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Avatar Full 3D (Stereoscopic 1080p Dual-Audio
Avatar Full 3D (Stereoscopic 1080p Dual-Audio
2011-09-11 (by L3G3ND)
Avatar fullhd3d 1080p
Full Stereoscopic SBS 1080p rip
audio 1 - GERMAN 5.1 DTS
audio 2 - ENGLISH 5.1 DTS
Files count:
13374.53 Mb
L3G3ND (2011-09-12) (2011-09-12)
How does one view this!L3G3ND (2011-09-13)
@ rhflem12345
It is not a normal RED-BLUE 3D. It is new techno for the new 3D TV's.
wecaz1 (2011-09-17)
Does full 3D means Full SBS?stubz (2011-09-17)
downloading...please seed! :Dthis is for 3d tv's! not those shitty cheap 3d glasses you get from the cinemas
Herrando (2011-09-27)
Plays great on PowerDVD 11 Ultra. Big problem though is that although English track is included, the NAVI english subtitles are not! Totally ruins the movie! Uploader please fix!!FkCrapple (2011-09-28)
Heads up! I just downloaded this. Left and Right are reversed!. Anyone know if this can be "fixed"?arrrrgggg (2011-09-28)
Thank you for the post!ps: Dear S-3D fans! Can you answer to my survey for my master thesis at
amnios (2011-10-08)
@fkcrappledoes your 3DTV have an option to reverse eyes? My Samsung has it under 3D options its called "picture correction"
cleverjack (2011-10-12)
the images on this are reversed; you can cross your eyes and see the 3D, which means right eye is on the left side, and left eye is on the right side. This won't work with any 3D TV.leth3r (2011-10-14)
dunno about others but on mine , you can switch that left/right.. so it plays.Sculptor (2011-10-14)
I am not able to download. Guys Please Seed. Please guys help me. Thanks in Advance.Sculptor (2011-10-14)
Yesterday I bought 3D TV and please help me to download this. So that I can enjoy this movie in my new 3D TV. Please Seed Please Please... Thanks in AdvanceSculptor (2011-10-14)
Guys Seed Pleaseeeeeeee, It is downloading at 20 or 30 Kb/secfoob988 (2011-10-17)
How do i view this with nvidia 3D kit???????Vittorrio (2011-10-17)
Great upload and amazing video quality!But does anyone have a decent subs file for this - just for the Navi spoken part? Thanks
Sculptor (2011-10-27)
Guys please seedrealstar7 (2011-11-12)
Worked great on my series 8 led samsung 3dtv. Just download and put on a portable HDD and plug into one of the usb ports on the back. Adjust 3d a little on settings and change side by side from L-R to R-L.Loved the movie and when I'm shopping next ill pick up the legitimate version.
EbilPhish (2011-11-29)
Anyone know if this is this the extended version? Do they have a 3D version of the extended edition?yogeeta.p (2011-12-04)
@realstar7dude need your help , how did you transfer the video through your 3D tv by HDD
my transcend HDD (which is NTFS) is being not recognized by my sony ex720. and if i convert my HDD into FAT32 then i cant transfer my movie into HDD as it is over 4gb.
Please help.
TheGriffinman (2011-12-26)
This is full 1080p, filled the screen on my 55" Samsung 3D LED. And excellent 5.1 channel sound. I prefer 7.1 channel sound with my Onkyo receiver, but I'm not complaining.Audio = 8/10
Video = 10/10
Movie = excellent (you be the judge)
This download is definitely the best 3D movie I've seen on my series 8 Samsung so far (comparing to store bought 3d blu-rays). I didn't want to see this movie in theater because this is the reason I paid so much for a 3D TV and 3D receiver. This movie was only released in 3D in a ridiculously priced limited edition package. Hollywood was pissing me off by the amount of money they were making off of this movie and wanted to charge me for it over a year after its debut. Fuck Hollywood. L3G3ND gave a serious "talk to the hand" high five to the face of Hollywood with this release! This is picture perfect! This is a gem!
@realstar7: this 100% positive feedback could not be possible without you. I was ready to come in here and tongue lash this torrent before I read your comment and realized I needed to tweak my 3D settings to make it play right. Rather than changing "L-R" to "R-L", I have a setting in my Picture/3D options for "Picture Correction" that took out the blur that is probably what everyone else is complaining about. I gave up on this movie 3 minutes into it, and, fortunately came back here to cry about it when I did the smart thing and read the comments.
This is my best ever download from ThePirateBay! This uploader should be given his jolly roger!
and1996 (2011-12-27)
can I watch this with glasses?spanihati (2011-12-27)
Thanks.U can use Xilisoft 3D converter to convert it to anaglyph and see through normal red-cyne anaglyph glass. (Use +4 depth)
yhanitx (2012-01-06)
How do you access the English version of this?kriscc33 (2012-01-10)
AUDIO= 10/103D VIDEO= 10/10
MOVIE= Brilliant!!
There is only one problem, when you change the audio from german to english, which works perfect :).... The subtitles for the language the avatars speak show in german and there are no options for english!
This poses a problem as you miss out on some of the movie....
kriscc33 (2012-01-10)
THIS IS FULL 3D, HD AND PLAYS SIDE BY SIDE!!! BEST 3D FILM IVE DOWNLOADED (i have 47 inch LG 3D Cinema TV, passive 3d glasses), i just wish i could get subtitles for the foreign in movie language :(klm79 (2012-01-14)
stevenanthonynewman (2012-01-18)
you really are a legend, works perfect on my samsung tv, great upload.A/10
chiletpb (2012-01-18)
thx dude!amazing upload
pasey (2012-01-19)
@TheGriffinmanI have a 55" Samsung 3D LED with a Onkyo receiver too!
I'm playing it through my hard-drive , but audio in german...
how do i change the audio so it plays in english?
stevenanthonynewman (2012-01-20)
@pacey, im doing the same as you, i watched through my 60 inch samsung through a plugged in hard drive, the audio option is on there, you just gotta look :0)creamyp (2012-01-23)
Anyone have the english subs where the Navi subs are in english?KinPlayful (2012-01-28)
kriscc33 ... I just bought the 55" LG 3D Cinema TV, how did you convert the Side By Side to play? Did you use a programme for it or an external box? I have been reading up and am a little confused, could do with some help. Thanks :o)Rocket420 (2012-01-29)
I had to come on and make a comment! L3G3ND your are bloody brilliant! I had downloaded another copy of this movie, although good it was not near the quality of yours. You are the master my friend ;-) I have a smart tv and it only took some minor adjusting within my tv to reverse the lenses. My deepest thank you on this.My Ol'man and I have been waiting for almost a year for this to come back onto the open market as another HD 3D manufacturer bought the rights to it for a year. So you can only imagine my huge smile right now.
I got the spirit seeds floating around my livingroom lol!
Again thank you very much ;-)
knightsblazin (2012-01-31)
I was wondering would this work on a toshiba 55TL515U model. The link is right here
I dont have enough money for a LG so I was wondering if this would work with it. Its a passive 3d tv, could anyone please help me?torrlick (2012-02-01)
Hi, Great Quality thanksA, 10
V, 10
I'm watching now and it looks and sounds AMAZING!!
Massive shame about the german subtitles for the Navi parts.
I can confirm that my LG 55" passive 3D TV plays this.
I had to swap the left/right as mentioned in these comments, and select the 2nd audio channel to get it to play in English
Hopefully I can set up the subtitles in english and then this will be absolutely perfect.
Thanks to L3G3ND
playerss (2012-02-07)
PLzzzzz SeeeEdd.......:!playerss (2012-02-09)
How to play it on vlc?m geting two screens....plz help!
gn0s (2012-02-09)
I have the english na'vi subs if anyone wants to get it and post it. Provide a transfer method, e.g. email, datastore, ftp, etc.gn0s (2012-02-09)
@playerssThe two screen is due to the fact that it is a 3D movie in Stereoscopic Side by Side (SBS.)
knightsblazin (2012-02-11)
Guys I need a bit of help. I streamed this movie over via PC. But when I try it on my toshiba 55tl151u It does its job but the right side of the screen is darker when I look at the screen and then the left side is a brighter. When I close my right eye I see the screen fully, when I close my left eye the right side of the screen is black but the other is clear. I have a passive 3d of course. Its hard to explain but when I look at it with both eyes its like the right side is darkened and alittle of the farest left is darkened, and the middle of the screen is brighter. Any clues, when I click to convert into 3d, It gives me 2 options, top and bottom or side by side. top and bottom give me 2 screens which look just like the screens when not in 3d. Side by side give me the issue.tewgwhwhtwerhweh (2012-02-15)
Hi!!!First of all! GREAT upload
My tv (a LG) does not find sound for the file, but i can solve that by playing through VLC. My problem is that i want to play though a usb (2.0) extern hdd and vlc buffers as hell... Any tips?! either about the usb or how to fix sound?!
ninesevenfive (2012-02-16)
Can we play this file on NVIDIA 3D Vision Monitor? Does this work with NVIDIA 3D Vision?klm79 (2012-02-26)
A -100V- 100
only one problem english subs for navi language......!!!!! :(((
DJShyn3 (2012-02-27)
@torrlickI have a LG 3d LED 55 inch tv as well but when I choose the second audio from the menu there is no sound!! Can you please suggest how did you get yours to get the english sound. Please provide instructions I will really appreciate it,
haddry (2012-03-14)
anyone know how to choose english for audio in cineplayer?dlight430 (2012-03-20)
@ninesevenfiveYour monitor has to have the ability to set it to side-by-side 3d. I too am running nvidia 3d vision, but you actually don't need it to play these movies, you simply play it in normal 1080 mode in VLC or another player and turn the monitor setting to side-by-side. I achieved this by using the Sony PS3 3d display.
dlight430 (2012-03-20)
For those complaining about subs, just go to or another comparable site and download an english subtitle file, play with VLC.Tryst49 (2012-03-27)
With English Audio, there are no English subs on the Navi speech.Not particularly impressive depth on the 3D, it's barely noticeable.
abobasm (2012-04-07)
seed plllllllz guystiagomac (2012-04-08)
please, someone invite me for 3dtorrents. [email protected]webbydee (2012-04-15)
I found a subtitle file for the avatar speakign parts.
Pvt_Haskins1 (2012-04-21)
the 3d really sucked on my samsung 50 plasma cant strem it to tv because i cant change the audio to englishThx anyway uploader
huachalomo (2012-04-23)
Great Upload! Thanks!!VeGGaZZ (2012-04-23)
Hi I downloaded the movie, and copy it on to my usb pen and plug in to my LG 3D TV. The problem is like many other people, that the soundtrack is German. When I play the movie on VLC on my computer I can change the soundtrack. But on my TV I can not do it..Someone that can help me? Change the audiotrack on the movie file from german to english on my computer, and set english to standard audiotrack before i copy the file to my usb pen? But how...
Thanks for any help I can get..
datyo111 (2012-04-28)
hmm.. . still downloading ~-Eli- (2012-04-28)
Well the audio and video is great, i just need to change the setting in my 3d lg to right/left in order for the 3d to show right. Well problem is that the subs i creat from 3dsubtitler are left/right so the subs don't show as they should.. anyone know how i can change that or another program to create the subs?CAPRIKA (2012-05-02)
VeGGaZZ Connect laptop/computer to tv if got hdmi or even vga socket opens up so many possibilities and blows away restrictions of tvwhy do people not do this modern tvs are effectively monitors with tuners
maz007 (2012-05-02)
great upload, for those who are having problem with audio, i have the same problem and i fix it by,Step1- extract audio track-2 by using AVS video editor in Mp3 format (Default)
Step -2 merge it with all existing file and set is as default audio by using Mkvmerge GUI (this is a very fast Merger software and its freeware).
now you can play it on your 3d tv by usb or Sd card slot, i have Panasonic Vera 3D Plasma and its works perfectly on it, cheers
illusion121 (2012-05-06)
With my LG 3d TV this copy's 3d was not very good. Background images were blurry. I downloaded Yify's version which is only 2GB and the quality was way better and everything was clear.revengeyo (2012-05-07)
works great on a samsung s23a700d monitor 120hz.. only wish i got 3d subsl3kool (2012-05-22)
anyone know how to change the audio for TriDef?l3kool (2012-05-22)
Anyone know how to choose audio in TriDef?AllYourBase (2012-06-03)
@illusion121 - Stop being a tool. This is the 13gig 1080p version. YIFY's are compressed beyond belief and the audio is reminiscent of a 92kbps mp3. There's no secret futuristic codec they use, it's just that a whole bunch of picture quality and audio is lost while maintaining resolution - which is okay for your iphone but on the laptop or tv, its' stupid, and the evidence is overwhelming. If not, I think you need to go get your eyes checked out ASAP.ukdhuri212 (2012-06-03)
mscwdoc (2012-07-14)
Works pretty good with VLC.Little bit dark, adjust your monitor brightness.
KBXX (2012-07-17)
@illusion121...i had the same problem with this print....background images were blurry...and i tried the YIFY avatar,it gave me good print through out.....its not as clear as a 8gb 1080p....but its good....i guesss this problem is because i am using a 1.3v hdmi......getting a 1.4 i'l get back to you.la_cross37 (2012-08-12)
Firstly thank you L3G3ND for the UL! It's of really great quality and the 3D works great too.Secondly I'd like to thank all the people that was nice enough to help others by telling them to change L-R to R-L. The 3D part didn't work for me until I read all the comments about switching L-R, so thank you.
This was the first 3D movie I've ever downloaded so I'm very grateful.
Again, thank you for the UL!
mccory (2012-08-28)
hello guys~just need help here~plz~i dont know how to change L-R to R-L~i been search around web, still
does anyone could help me? what software could do the work? i been download this 13GB movie~and i watch on my sony 3D tv ~but i just need a little more tweak on the movie~swap right/left frames that's all i need ~and thank for the Upload!!!
if anyone could tell me what software do this ~i just load it ~and click around ~job done ~ will be good !!thx !!!~I'm still fresh in 3D
yunusp (2012-11-12)
thankssgpika (2012-11-30)
This movie has Subtitles? I never downloaded any movie in 3D cause i dont find subtitles!!! (portuguese)rodrigues94 (2012-12-12)
@sgpikaué? é só você pegar legendas normais... daí você vai testando até achar a que tiver melhor sincronizada.
halomi (2012-12-27)
Plz seed guys!!! I´m at 92% I wanna see this tonight on my new 3D tv!! plz seed!!!! :) (2012-12-31)
Hi everyone. I was gonna buy a 3d tv. but those are a little expensive for me. so I was wondering if it's possible to buy a normal LED TV (say a Sony LED TV good one) and then connect my laptop to it via HDMI cable. then play 3d movies in a 3d player software (for example CyberLink Power DVD or Bino) on my laptop and watch it on my LED tv wearing 3d glasses!? any idea if is this possible. anyone tried???? tnxaxpphil (2013-01-16)
Will someone please invite me to 3Dtorrents? [email protected]srflojo (2013-01-26)
if your 3DTV doesn't allow swapping L-R images, you can always flip your glasses upside down and watch it that way....mareckix360 (2013-02-14)
NICE!!! thxminutiae (2013-05-14)
Frames are reversed. Wearing the glass upside down works but is not comfortable. Using AVISynth and MEGUI reencoded the video swapping the frames.robimarko (2013-11-23)
Seed please,i cant even get 500kbsFiles:
1. Avatar.1080p.SBS.FULLHD3D/ancient-avatar.3d.1080p.x264.mkv 13374.53 Mb
2. Avatar.1080p.SBS.FULLHD3D/Torrent downloaded from 46 bytes