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Army Men RTS Full Game Cracked and rdy to ply!
Army Men RTS Full Game, Cracked & ready to play! - UNIDOGMA
2009-01-20 (by unidogma)
FULL GAME - Cracked and ready to go by >>StormeR<<
This is a classic title, still being played by old timers in Gamespy. I myself was very fond of it at one point and still pop in now and then for a little bash!.
This torrent includes the TEST maps created by me and some cool HQ skins!
Coka Cola
Multiplayer addictive!
Top game! ----PLZ SEED and PLEASE leave comments to provide security to other users!
INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Extract the Zip file first!, Do not run the RAR files from within the Zip file.
After you have extracted the Zip file, you ar left with part1.rar and part2.rar.
Using Winrar or some other tool, Run the RAR file, this will extract the Army Men Rts.exe set up program.
Run the .exe file to begin installation. The install directory is set to C:program files and can't be changed as this is needed for the extra's etc.
***If anyone has problems and needs me to release a version for any directory just let me know and i will do it :(***
Compiled by myself & 100% Virus Free - Checked on 1st Jan 2009 by Symantec Corporate Antivirus scan Engine:
Army Men RTS brings your fantasy fights between plastic army guys to life (well, kind of) in a solid real time strategy game.
Your job is to lead Sarge and his band of bazooka men, grenadiers, machine gunners, flame throwers, and plastic military vehicles in a campaign to defeat the evil Tan army. Build bases, use trucks to siphon off plastic and electricity from objects to make men, and build an army fit to defeat the rebels.
"Army Men RTS has hit on something -- it's serious, it's primal, it's wacky and it's fun, all at once. You get all the fun of RTS fundamentals combined with the kitsch appeal of plastic soldiers." - IGN
One of the best things about Army Men RTS is its faithfulness to bring the nostalgia of army toys into something you can really play and command. Included are some great characters like Sarge, the commander and other hero fighters that join you on different missions. You can even build tanks, choppers, artillery, anti-aircraft, guard towers and alot more.
"Overall Army Men: RTS does a good job of creating a real-time strategy game based on the classic line of plastic toys." - Gamespot
While playing Army Men RTS you will:
Have a blast commanding all the familiar army men types and vehicles you used to play with (or blow up with firecrackers like I did).
Be incredibly amused by the antics of the plastic toys and their serious battle determination.
Learn the game quickly through the Bootcamp tutorials
Be thoroughly entertained by the cutscenes between missions
Find even more great challenge playing people online with the multiplayer setting
Succeed in defeating the evil Tan army? Download it now and find out!
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I know it's hard to get at first, and people leach to often, so I will try my best to seed as much as possible, but please be patient, I will almost defenatly seed at night constantly from around 11pm to the morning UK Time! Please do the same!
Files count:
183.46 Mb
piratebaa (2009-01-20)
is it new ?Zamorak1 (2009-01-20)
Lol of course it's new. It's very new.motley666 (2009-01-20)
The torrent is new of course but the game is older.c.k.
GrotesqueArachnid (2009-01-22)
Why aren't you seeding, unidogma...? If you don't let anyone get 100%, you can't expect anyone to be able to "plz Seed!".Fun nostalgy-game, though bad seeding despite the dl-speed being high when it actually downloads.
unidogma (2009-01-22)
Sorry guys!, Had PC problems. I will seed my arse off now!! :)Enjoy!
mcmurray66 (2009-01-25)
I am new to this site. This file was the first I downloaded. My McAfee program says it has adware and blocked it. Take it for what it's worth. Why does everyone have to try and put that stuff in everything. It's not funny to get viruses, adware, spyware.mcmurray66 (2009-01-25)
Before I get hate comments on how stupid I am. I blocked the adware and removed it and then the game worked fine. so thanks for the game but whoever put the adware in no thanks to that.unidogma (2009-01-26)
I am very confused to what kind of adware was in there, as I compiled this myself!. What program for scanning adware have you got?. I will try this myself and re-post!!unidogma (2009-01-26)
Sorry just noticed you said McAfee, I am downloading the program now myself and will re-post as soon as I have scanned the file!!! I am very curious!!unidogma (2009-01-26)
hello, I have just done a scan with McAfee and it found nothing. i have also just checked the files myself and found nothing!. The only thing I can think of and this is a long shot is the NO-CD crack which is a hacked version of the program file that disables the need for the game cd-rom!. On the other hand, i am guessing that you already have adware on your PC and you are confusing this with this file. Nobody else has had this adware from this torrent, so i think this is the most obvious reason!. Maybe posting the results of your find would help me?. Anyone else got some adware from this dwonload let me know?. As it stands, feel free to continue with this torrent, as i promise it works PERFECT with no Adware whatsoever! Please seed!!unidogma (2009-01-27)
I have stopped seeding now, so it's upto u guys!Thanks
doomage101 (2009-01-28)
you are gay!!!!!! MAUHAHAHAHAHAdead-soul (2009-02-04)
many thanks for the release.unidogma (2009-02-21)
doomage101, Are you ok?Thanks Dead-soul, your very welcome!
xGothicAngelx (2009-04-24)
Are you sure this is the full game? because when i started campaign, the first level i could play was level 6, which is the same as the demo.unidogma (2009-05-06)
Yes its the full game. You may be able to start on level 6 if you wish, that's upto you! this is because it was ripped from the HD whilst on level 6. But simply start from the begining!!jokudude (2009-05-12)
when i get this game i will seed my arse off! :) (this is so cool game! i send thanks to UNIDOGMA!)craioveanu95 (2009-05-23)
thx a lot! i love this game! i promise i'll seedMoonBoots89 (2009-05-26)
Thanks so much! I'm amazed to find this game on here - should bring back many happy memories :-)seederguy (2009-06-19)
Woot ^_^ This torrents got seeders. If the torrent works,I'll seed this for a long time. As for multiplayer,you guys should check out gameranger. You can play multiplayer on there with games withouting having a CD code or anything. u just need to have it installed and cracked or have the disks for it(basically,be able to run the game). Lots of people play this on there.unidogma (2009-07-06)
Ha wicked not heard of that site before, will check it out thanks, BTW, You can play this on Gamespy with the crack no probs, always have been able too!! ;)dwarfs18 (2009-10-10)
yeah i don't have a c:drive and when i install it, it doesn't let me change the drive so i can't install it could you get one that will let me change it to h:drive tyAzated (2009-10-10)
I'm a big fan of the army men series, and this game looks epic.Downloading now, i'll seed for a bit after it is finished.
Azated (2009-10-10)
Ugh.Can you upload a version with H drive instead of C? My hard drive is set to H for some reason.
dwarfs18 (2009-11-09)
yeah same here i have H drive also. not C drivelouisj220 (2009-12-14)
what if you cant get winrarme11113 (2010-01-30)
please tell me what to do.i downloaded it and it is rar file and i dont know what to do next.blue_star (2010-02-18)
stupid me11113 ! if you had brains you would know that you have to download WINrar or 7-zip to extract rar files. apply common-sense,muddlehead...!!!bigmuddyboy (2010-02-20)
seed me pleaseunidogma (2010-03-07)
Will post another version with ability to change dir soon -tydwarfs18 (2010-04-30)
yeah i really want this game but i need it in H: drivelarswillen (2010-07-27)
u can use 7-zip to unzip-its good like winrarLight92 (2010-08-10)
For some reason the installer crashed for me.murrambingi (2010-08-23)
thx 4 the upload unidogma,works great :) also to all the rest of you, you can use the latest version winzip here:
to unpack the game, thx again :)tem03 (2010-08-31)
Perfectly working, scanned no viruses pre-cracked and ready to use immediately, best thanks to the uploader.rtstom (2010-09-08)
heey uhm i torrented this 2 times and it keeps telling me volume is missing when i try extracting it and i dont know whats the problem.andres321 (2010-09-15)
Ok guys,heres what ya gotta do to have funRequirments:
WINRAR(or winzip,7zip another one too,)
183 MB
Empty Folders
Simple Cumputer Knowlage
Daemon tools
1.Get UTORRENT(Skip this if u already have it)
2.Click on DOWNLOAD THIS TORRENT in this page,
4.When its done,Right click on that torrent and click on Open Containing Folder
5.Right click on the program and click extract files
6.Press the "+"Button Near MY DOCUMENTS,
6.Find a folder without any +"s,if theres none,make a new folder by going to my documents in START,and right clicking on some space.the white backround i guess,and click on new folder,or new,then new folder,
7.Now with extracting,selectthe folder you just made without the "+"
8.let it extract
9.Now go to the folder you just made,
10.Either two option
1 is to right click on it and click on extract here,if its a WINRAR file
2 is to mount it with daemon tools,which will make it like a crack,making it playing without a CD,When you mount,its like when you insert the CD,
11.Mount or eextract here then mount
12.When your done,just install
13.Boom!Your ready to play!
Flames_To_Hell (2010-12-08)
I havent seen so noobs with computer.billylopez (2011-01-06)
awsome seedingquick download
[Silvers] (2011-02-02)
Thanks for the upload, will seed for days.PS: Damnit if you can't figure out what to do with the files then you really have nothing to look for here.
I admit I m only 23 years old, but seems these youngsters want everything on a silver fucking plate. Learn something about computers FFS!
datian197 (2011-02-06)
pls seedmohiergauth (2011-02-24)
epic noobage......Seriously who doesn't know about zip/rar files?
mohiergauth (2011-02-24)
When I want to know something I don't know, I ask the question to GoOgLe, it's easy as hell to use.You don't even have to spell properly.....being able to read helps.
smr2022 (2011-03-29)
thanx unidogmaexcellent game!
Ramzes4444 (2011-05-07)
Can somebody send it? Please! ;)alfonso625 (2011-05-24)
seed me please...alfonso625 (2011-05-24)
thanks.. great.. to the uploader.. please upload more games.. more strategy games..shah216 (2011-06-01)
every time i play online its starts downloading rts again ... any solutiongreatday1 (2011-06-18)
its easy as hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......... download it ... i used utorrent (took about 5 minutes to complete)..... i opened containing folder ....... dragged it onto my desktop.......extracted it to desktop.....went to part 1 clicked on the army men rts.exe and it extracted bringing the setup........completed setup and there you go.....i created a new folder to put all of the shit in :pgreatday1 (2011-06-22)
SEED if u blew them up with firecrackers :P-gamerportalconsole
toshineon (2011-09-12)
People are still calling one another "noob", come on, it's not 2002 anymore...Jasooooon (2011-09-30)
Just downloaded this torrent and it works great on my windows 7 pc!.No extras required for this to be playable on windows 7 ect.Just install & play!.Thank you very much couldn't thank unidogma enough!!! :DSilvergohst (2011-11-01)
Great Game!!! keep up the good workAnon495 (2012-05-06)
hey thnx dude, i use to play this game all the time on gamecube. hey is there a way to play the multiplayer without having 2 or more players? i try to just play it with the ai but it wont let me.Sirmax12 (2012-05-30)
SEEDINGS PLZ...................ckravitz1223 (2012-07-01)
As I was typing in "Army Men RTS" I said to myself "this will never come up." WOW! I was so happy to see it! And, it works amazingly. Thank you so much for this! I'll be seeding for awhile!openarena (2012-07-08)
One of my first Games *-*jiwoo27 (2012-11-04)
does this have viruses?ventaraki (2013-04-07)
It doesn't work if you have windows 7, I've tried on 2 different computers.says it cant find a compatible DX8 card...
Ershaq94 (2013-07-19)
Still works like a charm!Files:
1. Army Men RTS Zipped p1& 183.46 Mb