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Noise Ninja 2.1.1 for Intel OS X (latest as of Dec 2006) + seri






Noise Ninja 2.1.1 for Intel OS X (latest as of Dec 2006) + seri




2006-12-14 (by jerkyporkster)


Noise Ninja is the most effective and productive solution for removing noise and grain from digital photographs and scanned film images. It is a must-have tool for anyone shooting in low-light or fast-action situations -- including news, sports, wedding, and event coverage -- where high ISO photography is required and the resulting noise compromises the image. Noise Ninja often yields a two-stop improvement in effective image quality, while preserving important image detail. In addition, it can produce cleaner, smoother enlargements from low-ISO images.

Files count:



7.21 Mb




vanastasis (2006-12-16)

i think the title explains it enough !!!
"Noise Ninja 2.1.1 for Intel OS X (latest as of Dec 2006) + serial"
see that "for INTEL OS X"
try reading alot closer before complaining about someone.

wahr (2006-12-18)

It's a shame you don't have it for ppc.. can anyone up that?
I got a macbook through lucky chance, but my primary machine is still a dual 2.7 g5 tower with a cinema display..
even though i have 2 gigs of memory on both machines, the larger and more color accurate matte cinema is just more practical.. not to mention CS2 is a ppc app... so.. we're supposed to run photoshop in emulation? oO

dunklea (2007-05-25)

can anyone provide a serial number for this? i would dl and grab it but no one is seeding right now

jgp32 (2007-08-15)

Could someone please seed this? Thanks!

saldi (2007-08-27)

Please seed!!!

brentbrent (2007-11-27)

could i get some seeders....thanks

vslink (2008-02-23)

FWIW, the SN in this download works very well with the most recent PS plug-in from the Noise Ninja download site. I haven't tried,but I expect, as a pro license, it would also activate Windows and PPC Mac versions, both standalone and plug in.
Why doesn't someone try?

vslink (2008-08-11)

Any out there have a working serial for the NEW pro bundle that includes the brand new Aperture plugin? Older pro bundle serials, like the one in this DL, don't work.
Also, ImpossibleName, the activation is a two-parter--you must use the wwwserialsws for the name as well as the serial number provided. You can just use any old user name you want. Realizing this, I have used the serial to active Windows versions (standalone and plugin) and Mac standalone and plug-in both Intel and PPC. It will NOT activate the new Aperture plug in.

vslink (2008-08-13)

Correction to last post. I meant you CAN'T use any old username--the wwwserialsws name is linked to the serial given. They go together. I have tested this pair on ALL versions of NN except the newest Aperture version, and it unlocks them. This includes Plugin and Standalone for Mac Intel, Mac PPC, and Windows XP.

inki (2008-11-27)

The torrent wouldn't connect for me. Is there any other way I can get the serial for the last version for MAC? Thank you!

sparlelein (2009-01-25)

The SERIAL NUMBER in this download works for the Photoshop plugin of Noise Ninja from the developers site. I downloaded the current version of Noise Ninja from the developers site (version 2.2.0b) for PowerPC Mac's (I do not have an intel machine). I have a PowerBook G4 running Tiger 10.4.11 with Photoshop CS.
I installed the Noise Ninja plugin folder in my Photoshop CS plugin folder, opened Photoshop and then opened Noise Ninja... I then inserted my license name and serial number from this torrent and voila... accepted and running. So I can confirm the serial works for the PowerPC Mac Photoshop plugin.