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Video/TV shows


2010-03-06 (by dman1007)


On Jersey Shore, MTV follows eight young adults as they move into a summer share to indulge in everything Seaside Heights, New Jersey has to offer. Jersey Shore uncovers sometimes surprising, often hilarious and usually over-the-top personalities as they juggle work, love, nightlife, friendship and the drama that ensues. INCLUDES SPECIAL FEATURES Enjoy -D


  1. jersey shore
  2. snookie
  3. mtv
  4. situation
  5. season 1
  6. uncensored
  7. dvd rip

Files count:



4773.35 Mb




5nowman305 (2010-03-07)

Cmon ppl seed

steelgurder (2010-03-08)

Not uncensored don't bother. dl for 2 days with nobody seeding only to watch first episode and have it be blurred out all over the damn place.

dman1007 (2010-03-08)

steelgurder is a liar! I bought this off of AMAZON.COM.
the only thing that is censored are the special features.. Dont like it? Complain to MTV.

SouthBay77 (2010-03-09)

This Is perfect
can confirm all episodes are uncensored

yesicn (2010-03-09)

yup all the commenters at amazon complain that there is still some censor on the uncensored version
dman upped the real situation n it is grate bcuz almost all the anoying bleeps are gone
thanx dman my girl luvs u n me both now i hav this wow she is so hot for the shore

bongman420 (2010-03-11)

Still censored when the DVD is labeled uncensored..if I were you, I'd try getting my money back.
Anyway, thanks for the purchase and ripping it for us.

dance132 (2010-03-14)

Is there some reason the first episode is the movie Sherlock Holmes?

dman1007 (2010-03-15)

go to hell dance132

 zombifuzz (2010-03-25)

dman, if you paid money for this you should definately up this as a dvd r for the people who are particular with their stuff. i like it ready to burn. you might know of a program called AnyDVD that rips full dvds? you should use tht and hook me up man. the avi files are cool and all but i want a menu with scene selection and stuff. lemme know what you think. its just a suggestion.

MrBendez (2010-03-25)

The first episode (the only one I've seen) is censored through-out. I E no boobs, no asses, no nothing.

dman1007 (2010-03-28)

i dont have the bandwidth for that
the language is uncensored. Obviously the cast didn't wanna appear nude on national television and have it archived for life on dvd

 zombifuzz (2010-03-29)

@dman, thanks for the response at least. its good to know there are some people who actually acknowledge what people are asking for. this is an awesome up regardless. good work man.

TPC1996 (2010-04-02)

@ damn1007 thanks for this man...ppl need to shut the F*** up and appreciate..he (damn1007) doesn't owe any of you s*** he has uploaded this and as the dispricption says it is a DVDrip..he didint make the actual DVD so stop bitching about it...
thanks for the up man much appreciated keep up the good work

 zombifuzz (2010-04-03)

people like u need to be stoned to death u raging fucking cunt. i was just asking, BECAUSE HE SAID HE BOUGHT THE DVD FROM AMAZON, if he would upload the actual dvd u stupid fucking faggot. i wasnt bitching about shit. so u need to take ur internet tough guy ass, find an aids infested cock and fuck yourself in the mouth with it u cock sucking bitch. fuck u, ur mother and ur grandmother in alphabetical order and die.

 zombifuzz (2010-04-03)

oh and ps: i didnt even download this but i said thank u and said it was a great torrent regardless. i didnt know it was a crime to request something and thank someone for doing something. just shows how fucking stupid people are on the internet. u wont be acting so tough when i get ur IP address and fuck ur shit up u stupid fucking faggot..

TPC1996 (2010-04-13)

@zombifuff...go fuk you whole generation fagget trick..and ur future one too...fagget as trick..who the fuk you think u are mutherfukker huh?...come at me you dumb cocksuking bitch...ur an ignorant asshole man for real..i hope one day soon..someone cracks you over the head with a hammer mutherfukker...your probably some little 16yr old poof talking and dribbleing shit...i suggest you clean ur mouth before it gets busted some time real soon..
btw dick rider i just seen you comment dont think i been scared to reply to ur punk ass dick loving lips

TPC1996 (2010-04-13)

btw zombifuzz dick sukker i wasnt saying sht about ur comment to this torrent matter a fact i agree with ur ass it should have been an acutal ISO file...i was replying to other comments..the ones bragging about it not being uncensored...the ones talking shit like dance132...lay off the crack trick for real

 zombifuzz (2010-04-26)

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! i can obviously tell you are a non white, immigrant piece of trash. you can barely speak English. thank you for that laugh! i really appreciate it. you are complete fucking garbage. you better watch your fucking step before i grab your IP address and fuck your whole shit up pussy boy. fuck you. tell your crack whore cum dumpster slut cunt mother i said hi too! i'm sure you don't know who your daddy. judging by your attitude i would guess your mom is a skank stripper who sat on a random nut on the toilet seat of the strip club she works at and got knocked up. then she would have felt too guilty if she had an abortion so she had your pathetic, piece of shit cock sucking ass anyways and now she has to deal with you every day of your cock smacking piece of shit waste of a life.

TPC1996 (2010-04-26)

@ Zombifuzz
fagget white boy ur a slut mother is ur untie aswell..pekerwood fuck...go tell ur mum to sit on ur uncles cock again to have a retrart son AGAIN..ur a sht kicker man go suck ur sisters beaver motherfucker..fuck u...ur alll talk bitch-made hump..go smoke crack with ur trailer trash friends...fuck you bitch

TPC1996 (2010-04-26)

Zombifuzz ur a lame motherfuker man...but anywayz gutter rat..put up another fukin comment at me..its all good this is fuking bullshit cause in the end im laughing and having a good time but its getting sad bitch for not bitching out but on the way out maybe you can kiss my ass..bye inbred lol

rickcain (2010-05-23)

You guys all sound like you're from Jersey

JoeParty (2010-05-24)

lol thepiratebay shore. fuckin rite time to hit up mtv with that shit

yurune (2010-05-31)

I had never seen this show before, but with all the talk about it in the media, I had to see it. I made myself watch the entire 1st episode. I didn't like it at first, but by the end of the episode I decided I did actually like it. Thanks dman1007!

dman1007 (2010-07-25)

@ boniac it came with 4 discs anyways

dedlok (2010-08-03)

"oh and ps: i didnt even download this but i said thank u and said it was a great torrent regardless."
Why say it is a great torrent when you haven't even downloaded it? It isn't a crime to request something, but saying something is legit/good when you haven't even checked it out for yourself is stupid. That would be like me saying move to Venus it is a great place to live, oh btw I've never lived there and don't know anyone currently residing on said planet. Catch my drift?
Other than that, most unfortunate to hear that the release itself isn't exactly uncensored, but I look forward to checking it out.
Thanks dman.

yurune (2010-08-05)

Thank-you dman, I had fun watching this. Looking forward to season 2.

dman1007 (2010-08-06)

you're very welcome :)

Desertdog253 (2010-08-07)

Thank you! Surprised there aren't more people dling this.

kkool11 (2010-08-12)

i can't stream this on xbox it starts fine then slows fact sometimes when i access the folder it crashes..... it works fine on the comp though. BIG THANKS anyways! i was thinking in order or them to work would i have to convert them or something?

qbiggums (2010-08-14)

lol this show is so bad, but you can't help and be jealous of their (for lack of a better word) situation. i mean these people are paid to live in a nice ass house, and they are paid to get drunk and be complete asshole

Roshimitzu (2010-08-19)

This show is so bad its good.
Thanks for the torrent x

Franklint (2010-09-10)

What exactly is uncensored in this version? According to the comments, lots of stuff is censored anyway. So what makes this different to the uncensored (TVrip) torrent?

Legend30 (2010-09-18)

@kkool11 .... Try Tversity its free just google it .. i use it for everything i download. just letting you know

jarimm (2010-09-27)

Is there any sex? Or tits?

jarimm (2010-09-27)

Is there a lot of sex and tits or just some?

xKINGx (2010-10-02)

SEED PLZ there are zero seeders right now.

dman1007 (2010-10-07)


sup12 (2010-10-26)

got up to 400kb/s . thanx for upload!

pollke (2010-12-29)

Very nice job man!

bybythecurlyguy (2011-01-13)

it's stuck at 32% pffff seeeeeeeeed like snooki i would say; meieieieieieieieieihhhh!!!! =( :p

B.KITZ (2011-02-04)

Thanks great up ....... Had fun watching ......

GREyyZiE_BByy (2011-02-10)


piratehaxor (2011-02-13)


DraXxus1549 (2011-05-09)

Got a DMCA letter for this heads up guys.

ohiobuckeyefan1387 (2011-06-09)

Seed the hell out of this please!!!!!!!!!!!

J51 (2011-08-04)

season 3 uncensored dvd rip?

dman1007 (2011-08-19)

i tried doing season 2 and they A LOT of ways to block me doing it like i did season 1 :(
and i haven't bought season 3 yet

00shaky00 (2011-08-21)

Dude, thanks a lot. You really are 'dman' ;)

gilla222 (2011-12-09)

thankyou! but please seed!

Kalika1 (2012-10-27)

2 1/2 yrs after upload & STILL 4MB/s D/L, Thanks 2 all seeders & Much Appreciation to u dman1007 ;)

theinsideguy (2014-04-13)

Thank You Mate

Dannaz97 (2014-11-21)

will seed for next couple of months maybe a little more, and cheers