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147 fonts, open type and true type






147 fonts, open type and true type




2007-11-04 (by jakobost)


Fonts ------------------------ OpenType ------------------------ Clarendon Affair FontanaND Formata Benguiat Bickham Script Cooper Black Dr Sugiyama Franklin Gothic Frutiger Fedra Dr Carbfred Futura Garamond Divina Avenir Gill Sans Helvetica Bernhard Modern Chalet (Comprime) Herr Von Muellerhoff Bembo Industria Joanna Kabel Bodoni AndralisND Kautiva Pro Legacy Letter Gothic Lucida Minion Ministry Script Baskerville Avant Garde Miss Fajardose Miss Lankfort Miss Le Gatees Miss Packgope Caslon Miss Stanfort Mistral Mr Blaketon Mr Canfields Didot Copperplate Gothic Mr Dafoe Mr DeHaviland Mr Keningbeck Bell Centennial Bell Gothic Mr Lackboughs Mr Leopolde Mr Rafkin Mr Sandsfort Mr Sheffield Antique Olive Mr Sheppards Mr Sopkin Caecilia Eurostile Mr Stalwart Mrs Blackfort Mrs Saint-Delafield Mrs Von Eckley Myriad Neutraface News Gothic OCR Officina Optima Palatino Peignot PoliticaXT Reporter Rockwell Sabon Souvenir Stone Syntax Times Trade Gothic Trajan Univers Wilhelm Klingspor Gotisch Zapfino TrueType ------------------------ Agenda Akzidenz Grotesk Amorinda Argenta Bank Gothic Base Bello Blur Brisa Candombe Cézanne Chalet Chocolate Cuisine Dax DIN Domingo Downtempo Fago Filosofia Gizmo Gotham Grover HabanoST Herencia House Gothic 23 Interstate Isla Kautiva La Portenia Latinaires Malbeck Mama Script Matrix Meta Milk Script Mobley Sans Mobley Serif Mosaico Mrs Eaves Murga Ping�ino Plumero Script Politica Quadraat Quay Sans Reflex Rolinga Renner Extravaganza Romy Scala SLBorges SLCortazar SLGardel SLTitanes Sudestada Thesis Tierra Tiza Triplex Walbaum Whomp ------------------------ Enjoy!

Files count:



38.05 Mb




donotmistakeme (2007-11-04)


LimeJet (2007-11-15)

Awesome!!! Thanks!

Fygar (2008-01-08)

Fantastic stuff --- Thank you!

Pwnzerfaust (2008-01-11)

Aha! Finally! I've been looking for a few of these fonts for AGES!
Thanks a lot, man.

roughson (2008-02-14)

Thanks a lot

FlyingAnvil (2008-02-23)

Thanks!! You made my day!

jegharto (2008-04-16)


tankkum (2008-04-25)


monrulen (2008-05-02)

Very nice download speed. Some about 800kb/s. By the way nice fonts. Thanks from Finland.

zombix12 (2008-07-20)

Excellent quality, almost no download time. Truly impressed.
Will help seed some more.

yazzz (2008-08-23)

Truly incredible speed! I found what I was lookng for, thank you!

x8slider (2008-08-25)

Now I can finally make a birthday card for the queen, thanks mate

jackyjackjack (2008-09-10)

now i can use myriad, the apple font, thx man

jjheartattack (2008-10-10)

im on a mac, can i just drop these into my fonts folder?

GuitarMan0785 (2008-10-20)

Hey how do you install the new fonts?? Please help me!! I have unzipped them already, I just do not know how to make it appear for Microsoft word or something. HELP PLEASE!!

GuitarMan0785 (2008-10-20)

Never mind. I found it.

Gamewhizzer (2008-12-16)

wow, best torrent speed i've seen in a long time

KaTusO (2009-01-05)

Thanks, Thanks, Thanks :D

ISneak (2009-02-03)

I feel sooooo bad for stealing these, but teheee this comes in so handy! Funny fact - I'm using some of these in work legaly :).
Great torrent by the way, wonderful speed, wonderful seeds.

Tomeus (2009-02-09)

LinuxUser2, Arial or MS Sans Serif are like Helvetica give or take few minor details. Or if you are planning on using these fonts on some official work you're doing, I suggest getting official fonts for that too, even if the prices are ridiculous ;)
Jakobost, I'm just DLing this atm so I can't say nothing of the content yet, but naturally if the font is mentioned it should be included.

MC8472 (2009-02-21)

Fucking excellent. Half this stuff was on my list of mandatory fonts to get.
Will seed as much as possible.

MC8472 (2009-02-21)

LinuxUser2, with this many files he could have made an honest mistake. Benefit of the doubt, dude. Oh, and the hand that feeds you.

Goblin77 (2009-03-10)


Milligram (2009-03-31)

You just saved my ass, thanks :)

Audiogasm (2009-04-23)

Ditto on saving our ass. This font set is exactly what I needed tonight. Seeding until the wheels fall off.

zeinabqureshi (2009-06-09)

A very nice collection, contains most of the fonts you'll need. A lightning fast download too. This should become the standard! Many thanks!

robbytiler (2009-08-07)

Thank You Jakobost.
That Trade Gothic font was very difficult to find ;-)

Fton_David (2009-09-08)

Thank you.

nitsuj17 (2009-10-07)

thanx !!really big help..

chris9005 (2010-03-05)

Thanks for this. It says on the listing that it includes Helvetica, but it isn't there. There are some great fonts here, but does anyone have Helvetica to upload? Just hoping!

chris9005 (2010-03-05)

Forget my comment. Helvetica in all its glory is here -

Top people!

mr.sinistah (2010-06-18)

hey anyone has MINISTRY MEDIUM or MINISTRY LIGHT fonts ???

mr.sinistah (2010-06-18)

hey any body has MINISTRY LIGHT or MINISTRY MEDIUM fonts ???

paypouy (2010-10-13)

I desperately need the Neutraface font and I cannot seem to be able to download this file! HELP PLEASE

Tml90 (2010-12-08)

Thanks. Wanted Frutiger, Avenir, Baskerville, Avant Garde, Sabon, Akzidenz Grotesk.
Very good collection :)

Lilopoesje (2010-12-13)

Thank you! This will help me a lot

arasulov (2011-01-18)

unlimited seeding started: 18 January 2011
unlmited seeding finished: 18 Febuary 2011
Thanks for uploading JakoBost

ksmrblue (2011-02-08)

thanks jakobost youre the BEST. if i ever meet you ill buy u a banana

p0no (2011-04-27)

thanks wat a great help all in one dl

ichilly (2011-05-02)

Great collection.
Thank you.

JakeCulp (2011-08-10)

Can't access find Baskerville. Help?

Imagica (2011-08-28)

Thank you! :)

idemstein (2011-09-09)

signed up just to thank you

Kunal1564 (2012-06-02)

Good. Thank you

AndrePh (2012-06-27)

Great selection! Thanks!

WWisokbyme (2012-09-04)

For anyone wondering, this will work with mac too. Thanks for this amazing torrent jakobost.

AMD freak (2012-12-06)

Got fonts?

*If you need/want Helvetica than go here:

Thanks for the fonts
P.S. He who dies with the most fonts wins ;p

ahpi (2013-01-17)

i've just made an account for thank you! :)

alexasilva (2013-01-18)

These are well chosen fonts, they have personality, they have a family. All designers must have them! Thank you for sharing!

FlankerB1 (2014-03-31)

Anyone has BankGothic Pro font family?

reeper250 (2014-04-08)

Would it be possible to upload the Paralucent type family? I'd be willing to donate if you do, it's an amazing typeface but can't justify spending the huge amount of money considering I'm only using it for personal things and not commercial use.


1. fonts.rar 38.05 Mb