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Counter Strike Source Mega Fix (Fonts+Maps)+(HalfLife2 Font Fix)
Games Mac
Counter Strike Source Mega Fix (Fonts+Maps)+(HalfLife2 Font Fix)
2008-11-25 (by Mrberu)
**STUPID UPDATE**: Ok. The fix will now fix ALL font issues in game. That's right, ALL. Just go to
and download the updated .res files. This+the normal fix will enable all text. All of it. Hugs are free.
[Just in case any of you forgot to get it, the Marlett font can be found here:
Just download it and copy it into Contents> Resources> Transgaming> c_drive> Windows> Fonts and then you'll see things like scroll arrows and miscellaneous fonts]
Well everyone, Here it is.
You've been waiting for a while, I know.... but now the fix is ready, and you can finally enjoy Cstrike.
This will unlock ALL maps (including custom ones), and will fix ALL in game font issues (chat issues, map issues etc.).
Anyway... here it is. The fix you've all been waiting for.
And "battlecruiserman" for telling me how to fix the HL2 fonts. (Original Font fix from "Prophylactix")
(P.S. This WILL work on HL2, read the info file for more.. well.. info)
Files count:
1495.07 Mb
homeyman (2008-11-25)
wow.thank u very much.
i help seeding with 100kb/s.
its great, that u fix this game after all this time.
(sry my bad english).
homeyman (2008-11-26)
Now Half Life 2 Fix too?Must i restart the download?
Mrberu (2008-11-26)
No, I just tested it, and it works. This fix will fix the fonts of both CSS and HL2. (and hl2e1 if you guys have it, doubt it'll work on Portal or HL2e2 but you're welcome to try)cba_321 (2008-11-26)
Hey Mrberu,Does this fix any of the crashes?
Thanks in advance.
Mrberu (2008-11-26)
Yes, this fix should fix most file related crashes (e.g. couldn't load this file, or couldn't find that texture etc.)However, you should still apply the previous patch, just to make sure the game will turn on/ connect to the masterservers list. (FOR GOD'S SAKE PEOPLE... I SAID MAKE THE .VDF FILE READ ONLY FOR A REASON!!!!)
Also, please check in frequently for updates to the file. I've already found a few bugs which I'll be editing out as we speak. Just look to the torrent description. (bug= 4got to change crosshairs, so if you apply the fix to HL2, crosshairs don't change.)
(Ok, fixed bug, just download the file again and replace the appropriate .res files)
prophylactix (2008-11-26)
hooray for demonoid where many of these fixes originated.Mrberu (2008-11-26)
The only fix that originated in demonoid is how to fix the hl2 fonts, and that's why i didn't take credit for it. I also told people how to patch their maps etc.I'm only uploading this for the people who don't want to have to deal with fixing it themselves. My game's been working for a while now ^.^ just making sure everyone can enjoy it.
homeyman (2008-11-27)
Please more speed :)homeyman (2008-11-27)
Mhm..i get an Runtime Error at the start.
But i think, i dont make everything right.
I have copied marlett.ttf to fonts.
Then i repleace the Files from the Dropbox with the files in css>bin
Then i copied the files from the Mega Fix.dmg.
First i repleaced the 4 files in cstrike>resource with the files in
Then i replaced the complete folders materials and models in css > hl2.
And then i copied the files SourceScheme.res and TrackerScheme.res, and replaced on the app.
is that right so?
(hope u understand me)
Mrberu (2008-11-27)
@homeyman, whoa dude... loads of mistakes.Put the stuff from into transgaming>c_drive>css>hl2>resource
Put the other .res files (in the cstrike folder in the fix itself) into c_drive>css>cstrike>resource
The models+materials+marlett is right. Remove the stuff from .bin
(The folders are all labeled exactly what they would be like in the Counter (Just copy the files from one folder into the right folder in the app itself. I tried to make it as straightforward as possible. I'm seeing 20 seeders, how were your results?)
homeyman (2008-11-27)
juhu.i love u man.
i have done what u write... AND IT WORKS GREAT.
but i havent delete the files in the bin folder (css > bin).
the test isnt red.
i can download maps and sounds.
but what to do with the files in the mega fix image? (css > platform > Resource) ???
Mrberu (2008-11-28)
@homeymanCopy them into
You're a fag.
homeyman (2008-11-28)
mhm. after 3 hours play it it crash very often.
maybe the map dolls is buggy!?!
i hope, it works again.
Mrberu (2008-11-28)
what resolution are you playing on? 1280x800 is the most stable one I've seen so far. If you have AA turned on, turn it off. Can't see any reason why the game would suffer problems. Restart your computer (I have to admit, I've never been able to play CSS for more than half an hour at a time)homeyman (2008-11-28) it crash everytime.
at the beginning it works so perfect :(
im playing on 1920x1200.
but i can try 1280x800.
AA is disabled.
GABTOB (2008-11-28)
Umm.. first the server list fonts workt and now after the mega fix they don't anymore. But moast importand to me is to play the game and not to have menuefonts. But it still crashes often even thou i've DL all of your CSS-torrents. Now i'm not blaming you Mrberu - don't get me wrong! I just thing i may have put some file in wrong folders. Now i know you invested a lot of time but could you take some minutes to wright down step-by-step which files have to been put where that the game don't crashes anymore. And it would assume from your first CSS torrent which just comprised the "Counter" and then wright like and put the files from that torrent there and those from that in there because your instructions from the mega-fix didn't make me clever.Thanks a lot for bringing CSS to the Mac and thanks ahead if you post the instructions.
Mrberu (2008-11-28)
@Gabtob+homeymanok, here are instructions from step 1 (downloading the original torrent).
What we first need is to update our MasterServers list. Download the masterservers from
(remember to right click the .vdf file and click "save as")
Make the new Masterservers file READ ONLY. This is a MUST. Highlight its icon, click command (apple button)+i, and scroll down the list until you see permission settings. Make it so that no one can write it.
Replace it with your normal Masterservers list in>Resources>transgaming> c_drive> css> platform> config.
Now, this should get your game to connect to the web. THEN, download the marlett.ttf font and the mega update and the updated .res files I linked in this torrent's description. In the Css Mega Fix folder, you should see a folder named Contents. Now, each folder is labeled to look just like the inside of (e.g. Contents>Resources>transgaming> c_drive> program files> css> hl2 will be labeled the same way in the fix as it would be in the real app)
All you need to do here is copy the .res files from their folders in the fix, to the corresponding folder in the real app. (There are two folders, Models and Materials, these need to replace the original Models+Media folders completely. The Marlet.ttf font needs to be put in Contents> Resources> transgaming> windows> fonts. The files in the (there should be 3 or 4 .res files) need to be copied to ....>c_drive> program files> css> hl2> resource (they are upgraded files that should replace the ones included in the fix itself)
Now that your done, delete your preferences folder at Macintosh HD>library>preferences, and your config.cfg file at .....>c_drive > css> cstrike> cfg
Then try running the game. If it STILL doesn't work, email me (accountanonymousATliveDOTcom)
Mrberu (2008-11-28)
Models+Materials should replace the original Models+Materials folder, not media.mcnuggets123 (2008-11-29)
will this make the map called aztec work adn the others?Korich (2008-11-29)
Mrberu, can you write to info steps of your fix?captianchase (2008-11-29)
are you guys gonna make a cider version of left 4 dead, mirrors edge (when it comes out), fallout 3 or any of the new big releases?homeyman (2008-11-29)
@captianchasewith this version of cider, u cant crack directx 9 games.
with the next release of a offical cider port, will come directx9 and shadder 3.0.
with this port, maybe he can crack the games.
but not with the newest version (prince of persia) ;)
Mrberu (2008-11-30)
@mcnuggets23Yep. Aztec will work, inferno will work, all custom maps will work etc.
I did. Multiple times. In the torrent description, the torrent itself, and if you read a few comments up, I wrote how to perform all of the fixes to get the game running.
Homeyman is spot on, plus, I sadly don't have a computer that can run any of the games you mentioned (im still on a Macbook). But if I get a chance to upgrade, I will, and when I do, I'll definitely take a shot at L4D and Fallout 3.. but that all depends on the hardware I've got... I say just keep watching the skies at Demonoid and some other torrent trackers, and I'm sure you'll find some uploaded Cider ports there.
stef_u (2008-11-30)
Thanks Mr Beru you are a legendCan everyone pls seed! its slooow...
Jesus-Christ (2008-11-30)
Hey and thanks for the upl,I did what i were told by you, my son. And i played for about one hour and then the C+++ message came up. Any brother here to help? I played without AA and on 1280x800. The servermenue fonts were fine but the ingame chatfonts were like before all the fixes.
What about upploading a perfect working version as a final torrent?
God bless you all my brothers
Samus_Ng (2008-11-30)
Mrberu, must the CSS Mega Fix.dmg be download just to fix the text issue? It's the only thing bugging me and the file size of the fix is hugeSamus_Ng (2008-11-30)
Never mind what I said, applied the text fix only(didn't download the dmg file) and not all the text were fixed(text in chat and on the bottom left corner still look weird). Do I really need to download the dmg file to fix this? Thanks in advance bro, thumbs up for your work!Mrberu (2008-11-30)
@Samus_NgYeah, the was only put in place to fix the menu fonts. The reason I put it all in one dmg was because I didn't think there would be anyone who wouldn't want to not use the new maps :S Anyway, I update the file so re download it and it'll include the cstrike font fix (previously it only included the HL2 one)
Samus_Ng (2008-12-01)
Applied the latest font fix, most of it were fixed but some are not(the font for "Select A Team" and the chat area are still not right. Is it possible to fix this? If these are fixed I'll be so happy. Thanks Mrberu!oblivionkill (2008-12-02)
is anyone seeding...because it says no seeders...apricunt (2008-12-02)
i've done all the fixes but still get the runtime error....sigh, still its great to be able to play css on my mac....even if only for a few minutes at a time!oblivionkill (2008-12-03)
the ~ key it should be right under esc and above taboblivionkill (2008-12-04)
ok for the first link in the description...where EXACTLY do you put the files for counter strike, half life 2 and half life 2 episode one...someone please answer >.>Mrberu (2008-12-04)
@people getting run time errorsThis is probably because of your resolution. 1280x800 is the most stable (highest) resolution. I've seen that the game does get quite a few runtime errors on an intel iMac (with the ATI Radeon HD 2400 XT), and like you guys said, it happens after playing every 10-15 minutes or so. I'm looking into this issue, and will try to have it fixed, soon.
The linked file is just the Font Fix. The files need to be put in the corresponding folders. If you download the entire fix, you'll understand where, but basically, here's what you need to do.
There's a folder called "hl2 resource" or something... drag its contents (which should be a bunch of .res files) into
Counter> Contents> Resources> Transgaming> c_drive> Program Files> css> hl2> resource.
Drag in the .res files from the fix and replace the current ones.
When it comes to the other folder, just drag the entire folder "resource" so that it replaces the "resource" folder in Counter> Contents> Resources> Transgaming> c_drive> Program Files> css> cstrike
...and then fonts are fixed. Download the entire fix to get all the maps working. (if you've applied the font fix linked in the description, don't apply the one included in the main package) (The one in the package is incomplete, and the ones in the description are their updated versions)
oblivionkill (2008-12-04)
ohhh i get it thanks =]komfyrion (2008-12-06)
I think i did what you said, but when i play a map i press 'ok' and this weird bar comes down in the middle of the screen and i cant do anything...komfyrion (2008-12-06)
wait i got it! i just put the fontfix in again, replaced the ones that allreade were, and everything works!! THX THX THX!! im going to a LAN today, so i had to get it right, and i did! THhank you VERY MUCH!! Keep it up!iSlayer (2008-12-08)
Seriously, wtf MrBeru?Why the hell didn't you mention somewhere that this is a PATCH without the game?!?!?!?!
Hope this works.
apricunt (2008-12-08)
@iSlayerSurely the title of the torrent was enough of a clue that this was just the fix?
and yes it works
komfyrion (2008-12-08)
oh no! I kep getting crashes all the time, the game just crashes and no run time error window appear! I tried setting my resolution, but i cant set it to 1280x800, I have a MacBook!komfyrion (2008-12-08)
aw sry i didnt see the widescreen option, so i set it on widescreen and now i can do 1280x800, Thx!komfyrion (2008-12-08)
what? i still keep getting the crashes!!! aaargh! now i cant play! pls help! i set all the graphic options to low and stuff (managed to do that..) but i keep getting crashes all the time!Mrberu (2008-12-09)
@komfyrionOk, can you test something for me? When you throw a flash grenade, and it blows up, do you then get the C++ error? ...or do you get it on timed intervals?
komfyrion (2008-12-10)
yep it fucks up sometimes when i use a flashbangkomfyrion (2008-12-11)
Well, actually it doesnt pop up a window telling me that its a c++ error, it just goes to my desktop. And sometimes it just comes a C++ error too, but it not too often, i can live with those.estebanus (2008-12-11)
Works great. Love this game. Thanks a lot !Mrberu (2008-12-11)
@komfyriongot it. know your bug too (a friend of mine has it). Problem is, I copied my copy of CSS (the one with 0 bug) directly to his computer, and this happened. He's on a black macbook. I'm going to look into it and see what causes it, but I really have no clue what causes it... maybe the shaders? The whole screen is supposed to flash white, so maybe it is with the pixel shaders? I'll check it out and get back to you.
komfyrion (2008-12-11)
okay, i have a black macbook, and i have installed two 1gb RAM-cards, that all the change i've done to my computer. thx for taking the time!homeyman (2008-12-13)
Ok.Sometimes the Game will work about much hours.
But sometimes it crash every time.
I dont know why, but sometimes it wors perfect, and then not.
cheehai (2008-12-13)
is this for OS X or am i just wasting my time?cheers.
Mrberu (2008-12-14)
Hey guys, someone just e-mailed me with a fix for run time errors, haven't tried it yet (because I don't have access to a computer that gets them, since my computer never seems to get any :S), but here's what he says:1) Delete you Preferences folder. 2) Go into> Contents> Resources> Preferences. 3) Backup (make an extra copy of) you config file. 4) open your config file in a word editor. 5) Change the defaultscreenwidth and height under the "[sdldrv]" settings to fit the resolution you want it to be. (e.g. for 23" iMacs, 1920 and 1200)
Try it, might just work.
potsboy (2008-12-19)
@mrberui got the fix. did everything. downloaded the zip. and the dmg. but now my main screen and pause screen dont have any words. i cant click but i can use the up and down keys and use enter. is there anyway i can get the words back. (its on the screens where it says counter strike source with pic of the 2 guys)
Mrberu (2008-12-19)
@potsboyYou applied the fix incorrectly, download the font fix from the url linked in the torrent, and copy the correct .res files into the appropriate folders.
You need the masterservers.vdf from the original runtime fix:
Silvexo (2008-12-19)
Why thank you sir.I'll be re-downloading your version and applying the patches.
For awhile I thought that I'd be stuck with Crossover Games for ever :D
Thanks again.
ragge270 (2008-12-21)
hello gays do 1 now where i can find ba_jail mapskomfyrion (2008-12-22)
Uhm, MrBeru, that thing that dude e-mailed u, will it fix my flashbang-problems?Mrberu (2008-12-26)
@komfyrionCan't say for certain, why don't you try it and find out?
qwerty200 (2008-12-27)
The main problem with CSS is that some of the models and textures don't show up. Does this patch fix it?qwerty200 (2008-12-27)
And getting gmod 10 to work would stomp ass. :-DMrberu (2008-12-28)
@gwerty200Yeah, that's exactly what the fix does.
Frozen-ice (2009-01-07)
lol. so big for a patchFrozen-ice (2009-01-07)
so i go to the 'Fonts' folder somewhere in the 'package contents' of half-life, and install the fonts there is it?? reply me.thx in advance
Mrberu (2009-01-10)
@frozen-icesorry for responding so late, but you basically answered your own question. Just go into the contents, find the right directories, and use those 1337 copy pastah skills you know you were born with ;)
theBMP (2009-01-13)
it says there is 12 seeders yet I'm only getting like >5kbs. So please seed more guys...thanks.theBMP (2009-01-13)
by >5 i meantkomfyrion (2009-01-18)
well, that fix that that dude e-mailed u, did not fix my flashbang problem. And it didnt fix any crashes either, i seem to get more crashes all the time..theBMP (2009-01-18)
Hey guys could anyone help me out. I applied the fix, but the figures/people in the game are appearing as completely white figures. If anyone knows what mistake I may have made while applying the fix please let me know. Thanks.theBMP (2009-01-18)
alright nvm. it's all good now.EmoInPain (2009-01-18)
i dont understand the first part of the instructions. it says replace models/materials folder. does that mean replace the models folder in the material folder, or does that mean replace both folders entirely. and also what do i replace them with?EmoInPain (2009-01-18)
i followed the steps to make half life 2 fonts work but now i cant open it at all! it just says c++ runtime error please helpEmoInPain (2009-01-18)
now the text for scc is screwed up again...EmoInPain (2009-01-19)
is there any way to bring everything back to normal without downloading the entire thing again?Pulker (2009-01-20)
I could play yesterday, but now I can't connet to the "game master server" something, anyone?Pulker (2009-01-20)
DONT WORRY; ITS FIX'd.Frozen-ice (2009-01-21)
@mrberusorry for being so trouble some, but could you gimme the direct way to the file to fix the fonts??
(e.g contents>transgaming>blah>blah)
Frozen-ice (2009-01-21)
@mr berubtw, still gt runtime error
starmaster96 (2009-01-21)
@EveryoneSorry for not responding for a while... I know you all have a LOT of questions, so I'm going to write up a guide that I'm going to post here in the comments that you can all use for reference, because all of your problems are just variations of each other and are a result of not understanding the fix (it's my fault for making it so complicated)
papone (2009-01-24)
hey guys help me plz i have a new i mac and i copy contenent to css but when i tried to open it says u can't open the aplication because it is not suported on this architecture6oza (2009-01-30)
@ mrberuthanks a lot for the instructions
grand respect!
Did anyone got any further in fixing run time errors?
mightemouse (2009-01-30)
for some reason i cant download the mega fix thru frostwire and on acquisition it only gets up to 6kbs. am i doing something wrong?Mr.Hilter (2009-02-02)
In the "instructions" file it says that you should replace the materiel and models map in the Cstrike folder with the ones provided. But the only material and models folders provided are the ones in ...css\hl2\ folder. So should you replace the material and models folder in ...css\hl2\ on your mac or in the cs folder? Even if this are place in the Hl2 folder on the .dmg?I have replaced the material and models folder in my hl2 folder and it still gets the "run time" error under game play?
6oza (2009-02-05)
been playing CSS for a couple of days now and here's how it is:- works fine with fixes (kudos to mrberu) until it dies with a case of run time errors (usually half n hour up to an hour of solid game play)
- sometimes crashes every 5 min, sometimes never crashes at all
- seems to never crash on servers with low ping (mine is around 10-20) and old school maps (dust, dust2, office, etc - never had any problems)
so the game is usable to a certain extent
... beats using god damn windows thats for sure
dna_emerald (2009-02-17)
BULLSHIT!, it doesn't work anymore cannot locate any sources6oza (2009-02-26)
there is easier way to play css on macu will need few things but at the end it plays better (no offense mrberu) then cider ported one
here what u need:
1. dl crossover
2. install it
3. dl css for windows
4. install it using crossover
and u if everything is fine , u should be able to play css
it worked for me, everything is smooth and no runtime errors...
D1g1talPh33r (2009-03-10)
just replaced the HL2 stuff and it works perfect now!!! but i almost miss the purple and black squares :( lol thanks MR. Beru!biff2204 (2009-03-22)
in the instructions, it says to replace the materials and models folders in cstrike with the ones provided. however the only ones i can find are from the hl2 i still use these as replacements?
D1g1talPh33r (2009-03-27)
sorry but I still get the runtime C++ error ALOT.LevLovesPussy (2009-04-11)
Mrberu! Thank you for Half Life it is working perfectly, but i sm having some trouble with CSS, but i think i will figgurite out. Thank you againiiW33ZYx (2009-05-05)
people chill out the fix doesnt work for css there is no model/material files to replace. however you can fix hl2, just be patient.viviana111 (2009-06-14)
i'm a girl and i'm really not good at to i make it work? windows doesn't recognize a dmg it only for mac? please help meeeeviviana111 (2009-06-14)
could you e mail me at pleaseDavidC02 (2009-07-12)
Hey Mrberu, sorry for being such a noob. I am confused with the megafix, the font fix (which i downloaded), and the other torrent called Counter Strike Source for Mac fix! Do you have a step by step guide, and which one should i try first? the megafix?DavidC02 (2009-07-12)
Her Mrberu, I was wondering if you could upload a counterstrike torrent that has no problems- the fonts are fixed, no c++ errors, and all maps work. I would be greatly honored if you do so!solobruz (2009-11-23)
THX MATE.. IT so tired of the red text, i couldnt read anything..
BTW: when i try to add a favorite server, the application quits.. and it pop up an error, what do i do?
mister.v (2009-12-10)
Seed this son of a bitch! 97 percent!CarrotB (2009-12-20)
I can't open the mega fix? what must i do ?Antigravity (2009-12-26)
The game works great with the fix, but favorites aren't working : C++ error when I try to add a serverBawbz (2009-12-29)
do you know if there is anyway to add updates like zombie horde? or other?-CCCP- (2010-01-03)
could pls anyone upload css for mac fully fixed without c++ runtime errors or something like that pls-CCCP- (2010-01-04)
in the readmeMaps/Most C++ Runtime Errors
Navigate to the Cstrike folder, and replace its Models/Materials folder with the one provided. IMPORTANT NOTE: Completely replace it.
sry my english is not the best could anyone explain it because in the fix there are no models/materials for cstrike folder
Yoss7 (2010-01-15)
I had to spend a couple of hours figuring all this out, so for people confused about the various fixes, here's what you need to do.1. Install Mrberu's Cider port of Counter Strike Source from
2. Patch missing game files using Mrberu's CSS Mega Fix from
Make sure to replace files, NOT folders. You'll have to spend about half an hour comparing directories to do this right.3. Fix the fonts issue with the files from
Don't forget to download the Marlett font from [].
This will fix the menu fonts but not the in-game fonts.4. Fix the preferences and servers issues by following Mrberu's instructions from
You'll need to download the master server directory from [].
To access the files and folders you'll need to manipulate: go to your Applications folder, control-click or right-click on your Counter Strike Source icon, and select the "Show Package Contents" option from the menu.
A big thanks to Mrberu for making all this possible!
Zurtax (2010-01-17)
Hi thx a LOT for the mac css and fix worked but is there any way to get console to mac css?jaketoews (2010-02-20)
Could somebody please seed for a little while? I've been at like 0.1kbps for like the past week and I'm about 85% done. Thanks.ivlad (2010-02-25)
I've installed all the fixes but have the issue of getting kicked from all servers for having a ping that's too high. Except my ping is 30ms any ideas?hookiehs (2010-03-08)
Is there any way I can add my own downloaded maps. I've tried to add them in the maps-folder but I can't start them. Is there any solution? Would be ever so grateful. Thanks for a great torrent!cookbenj (2010-04-16)
we need more seeders i been downloading for a long time now....TheDarkKnight95 (2010-05-31)
SEEEED!!!jekjek08 (2010-08-06)
@-CCCP-1.)Go to ur CS:S app. and control+click then click "Show Contents"
2.)In the CS:S Mega Fix go to the hl2 folder and copy the Materials/Models in
Files>css>hl2 (replace the Materials/Models in the hl2 folder) Hope I Helped!jekjek08 (2010-08-06)
But i really don't know how to get the console up. How do you get the console up? Please Answer.jekjek08 (2010-08-09)
Now i know how to get the console out (for those who don't know) Got to Options, then go to Keyboard, then go to Advanced, then click "Developer's Console" (or something like that) then click "Ok". then Quit the game, go to your Macintosh HD>Library>Preferences> then delete the "Counter Strike Preferences Preferences Folder" then start the game, Create or Find a server, press "~" in-game. then type your cheats! or whatever else. Enjoy!Brantrodomus (2010-08-15)
no matter what i do i can't get this to work on my computer. i have gone through the instructions very carefully 3 times and i still get the C++ runtime Error. can anyone help me with this??punchuinface55 (2010-08-19)
I cant believe i thot this would work but here i am trying to figure it out... i tried changing options in the game but after i quit the game there was no preferences folder for CSS? and now the game wont start so fuck me but if you know what i should do let me knowhobiz (2010-11-23)
i did everything and i can load the server list, but when i try to join, it says my version does not match the server's.Help??
Raj05 (2011-03-11)
hey i get the error invalid version or something. can someone help!!!puged (2011-03-14)
No one has this Counter Strike Preference Preferences folder, Mrberu. Can you just comment back that you don't know why this is? Thanks. It was cool for the first 10 minutes heh.CeMHuseyiN (2011-07-08)
Lol, 1 Seeder? This is just said man... Cheap Fucks.StavrosRuss (2011-07-08)
Please SEED!!!!! :DStavrosRuss (2011-07-08)
plz.... :D
jonathanehari (2011-08-18)
I did all the steps! still having the c++ thingy! please help! it seems like its having a problem with the hl2.exe fileHELP!!!!!
Kenath1406 (2011-11-26)
SEED PLEASE!!! GODDAMNIT!!!rockyyeah (2012-06-23)
Mrberu, instead of making us download and patch the game itself, why not just upload a torrent of the finished versionTenuxFider (2012-07-21)
anyone please seed please...jkruzch (2012-08-29)
!!! PLEASE HELP !!!1) Did all the instructions from the fixes and from the user Yoss7 who gathered all together.
2) I can run the game.
- Runtime ERROR C++
- I can't go past the second round! It crashes right after the first round or somewhere along the second round!
- Even tried to delete the cs pref pref folder, "touch" the cider, but all the video settings backed to default 4:3 screen ratio.
How could I fix this?????
Alias_AJ (2013-06-03)
I'm gonna die of old age before this is finished downloading.rEdh1t (2013-08-26)
How to fix c++ runtime error ?Because alway drop this message the game.The problem is in the hl2.exe file.
And the game is work on iMac OS X Mountain Lion just this c++ error.
Please fix this problem, or give me a good fix for this problem.
Thank You
1. CSS Mega Fix.dmg 1495.07 Mb