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Stalker - Shadow of Chernobyl






Stalker - Shadow of Chernobyl




2008-07-08 (by man.CH)


Digite o Zone Travel over the immense world of the Zone, all its locations joined into one global map

Files count:



3344.57 Mb




Mad89Max (2008-07-09)

game sux, not worth w8ing 6 years, i beat it 2 end, and it sux - high requirements ( grafix sux,gameplay sux)... 4/10

Ma9g0t (2008-07-16)

Mad89Max, fuck your opinion!!! You don't like it - go to hell! The game is cool and everything is alright. Thnx 4 seedin'

dzeraldo (2008-07-16)

I hawe downloaded and instaled this game, but I can't run it. Please help

dzeraldo (2008-07-16)

mesage "original disk not found or not autorized" apears

slasherus (2008-07-29)

dzeraldo u need find a pacth ur ur verios i recomend
find one for ur ver. k thats should help ok

Plussapallo (2008-08-03)

I downloaded the game but all I got is a Stalker - Shadow of Chernobyl.nrg file. What should I do with it? Help please, I'm kinda new with these things.

HHHEEELLLPPP (2008-08-18)

MAD89Max if this game sux than why did you beat the whole game ?? Idiot !!! Great game and Great graphics

v4rmru17 (2008-08-23)

hi can i have some help please? I mounted an image via Magic ISO. and used that virtual drive thing right. and when i click 'setup' it says "not a valid E:setup.exo is not a valid Win32 application.
i have vista home prem 64bit
is this a compability issue? or can ti be resolved?

godlikekiller (2008-08-25)

hi, i downloaded it and it worked to install:) but it says i need CD?? any one else have this problem?

baab32 (2008-08-28)

is there a way to play online like with cod4? like by connecting manualy

EODDIVER (2008-09-05)

just downloaded works great, i had to go to game copy world and download a patch if anyone needs help send me and email at i will see what i can do. GREAT GAME.

njd26 (2008-09-25)

My computer can barely run solitaire and I can handle this.

iamelectroboy (2008-09-25)

downloaded the game, mounted it, installed it, updated it the worldwide version 1.5 or whatever it is, and then downloaded the no cd crack and now when i run it it gets to the title menu (im assuming its that) which is just a grey blank screen but the cursor is there and it has the spinning radiation sign inside it, does this mean it takes FOREVER to load or does this version not work?
any help please?

deepsky85 (2008-11-10)

Mad89Max is just a jumped up little kiddie fucktard who thinks his words are the be all and end all of the world.
Plus he probably has a piece of shit computer and can't run the game and is just jealous he can't play it because his parents are too poor.
But yeah, cracking torrent, cracking game. Fucking awesome!

terroristi94 (2008-12-01)

this game is good i think

terroristi94 (2008-12-01)

hi, can somebody tell me where i can get crack for this game?

Smart_Hamster (2008-12-23)

i cant open it, '.nrg' ?????

Smart_Hamster (2008-12-23)

ok, ive sorted it now :D
didnt show up as a mountable image :S
Just awaiting the setup finish now :P


Game was solid.

waka102 (2008-12-28)

can sum 1 seed plz?

waka102 (2009-01-03)

how do you install mods... i have tried smart mod manger and just following the read me files that came with the mods and none of them have worked... HALP!!!!

Willy_B (2009-02-09)

Wich language of the game? Original (RUS) or ENG?
WTF, can tell anybody?

Gangster_47 (2009-02-25)

To all you who get the message: "Die Page-Datei ist deaktiviert order die DateigröBe reicht nicht aus. Um zu funktionieren braucht das Spiel eine Page-Datei von mindestens 2GB. Bitte die Systemkonfiguration anpassen, bevor das Spiel erneut gestartet wird"
This is what you do:
STALKER needs huge amount of memory to cache resources.
Right click on "My computer" choose "Properties", then choose tab "Advanced" and click "Settings" in "Performance" section, in newly opened window choose tab "Advanced", there will be "Virtual memory" section with information about your current swap file size and button "Change".
Click and increase swap size to at least 2Gb. Little advice - do not make it selfgrowing 2-4Gb, but set it static min size = max size. In this case Windows will not fragment it, and performance will be slightly better. Now you can start the game.
Taken from google.

Izuna (2009-06-15)

i never played this game before how is it?

pplade3 (2009-07-30)

not a resource hog?? my laptop meets all requirements, and even when the settings are on lowest, i must get about 6 fps. form what ive seen of the game, inbetween its frequent crashes, it looks briliant tho :P

SachBro (2009-08-01)

Hey, the game does work. Looks good, a great mix of FPS+RPG+Horror Survivor Gene. However, it crashes in between, specially when you go to the menu either to save the game or look for some other option. However, its not frequent, still pretty annoying. If anyone can get me the best possible crack for the game, it would be greatly appreciated. Happy Gaming.

Toran7 (2009-08-22)

This game is so great even if it feels too easy at times. I got the Oblivion Lost mod which adds new monsters more blowouts, weapons, and armor. Darker nights and extended gameplay. You guys should try it out once you beat the game for the first time.

Toran7 (2009-08-22)

Also keep in mind you need a pretty decent computer to play this game. The guys who made it werent the best at programming and as a result the game is a huge resource hog. My brand new computer cant run it on maximum settings and it plays crysis on high.

G1N0G4M3 (2009-09-29)

Can a few more people please seed this? The download's going a bit slow...

jamesspalding (2009-12-10)

I spent 1 hour and 30 minutes trying to get this to work, mounting with Daemon tools (mounted nothing), opening with Isobuster and MagicISO, all I got was something that resembled an audio cd. Possibly corrupted during download, how did you guys do it?

jamesspalding (2009-12-11)

Nevermind, restarted torrent, showed up as 35% done (said it was finished before). I'm sure it'll work fine.

sesas (2009-12-23)

this game is 2$ on steam! only for today!!!

LaRpPa666 (2009-12-23)

this game is 0$ on piratebay only for everyday !!!!!!! works good when patched !!! thx

amnta777 (2009-12-29)

not too impressed after first couple of hours of gameplay but thanks for the torrent nevertheless, will seed.

asia_rules (2010-01-04)

I've download this game, it doesnt have crack however instructions are given below :-
1. Use / Download a program called WinRar.
2. Once you download the file - (using WinRar) open it and click on htd.stlk.r00
3. Inside there you'll find setup.exe - Run it and Install.
4. Once the game finished installing you need a CD key, here: 6GJC-9MS9-X4NE-6S6H
5. Now download the crack for the game -

6. Once the crack downloads - unRar it (winrar again).
7. Copy the file XR_3DA.exe into /THQ/S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl/bin
8. Overwright the excisting XR_3DA.exe - and click on it.
9. Enjoy the game!!!

harigata (2010-01-04)

I'm improving a little on 17121778's instructions (which are good, BTW)
Download and install "STALKER v1.0005 Worldwide Patch"

Then, the same with "STALKER v1.0005 to v1.0006 Worldwide Patch"

Then download "S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl v1.0006 [MULTI4] No-DVD/Fixed EXE"
(do a search for "Stalker" and select the right game from search results)
Unzip and Replace the XR_3DA.exe in your game installation bin folder with the one from the No-DVD fix.
And voila. Motherfucker should work now (it did for me).

Shadow701 (2010-01-08)

cheers man ch u bullshit uploder nufin but absolute rubbish you are and your file. wada waste of tym dnt dl

arialzaffir (2010-01-19)

well, it didn't work for me. i tried all the combinations (writing the cd key, not writing it, not installing any patch, installing only the .05 etc..) and the closest i got was a blank screen for a few seconds to find myself then back to the desktop. the proper acronym used in here should be WTF?!! i guess...

kris2g (2010-01-24)

If anyone else could seed it'd be greatly appreciated.

pwnza (2010-01-29)

i mounted with daemon tools pro advance trial then installed and copied the crack from search and played

volcomsoldier04 (2010-02-10)

Keep seeding

ashishk (2010-02-19)

the game installed and runs and everything but when i start the new game and i have to get across the gate where the guy is sitting with the laptop i can't get across !
please help me out
also are there any cheats ??

BlackDestiny (2010-03-17)


BlackDestiny (2010-03-17)

Nvm, solved it

joedaman92 (2010-03-23)

Just did what Harigata said. Working fine. Runs very smooth at max settings with amd 5600 X2 and gtx 260. (Y)

dsteinmetz (2010-04-04)

Thanks to all. I couldn't have done it without the fine instructions from asia_rules and harigata.

[Omen4] (2010-05-07)

''Original disc could not be found or authenticated.'' What I do?

jobinmathew (2010-06-09)

omen4 u have to download crack patch and replace with the one in "c " programfiles

TEURASTAJA666 (2010-06-22)

This is one of the greatest games I've played! To get it working you should download the "S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl 1.0005 Update including Crack" .
And i approve the graphic update called "complete 2009". Google for it! it makes the graphics much more playable!

DaN00berz (2010-07-01)

Stalker is evil.

fecigeci (2010-07-23)

this version is fumin not working. Even updates not included, not a simply key or crack.
dont waste your time for this torrent. piece of shit.

Demoidian (2010-08-13)

I love the TPB and Demonoid..

Demoidian (2010-08-13)


My way of thanking the bay heres a very invite..
Demonoid!you guYzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz R The CoolEST!

eargonx (2010-08-21)

CaptainFlowers17 (2010-08-27)

crashes to desktop each time i launch it; have tried two diffrent cracks and they both failed so i must conclude its this download

dsteinmetz (2010-09-04)

It works fine because I just installed it, but I only undated to 1.5 so I could add Oblivion Lost 2.2. Downloads can be unpacked with WINRAR (just install; no key needed):

1. Install STALKER with given key 6GJC-9MS9-X4NE-6S6H.
2. Install ".STALKER v1.0005 Worldwide Patch" stk-ww-1005:

3. Using "S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl v1.0005 [MULTI4] No-DVD/Fixed EXE" htd-st5,
replace the XR_3DA.exe in your C:\Program Files (x86)\THQ\STALKER game bin folder with the one from the No-DVD fix and click on it to start game:[MULTI4]%20No-DVD/Fixed%20EXE

4. For Oblivion Lost, copy gamedata folder from ol22_for_10005 Properties to the STALKER folder:

5. Edit file fsgame.ltx in the STALKER folder at the gamedata line to change both variables to true (one of them is already true).
of Stalker folder in C:\Program Files.

dsteinmetz (2010-09-04)

Forgot to mention: use Notepad to open and edit fsgame.ltx

stevemcc (2010-10-10)

vista 64
1.just opened with winrar
2.doubleclicked set up
3.put in key
4.updated to patch 6
5.put crack in and played(links are in the comments)
I thank you for the up but the game is horrible and i really wanted to like are cool but the gameplay and interface are old and stale.
downloaded R6 instead much better game.

stevemcc (2010-10-10)

when you dl all you get is 1 file.
just double click it and choose winrar to open it.
then click on the setup you see in your winrar(no extract needed).

dante303 (2010-11-20)

Hey can we mount a 'nrg' imaes with daemon tools?

Eddoras (2010-12-12)

Seed Please , its too slow.

Landazar (2010-12-30)

Wtf how can you use winrare when this is some weird NRG file??? It's not an iso so i cant even mount it with daemon tools or poweriso.

ArKL1Te (2011-01-02)

MagicISO should kick Daemon Tools's ass.

ArKL1Te (2011-01-03)

setup.exe is an not valid application, this is an obsolete archive so you should not seed it -.-

gladiator3901 (2011-01-04)

guys always put screen shots with ur torrents

TheAlbatross (2011-01-10)

>Buy game off Steam
>Download AMK
>can't use it because wrong patch version
>can't downgrade because of steam
>pirate it
That justifies pirating this.

TorrentWorks (2011-01-16)

Its works on Windows 7 64bit
Just listen to dsteinmetz instructions and it should work fine.
The NRG file was recognized in daemeon tools so you could mount and install then follow instructions or open it with Winrar.

shahken (2011-01-27)

Awesome! Works great on Windows 7 with dsteinmetz instructions. Thanks!!

Surg3on (2011-02-15)

To all you dumbasses out there who say "this doen't work"you're wrong,i've downloaded this torrent numerous times since 2009 and the game works perfectly
Sure it doesn't come with a crack and isn't patched
but it does work once you download the 1.0005 patch from filefront and find a 1.0005 crack (which is piss easy)
so stop complaining about it, it's your own fault you don't know hot to install it or you have a shitty PC Just follow dsteinmetz's instructions below and you'll get it working

shadowwolf1917 (2011-03-02)

Followed dsteinmetz's instructions, and it runs perfectly. Only thing is, is that I didn't have a premium account for the website he linked to get the crack, and I didn't want to do a stupid offer, so I searched and found this one.

Thanks for this upload, man.CH!

fhffan (2011-03-04)

If you're getting the:
"Setup.exe is not a valid Win32 application error," here's a way to fix it. .NRG is a proprietary Nero file format, so even though it can be mounted with other tools, it isn't read correctly, thus making it look corrupted.
Use WinRAR to extract the files to any destination you'd like, then run Setup.exe. You'll obviously have to use a patch afterward, but this will help you set everything up.

leopold7 (2011-03-10)

very good game! for install i followed instructions provided by "dsteinmetz" skipping point 4 coz i dont need Oblivion Lost. working good, froze once but never since

raj2020 (2011-03-18)

As the member fhffan says "If you're getting the:

"Setup.exe is not a valid Win32 application error," here's a way to fix it. .NRG is a proprietary Nero file format, so even though it can be mounted with other tools, it isn't read correctly, thus making it look corrupted.

Use WinRAR to extract the files to any destination you'd like, then run Setup.exe. You'll obviously have to use a patch afterward, but this will help you set everything up. "
Everything would be fine if you install the update + crack with this

blaymoric (2011-03-20)

35/229 seeders and I'm only getting 200KB/s. Get off your lazy asses (to the other 100+ that don't seed)

lickweed (2011-03-27)

thanks, working fine here so far (i also added patch 10005+crack from other torrent) very nice d\l speed tnx seeders. btw. cool game, added to wishlist..

free777 (2011-03-27)

d/ling right now, going a bit slow, best torrent I can find tho. thanks

anomynous (2011-04-03)

winrar cant open the file... :P i tried like 500 time it wont open the file.

anomynous (2011-04-03)

it says winrar cant open the file :P please help

oneawesome (2011-04-04)

Ive got some issues when theres a blowout.....after the blowout would stop it would start to rain hard and "white static stuff" appears...I have already patch the game to 1.0005...can you guys help me how to fix this?

Blinkster95 (2011-04-08)

i put the update and crack like u said raj2020 but still doesnt work it says porgram can not open whats wrong? (i use win7 64bit)

Blinkster95 (2011-04-08)

i try to play game but wont start keeps saying proam cant open and i also did the update from raj still no work

Blinkster95 (2011-04-08)

mines wont start even with update

Blinkster95 (2011-04-08)

this dont work even with update what the hell iam i doing wrong?

ghostrider222 (2011-04-09)

Is the crack included ?

ghostrider222 (2011-04-11)

Maybe this game will run on windows xp , cause some old games won't run on widows 7.

ghostrider222 (2011-04-11)

Correction - It's windows 7 not 'widows'.

ghostrider222 (2011-04-16)

It's not even working on windows xp sp3 , I install the game , apply the crack but when I click on icon on the desktop , nothing happens and it shows nothing. please help!

egordagr8 (2011-04-18)

I'm sorry if im doing something wrong, but when i run the game, it says that the wrong disk is inserted?

spik330 (2011-04-25)

works like a charm just so on front page i did not write this (asia_rules) and (harigata) did
1. Use / Download a program called WinRar.
2. Once you download the file - (using WinRar) open it and click on htd.stlk.r00
3. Inside there you'll find setup.exe - Run it and Install.
4. Once the game finished installing you need a CD key, here: 6GJC-9MS9-X4NE-6S6H
Download and install "STALKER v1.0005 Worldwide Patch"

Then, the same with "STALKER v1.0005 to v1.0006 Worldwide Patch"

Then download "S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl v1.0006 [MULTI4] No-DVD/Fixed EXE"
(do a search for "Stalker" and select the right game from search results)
Unzip and Replace the XR_3DA.exe in your game installation bin folder with the one from the No-DVD fix.

darklordofspawn (2011-05-04)

Thanks for the helpful comments everyone For new people, follow "dsteinmetz" comments on Page 3!
Good download :)

FuRrY321 (2011-05-15)

It's possible the file is corrupt. It ticked me off that my Internet connection went down in the middle of Dl'ing this, resulting in 8 hashfails. Normally not much, but as a result WinRAR couldn't open the file, telling me it's corrupt. Either all the commenters here are a bunch of liars, enjoying the suffering of us ignorant suckers, or that's what happened.

FuRrY321 (2011-05-15)

Alright, everything downloaded okay the second time and I was able to extract using the link to WinRAR dsteinmetz so kindly provided. Currently installing, but crap, the installer says it needs 9GB?! And I only have 10GB left! D:

SmittyB (2011-05-16)

Works great, east install. Followed Spik330's directions and had no problems. Thanks for the upload man.CH

RandomCockBlock (2011-05-24)

Just a note for anyone that's have problems patching the game.
Just open the patch in winrar, for me 1.0005 worldwide, and double click the .exe
I was extracting the files first then trying to run the patch, but nothing would happen, compatibility assistant would just come up. Maybe I was just being moronic, but I usually always extract the files before running the .exe. Anyway, don't extract the patch, just run it IN winrar. BAMM, you can now patch the game.
Also, don't forget to download the STALKER Complete 2009 Mod, it's soo freakin' sickkk

Mukaparska (2011-05-30)

What a fuck is NRG? Never heard of it :). And I really hope this game is good, my friend says it's amazing, for me it kinda looks linear. But I can never be sure.

KelsandraAnn (2011-06-03)

The .nrg file threw me for a loop at first, I will admit. I tried to figure it out on my own, googled it, and basically came across a lot of "use winrar n00b trolololol!!!11!" comments. So, to make it easy (and hopefully friendly to the non-tech people, like me), here's what I did:
For those (like me) without winrar, you can use Virtual Clone Drive (free- google it, I use it for EVERYTHING) to open and install the game. Under the file's properties, change the default program to VCDmount.exe (located under ElaborateBytes>VirtualCloneDrive in your program files). Then double click to run and set it up.
After it's installed, download the crack torrent (previously mentioned in the comments) and follow the instructions. Easy as pie, and I've had no problems since.

One_Dread (2011-07-16)

Doesn't work, tells me Setup.exe isn't a correct Win32 program (roughly translated since it's in german)

One_Dread (2011-07-16)

I just found the (in my opinion) easiest way to solve the "E:setup.exe is not a valid Win32 application." problem
-Get MagicIso
-Convert to .iso
-Mount with your standard mounting program
-There you go!
I hate .nrg

thisgunsucks (2011-07-27)

MagicISO opinion works good;)
Thanks for that :)

efstratios (2011-07-30)

I can mount .ngr with Daemon Tools..I don't get why everyones bitching....To play game if you get authorization error, download this

then run the patch and paste crack into games bin folder. All done and working on Win7 64 bit!

jfdc (2011-08-03)

so thank u man,it worked that way for me as well,i had the same problem!now i hope i ll meet the requirements,i think im on the edge of this!thanks for the torrent as well,great fast d/load,bless the seeders,cheers dudes!

Freeze2238 (2011-08-04)

the games great so far but i cant talk to NPCs for some reason any1 have this problem 2??

severed1314 (2011-08-06)

This is just like the Crysis special edition torren. COMPLETE GARBAGE.

blaymoric (2011-09-29)

This torrent works perfectly. Mount it(Daemon's tools worked for me), install it, patch and crack it with
and for an added bonus use
for a GFX update to the game. Just starting but WELL worth it.

lolmaker1998 (2011-11-02)

where is the key? because i have to enter a key

emsyzz (2012-01-06)

God damn't use DaemonTools!!!

RIggsta (2012-04-03)

WORKS GREAT on Win 7 64-bit, thanks!

Resilience777 (2012-05-08)

Wow bro, fucking amazing game. I was a bit skeptical about trying this until my friend suggested it, but now I'm hooked :) .
And yeah, do exactly what KelsandraAnn did to install it with Virtual Clone Drive. It's a completely free image mounter, and a helluva lot better than DaemonTools. I'm surprised not many people talk about it, it's been around since 2007 or so :/

KevinSlim (2012-05-17)

Oh god, I've never heard of a bunch of pathetic dumbass like these guys that keeps on bitching about .NRG files and how to crack games, fisrt use Daemon tools you bunch o' idiots. And for the asshole that uploaded these, why is that he didn't include a proper crack in the first everyone have to go looking for a crack that works. Waht an IDIOT...

blackplauge (2012-05-28)

it says it cant find the disk

Eternityslash (2012-06-04)

well i've got a problem with the game
Firstly i installed it i updated my nvidia card directX etc. and then i tried to play the game and a dialog poped out and said "The Original DVD is not valid"
wtf should i do ??

chester123 (2012-06-24) here just downloda mount the dvd rar file extract the crack rar and copy past to bin folder;)
easy as hell

DecoFLA (2012-07-27)

Funciona muito bem. Tinha baixado outro torrent deste jogo e os graficos estavam uma merda, ja este esta impecavel, graficos 100%.
Ai man vc esta de parabens e obrigado pelo download !

tehZeon (2012-08-03)

I need help it says "Cannot open fsgame.ltx" PLEASE HELP ?! HOW DO I FIX THIS.

Poky-55 (2012-08-26)

great game thanks uploader

Rzaaa11 (2012-10-09)

not working on 64bit windows

clevage001 (2012-10-24)

@ServiusTheBear i too got a virus, but when i was obtaining the patches spik330 provided. One of those links downloaded a ransomware in the background, but i got rid of it. Looking forward to the patches.

EdyK9 (2013-01-22)

Working on Win7 Ultimate64.
1. Install S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl..... [dont change the instalation path: c: ....]

2. Patch S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl to v1.0005.... [extract with winrar]

3. Launch & exit the game at least once.
4. Install the newest version of Stalker Complete 2009 mod.

5. Copy the patch CRACK [XR_3DA.exe] to C:Program Files (x86)THQS.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobylbin
6. Start and enjoy a new game! :)

BlinkandDie (2014-10-15)

Please seed :)


1. Stalker - Shadow of Chernobyl.nrg 3344.57 Mb