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Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard Server [Ripped from Retail DVD]






Mac OS X Server 10.6 - Snow Leopard - RETAIL (real)




2009-09-26 (by Anonymous)


Straight out of the box. With unlimited serial and Admin Tools. OSX Server 10.6.dmg MD5= ea3ac0ddb1ce7d820257c44793178bf7 Admin Tools.dmg MD5= 648ad4e9ff9232975ba5c211670ac9da serial ;) MD5= ed969a88035b60fb0c8aad5263ee6ba6


  1. mac
  2. server
  3. 10.6
  4. snow leopard

Files count:



5898.55 Mb




albinoz (2009-09-26)

Thanks if is true one

chonomey (2009-09-27)

man you're the best!!! GREAT GREAT GREAT GREAT!!!

flamestrm (2009-09-28)

thanks man, it works!

vlicas (2009-09-29)

thanks bro cani install dis directly from ma hard drive or i need to burn it into a dvd disk to do so?

kenhru (2009-10-01)

Thanks for this torrent.

 Zoey_Redbird (2009-10-02)

Can this override Windows Vista?

BvvM (2009-10-03)

"Can this override Windows Vista?"
Yes, when asked where to install, just select HDD = C:\ Win NTFS, with the Format & Purge by Fire option checked ... you will never be troubled by Fista again ";0))

andymourtz (2009-10-04)

How exactly can we install it on a PC??

iApple (2009-10-04)

tnx for the share.

smard0iu (2009-10-04)

i can't install from usb memory stick....."this version of mac os x is not compatible"....and i have all the updates 10.5.8

SidDan80 (2009-10-05)

Has anyone tried burning this on a PC and have it bootable in a Mac?
I tried doing so with TransMac, uncompressed the .dmg (5,52GB) and got a larger supposedly uncompressed .dmg of the side 6,7GB.
Burning went fint with no errors. But my Mac is struggling to read it to finaly spit it out.
I have:
iMac OsX 10.3.9
Win XP
Verbatim D/L discs

eddyq (2009-10-05)

I am loading with VMware Fusion. I converted it to an ISO using the following: "hdiutil convert OSX\ Server\ 10.6.dmg -format UDTO -o OSX_Server_10.6.iso" and it created OSX_Server_10.6.iso.cdr. But when VMware tried to boot to this file it caused a stack fault.
1) Does anyone know what I should do?
2) How do you use a .dmg to load a system?

prettyman91 (2009-10-07)

can you mount it on iphone? or a way to install without CDs?

klavishi (2009-10-07)

I am new .
How i should install it on Intel Mac ?

heppje (2009-10-10)

You need to burn this with Disk Utility. All OS X Install Discs will only boot on Apple hardware if burned from dmg that way. Even Toast or other Mac burning applications deliver unbootable discs.
Previously, you also needed to lock the dmgs because if you mounted them before burning, then it would corrupt (unbless) the image. I think that this is less of a problem these days, but I remember destroying a Jaguar image that way.
That said, I have no idea whether or not Panther is too old for this. I would burn at no faster than 4x for this, even if your disks will support a faster speed.

BUZDUP (2009-10-15)

Great DL but key dose not work. I entered it in and work but now asks for new key.
Install via iPod/ Ext HDD
1. Mount the "Mac OS X Install DVD.iso"
2. Plug in your iPod/ Ext HDD.
3. Open Disk Utility.
4. Select your iPod/ Ext HDD from the drive list on the left.
5. You'll see "First Aid, Erase, Partition, RAID, Restore."
6. Click on "Partition."
7. Under "Volume Scheme", Select "1 Partition."
8. Once selected, hit the "Option" button at the bottom of the map.
9. A window will pop-up, select the "GUID Partition Table" option.
10. Once its done, navigate to the "Restore" tab.
11. From the drive list on the left, drag the mounted Snow Leopard .iso (dmg)to the "Source" field, and drag your iPod/ Ext HDD to the "Destination" field.
12. Click "Restore."
13. Close Disk Utility, Open up System Preferences. Under "System," choose "Startup Disk,"
14. Your iPod/ Ext HDD should be listed as the Snow Leopard installation disk. Select and click "Restart."
15. Follow the instructions to install Snow Leopard.
Good Luck

mjones185 (2009-10-17)

I have an HP Media Server with Avast virus scanner. I have my VMWare Fusion copies is this OS saved on the hard drive. When Avast scans my server is says I have two viruses.
The viruses are (last words in each row of text):
D:\shares\Virtural Systems\Mac OS X 10.6 Server\Mac OS X Server 10.6 (Primary).vmwarevm\Mac OS X Server 10.6 (Primary).vmdk - Win32:Delf-BYA [Trj]
D:\shares\Virtural Systems\Mac OS X 10.6 Server\Mac OS X Server 10.6 (Testbed).vmwarevm\Mac OS X Server 10.6 (Testbed).vmdk - Win32:Kelvir-CM [Wrm]

TomKnock (2009-10-26)

He writes "serial" at the last MD5 checksum in his description, perhaps the serial is encoded with MD5?
If you reverse the MD5 for "serial" in Terminal with the command "md5 -rs ed969a88035b60fb0c8aad5263ee6ba6" you get:
Perhaps that is the serial, without the "-"s ?
Dunno, just a thought :) I'm downloading so I have not tried it, but perhaps someone could try, and if not we'll have to find a real one, so this is just a theory ;-)

hidari (2009-12-02)

@jkwilborn 10.6 runs on intel machines only.

jc_rizzle (2009-12-04)

does this require you to do a clean install or do i have to back up my shit
Appreciate any response... i would like to unleash the leopard into my mac

titant3ch (2009-12-06)

can i use this as an update or where can i get it. i have leopard already just trying to get the update.

oogies (2009-12-07)

(this one works as i have updated my snow leopard server and put in this key after i was blocked, im on and working again.)
Here is a another one but have not tried it before.

I was previously using the key everyone has: the

This key works on install but after update is broken, just use the top one then (ending with L)
Thanks guys!!!
(copy for other torrent post)

TrizzB (2009-12-17)

I'm very new to this so thanks in advance... Will I be able to upgrade from 10.4.11 and still be able to keep all programs already installed on the Mac? I have a lot of music and editing programs I don't want to lose.

jacques.paul (2009-12-18)

Worked perfectly for me including the serial even after update to 10.6.2.
Do not open the OSX Server 10.6.dmg most of the time that will corrupt it. Lock it (get info and check locked).
On a Mac use Disk Utility to burn it to a DVD (not Toast).
Boot from the DVD and install.
Be sure to print the serial before installing otherwise you will be blocked (no access to the Text Edith document once installed and asked to enter the serial)

elviejoboy (2009-12-19)

what kind of dvd do i need cause is telling me the one i got doesnt have enought space

jacques.paul (2009-12-19)

Well the file make:
5.76 GiB (6185082596 Bytes)
So you have to use a double layer DVD 8.5GB
I used a Verbatim DVD+R DL to burn it

kttykatt (2009-12-21)

I can't get this to work for tiger (10.4.11)...oh well I only spent 10 hours downloading it. Is there another one that actually works?

kinglungs (2009-12-23)

worked perfectly but there is no bootcamp assistant. can someone help me

kiter (2009-12-29)

Serial wont work with 10.6.2

angelianna2000 (2010-01-03)

is it possible that i put this on a flash drive and boot my laptop up from it.. this is the first comment i have ever posted so hi.. lol please get back to me soon. i have a 16 gig flash drive btw

jacob41 (2010-02-17)

please help i need a register to name and orginization

psichoate (2010-03-27)

this is for SERVERS, computers made to handle larger amounts of data and control a network of other computers;
this is not an upgrade for the average home user

Brisingar (2010-07-01)

Downloaded and installed using VMware Fusion 3. Worked awesomely. No hickups so far. Just installed by mounting the .dmg in VMware. Thanks so much!!!!

lalago (2010-07-16)

I am totally new to this, so no name calling lolnI tried downloading this to my Mac, and then I tried opening it and it kicks me out! I know I am doing something wrong, walk me through the steps please? I have a mac os x 10.5.8 w/2 gb processor 2 ghz intel core duo thanks

apple2124 (2010-08-27)

what is the Name and Organization for oogies comment?

kk123ag (2010-12-20)

Thanks so much and if you have 2 computers set it up on one and access the install disk from the computer that you want it to be setup on

tibi012 (2011-02-06)

I already opened OSX server 10.6dmg.
is it too late too burn it on a dvd? Or can i still do it anyway? please helpp!!!

SkeebleDouble (2011-05-13)

great upload, but i cant finish the installation because of the SN, i have tried MANY different ones for hours.....still nothing. can anyone help plz?

roemerbakker (2011-06-12)

Hey Guys please seed need it really fast :$

jaseb1709 (2011-07-17)

Downloaded successfully... but error message when I try to burn !

fgalaviz0 (2011-08-19)


hijdya (2012-01-12)

hey mr. annoys i got error when i trying to install this well, i try this randomly ,first i had to try form vmware workstation .then virtual box then dual boot but it cant be succes plz help me out form this

hijdya (2012-01-12)

and this is not pure 5.76 b its 7.89 gb

hijdya (2012-01-12)

so user 's plz confirm before download

hijdya (2012-01-17)

DONT DOWNLOAD hey guys i requested to all of you dont download it bcoz its not 5.76 gb its is 7.93 gb and when i try to burn it using power iso transmac and all dmg supported apps i get error
me waste 5 double layer dvd ?
so plz dont download

hijdya (2012-01-21)

hey dude i got error when i was trying to burn with power iso

macomaniac (2012-01-31)

@ Mac users. That file is very precious, for persons running already Lion, and wanting to run back Snow Leopard as a VIRTUAL MACHINE (through Parallels Desktop or VMware Fusion).
Reasons of that : 1) Snow Leopard is the last OS to support ROSETTA, the invisible emulation layer enabling to run PPC apps (emulation layer dropped down by Lion, which ends with PPC apps no longer being supported by Lion) ; 2) Only SERVER versions of such OS as Snow Leopard are allowed to be virtualized, and not CLIENT ones.
To perform the virtualization of Snow Leopard as guest under Lion as host, just download this .dmg file on your Mac desktop. Besides that, download and install on your Mac either Parallels Desktop or VMware Fusion from ThePirateBay. Once done, ask for the creation of a new Virtual Machine, indicate the path of the .dmg file of SnowLeopard Server as system to be installed, write down the serial given with the file when asked, and the installation of Snow Leopard Server will be performed without trouble. You are able after that to update that virtual OS from 10.6.2 up to 10.6.8 without problem, and use it as a true OS, connected to internet through Lion host, with any CD, DVD, external Hard Drives mountable on the virtual desktop, and either usable in window mode or in full screen mode.
From my own experience (I run Snow Leopard Server 10.6.8 as Virtual Machine through Parallels Desktop on Lion 10.7.2 host), everything works nicely. I repeat it : very useful at running back PPC apps when having updated to Lion as main OS.

Ravi_Dora (2012-03-28)

I Have Intel DG45ID M.B, Core 2 Quad Processor 2.66GHZ(Q8400), 4GB RAM
In this Configuration Can I Install this Mac OSX Server in My System,
Please Help Me(Plzzzzzzzz)
If any one Has Any Solution then please send your opinion or Contact to me..
( )

Ravi_Dora (2012-03-28)

I Have Intel DG45ID M.B, Core 2 Quad Processor 2.66GHZ(Q8400), 4GB RAM
In this Configuration Can I Install this Mac OSX Server in My System,
Please Help Me(Plzzzzzzzzzzz)
If any one Has Any Solution then please send your opinion or Contact to me........
( )

dealja (2012-07-12)

hey guys, so doing the installation and i managed to fuck up the serial txt file ... so anybody mind just posing the serial key in the comment section, thanks!

musicianus (2012-11-13)

Hello @oogies!
For the serial
when I put any Registered to and organization name says me: The registered owner name and organization of this serial number are case-sensitive. Please check the serial number is coreect and that the owner name and organization are spelled correctly and are using the correct case.
For the another serial appeared wrong serial and this I think is correct, but the registered and organization are not. Do you remember what you've put in those fields, plz? Thnks.

copyrightstealers (2013-03-19)

You click continue do not enter anything other than the serial.

tt1234 (2013-07-20)

Please seed somebody...

QuilaLXS (2015-04-17)

works perfectly fine!
but i've got a question. i downloaded this so i'd be able to play black&white but the disk won't show up. anyone know what i need to do?


1. OSX Server 10.6/OSX Server 10.6 - Admin Tools.dmg 240.82 Mb
2. OSX Server 10.6/OSX Server 10.6.dmg 5657.73 Mb
3. OSX Server 10.6/serial.rtf 353 bytes