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Assassins Creed 2 NEXT PACK OF SAVES
Assassins Creed 2 NEXT PACK OF SAVES
2010-03-17 (by STrjesi)
...Assassins Creed II Working Save Game... SAVE GAME FROM himkimos
so... here's the big deal... wen u get past the animus bug by saved games... don't go to Mario... u'll get white screen...
instead go to the other cities...
Florence, for example... there u can do evrything!!! shop, fight, swim, leap of faith, steal, get codex pages, bribe heralds, assassinate... and evry other thing!!!!
so, juss entertain yourselves with this till there's a crack...
How to install:
open up C:/ Program Files/ Ubisoft/ Ubisoft Game Launcher/ storage/ dG9taXRyZWJh /4
and delete all save files...
next step: copy/past new saves...
you will have to clear out your save folder and plonk in the 4 saves from this torrent every time you start a new game but at least you can play it for now untill a proper crack comes along.
next step: start AssassinsCreedIIGame.exe...
next step: When asked the Serial just click on Play/Ok
If you don't want to place the saves every time you want to play.
You can just click the gear icon at the left of the minimize icon in the Ubisoft Loader, so it stops synchronizing your save with the server. If you do this, you can even save your progress using this savegame, but you can't go into missions. Remember: if you accept a mission, the screen goes white, and you can only see the HUD.
once again to those with cd-key problems... The first time the Ubisoft gamelauncher starts up it updates itself, thereby uncracking it. So just re-crack it after the update and it should work like a charm...
Files count:
523.83 Kb
Ze3g (2010-03-17)
Hmm, somehow I recognise the last part of the description vividly ;)STrjesi (2010-03-17)
Ze3g... I was too lazy to write something... just copy - past from one of for post.... xD sorryZe3g (2010-03-17)
No worries ;) found it a bit funny though ^^Ze3g (2010-03-17)
Nice to see that noone is flaming this torrent too ^^rocco_sifredi (2010-03-17)
very funny with this game...There are SAVES torrents more than the game itself :))))Ze3g (2010-03-17)
Yeah xDAnyways, someone who has this game legally but still is a pirate could in theory upload savefiles that are at different places in the game, like one that is gamed specificly leaving all treasures, upgrades etc. for any player to get =)
handsomeguy (2010-03-17)
invalid cd keyimenjak4 (2010-03-17)
nice gameZe3g (2010-03-17)
Handsomeguy, begin with trying to recrack it. If it still don't work, read through the instructions extremely thoroughly and make sure youv'e done it proplerly.If it still doesn't work then there might be something else that is wrong...
kobagimis (2010-03-17)
Hello guys i have downloaded that game and have it installed succesfully but when i go to play it,it show me that i have to enter a product-key(serial number) but in the torrent is not exist a key please can you find me one or tell something to play this game or to buy it???highmasta (2010-03-17)
hear is the chat room whar we plan atacks
highmasta (2010-03-17)
*wherhighmasta (2010-03-17)
hear is the DRM ip (2010-03-17)
borrower my mates xbox copied game works great , will of finished it by the time a crack comes out lol.STrjesi (2010-03-17)
lol... xDiNffRaSoNiC (2010-03-17)
We are waiting... Common Razor 1911 Skidrow RELOADED!!!xtracrossxx (2010-03-17)
dudez can sumbody plzzz up a save file which already has altairs armour!!!!!!!!bursting_frog (2010-03-17)
@ xtracrossxx
Lucky13s (2010-03-18)
"so, juss entertain yourselves with this till there's a crack..."No, I think im gonna wait for the crack. It will ruin my experience if I start playing without being able to story.
glasswings21 (2010-03-18)
What to do in this game not accept any mission and just jump around those buildings and hop around the city? this is weird why the white screen by choosing the mission or accepting any maneuver practice i hope there would be something very soon enough because i can't wait to get this game working 100%.pukss (2010-03-18)
synchronizing save games.....that is the last thing what happens doesnt start after that....
even though i click on gear n restart the game again ...its does not start...
DofusOctopus (2010-03-19)
dont download this bullshit ... its just files ubisoft create .... in the save content ....this cunt is a wanker and he deserves to get slapt by a DILDO (BLACK RIBBED)
DofusOctopus (2010-03-20)
i didnt download this thanks to the feed back comments ... lolwhat i will say is... A month prior to the date released and there will be a crack!!!
ill explain how hard it is to crack!!!
it needs an 24/7 internet connection
so obviously! packets of data are being transfered back and forth from the servers to your computer.
a hacking team are playing the game and recording/saving these packets' so they can impliment them into the game data files so it doesnt need the internet, its basically like writing the whole fucking game again (Screech)
but whens its done the game should be exacly what it was supposed to be like.... "DRM FREE"
which makes us happy
sorry ubisoft i would have baught your game if you didnt try and claim half of the product and my computer.
Your are a bunch of cocks with ball bags as friends.
Ze3g (2010-03-21)
Man, I'm getting really sick of waiting -_-X-treme_Gamer (2010-03-21)
doesnt anyone have save from the beginning?????? i have 60 bucks and im fixxing to buy this game for 2 reasons... so i can play the damn thing from the start and 2 so i can upload save games ( FROM THE EFFING START)666SpAwN666 (2010-03-23)
We gonna die, die,die, hard!!!! I'm from fuckin Ukraine but i doubt you know where it is !eitanpr91 (2010-03-23)
i tryed putting the saves but every time im playing the game it's stiil with the other saves i put beforeand every time i delete them from "storege" they are coming back (the old saves).. what can i do?
Kueid (2010-03-26)
@himkimosGo fuck your mother, faggot!!!!
lukas107 (2010-03-28)
where the f... will be crack????noname_dk (2010-04-01)
cant u upload a savegame really close to the end like last mission where u got all the cities nad altairs armor?? would be super cool..and to everybody else who want it from the start. WHY?? so u can run around in one city?? sounds so boring to me...