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Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise x64 SP1 Integrated April 2011










2011-04-13 (by MAFIAA.)


BIE is very proud to present you another fine windows release! t h e c u t e s t t h i n g s i n l i f e a r e e v i l ? ! Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise x64 SP1 Integrated April 2011 (C)2011 Microsoft Corp HowTo: Extract Files Burn Image to DVD Boot from DVD Install to unpartitioned space without serial Check BIE-Dir on DVD Notes: If you like this software buy a penguin! Greetz fly out to CHiLi & TRexHD! ascII (C) Wolfenstein 2008.


  1. Windows
  2. Server
  3. 2008
  4. Enterprise

Files count:



2927.66 Mb




eggsbox (2011-04-16)


Frackz (2011-04-26)

This worked like a charm! And it is fully activated! Thank you.

ash.rnand (2011-04-30)

No activation key is provided and automatic activation does not work.
Install files seem okay though.

ash.rnand (2011-04-30)

sorry just found the crack, its in BIE directory and works beautifully!!!
full activated, thankyou Stun!!!
*NB: I was mounting the ISO in VMWARE, so just be aware that you need to view the actual iso contents to retrieve the crack**

huangxao (2011-05-02)

Installed, not activated; Tried both cracks in BIT directory, the first one hit 0x7008000D error; second one "workaround" claims successful, but after re-boot still not activated; Is there any clue?

ranbir768 (2011-05-22)

its a request buddy plz help stuckd on 94% seed plz stun give seeds/.,/

ranbir768 (2011-05-22)

hey STun plz help buddy seed,,stucked on 94%

ranbir768 (2011-05-22)

thnks stun its working now/..,

clint1285 (2011-06-04)

does anyone know why i get a "cyclic redundancy check: error" when i try to extract the .rar file with 7z?

Darqsido (2011-06-06)

Can someone please list step by step how to do this. I haven't had to work with an archive before. i am used to the .ISO's. Much appreciated.

Darqsido (2011-06-06)

Nevermind. I didn't have PowerISO installed in my somewhat fresh install of Windows 7. WHen I opened one of the many archives in the folder all I would see is one archive almost 4GB in size. I instaled POwerISO then it showed as an ISO file. thanks for the upload.

koolrahul007 (2011-06-08)

after full installation it's prompting to enter administrator password...what i've to write in the password box...pls help me...:(

schmidlap (2011-06-12)

This torrent is a piece of shit. First, what jackass creates a torrent with over 60 rar files instead of just the iso to begin with. Ok, that's fine, we can handle that but the piece of crap "crack" doesn't even work. Neither the crack nor the "workaround". Neither does the best bootloader you can get that works on every edition of 2008 and 7 I have except for this one. This is a waste of time. Don't bother with it.

Hubology (2011-06-15)

Works, BIE KMS works as well (activation). If you're unable to get this to work, stick with workstations.

Akumos (2011-06-21)

Great Torrent - Very Simple Activation from a directory on the root of the CD...
Installed most roles, all working perfectly!
(Burn DVD at 4x like all OS's)

C157723 (2011-06-23)

OK, installed no problem. But like one other guy, I get this error 0x7008000D, which google tells me can be quite a few different things, not the least of which is windows thinks a file might not be right, which kind of makes sense I guess.
At any rate, I, like the other guy, try to run the workaround, it claims success, restart and it says it is still not activated...does this mean it is? I have used others which continue to show they are not activated but the crack makes it so the sw just doesn't this the case? I am going to continue to use it to see what happens...if anyone has anything thoughts/help I'd appreciate it.
Either way TY for the upload.

CallingCriminal (2011-06-29)


Reigefyre (2011-07-03)

If anyone is experiencing problems with activation, you may consider trying the Windows Loader written by Daz. A google search should point you in the right direction, and it is by FAR the best activation software available.

James_patageul (2011-07-07)

Trojan inside

lockedside (2011-07-08)

Great contribution, thank you so much MAFIAA. the crack is available, and works so fine. It even automatically disabled the updates. I am using it in a virtual machine (VirtualBox) on my dv6. It is providing my other virtual machines with all the experimental services.

adriaan1996 (2011-08-01)

Dous x64 meant that it is 64 bit?

jeepmanjr (2011-08-12)


jeepmanjr (2011-08-12)

Cracking Billy's ass...LOL!!

sasawatc (2011-08-13)

@MAFIAA can you upload the 32 bits version? My Pentium 4 seems to have problems with the 64 bits version.
Thanks man!

PrincePwn (2011-08-24)

People say write at slowest speeds etc.... I ALWAYS do 16x and never failed a burn. Poweruser since '04

dingl3 (2011-08-27)

"@MAFIAA can you upload the 32 bits version? My Pentium 4 seems to have problems with the 64 bits version.
Thanks man!"
If I'm not mistaken Server 2008 rc 2 is only available in x64, I'm not 100% but pretty certain!

DragonRider65 (2011-09-06)

@dingl3: You are right; these guys just don't do their research before bugging people with questions. Yes, 2008 is a x64 only.

[email protected] (2011-09-09)

Guys,just need to say something or else i'll explode...
the pirate bay is the best thing that's happened in my life!!!
Keep it up!!!!Microsoft??? suck it up,bbbwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

[email protected] (2011-09-09)

Come one guys,i want this one too,please seed.

pradeepkrlko (2011-09-10)

Installed..working fine. Thank you!! to activate it now?

greetsubbu (2011-09-24)

It works fine in the virtual PC, Thanks dude!!

youfreaker (2011-09-27)

Nice download MAFIAA. uTorrent is downloaded it with an average of 6.7MB/s.

waqastorrent (2011-10-01)

Login problem i can change the log in pass word its give error what should i do......

waqastorrent (2011-10-02)

i have Errors HELP
unable to update the password. The value provided for the new password doesn’t meet the length , complexity or history requirements of the domain

Zodiax123 (2011-10-14)

Those having problems with the password.
1) I wonde rwhy you have Server 2008 in the first place if you can't understand password complexity.
2) A password like 'john' won't let you go in, however a password like 'j0hN123' Will.

xXxbuster (2011-10-29)

thanks dude

asdhokker (2011-11-02)

do you ppl use the integrated firewall or something else? (if you dont need vpn)

SinAppz (2012-01-01)

OK, I had a problem with activation as well. But I'm glad I didn't give up.
Logged in as the "Administrator" account will not work.
BIE run off the CD won't work either. Don't copy the entire BIE folder to your desktop either.
Just copy the bie_2k8install.exe (only this file) to your desktop (not logged on as the "Administrator" account), but right click and do "Run As Adminstrator"
And it worked! HA! Was about a click away from giving up on this thing.

eGorian (2012-01-09)

Great release. Thanks from Ukraine

momatej (2012-01-11)

Tutorial on how to change your RDP port and securely setup firewall so only you can access the server:
Change RDP 3389 port on Windows 2008 Server

momatej (2012-01-11)

majmuntrinaest (2012-02-12)

This doesn't include EFI bootloader. So you can't install it on GPT disks !!!! This means no booting from GPT disks, which means no booting from disks larger than 2.2TB!!
I suggest getting another version.

radio-zwart-kat (2012-03-11)


Butters24 (2012-03-27)

For those that keep asking if Server 2008 is x64 bit only? No it is also made for x86 "32 bit" format too. I know this because its on 3 of my servers. a HP Proliant D380 G3, Hp Prolaint D360 G3,and a IBM M50 workstation-all of which can't run 64 bit. I run the 64 bit on my HP Prolaint D360 G4 which screams with it.

skuzzbag (2012-04-08)

Server 2008 is 64 bit only since the R2 release. If you want to use 32 bit then you need to use R1.

chuckdm (2012-04-16)

@majmuntrinaest Well it has been over 4 years now and I believe the largest single disk is still 2TB so WTF is the issue man?
@Butters24 & @skuzzbag As skuzz said, there are several "release versions" (not to be confused with service packs or actual full OS releases or whatever else...thanks MS) that are basically the base OS with fixes up to a certain date integrated. Since Server 2008 us based on Vista, and Vista was a steaming pile of failure UNTIL SP1 (which didn't fix everything, but it's on par with XP now anyway) then there's a couple very good reasons to use a 64-bit R2 version if you can. If not, yes, the 32-bit R1 will work, but it will be lacking a full year of hotfixes, and not all of those fixes were ever released for 32-bit systems.

kacip (2012-04-26)

w0w! c0oL.. ty ;)~

zama24 (2012-05-01)

Can anyone confirm that the CORE installation works? I have not been able to get it to work in VMware. Only normal OS installs fine, but not the CORE.

unknownproto (2012-05-09)

@chuckdm There are 3tb+ hard drives. They are not recommended due to a higher than normal disk failures, but they do have them for sale.

drharryt (2012-05-10)

Rar files are used because they have better seed characteristics, Just use winrar on the firat file and it will open as if one rar file, then drag the contents to a folder created on your desk top.

pcjeff (2012-05-26)

Can anyone help I am trying to install this on a VM VMWARE 8 Player from iso file. I have the same issues with BIE windwos 7 enterprise iso.
It boots fine but when i get to pick the installation there is nothing in the list but i can click next so i click next and get a error "cannot find the images for this installation" or somthing like that lol. Im trying to study for mcts 70-680 so need answer ASAP. Thanks in advaned

MaxWhite (2012-06-06)

Can anyone say which one is better?
this torrent, or the other

I've no idea what the difference is, other than that this one weighs about 800MB less.

str8fwrd (2012-06-08)

Does anybody know how to deal with the RDS CALs? I want to use the Remote Desktop Service, but after 4 months it won't work without activating the licenses! Looked around for it but no luck. :(

atvrider647 (2012-06-23)

Any install videos?
I can't find a disc to put this on for my server.

cansys (2012-06-24)

str8fwrd: you can forget about using RDS for free mate. There are no cracks or tricks available for it yet.

wendelj (2012-08-07)

You guys are a bunch of fucking tools if you can't get this file to work. I've used it on multiple installs in my development lab.

SmithyWASD (2012-08-27)

For all those having trouble with changing password

sarepta_knight (2012-09-04)

i have an intel board which unlike AMD cant run 64bit code in a VM, can you please uploade a x86 edition. ??

blit416 (2012-09-17)

schmidlap - I registered just to say this:
Every time someone complains about RARs I want to facepalm. Among the many reasons why archives are used to distribute software (size, easier to re-send one of the rar files should one be corrupted, distribution to other places like newsgroups and filehosting sites, etc.) consider this. This is an operating system, beyond that it's a server operating system. All of you guys looking for tech support with this simple download and install - shouldn't be using this. Go grab a nice rip of Win7, grab the sandwiches your mom made you with the crusts cut off, and go watch the latest Fail compilation. There's plenty of time for DCs, and AD, and all that fun stuff later in life when you get a job. By then you won't need to ask stupid questions, you'll just look up the answer.

seVen-kun (2012-09-24)

dl this twice, both times, archive is broken, lol... next

isurubo (2012-11-05)

Hi, i want to Download the software and will need to use RDS CAL 5, can any one tell me if it is working good ??

Hagbart23 (2012-11-06)

Ok I have been able to install the Server and activate. Great job!
But now i've installed a Hyper-V and set up a virtual machine with this file. The problem is i can't activate the Virtual installation. Anybody know how this can be done?
neither the bie_w2k8.exe nor the woraround seem to work :-(
Please help me

s4mfisher (2012-12-04)

Perfectly legit copy, installed this on my virtual test enviroment and it works perfectly!
The crack works too. Thanks for the upload :)

ahmaribrar (2013-01-12)

Is this the R2 version or not? can anybody confirm ?

mprofitt (2013-01-17)

How long does the crack have to run before it completes?

jicaraca (2013-02-26)

Well, I barelly know anything about IT stuff, and managed to download this, install it in a vmware server 2, deploy a sharepoint server 2010 with a commerce server 2009 ... and at the end the only prerequisite and requirement was TO HAVE A BRAIN !!
What a retardation of a useless comment list...
Thank you for the upload !!

marwanxx (2013-03-07)

downloading! please SEED.. thank you MAFIAA (y)

horawada (2013-04-13)

Thanks working pertecly, installed to a VM and ran the BIE exe ,fully activated.

dirtydog196 (2013-04-30)

Artemis!94651BF5932C was found. I haven't read through it yet to make sure it is not something nasty. When I do I will update comment. Until then DL with caution.

andre.pbo (2013-05-27)

Funciona perfeitamente! Works fine. Thanks MAFIAA.


1. Microsoft.Windows.Server.2008.R2.Enterprise.x64.SP1.Integrated.April.2011-BIE/bie.nfo 12.33 Kb
2. Microsoft.Windows.Server.2008.R2.Enterprise.x64.SP1.Integrated.April.2011-BIE/bie2k8r2411.r00 47.68 Mb
3. Microsoft.Windows.Server.2008.R2.Enterprise.x64.SP1.Integrated.April.2011-BIE/bie2k8r2411.r01 47.68 Mb
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62. Microsoft.Windows.Server.2008.R2.Enterprise.x64.SP1.Integrated.April.2011-BIE/bie2k8r2411.r60 18.94 Mb
63. Microsoft.Windows.Server.2008.R2.Enterprise.x64.SP1.Integrated.April.2011-BIE/bie2k8r2411.rar 47.68 Mb
64. Microsoft.Windows.Server.2008.R2.Enterprise.x64.SP1.Integrated.April.2011-BIE/bie2k8r2411.sfv 1.57 Kb