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Video/Movies DVDR


2008-02-09 (by vaino666)



Kill Bill 2 Valmistumisvuosi: 2004 Ohjaajat: Quentin Tarantino P�¤�¤osissa: Michael Madsen, Uma Thurman, David Carradine, Daryl Hannah, Gordon Liu Pituus: 134 min Genret: Toiminta, Trilleri IMDb User Rating: 8.1/10 Top 250: #167 Source: DVD9. Pal Poistettu: varoitukset, introt, mainokset, extrat, menusta tarpeettomat linkit ja sivut, DTS �¤�¤niraita, humbuukit. ���¤ni: DD 5.1 english Tekstit: Suomi, ruotsi, norja, tanska Menut: On (editoidut) Extrat: Ei Kuvaus: Samanlaista puukkohippasta, kuin ykk�¶sosassa. Rebuilder: iDCT 64-bit IEEE-1180 Reference selected Intrablock DC Precision 10 bits selected CCE SP2 9-PASS - DVD-RB v1.26.5 - AVISYNTH - CCE encoder selected. - Reduction Level for DVD-5: 77,5% - Overall Bitrate : 3896Kbs - Space for Video : 3746852KB - HIGH/LOW/TYPICAL Bitrates: 5515/1600/3896 Kbs Rebuilderin arvioima high bitrate arvo ei pid�¤ paikkaansa. Sen ini-tiedosto on editoitu ja annan CCE:lle tilaa p�¤�¤tt�¤�¤ bitratet paremmin (testattu peak yli 8000), eli milloin kuvassa tapahtuu, bitrate on l�¤hell�¤ alkuper�¤ist�¤.Ja esim. mustassa paikallaan olevassa kuvassa taas annan (cce antaa) arvon tippua 1000 kbps. Poistin taas kaiken ylim�¤�¤r�¤isen, jopa VMG menut ja komensin menem�¤�¤n suoraan VTS ykk�¶seen, mik�¤ onkin nyt ainoa VTS. T�¤st�¤p�¤ on pittiratea hankala nostaa. J�¤tin kuitenkin menujen animaatiot, ett�¤ olisi samanlainen kuin osa 1. Bitrate on tietenkin huonompi, kuin ykk�¶sess�¤, elokuvan keston takia. Testattu:P�¶yt�¤soitin, mediaplayer classic, Powerdvd Mukana Sample, voipi ladata ensin. Up 85 kB/s 24/7

Files count:



4518.94 Mb




 wormman (2008-02-09)

Good work . but you can steal space from menu with dvdshrink and then use dvdrebuilder so the the space for video gets higher. Thank for the upload.

vaino666 (2008-02-09)

Fuck you and your dvdshirink. I can make menus that kind I like . DVD rebuileder can too compress menus. I can edit PGC and button commands (this movie) that I can make menus smaller. If bitrate is going too down I make moving backrounds to still picture.
This movie and part 1

I want to save this menus this kind.
If menus are too complicated, I exploid whole movie to atoms and make it again with DVD Lab pro

vaino666 (2008-02-09)

I'm sorry womman that fuck you is not for you. (it's for dvdshrink). Your comment was good and I will look for new dvdshrink, if there is any ideas that makes work easier.

 wormman (2008-02-09)

No problem . It looks like you know what you are doing.

schierding (2008-02-13)

Thanks vaino666! Your rips are top top class. I wish more encoders knew what they where doing. In fact, I didn't even know you could make a 2hour+ movie look good on a DVD5 until I stumbled upon your rips. Keep up the great work!

vaino666 (2008-02-26)

fl8am you got my email. And for others, when I'm not so lazy I make a release where are all the programs and versions that work together. After that it's time for some kind of education for people who want make good copys. How ? Maybe I write some kind of guide. I have to think something (video conference Hah haa)

MajorIce (2008-04-15)

Sorry about my "noobity"... Can I burn VOB-files like this in Nero Burning Rom?

MajorIce (2008-04-16)

I found your explaination at your Pirates-torrent.. Great upload, great thanks! Keep up the good work!