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Photoshop CS2 v9.0 + working KeyGen
Photoshop CS2 v9.0 + working KeyGen
2008-04-11 (by wildcat434 )
Den som är bekant med program för design och fotoredigering kommer att bli övertygad om att det inte finns något kraftfullare IT-verktyg än Adobe Photoshop.
Det här programmet är perfekt för bildbehandling, allt ifrån optimering till fotoutskrifter och inscanning av bilder. Adobe Photoshop används av proffs i hela världen och det kräver ofta avancerade funktioner.
Oavsett detta är det enkelt att lära sig och vem som helst kan använda fotoredigering och enklare funktioner i programmet med utmärkt resultat.
Adobe Photoshop innefattar flera verktyg, filter, effekter m.m. Med dem kan du redigera och producera sensationella digitala verk som också kan användas för webdesign.
Den här nya versionen har bättre stabilitet och kvalitet i sina olika funktioner så att du kan uppnå riktigt professionella resultat.
The ninth version of Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop CS2, is part of Adobe's Creative Suite 2 and brings a new range of interesting features for digital photographers. The objective of this review is to highlight the new and changed features compared to Photoshop CS.
Files count:
320.88 Mb
MondayWizard (2008-04-22)
heeey, there are no seeds, dude seed this..wildcat434 (2008-05-18)
it's an english version og photoshop... and i'm seeding this 24/7 so pls dont pester about seed plsssmysticalhippo (2008-05-20)
Is this safe? No viruses or anything?Fattig- (2008-05-23)
fucking nice sped 500 to 600 kb'sFattig- (2008-05-23)
and noew in 2 mb sekFattig- (2008-05-23)
it's don't working to installFattig- (2008-05-23)
now it's working great thx7oxymoron (2008-05-31)
can't install. after klicking the "setup" thing, there's an autostart error.... help!!!!7oxymoron (2008-05-31)
never mind, sorry!!! works 100 %!!! fast, easy, virus free!!!!!!!!!OneGeekGirl (2008-06-06)
this torrent is infected.pussywar (2008-06-07)
wtf the keygen doen't work.fjuckby (2008-06-11)
Det fuckar bra. tack! :)lemza (2008-06-13)
works perfect, thanks for this one !!!mr-animal (2008-06-14)
can not finde the seriel number then i open photoshop... some one cane help me... realy need itjujudoll (2008-06-14)
Works GREAT! Thank you. I'm seeding this oneTinripp (2008-06-15)
Good download, took me half an hour and as far as i can tell its virusfree. Tnxs !mr-animal (2008-06-15)
plz help me finde the key i gona use then i open photoshop cs2Enc0re86 (2008-06-16)
Hvordan åpner jeg filen?swesoulc (2008-06-18)
Worm/virus detected in keygenhaxorgr (2008-07-02)
Great upload thanks!zoobezee (2008-07-05)
Dude awesome torrent, I'm definately keeping this,and Key-Gen is amazing! Rock on dude!
spiken_gp (2008-07-06)
the keygen can fool the virusprogramme, that is it i virus in it, but it isen´t! Cause it´s piracy, that´s why it warns you !:)dispid (2008-07-07)
fucking rar files.......Toptrumps2 (2008-07-15)
Downloading from 27 hostsSpeed - 147 KB/S
Ill seed after like many people before me have! Thanks :)
Gakkity (2008-07-20)
This is works so goodTHANK YOU WILDCAT434!!!!
dicro (2008-07-20)
please explain were the key is hiding my first time downloading thank you for your time :-)monach666 (2008-07-24)
downloaded very easilly! once its downloaded and it offers to update, can i update it w/o adobe knowing its pirated? thanks a bunch...awesome upload!rangerkeeper34525634 (2008-07-25)
i need help please someone seed it for mei currently have zero.
vomog1 (2008-07-26)
Downloaded fine, but it tells me its trial only and I have 28 days left.AbstractEmpire (2008-08-02)
This ismy first ever torrent download.... yay?SySt3mEt (2008-08-02)
thx so fucking muchSySt3mEt (2008-08-02)
Tio minuter o0ledzeppelin93 (2008-08-04)
wat do i do i clicked on the program and it said it does not know wat program created it wat do i doDipslick (2008-08-09)
i din't find any key gen and i got virus from this...Wowholypriest (2008-08-09)
bluesfemton (2008-08-09)
please seed :) Thank youxdamm (2008-08-13)
TwistraN (2008-08-13)
Mask-virus i.. Tack!Simblyne (2008-08-14)
Can someone tell my why my anti-virus program found a virus in this? Is this a false positive or does this torrent actually have a harmful virus? =/Simblyne (2008-08-14)
Nevermind... apparently it's this virus:
Armoured-Fury (2008-08-18)
Tah this took me 15 minutes to download lol.Armoured-Fury (2008-08-18)
By the way i will say this:I have downloaded this torrent many times in my past and i have NEVER come accross a virus. The keygen used in it, i have seen many many times as i have used it a lot in previous installs.
No worries.
TPB-043 (2008-08-18)
Funkar inte detta med windows vista ? för när jag ska installera säger de att den inte hittar nån fil typ $data154.918cabArmoured-Fury (2008-08-18)
Flobbidy gook. I think it should work on Vista because i have tried it with Vista before. Blar blar flobbidy pants mcpantslington Sazuki ja plamaya2222 (2008-08-18)
where I can find my activation number for the 'keygen by paradox' ? help me quickly please !xtoughcustomerx (2008-08-19)
so... i just dl this and the program is there and it works, but there is a virus as well, my antivirus took care of it and i got to enjoy my cs2 so, just be careful...MrHabu (2008-08-19)
Tack så jävla mycket. trode fan inte det skulle funk asså!dj022055 (2008-08-22)
how do i open it...its a rar an i dont know shit bout rar some plz plz help,what do ido??????????????????????????????????????
-kisskitty-- (2008-08-23)
i can't find the key ... Wher is it :PPlease help me:D
Mcone (2008-08-25)
ok, when I open Photoshop cs2, it begs me for activation, and the serial number that I wrote before is in the filt already. but when I try to activate it just says, We were unable to activate./
ok, när jag öppnar photoshop cs2, så vill den att jag ska aktivera mitt cs2, och serial numret jag skrev in innan är redan i fältet, men när jag provar att aktivera så säger den bara, Vi kunde inte aktivera.
anybody knows what is wrong?
dashubbahabba (2008-08-25)
works perfect =Dhgiehgbvvbk (2008-08-28)
where can I get a swedish langauge package for this one?Goldwolf (2008-09-21)
Thanks , works great no virus!!!toz66 (2008-09-27)
Ok few points.....folks who keep saying "cant find key"...jesus, do you actually know what a KEYGEN means, if you dont, please leave now, you dont deserve to be on here.
the virus thing, you will find that any virus protection programme worth its salt will find any keygen as a virus.
I know its hard to determine if its true or not, but what you have to do is again use common sense, if all comments say virus, then I would guess its dodgy, but if the vast majority as in this one say its ok, then go for it.
Just read comments people helps no end...
there rant over, lol
xjarN (2008-09-30)
Very nice torrent! Im downloading at 500 kb/s! ;)Thank you very much, im going to seed when im done.
Fett fin torrent, jag laddar ner på över 500 kb/s
tack så mkt alla, jag kommer seeda när jag är klar! ;D;D;D;;D
ncaccel (2008-10-07)
Thanks! Works Great!CurioD (2008-10-12)
Avira detected a worm on de Keygen :Pxxkrissi (2008-10-22)
SEED PLEASE?!You gotta seed, i want this, maybe all of this peeps want ?! =)
artillery47 (2008-11-03)
Its downloading at a whopping 300kb. Thanks, I'll comment soon.Mattmasher (2008-11-27)
it keeps freezing on the loadup screen.... plz helpDarkOsiris (2008-12-05)
Yh this shits infected...petrashenkoav (2008-12-23)
Thank's a lot. fine speed - 10 minutes to download. There is no virus - some antivirus programs detect keygens or patches as viruses - so don't worry, it's not harmfullScayer (2009-01-09)
Works 100%!!!Keygen is NOT a virus!
KYHU (2009-01-12)
OMFG DUDE?! AVG DL AT 553,1 kB/s ?! :DBostero007 (2009-03-08)
Anyone who is concerned about this torrent needn't be. I installed it without any problems at all. Just follow the "simple" instructions and you will be well on your wall to posessing your very own copy of CS2. I have a copy of CS4 but really like CS2. Thanks Wildcat434piratuljack (2009-03-26)
When in doubt, use Sandboxie to run the keygens inside a sandbox . This way you'll protect your system from possible viruses.Photoshop CS2 is the last version of PS which comes with ImageReady - a great program for creating Actions and for Automation ( Deke McClelland has some great videos on this subject )
joeblowme (2009-05-14)
shit! nice seeds on this one! im avrging 500kbps.awesome download man, thanks.
heartjackblack (2009-06-02)
Its saying i cant use it beacuse my account doesnt have proper privlidges?? i dont have an account what do i do?falconkaji (2009-06-05)
downloaded at 1mb/s. wonderful torrent, thanks.0v3rloader (2009-06-18)
Great torrent but even better seeders! 1MB/s, wonderful.15x seeding on the way. Thanks wildcat! ;)
lazybumm94 (2009-06-20)
OMG this does work perfectly and only took 10 minutes thx!! :DSumeklamKidd (2009-06-26)
Thanks for the app.Toz66, I doubt that you were born knowing any of this technology, and everyone has a learning curve, even when they come to TPB.
I'm grateful for the great folks that showed me the ropes when I first arrived, otherwise, I would never have learned.
Share not only files, but intellectual help also, understand?
blackmagic1929 (2009-06-30)
i've read almost all the comments but i still have a question.I've looked everywhere for the keygen,but i didn't found it.I need to have a folder called "keygen" or how it is named?
blackmagic1929 (2009-07-05)
never mind,i found it:)._counterweight_ (2009-08-06)
pretty amazing how some downloads can really be downloaded FASTthis only took 10 minutes for infections, no problems...great torrent...keep up the good work wildcat