you upload more stuff! thanks!

Froggy222 (2013-02-05)

Seed plz