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Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard SP2 x64 - Volume License ///INFE
Software PC
Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard SP2 x64 - Volume License ///INFE
2009-04-04 (by InfectedPirater)
Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions
The 64-bit versions of Windows Server 2003 Standard, Enterprise, and Datacenter editions support larger amounts of memory—enabling higher levels of performance and scalability for memory-intensive applications.
> ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ F i L E i N F O ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
> +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> +--+ +--+
> ¦¦¦¦ TiTLE......[ Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard Edition x64 (Volume License)
> ¦¦¦¦ AKA........[ Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard Edition x64 VL
> ¦¦¦¦ YEAR.......[2003
> ¦¦¦¦ FiLES......[ 3
> ¦¦¦¦ SiZE.......[ 789 MB
> ¦¦¦¦ SOURCE.....[ MSDN SITE
> ¦¦¦¦ LANGUAGE...[ English
> ¦¦¦¦
Today, 64-bit processors have become the standard for systems ranging from the most scalable servers to desktop PCs. The way to take full advantage of these systems is with 64-bit editions of Microsoft Windows products.
The 64-bit systems offer direct access to more virtual and physical memory than 32-bit systems and process more data per clock cycle, enabling more scalable, higher performing computing solutions. There are two 64-bit Windows platforms: x64-based and Itanium-based.
x64 solutions are the direct descendants of x86 32-bit products, and are the natural choice for most server application deployments—small or large. Itanium-based systems offer alternative system designs and a processor architecture best suited to extremely large database and custom application solutions.
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- Windows
- Windows Server 2003
- Windows Server
- Windows Server 2003 R2
- Server R2
- 2003 R2
- Server
- Infected Pirater
- Windows Server 2003 x64
- 64 bit
- Windows Server x64
- Windows Server 03 x64
- Windows Server 2
Files count:
789.20 Mb
InfectedPirater (2009-04-06)
hey when you guys are done SEEEED this is hard stuff to come by///INFECTED PIRATER///
treaper (2009-04-11)
Doesn't work for me.son_tran (2009-04-11)
So great! By the way, do you have a copy of Windows Server 2003 Datacenter edition (x64 or 86)? Many thanks.InfectedPirater (2009-04-12)
datacenter is something i dont have....actually i do on a 10 in 1 disc but it would prob be better to get another torrent for that, but i will upload anyway manson_tran (2009-04-12)
Wonderful! Am waiting for your upload. How long does it take man?son_tran (2009-04-13)
i was required to activate within 60 days. Is internet activate ok?InfectedPirater (2009-04-13)
internet activate should be ok , its colume license so it should honestly not askbut for the datacneter i just got to find the iso for it.
son_tran (2009-04-13)
the key does not work for me! Any help?asdf123jk (2009-06-25)
The key doesn't work.asdf123jk (2009-06-25)
Hey infected, you have another key that we can try?asdf123jk (2009-07-20)
Hey, to all of those people who have said that the key doesn't work, it DOESN'T. Go download Infected's activator for XP SP3. It seems to work so far, and my copy is about to expire in 9 days. If it doesn't kick me out of Windows, I will post back here to let all of you know that it really works.LINK:
asdf123jk (2009-08-01)
Heh, so good so far.LokiElis (2009-11-12)
Anyone got a key?sebadi (2010-02-07)
Hello dear Infected Pirater,Can you please provide me the Volume License Key for this Windows Server 2003 Standard R2 x64?
I have downloaded the torrent and installed the OS but i cannot activite it using internet. It ask me for the CD-Key which i dont have.
Thank you in advance!
gsdfaewa (2010-07-07)
The key: V92DP B38FK QC97Y T94VG 6QYCBThe key Corp: BXDYG YQ78C YXYBG 43KPB Y9G7M
Stackisan (2010-08-29)
Hi all. Does anyone happen to have an activation code for this?Thanks for the upload InfectedPirater, great work as usual. You are awesome!
mcolo2k (2010-10-14)
Windows 2003 Ent. x64 Corp: BXDYG-YQ78C-YXYBG-43KPB-Y9G7MNo Activation Required
appjock (2010-12-13)
InfectedPirater, I installed the 1st CD and used serial key V92DP B38FK QC97Y T94VG 6QYCB, which worked like a charm. I went to install CD 2 and it is asking for another serial key to install that disk. CD 1's serial key did not work nor other keys that I tried in this and other postings. What is on that CD 2 and do I event need it? Any imput from anyone would be appreciated.PS: Do you have a serial key for CD2?
cybersans (2010-12-29)
this is not VLK. this is retail and all serial must be activated.lolapozza (2011-01-19)
This guy has a huge collection of untouched windows 7, 2008 and other softwares, but you have to pay for genuine keys. What's the point of seeding these stuffs on TP? InfectedPirater, Do you have some copies of W7 or W2008?
InfectedPirater (2011-05-04)
yes i have all of the windows 7 and 2008 r2sunonline (2012-05-11)
Theres a PROBLEM with this release, the CD1 in fact is NOT Volume License, but CD2 is VL.The CD1 is:
This belong to Non-Volume Windows 2003.
The correct Volume License is this one:
File Name:
This torrent is HALF bad!
Johnpfw (2013-05-30)
None of the Product keys above works for me.Files:
1. Windows Server R2 2003 Standard Edition SP2 x64 - Volume License/en_win_srv_2003_r2_standard_x64_with_sp2_cd1_X13-05757.iso 622.15 Mb
2. Windows Server R2 2003 Standard Edition SP2 x64 - Volume License/en_win_srv_2003_r2_standard_x64_with_sp2_vl_cd2_X13-68587.iso 167.05 Mb
3. Windows Server R2 2003 Standard Edition SP2 x64 - Volume License/Windows Server R2 2003 Standard Edition SP2 x64.nfo 2.04 Kb