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Batman Arkham Asylum - DXT
Batman Arkham Asylum [PAL][PS3][Multi5][Spanish][www.consolasato
2010-10-05 (by consolasatope )
Desarrollador: Eidos
Género:Aventura, Acción
Los peores criminales de Gotham son encerrados en el sanatorio mental de Arkham. Con el ingreso de Joker se desata el caos, y el cerebro criminal amotina a los reclusos en el oscuro recinto que rápidamente se torna en pesadilla. Sólo Batman puede sumergirse en las entrañas del manicomio y hacer que vuelva a reinar la luz.
1. Crear una carpeta llamada GAMEZ en la raiz de disco duro externo.
2. Meter el contenido de los archivos rar en su interior.
GAMEZ/"ID"/ y meter lo siguiente
PS3_GAME (Carpeta)
PS3_UPDATE (Carpeta)
PS3_DISC.SFB (Archivo)
Para saber la ID solo debes abrir el "PS3_DISC.SFB" con el bloc de notas y veras la id
3. Tener un disco original en el lector de la PS3 (Una Demo mismo)
4. Disfrutar
Files count:
7026.38 Mb
dark-ways10 (2010-10-05)
thanks you gracias downloading nowmr.spok (2010-10-07)
yo, can somebody confirm if it worx with JB, or not?brendan802 (2010-10-11)
This is a confirmed working game (decrypted eboot). Multi5 works too. Thanks alotbrendan802 (2010-10-11)
This is a confirmed working game (decrypted eboot). Multi5 works too. Thanks alotPSJB
babak160 (2010-10-16)
can you upload eternal sonata ps3thank you
Jeeker1 (2010-12-10)
Seeeed please i have been looking all over for this game in this god forsaken country called Iraq and i havent been able to find it, so please seed as much as you can. Thank you.frees123 (2010-12-12)
put nother bd-disc game into ps3 then it will work!keavro (2011-01-26)
is this Batman in English?Este Batman esta en Ingles?
johndillinger1932 (2011-02-02)
This game DOES NOT WORK...for starters the game is a bit over 9gb...this torrent i not waste your time downloading this gamedasani (2011-02-05)
the games works fine on kmeaw 3.55 and gaia manager 2.07, don't know about the other jbs. So if your running kmeaw with any manager it should work, pay no attention to the noobsdasani (2011-02-05)
@keavro its in englishSzabotage (2011-02-09)
Yeah it doesn't work for me either. AT first I got a blackscreen. After a restart, I started getting a corrupt data error, game needs to be deleted , blah blah blah.....pratik23 (2011-02-11)
thanxx.......working on waninkoko 3.55 v2 rogero manager without blu-ray..:)joolet88 (2011-02-14)
Works great on CFW 3.55 v2 with Multiman!ripper345 (2011-02-25)
can somebody give an explanation to how this works I've tried most fixes and managers besides the kmeaw 3.55 bcuz im stayin on 3.41, so I'd love to know thanxag016 (2011-02-25)
i think the download torrent button should be bigger than the big green download buttonaliphbay (2011-03-01)
Spanish to English translationPlatform: PS3
Language: MULTI5 (ESP / ENG / ITA / DEU / FR)
Developer: Eidos
Genre: Adventure, Action
Gotham's worst criminals are locked up in mental hospital Arkham. With the entry of Joker unleashes chaos, and the criminal mastermind mutinies inmates in the dark room that quickly becomes a nightmare. Only Batman can dive into the bowels of the asylum and get him back to rule the light.
1. Create a folder in the root called GAMEZ external hard disk.
2. Put the zip file contents inside.
GAMEZ / "ID"/ and put the following
PS3_GAME (Folder)
PS3_UPDATE (Folder)
To find the ID you just have to open the "PS3_DISC.SFB" with notepad and see the id
3. Have an original disk in the drive of the PS3 (A Demo thereof)
4. Enjoy
aliphbay (2011-03-01)
it didn't work me alsogve data error
to delete save data
any body knw how to delete save data
7760017 (2011-03-02)
works fine with cfw 3.55 keaw mm 1.5bardock90 (2011-03-07)
seed plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzbardock90 (2011-03-07)
seed pleaseshowing estimated remaining time of
download :2days
speed :30kb/s
as you see i need fast seeds
so please help
stealthpancho (2011-03-16)
Dude, this doesn't work for me at all. I just get a black screen but no crash. I can go back to XMB. The files and folders are in the right directories and names(Mine being GAMES instead of GAMEZ). Help! I have a USA PS3 Slim 120 and I run Kmeaw and have used mM1.16.8 Rogero 8.1 and nothing! Someone help!stealthpancho (2011-03-17)
Can the GAMEZ folder be named something else or like GAMES in order to work?hermit31 (2011-03-19)
seeds pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssseehermit31 (2011-03-27)
seeds pleasehermit31 (2011-03-27)
This game works guys! All you need to do is have the game patched so that you can run it as a back up in your jailbroken ps3. Once you finished downloading thisAll you need to do is:
1) Copy game files (contents of PS3_GAME) to folder
2) Copy contents from BATARK dir from the RAR file and overwrite existing files
3) Install the PKG
Please seed this guys, its the greatest comic game ever made.
hermit31 (2011-03-27)
just try to google the patched eboot.bin and replace from the original and it should workripper345 (2011-04-02)
where would i find dat patched eboot binripper345 (2011-04-21)
hermit none of the packages work on my system, wat exactly did u doAlx91CON (2011-07-16)
every1 where ever u read [Multi5] it means its ENGLISH!!!! so stop asking stupid language questions ASSPITES!!!SoxPatsFanInKC (2011-07-30)
Works great on Rebug 3.55 with MM from externalratedr222 (2011-08-08)
downloading speed 3 to 5 kb/s :( .. someone help meratedr222 (2011-08-30)
seed plzratedr222 (2011-09-01)
working 3.55 multiman and gaia manager .. awesome game thanksgustaff14 (2011-10-05)
the game really worked for me, what i do not know is how do you change the language to english...well, i'm latin american, but i prefer original languages while playing games and watching movies :P can anyone help me? by the way: great game, and really easy to manage and to use on PS3, sigan así, consolasatope! y muchísimas gracias!ismo246 (2011-11-21)
Is there a solution for this kind of black screen yet?? I'm having the same problem.mkvrips (2012-01-07)
There is no black screen problem.Just copy it to ext. hdd under gamez folder and run it. It works! And it's not just in spanish, english too.sajidmd (2012-01-15)
I am new to PS3 and I am not able to follow the direction here... Here is what I have done..I already have the demo game installed on my PS3.
Downloaded from this torrent. External hard drive\ Created GAMEZ folder. Copied 3 folders. It looks like
Connected the hard drive to PS3. How do I play it from here ?
sexy_bitch7412 (2012-07-29)
Works great by simply copy-paste in TB. no need to do anything with eboot.Thanks a lot. Keep them coming ;-)
+1 for this great share!