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Bleach Anime - All Episodes & Movies - English Subs




Video Movies


Bleach Anime - All Episodes & Movies - English Subs




2009-07-25 (by dlpatague)


This torrent contains all Bleach anime episodes and movies currently out and translated into English. This torrent will be updated regularly. See:for more information. Series Info Title: Bleach Episodes: 229 Movies: 2 Specials: 1 Summary: Ichigo Kurosaki has always been able to see ghosts, but this ability doesn't change his life nearly as much as his close encounter with Rukia Kuchiki, a Soul Reaper and member of the mysterious Soul Society. While fighting a Hollow, an evil spirit that preys on humans who display psychic energy, Rukia attempts to lend Ichigo some of her powers so that he can save his family; but much to her surprise, Ichigo absorbs every last drop of her energy. Now a full-fledged Soul Reaper himself, Ichigo quickly learns that the world he inhabits is one full of dangerous spirits and, along with Rukia--who is slowly regaining her powers--it's Ichigo's job to protect the innocent from Hollows and help the spirits themselves find peace. Audio: Japanese Subtitles: English All videos will play with standard video codecs and players.


  1. Bleach
  2. Anime
  3. All
  4. Episodes
  5. Movies
  6. English
  7. Subs

Files count:



40285.60 Mb




s0fa (2009-08-09)

needs seeders

bakalakaka (2009-08-19)

gonna take forever but totally worth it. thanks

bakalakaka (2009-08-27)

finnaly got it. and wow great quality thanks

opticalcactus (2009-10-21)

does this have any english dubs? or is it all japanese with eng subs?

overclucker (2009-11-03)

what good are dubs? that makes it much harder to accidentally learn japanese. i can feel it leaking in . . .

obladlee (2009-11-19)

One of the coolest torrents around. Thanks to all the seeders who stick around to keep it alive. Say thanks by seeding as long as you can too.

rahul325 (2009-11-21)

if u wanna bleach that much go get it on reality lapse for free.speed limited to 99kb/sec for registered users and non registered ones.
why bother with torrent when u can download directly.

saber91101 (2009-11-29)

no offense to uploader intended but is a place u can actually download or watch on interwebz 4 free spread the word 'cuz ez kewl site many many anime on it

MarkAB (2009-12-07)

Its gonna take a couple of weeks.Hope its worth it.Comics were great

Chegra101 (2009-12-14)

Thnx uploader! Great quality too. Wheres 230-249??

xatzis012 (2009-12-22)

you are my hero!

t_webster (2009-12-24)

Thanks very much for this!

silver40mm (2009-12-25)

Great torrent. Quality is okay. Will be seeding for a while.

SlimT (2009-12-25)

Bleach Movie 3 has been released :]

SlimT (2009-12-25)

O.o damn SEED

xatzis012 (2009-12-30)

seeding is really poor...

sebentipor (2010-01-04)

i beg for seeders. please2.

LusoSeeder (2010-01-06)

Thanks for sharing m8.
Ill totally seed.

1nv3rt1g0 (2010-02-09)

Thanks a lot!
I'll seed the crap out of it

meesha47 (2010-02-24)

If you want dubs just ask me and ill give you a good website

wyzzo (2010-03-25)

seed mother fuckerd seed !!!

PnutDome (2010-05-16)

Please some people seed... I am seeding at 500kbs and hardly reaching 100kbs download. please i have a 10mb connection PLEASE SEED.

AnimeLover2010 (2010-05-25)

Thanks - I'll seed for alittle while, and stop, then seed some more :) It'll take 1week on my connection nice speed.

Yankme206 (2010-07-29)

I've been downloading this all day and i think that speed is actually pretty good
i mean its not extremely fast but thats a given with big torrents and the sheer seeder to leecher ratio
i will be seeding this til about a ratio of 5 for what im downloading from it or something along those lines

jroot45 (2010-08-18)

come on people seed so i can after!

haleer_you (2010-08-21)

seed please

Tsuribachi (2010-09-02)

@rahul325 That site only gives out a free RealMedia file, and anyone worth a shit know Real isn't. It says avi version, but oops you have to pay for that one. Fuck your dipshit site.
@anyone else, Seed please. If I get this in less than a week, I'll seed to 10.00

Austivo (2010-10-03)

Thanks a ton gonna take a while but i can wait lol :p

gr3gp (2010-11-01)

Can't burn 168-229, they r corrupt :( tried twice and now I want the week it took me to dl and re-dl them again back!!!

carnis666 (2010-12-06)

does anything happen if i dont seed? id like to but i cant have anymore than a few files cause i dont have very much space

Ruisoul (2011-02-16)

seed ppl... its very slow... im almost at 100% but ill keep on sending after im finished.. u should do the same.. thanx =)

ibeandii (2011-03-03)

thanks nice torrent and it would be nicer if everyone wasnt such a tightass on their bandwith and clicked the unlimited button on their upload limit... please seed.

codnips (2011-03-04)

not worth dlding 46 seeders 217 leechers gg

iamhelix (2011-04-07)

you fucks are killing the torrent scene, all you do is download and then remove it from your upload list when its finished, soon torrents will only last a few days becasue of idiots like you. You fuckers, i'm keeping a IP address log of everyone that downloads and then doesn't seed, and you will be blocked from further torrents and may have some other misfortune as well ;-(

aknight (2011-04-13)

I registered just to say thanks on this one. I've been trying to get the complete collection, or as complete as possible. I'm still downloading and will seed to 20, and again as you update the collection. I took @theRealKarmine and limited the upload slots to 2, great tip. I'm on a 35/35mb connection and chugging along.
Thanks again, bro

animirror (2011-04-24)

Anyone interested in ddl mirrors instead?

connorxkhaotic (2011-04-28)

taking forever but when i get it ill seed to 10 thanks for the upload. ppl seed!!!

vdutch (2011-05-29)

alright let me explain something to you people crying about something thats FREE. when you download something thats just a bunch of tv shows dont download tho whole fucking thing at once.
1. click download
2. bring up whatever program you use to download with
3. select what episodes you want to watch first and only download them
3.1 something like 10-20 is good or even just 1, its not like you going to watch more then 1 at a time
4. select a few more to download and repeat
5 when your not using the computer select everything to download or whatever however many you want
dont just blame people for not seeding shit when you can do you part and not be such a dick and be thankful that at least some people are
my dl speed is decent for 49 seeds and 218 leechers durring the day im dl'ing at about 490kbps and at night 175kbps, so durring the day its like 7min per episode. so lets do a little math to prove a point. if it takes me about 7min(thats probably longer then it really takes) to dl 1 episode and they are each 23min long then i can dl 3 episodes in the time it takes to watch one. fyi it took me 3 days to dl this, i was not dl'ing 24/7
to sum this up dl a few episodes watch those and dl more while watching the ones finished dl'ing, stop bitching, and learn that saying SEEEEEEEDDDDDD or something about seeding more is not going to make people seed. suggestions like theRealKarmine's are cool tho

vdutch (2011-05-29)

oh yea thanks a lot of this, i dont like subs makes it harder to concentrate on wtf is going on and subs go to fast at times

4tunenoix (2011-06-16)

haha, thought everybody would know you could do that by now...
Also: Great torrent ;D i love it when they trow everything in 1 big torrent. makes it better for people to organize their episodes.
Downloading like 350kb/s atm at day. decent enough to get 1 episode in 10 minutes.

vVPhaseVv (2011-06-17)

If you compare the subs to the subs on Netflix, the torrent subs are some complete crap. Even important things get jacked up.
In the beginning title before the Bount arc: "I wield my souls sword, and explode with resolve to save my friends"? Seriously? That barely makes sense?
That's not anywhere near what he says, comparing it to Netflix and Hulu.
Yeah, I like pirating things, and getting them for free, but not if its just going to suck...

Arch4ng3l (2011-06-24)

Hello, just bleach related story advice, skip following episodes, they are just fillers (total shit episodes that have nothing to do with main story arc, so don't waste time downloading them):
033 *Karakura Heroes Omake 1
050 *Karakura Heroes Omake 2
064-108 *Bount arc
128-137 *Stolen Hogyoku arc
147-149 *Rukia side story. Plot&Character designs by Kubo
168-189 *New Captain arc
204-205 *Random one-episode fillers
213-214 *Karakura Riser Omake
227-265 *Zanpakutou Rebellion arc. Character designs by Kubo.
266 *Hueco Mundo Recap
287 *Magic Lamp Gaiden
298 *Hell Chapter Movie Promotion
299 *Hell Chapter Movie Prologue
303-305 *Random one-episode fillers
311-316 *Random one-episode fillers
317-??? *Gotei 13 Invasion arc

Poganin (2011-07-02)

It's a pity the fansub changes around episode 50. I've only watched until episode 63 now but from episode 50 onwards they don't translate proper names anymore and leave them in Japanese instead which for me breaks the immersion and leaves me lost because all of a sudden I don't know what's what and can only surmise. I liked "Soul slayers" better than "Zanpakuto" and so on.

fusionman_3 (2011-07-31)

ay guys can we please seed, im really getten into this show but im missing from episode 21 - 126...and im pretty sure if i just skipped all thouse episodes id be like "w.t.f is happening", atm im downloading at like 4.8 kb/s which is slow as dicks, it will take me 6 weeks to complete. comon guys lets seed the fuck otta this shit. (Y)

Anakin8th (2011-08-08)

Im downloading at 5kb/s. It's gonna be a long ride. PLEASE SEED EVERYONE! IT'S REALLY HARD TO FIND THIS SERIES FOR FREE WITH GOOD QUALITY! I will seed too after I download this.

D3strOi (2011-08-09)

im so happy i found this torrent so quick i hope it works well SHARE THE LOVE PEOPLE SEED THIS

D3strOi (2011-08-19)

Great torrent havent had a problem with an episode yet although it took 5 days to dl need to add more episodes!

DeeJaySens3 (2011-08-29)

Seed Guys...PLEASE.It says me that i need 8 weeks until is done.Please

illidan01 (2011-09-17)

Epic downloading at 4 MB/s

fusionman_3 (2011-10-12)

Hey guys PLEASE SEED THIS!, Im currently seeding at 12.00, and when im finished downloading it i promince to continue seeding at 20.00.

fusionman_3 (2011-10-12)

i only have 20% left and its going really slow.
im currently seeding at 12.00. and when im done downloading ill continue to seed at 15.00.

dude26900 (2011-11-24)

how do you seed things?

genivrej (2011-12-25)

mine says ETA 3yrs WTF!

LucyWoof (2012-03-06)

Not downloading at all. Please seed.

savanahsboi (2012-03-10)

Is the spoken language english?

mkie2 (2012-04-11)

no the language is japanese or so it says in the description, hope this helps

Greebonicky (2012-05-16)

Been looking everywhere for a decent quality compilation of bleach and haven't found anything going over 10kb/s fml >.> This isn't looking much better D: Please seed

ejfimp (2012-07-04)

Will be seeding this for a while, useless comp so can't do anything else :P

dlpatague (2012-09-16)

I no longer seed these torrents. If you want all my Bleach and Naruto torrents please go to the following link: