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Microsoft Office 2010 Pro Plus (x86/x64 - EN / UK)[HKDN][H33T]
Software PC
Microsoft Office 2010 Pro Plus (x86/x64 - NL / UK) [NLUPPER]
2010-06-11 (by NLUPPER )
Microsoft Office 2010 Pro Plus (x86/x64 - NL / UK)
Screen Capture (document capture in image format)
Background Removal (some pieces cut from an image)
Protected mode (read-only mode)> can be disabled, no final security
Permissions author (document permissions can be compared to ACL)
Improved Options menu
Enhanced Print Options
Built-in Windows 7
Common Windows 7 "Jump List" for Office 2010 products
Adaptation Publisher
Improved access to Outlook
Available in 32 bit and 64 bit version
Office 2007 interface
All the programs in Office 2010 have a Ribbon interface similar to that of Office 2007. Also Office Outlook 2010, Visio 2010 and Office Publisher 2010 will get this interface.
These were programs in Office 2007 even with the old look and toolbars appear.
Special version, similar to Office 2007 Blue Edition (no Serial required)
Microsoft Office 2010 Pro Plus (x86/x64 - NL/UK)
Screen Capture (document vastleggen in afbeeldings-formaat)
Background Removal (bepaalde stukken uit een afbeelding knippen)
Protected mode (read-only modus) > kan uitgeschakeld worden, geen definitieve beveiliging
Author Permissions (documentmachtigingen, kan worden vergeleken met ACL)
Verbeterd Opties-menu
Verbeterde Print-opties
Ingebouwde functionaliteit voor Windows 7
Gemeenschappelijke Windows 7 "Jumplist" voor Office 2010 producten
Aanpassing Publisher
Verbeterde toegankelijkheid van Outlook
Beschikbaar in 32 bit- en 64 bit-versie
Office 2007-interface
Alle programma's in Office 2010 krijgen een 'Ribbon'-interface die lijkt op die van Office 2007. Ook Office Outlook 2010, Visio 2010 en Office Publisher 2010 zullen deze interface krijgen.
Dit waren programma's die in Office 2007 nog met de oude look en werkbalken verschenen.
Speciale versie, vergelijkbaar met Office 2007 Blue Edition (geen serienr nodig)
Files count:
3040.84 Mb
Night-Shine (2010-06-12)
Bedankt NlUPPERwerkt super
als je office 2010 wilt moet je deze zekker downloaden
NLUPPER (2010-06-13)
Bedankt weer voor de comment Night-Shine,veel plezier ermee
NLUPPER (2010-06-13)
MOM Ever heart of Google translate?Thanks NlUPPER
works great
Office 2010 if you want you must download zekker
VIP NLUPPER at 8:34 p.m. CET 12.06.2010:
Thanks for the comment Night-Shine,
Have fun
coen1111 (2010-06-13)
Yes thanks!moshster (2010-06-13)
Can anyone plz confirm the build number?DjenghisKhan (2010-06-13)
4763.1000 Have a good one!TruCHoJiN (2010-06-13)
This build (Office 2010 RTM 14.0.4763.1000) was available back in April........Yakumo22 (2010-06-15)
NLUPPER,I have installed the 64 bit UK version. However when i check in the settings, it says
"Product Activation Required..........
This product is unlicensed. Connect to your corporate network or contact your system administrator for further assistance"
Had je dat ook op jouw test pc's ?
Volgens mij naar een paar dagen is die niet meer te gebruiken.
darmorrow (2010-06-16)
Great! Works like a charm. Bedankt NLuppernghtrider (2010-06-17)
how do you activate this? downloaded it, but no nfo, key, nor activator foundxaximus (2010-06-18)
Unlicensed, activation required.Yakumo22 (2010-06-18)
Product Activation Required. We are still waiting for the response of the uploader.
YLeGeNdArY (2010-06-18)
Seeden A.U.B.??Is dit alles?
Excel, Outlook, Word, de hele zooi van Enterprise?
KMarch (2010-06-20)
I just installed this office works gr8 at the moment thankyouHow do i view the version number i cannot find anywhere
geeneen1 (2010-06-21)
Allereerst bedankt voor de upload natuurlijk...Maar zoals sommigen al zeggen: je hebt er eigenlijk niet zoveel aan als je hem niet kunt activeren :S
Het is zogenaamd een bedrijfsversie (stel je in de NFO), maar hij geeft nog steeds een melding..:S
gamergames (2010-06-23)
Bedankt man! Maar please seed man! Het duurt nog wel een jaar... :(six6four (2010-06-26)
english please.. :(six6four (2010-06-27)
i thought pepl knew english.. grr..-wkr- (2010-07-06)
thanks I just installed it..I hope it will work for longer that 30 days xD
al3x123 (2010-07-15)
What am doing is getting this and getting the activator for 6 monthsn
right there,n and see how it turns out 6 moths is better than 30 days, ill comment to see how it works outFozzibab (2010-07-15)
Yeah, you know what? The description above says \"READ THE NFO!\" and guess what? IT\'S IN FUCKING DUTCH. Soooooo those of us who were unfortunately to grow up in a country that doesn\'t value multilingual education are fucked. Could we have an ENGLISH NFO file, please? Hey, thanks.Tomvl117 (2010-07-22)
Well, you can translate it? :PI'll do this one for you ;)
The NFO:
"Het betreft hier een orginele kopie van een office 2010 DVD
wat staat er op?
- Office 2010 Professional Plus 32 Bits NL
- Office 2010 Professional Plus 32 Bits UK
- Office 2010 Professional Plus 64 Bits NL
- Office 2010 Professional Plus 64 Bits UK
Bij deze versie is geen serienummer nodig omdat het een speciale bedrijfsversie omvat
het is mogelijk om hem te upgraden vanuit office 2007, wel beter om een nieuwe installatie te doen.
zelf getest en draaiende om allerlei machines binnen het bedrijf."
"This is a original copy of an MS Office 2010 DVD.
What is on it?
- Office 2010 Professional Plus 32 Bits NL
- Office 2010 Professional Plus 32 Bits UK
- Office 2010 Professional Plus 64 Bits NL
- Office 2010 Professional Plus 64 Bits UK
There is no need for a serial license, because it is a special business version.
It is possible to upgrade your MS Office 2007 version to this one, but it is better to make a fresh install.
Self-tested and running on some PC's inside the company."
You are welcome :)
umim (2010-07-25)
Hey, spymaster666 take your daily pills. Do not skip it!Blacktrap (2010-07-27)
Great Torrent right here, downloaded and installed no problems, recieves updates also!THANKYOU NLUPPER! x
tomtom1990 (2010-07-30)
Deze is dus niet geactiveerd. Is er een mogelijkheid om hem wel volledig te activeren, of blijft het bij de 180 dagen?quijote77 (2010-07-30)
Norton internet security identified KMService.exe as a trojan.ADH meaning it had no known virus profile but behaved like a virus. To avoid Norton deleting the file I had to disable autoprotect, install, then add an exclusion in Norton in Settings, Computer, autoprotect.What is a little worisome is that Norton firewall is blocking KMService.exe from listening to other computers. I am not sure why KMService is listening to other computers.
EXOCEPTION (2010-08-04)
it workz fine if u read the instructions.equis33 (2010-08-06)
Works fine but you have to probably have to uninstall norton internet security 2010. You can't stop the trojan.ahd warnings. It behaves like a trojan dialing out and probably listening. Searching on kmservice does not suggest it is a trojan. I wonder if it might replace itself with a real trojan after people add virus scan exclusions to the kmservice.exe file in the windows directory.ruud65 (2010-08-10)
Can i activate this under an office student licenceruud65 (2010-08-10)
Can i activate this under a student licence?shigato (2010-08-11)
Ok, maybe this will help.I know there was a way to fix this with the Office 2007 version. Maybe it still works with 2010.
For the exact method you can search on google, but in short.
You open your Register and just have to delete a Key in there, you will still get this but you could just cancel it and start using it :)
---- Dutch
Ik weet niet of dit nog gaat werken voor 2010 maar het werkte in ieder geval met de 2007.
Je opent gewoon je register, en moest daar ergens een RegisterKey deleten, je kan op google wel vinden welke het juist was etc :)
Die popup bleef wel komen maar je kon hem gewoon cancelen en beginnen met werken :)
Ik ben het aan het downloaden, dus hoe sneller jullie seeden hoe sneller ik eens kan kijken :)
umim (2010-08-13)
shigato, what key exactly?hopenhope (2010-08-19)
LOL will it work for ever? Anyway thanks dude :D :Dmartiparty (2010-08-19)
and where do i get the crachbeuwolf777 (2010-08-24)
Nice one NLUPPER worked a charmRazor2k10 (2010-09-01)
Bij mij doet hij het niet meer... Eerst was hij gewoon goed maar nu zegtie dat ik nog maar 3 dagen heb.shalabh.dixit (2010-09-02)
Hi,I tried installing the 32 bit version on windows 7 from 'Office Pro Plus 2010 32 UK' folder. Installation begins and after a while ERROR occurs:
ANybody can help me please. Thnaks. Please post on:
ashman5147 (2010-09-05)
Thanks, works great except for project pro. When I try to install I get a message saying that osetup.dll cannot be found yet I can see it in the folder. I have even tried to point the set up program to its location but no luck. Any tips?Steve787 (2010-09-11)
To clear things up:- Yes, it works fine.
- Yes, you'll have only 30 trial days.
- To fix this, download the KMS Activator for Microsoft Office. It grants 180 days, so you'll only have to activate it twice a year. Quite doable, right? Download it from here:
- Most well-known antivirus programs detect this key activator as a threat. The reason for this is probably Microsoft who doesn't want people to download programs that activate keys for Office. The program is 100% safe though.
- To add 180 days, just click "Activation Office 2010 VL" and voila, you're all set for the next 6 months.
lgddestroyer (2010-09-12)
Worked perfectly, can update no problem as well. 2010 runs so much faster then previous versions.tweezy (2010-09-14)
NLUPPER:First off, thank you for finally getting a version that works without saying my language pack doesn't support it.
I got it installed successfully and also used KMS to activate for 180days. HOWEVER, I am having one problem. It is taking FOREVER to open any program. Literally about 5 minutes from the time I click it to the time it opens. It says "configuring files...etc..." or "setting up etc...." Is this normal? Why would it need to "configure" anything...? Isn't that already done.....?????????? Anybody else having this issue?
barfield (2010-09-18)
Auto activation seems to be broken on some windows 7 machines.MPAA. (2010-10-11)
umm it says i have 4 days to activate.. i thought it was pre-activated like it said in the description..? it's asking for a serial..guess i gotta use an external activator.umarnawazkhan (2011-01-01)
it was activated few days not activatedcan i still use office 2010 even its not activated?
it still load microsft word ? can i still save my work and use it at college?
TPB_helper (2011-01-01)
I love TPB $500 is to much moneyfeatherguy (2011-01-13)
thank you very much easy and quick keep up good work!jko081264 (2011-02-12)
Thanks for the upload. This isn't a special edit. Needs activation after a while. Download a kms-activator. But even then it has to be re-activated every 180 days.jko081264 (2011-02-12)
Thanks for the upload. After a while office has to be activated again. There's nothing special about this edit. You need a kms-activator to activate for another 180 days.SmileX (2011-02-22)
Dankje hiervoor !Werkte perfect !
Moest wel even Ad aware en AVG volledig uitschakelen maar werkt perfect !
killerpills1 (2011-03-14)
When I go to install the KMS service it pops up a CMD window then it just disappears. It worked on my PC before but hasn't for a while now.Windows 7 OS
outacontrolFB (2011-06-04)
Thanks for great torrent!rasmusew (2011-09-11)
3 + viruses, no thanks.fondelaar (2011-09-13)
plaese helpme i installed but it doesnt start!! plz helpdutch windows xp
thx XD
djico (2012-02-15)
kan iemand mij mischien helpen??ik heb het gedownload en nu heb ik alles geopend
alleen hij doet het niet moet je nog iets veranderen ofzo??
sdelange (2013-10-04)
Allereerst, erg bedankt voor de upload. Ik krijg sinds een week alleen een bericht dat ik een andere productcode moet intypen.Heb ik hier een crack tool voor nodig?
Thanks for the upload! But since last week I'm getting a message that says I've got to enter a different serial number. Do I need a special cracking tool for this??
1. Microsoft Office 2010 Pro Plus (x86x64 - NLUK) NLUPPER/IRMS430.iso 3040.72 Mb
2. Microsoft Office 2010 Pro Plus (x86x64 - NLUK) NLUPPER/UPLOADINFO COVER LABEL/2.jpg 84.88 Kb
3. Microsoft Office 2010 Pro Plus (x86x64 - NLUK) NLUPPER/UPLOADINFO COVER LABEL/27221.jpg 40.40 Kb
4. Microsoft Office 2010 Pro Plus (x86x64 - NLUK) NLUPPER/UPLOADINFO COVER LABEL/Torrent downloaded from 58 bytes
5. Microsoft Office 2010 Pro Plus (x86x64 - NLUK) NLUPPER/UPLOADINFO COVER LABEL/Torrent downloaded from 47 bytes
6. Microsoft Office 2010 Pro Plus (x86x64 - NLUK) NLUPPER/UPLOADINFO COVER LABEL/Torrent downloaded from 51 bytes
7. Microsoft Office 2010 Pro Plus (x86x64 - NLUK) NLUPPER/info.NFO 514 bytes