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Torchwood - The Complete Season 1,2 and 3 [HDTV](Xvid/MP3)




Video TV


Torchwood - The Complete Season 1,2 and 3 [HDTV](Xvid/MP3)


Video/TV shows


2011-02-18 (by manOtor)



Torchwood +++ HDTV (XviD/MP3) +++ The Complete Season 1,2 and 3 Torchwood is a British science fiction television programme created by Russell T Davies. The series is a spin-off from Davies' 2005 revival of the long-running science fiction programme Doctor Who, which has a family audience. Torchwood, however, is aimed at a mature audience. It follows the exploits of a small team of alien-hunters, who make up the Cardiff branch of the fictional Torchwood Institute, which deals mainly with incidents involving extraterrestrials. Its central character is Captain Jack Harkness (John Barrowman), an immortal and ex-conman from the distant future who has lived on Earth since the 19th century. The branch is initially a team of five operatives, led by Jack Harkness (John Barrowman), with Gwen Cooper (Eve Myles) as the "new girl" who joins in the first episode and acts as an audience surrogate. Owen Harper (Burn Gorman) is the unit's medical officer and Toshiko Sato (Naoko Mori) is the resident computer specialist, while "administrative" duties are performed by Ianto Jones (Gareth David-Lloyd). It's a fantastic show worth watching - especially if you like Doctor Who, because there are several cross-overs, which just complete the universal experience of the whole "Doctor Who"-universe! Format : XviD File size: 389 MiB avg. per episode Duration : 49 min avg. per episode Width : 624 pixels Height : 352 pixels Aspect ratio : 16:9 Frame rate : 25 fps Audio: MP3 Nr. of Files: 31 + 1 TitlePic + 1 manOtor'sKABLAM!!!-Trailer + 1 link.txt All files properly named. This pack wouldn't have been possible without you, we worship you, +++eztv+++TvTeam+++VTV+++scenebalance+++TorrentDay+++eztv+++ After 24 hours initial seeding there should be enough seeders to get the whole thing with decent speed in a decent time. ###################### You like your show in one pack? ######################## ############################## Here you go! ################################### For questions,requests,comments feel free to PM me on SuprBay


  1. tvteam
  2. vtv
  3. scenebalance
  4. torrentday
  5. hdtv
  6. xvid
  7. manotor
  8. torchwood
  9. the doctor
  10. doctor who
  11. cardif
  12. complete
  13. season

Files count:



12369.18 Mb




RedMatrix (2011-04-06)


thedecking (2011-05-08)

a big THANKS from me

litreofcola (2011-06-16)

Thanks for this!

delice (2011-07-02)

you know - it is really stupid to remove the tags from the episode titles - makes it a pain to search for subtitles...

alicedowntherabbithole (2011-07-04)

Thank you soooo much!

mizzllat (2011-07-09)

If anyone has found the correct subtitles, it would be a GREAT favor if you could list them or the episode titles...

toxicmax (2011-07-09)

is this for the new torchwood series that just came out on friday? or is this a old old completely different series?

santiago001 (2011-07-11)

Seed motherfuckers!

ingles666 (2011-07-12)

Splendid! Thank you.

Tom_thomas (2011-07-15)

Thank you so very much ... Great work

Tom_thomas (2011-07-15)

I can never get any CC on whatever i download ! can anyone till me what i'm doing wrong ? Hard of Hearing here ...

Tom_thomas (2011-07-15)

Must take a long time to see the comment that i left !

 manOtor (2011-07-16)

@ toxicmax:
It kind of says it in the description: This is Season 1,2 and 3.
Season 4 is currently airing ;)...
@ Tom_thomas:
What do you mean "CC"?

tomleedsutd (2011-07-18)

only 6 seeding :( can more people seed please thanks.

hakuna_matata (2011-07-25)

always big size rips.. :(

 matimike (2011-08-06)

a/v 10 thanks

Fezman92 (2011-08-07)

Season 2 ep 13 does not work when converted to MP4

Reviewer (2011-08-15)

Hey captain jack harkness is played by a fudge packer. Just thought i should let you people know, before you get to involved with the show. I stopped watching it.

Reviewer (2011-08-15)

Unfortunately CC (closed captions) aren't available for torrented shows because CC is a service provided by your television networks along with your TV set. So since you are watching this on your computer you should look into "Subtitles', you can find many websites that provide them if you google. And I would suggest using VLC media player because it makes adding subtitles a snap. Hope this helps.

 manOtor (2011-08-19)

thank you for pointing out the Closed Caption thing to Tom_thomas.
But I feel also very sorry for you. You are missing a (as the Doctor would say) fantastic series only because of an extremely retarded point of view on the world.
You seriously stopped watching beause the lead actor is a homosexual?
Maybe you should rethink your activities on this site, The Pirate Bay.
You know what we stand for?
Not only for free speech but freedom in any aspect of life - from having the freedom to choose to drink a beer anytime you want all the way to the free choice of your sexual interest.
So, being purely theoratical, chances are that you already downloaded stuff from some queery folks. Maybe you should bring your computer to the doctor for an HIV test. If you touched your computer since, you might want to get checked, too.

Medba (2011-08-19)

This is the first complete set of any tv show in which I have not been able to find closed captions for and/or did not include them.
Subtitle sources:

I use this one the most
the other two around are:

The biggest prob is when the tags are deleted it is VERY hard to find CC's sync and all three listed above do have CC's...but if anyone has found them or knows of an easy to find them without the tags please let me know....

massivetempah (2011-08-21)

reviewer your a 100% wanker, so many seeds but still only about 8-9 active, gunna take 5 weeks lol

 manOtor (2011-08-27)

@ everyone seeking subtitles for this pack:
This pack consists of the original HDTV-rips, released by the scene hours after being aired.
The original files were named like this: e.g. "Torchwood.s01e12.hdtv-bia".
Unfortunately it looks like there are not many subs out there with those tags.
Anyway, if you are searching for synced subs you should include those tags in your query.

MaskWhoRU (2011-09-02)

thank you so much!

 manOtor (2011-09-19)

If you are seeking Season 4, here it is:

jh3141 (2011-09-23)

No comments re. quality?

 manOtor (2011-11-26)

matimike wrote:
"a/v 10 thanks"
Just check the first comment page ;)

diverdiva (2012-01-13)

Downloading @ less than 12 k/Bs - please seed! Thanx for the uload manOtor.

JimboZog (2012-01-30)

Thank you the great upload. This show started well, but the finishing storyline was pretty bad.

Nathuz1 (2012-05-26)

Thanks to all the seeders got this in 1 day. i will seed for at lest 2 days straight.

dee60 (2012-07-04)

Thanks, downloading now.

samculakis (2012-07-13)

People please seed, 1 week alrdy 69 %

obvious2me (2012-07-16)

crappy internet sam?
eta 13 hours remaining with current avg dl rate, and that is after 1 hour with 2 other 11-13Gb files dling at the same time... and my internet is shitty for north America.

Gr33nThumb420 (2012-08-05)

Would you be willing to get ahold of the U.S. version, and upload it, please? It would be so much appreciated. I'm sure there are many people who would enjoy it. Or, if you know where to find the torrent for it already, then please let me know.

JohnyMousepad (2012-08-09)

Sam is right, we need seeds. I've been stuck at 60% for days now, uploading thirty times what my download speed is. It's not my connection either, it's this torrent. I got all Doctor Who from Eccleston to the second series of Matt Smith in less time.

pahavanja (2012-11-02)

Haven't seen it yet but i've heard some people claim that the show is gay. I mean before i start downloading.. Is it just a bit queer or is it hardcore gay gay stuff with occasional WTF am i watching moments? I mean would the total gayness make it a weird thing to watch? Or is it just one character being a bit gay or is the whole show gay?

pahavanja (2012-11-02)

I mean does shit actually get pushed in? Or is it just a faint smell "somewhere"?

pahavanja (2012-11-02)

oh and please tell me if there's dalek porn, that would be cool

Squareyes (2013-01-03)

Hey reveiwer, I understand completely. After I saw the man on man kiss I wanted to be gay too, but alas I am not. I suggest you find a nice man and settle down, accept what you are. Those who accept what they are have no problems with any other life choice.
Thanks for the up man

VDani (2013-03-11)

excellent upload! thank you!

vampzcore (2013-05-14)

seed plzzzz

RiverfiendX (2013-08-28)

@pahavanja It is "gay" when people like you use their prejudice to describe a TV show. Like, are you for serious? Go back to watching Big Brother Dickhead.

whnstn (2013-08-29)

Quality is really good on my 32".
I've learned to despise and fear British women watching this show. Now I know why y'all drink so much. Every time there is one thing that shouldn't be done, one of the women do it.
Are they all like that? Oh, that's's what made you all great explorers and inspired the conquest of foreign lands: to get the fuck away from those women!

whnstn (2013-08-29)

It's about an American sent back in time to Britain who gets there, finds out the women are absolutely bonkers and does the sensible thing: turns gay.


1. Torchwood/Torchwood Season 1/Torchwood S01E01 Everything Changes .avi 349.34 Mb
2. Torchwood/Torchwood Season 1/Torchwood S01E02 Day One .avi 350.01 Mb
3. Torchwood/Torchwood Season 1/Torchwood S01E03 Ghost Machine .avi 350.19 Mb
4. Torchwood/Torchwood Season 1/Torchwood S01E04 Cyberwoman .avi 350.03 Mb
5. Torchwood/Torchwood Season 1/Torchwood S01E05 Small Worlds .avi 349.62 Mb
6. Torchwood/Torchwood Season 1/Torchwood S01E06 Countrycide .avi 350.01 Mb
7. Torchwood/Torchwood Season 1/Torchwood S01E07 Greeks Bearing Gifts .avi 350.15 Mb
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9. Torchwood/Torchwood Season 1/Torchwood S01E09 Random Shoes .avi 350.00 Mb
10. Torchwood/Torchwood Season 1/Torchwood S01E10 Out of Time .avi 349.96 Mb
11. Torchwood/Torchwood Season 1/Torchwood S01E11 Combat.avi 350.09 Mb
12. Torchwood/Torchwood Season 1/Torchwood.S01E12 Captain Jack Harkness .avi 349.29 Mb
13. Torchwood/Torchwood Season 1/Torchwood.S01E13.End of Days .avi 349.00 Mb
14. Torchwood/Torchwood Season 2/Torchwood S02E01 Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang.avi 385.21 Mb
15. Torchwood/Torchwood Season 2/Torchwood S02E02 Sleeper.avi 389.77 Mb
16. Torchwood/Torchwood Season 2/Torchwood S02E03 To The Last Man.avi 409.26 Mb
17. Torchwood/Torchwood Season 2/Torchwood S02E04 Meat.avi 407.83 Mb
18. Torchwood/Torchwood Season 2/Torchwood S02E05 Adam.avi 410.50 Mb
19. Torchwood/Torchwood Season 2/Torchwood S02E06 Reset.avi 376.47 Mb
20. Torchwood/Torchwood Season 2/Torchwood S02E07 Dead Man Walking.avi 391.92 Mb
21. Torchwood/Torchwood Season 2/Torchwood S02E08 A Day In The Death.avi 383.69 Mb
22. Torchwood/Torchwood Season 2/Torchwood S02E09 Something Borrowed.avi 375.77 Mb
23. Torchwood/Torchwood Season 2/Torchwood S02E10 From Out Of The Rain.avi 369.22 Mb
24. Torchwood/Torchwood Season 2/Torchwood S02E11 Adrift.avi 394.44 Mb
25. Torchwood/Torchwood Season 2/Torchwood S02E12 Fragments.avi 398.22 Mb
26. Torchwood/Torchwood Season 2/Torchwood S02E13 Exit Wounds.avi 359.64 Mb
27. Torchwood/Torchwood Season 3 - Children Of Earth/Torchwood S03E01 Children of Earth - Day One.avi 550.37 Mb
28. Torchwood/Torchwood Season 3 - Children Of Earth/Torchwood S03E02 Children of Earth - Day Two.avi 550.45 Mb
29. Torchwood/Torchwood Season 3 - Children Of Earth/Torchwood S03E03 Children of Earth - Day Three.avi 550.40 Mb
30. Torchwood/Torchwood Season 3 - Children Of Earth/Torchwood S03E04 Children of Earth - Day Four.avi 550.49 Mb
31. Torchwood/Torchwood Season 3 - Children Of Earth/Torchwood S03E05 Children of Earth - Day Five.avi 550.17 Mb
32. Torchwood/manOtor's KABLAM!!! - If one episode is not enough....txt 49 bytes
33. Torchwood/manOtor'sKABLAM!!!-Trailer_XXL(H.264).mp4 16.66 Mb
34. Torchwood/Season_Torchwood1,2,3.png 308.35 Kb