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Xilisoft Video Converter Ultimate 5.1.3 build-0926
Xilisoft Video Converter Ultimate 5.1.3 build-0926 [akhiugo]
2008-10-26 (by akhiugo)
Xilisoft Video Converter is powerful, versatile video conversion software which converts between all popular video formats such as convert AVI to MPEG, WMV to AVI, WMV to MPEG or H.264/AVC video, convert AVI files to iPod formats, etc.
No other programs like Xilisoft Video Converter supports so comprehensive video formats including AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, MP4, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, RM, MOV, XviD, 3GP, FLV, VOB (the video format used in DVD), DAT (the video format used in VCD, SVCD), etc. In addition, the video converter provides an easy way to convert video file to popular audio file, like MP2, MP3, WMA, WAV, RA, M4A, AAC, AC3, OGG, etc. The video converter also supports APE, CUE decoding and audio CD ripping.
Xilisoft Video Converter supports popular multimedia devices such as PSP, iPod, iPhone, Archos, mobile phone, Zune, etc. All conversions, such as AVI to MPEG, WMV to MPEG, WMV to AVI, MKV to AVI, MKV to MPEG, are very easy and fast with the best quality.
Files count:
15.57 Mb
kav30 (2008-11-03)
does it worksmistyblue (2008-11-09)
thnkxmastahj (2008-11-12)
Hrm, when i tried using the code i got a reg failed mssg. I think they blocked this serial, unfortunately.newguy69 (2008-11-17)
serial works! Thanks 2 akhiugo for the torrent. Sexy times!smegpot (2008-11-19)
Xilisoft has blacklisted all of these torrent serial #s.In reference to another comment - yes, you have to be online to register.
It gives an error message that it can't contact it's servers if you try to register offline. And Xilisoft apparantly checks your key when it checks for updates now - I was in the middle of converting some files, the update message popped up, followed by a message that I need to register the software, and now none of the serials in the list work, including the one I originally used.
room101bellboy (2008-11-19)
Works fine for me so far --I'm running Vista.I've updated to the latest version and all.
smegpot (2008-11-20)
Some people seem really adamant about this, so I I decided to check it out, since I, as well as several other people, can no longer register this program offline or online. Not with the serial in this torrent, or from elsewhere. It used to work, but after canceling out of the 3rd or so update message the serial was apparantly scanned and it no longer works on this machine.So as a test I installed it using the file & serial in this torrent on a different PC that had never had it installed before, offline, and it worked no problem.
This leads me to a theory, since I see comments in several of the VC5 torrent posts saying that it used to work, but no longer does, & refuses to to register offline.
And that theory is:
Yes, these torrent serials have been blacklisted.
Yes, Xilisoft performs server checks on their serials.
Yes, you can register offline BUT only if your copy hasn't already been scanned by Xilisoft & found to be bogus.
Xilisoft adds a Windows registry entry, or something, that red flags that particular PC as needing to have the serial verified online since it had been previously caught with a bogus serial.
So the solution is - use a firewall & block VC5.exe so once your copy has been registered offline you won't run the risk of it performing a server verification check.
And if you've already been hit with the Xilisoft server check & found to have a torrent copy, then try to find the registry entry that's blocking the offline registration...and good luck with that.
Yes, Xilisoft can & does perform these checks when the program is used while on online.
When & how exactly it performs them I don't know, 'cause I've had this installed for a month or so now & was using it for over an hour yesterday before I got the registration message in the middle of a batch conversion, and am no longer able to register it on this particular PC.
And people better know what they're talking about before they go shooting off their ignorant mouths & calling someone a liar, just because they hadn't yet encountered the problem themselves.
This is a great program, torrent uploaders are appreciated as always, and I can understand that you don't want bogus negative comments in your torrent's posts, but bullshit like that is uncalled for. You need to just clam down, sit back, & think - if multiple people are having the same registration problem, with comments about it left in multiple torrents of the same program, then maybe, just maybe, there's something to it.
In the end - firewalls are you friend.
Malzra (2008-11-21)
Im trying to understand this how do you block a program with your firewall so that i can run this.destroy1 (2008-12-04)
well i have no problem whatsoever with this like a charm!!!xeromem (2008-12-08)
I have a better work around. First be sure to block vc5.exe in Windows Firewall, or your favorite firewall app.Next use the RegMon utility from MS (avail here
to locate the hidden location of the reg key(hint: add two filters
one for a Process named vc5.exe
one for an Operation named RegCloseKey)
once you have your filters set up, run Xilisoft VC and try to register using a serial. It will access the location of the hidden key when you do this. Use regedit to find and eliminate the key and, bam, your in business again.
GeorgeB3 (2008-12-11)
any other solution?GeorgeB3 (2008-12-11)
okay, thanks!wtfuxH4mst3R (2008-12-13)
I had no problem whatsoever with this torrent.I even inserted the key, then upgraded it and it still works perfectly.
Great torrent, keep up the good work!
r-u-nutz (2008-12-15)
Xeromem has a good work around for the folks who installed it and then had Xilisoft reject their key after awhile.Xeromem is right. The torrent works great - AT FIRST. Then after the prog checks for updates a few times, Xilisoft checks the key and if it's been used before, they download a reg key to your registry which causes their registration process to require online access so they can check every single key you try to enter after that. I even uninstalled the program completely and reinstalled a fresh copy and it still required me to be online so it could check the key. Otherwise, the prog remained unregistered.
Once I used xeromem's workaround (I used MS Process Monitor for Vista; it works the same as RegMon), I found the hidden key in HKCU/Software/Classes/CLSID, deleted it, and registered the program with no problem. I then unchecked the Automatically Check for Updates box in Xilisoft, blocked the exe in my firewall and no problems.
Your torrent works fine, akhiugo. THX! Xilisoft is just getting tricky.
iDominate (2008-12-17)
This was an awesome torrent man works 100% fine thanks for the program, btw the updates do work also XDelbertc123 (2008-12-19)
Hey sorry I'm not that great with computers. But I found a bunch of HKCU/Software/Classes/CLSID but I dont know which one of them to delete. Theres many subfolders under that. And when I delete what do I have to delete? Just right click on the folder or the actual registry file and go delete?FilipTheManHere (2008-12-26)
Superb torrent. Thx!954blade (2008-12-26)
many thanks akhiugo, this is great!Asymov (2009-01-17)
I've installed the app successfully. However, every time I try to convert a .swf files to .mp4 (I haven't tried other conversions, since that is my desired target format), the app defaults an to audio-only conversion process.Can anyone explain what is going on? I have Final Codecs 2008 installed with almost every codec (including mp4, amidst others), so I suspect that is not the problem. (Perhaps something is being misdirected during the installation process? It's almost as though the app cannot 'see' codecs it needs--but I could be mistaken, since I have no idea about the inner workings of the app [I design systems, software AV apps not being a specialty of mine].)
DarkZuL (2009-01-29)
Oh god i wish i read this torrent before... i didnt know xilisoft banned ips or something when the update was left on. I realised something was wrong with my pc/connection cus no serial worked for me :(I know u guys solved it the smart cracker way, but this is how i solved it lol.
Even after the firewall was on, the serial was still being rejected. I tried this by error and worked:
I entered the name & serial and then cancelled the registration a few seconds after clicking "register" (before the invalid serial message appears). The program crashed. I loaded it again and it somehow got registered.
I already turned off the automatic updates this time :P