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Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon (Alan Parsons quadraphonic mix) - DVD-Audio






Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon - DVDA MLP + DVDV DTS - Studi




2006-07-27 (by cisciokid)


Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon - DVDA MLP + DVDV DTS - Studio quality - Alan Parsons quadrophonic mix. Original NFO file: ===================================================== Dark Side Of The Moon From the original 1/2" Master Tapes This is the real deal. not the usual Q8 or SQ versions with all their limitations (limited bandwidth on the Q8, Matrixed surround on the SQ etc) but a genuine transfer from the original master tapes. Finally you can hear Alan Parsons mix as it was always intended to be heard in studio quality audio. The only "liberty" we have taken here is an additional .1 track. You can make up your own mind as to whether or not it is a worthwhile addition. It also features all new artwork in both sections specially created for this DVD-Audio release The disc will play on all DVD players, as it is a DVD-Audio/Video "hybrid" containing the following: Audio_TS MLP Lossless at 24/96 Resolution in 4.1 Video_TS DTS from 24/48 Source files Dolby Digital from 24/48 Source files Additionally, it is possible to play both the lossy streams from DVD-Audio players. Each type has it's own menus. What you can access is dependant entirely on your player. All Authoring, Encoding, Post Production and design is exclusive to this release. FEEL FREE TO DISTRIBUTE THIS DISC TO OTHERS, BUT ALWAYS "AS IS" AND IN FULL. PLEASE DO NOT RIP AND REPOST IN ANY OTHER FORMAT. THERE IS NO NEED AS ALL DVD PLAYERS CAN READ THIS DISC, AND DOING SO WILL DEPRIVE OTHERS OF THE FULL HIGH RESOLUTION FORMATS USED. ADDITIONALLY, RIPPING TO DTS-CD WILL INVOLVE QUALITY LOSS DUE TO DOWNSAMPLING, AND WILL REDUCE THE LISTENING PLEASURE FOR OTHERS. ===================================================== This is a reseed of the original torrent that was seeded on 22-2-2006 via the tracker. This tracker has stopped and i'm re-seeding it with the same hash via this tracker. If you still have partial download from the old tracker you should be able to finish it with this new torrent. Just add this tracker to the torrent as extra tracker.

Files count:



3516.61 Mb




bhere4u (2006-07-30)

Thanks ciscokid!
But .... when I unpack, winrar says that there is two files in audio.ts that have the same name.
One in 2 Gb and the other in 2 Kb.
Can I change the name in one of the file and still make it work, or what?

cisciokid (2006-08-02)

Burn instructions:
Do not unpack the ISO file into it's folders and files! Burn it as it is.
This ISO image contains a DVDA part and a DVD-V part.
Not all DVD burn programs can properly handle this ISO image because of the DVDA part.
I used the ISO burn functionality within DVD Decryptor with good results.

doodoostyle (2006-08-03)

I really have to say that this is a great thing right here. If you love this album and have a good stereo then you will be blown away!!!!!

cisciokid (2006-08-05)

This is the *quadrophonic* mix!
You need a multichannel setup (at least 4 speakers) to fully enjoy the album.

norsee (2006-11-14)

Please seede more...

W.Irving (2006-11-21)

"Im so glad to be back in the states!!!"
Good riddence!

AIMBOT (2007-04-17)

First REAL listen today ..... this is really nice. Everyone who has heard this music before should have a listen to this ...!

AIMBOT (2007-04-17)

Part of the story, maybe :
homtail 10-17-06 05:28 PM
for those of you interested... the DVD-A was created by someone (I dont know who) using my original source material (which were four 24/44.8 AIFF files). I dont know who A/D'ed the master material, however this material has been foating around the west coast among recording engineer circles. that is how I came in contact with the source material. it seemed too good to NOT be distributed online, and until someone wants to market/sell this material, I dont see any problem with it. Ive hear that there once was a public release of this in the form of a quadrophonic LP however it is apparent that this material originated from tape. you can hear the tapes being stopped etc. as well as some sort of quantization/timecode blip right before "Money" (on the original source material). I havent heard this DVD-A bootleg although I am almost certain this is from my souce as its release time was shortly after I let the pcm files go.

AIMBOT (2007-04-23)

I didn't try to burn it to a disk. I just joined the two AOB files with TSJOINER to make one big (1.60gig) file which I play via PowerDVD 7.3 !

AIMBOT (2007-04-23)

Audio: MLP 4.1 ~4500Kbps

cesargilmour (2007-06-09)

hey guys i needs seeds plis

Replicant2 (2007-06-16)

How I got here (searching of course)...

Looks like a review of this very same DVD

Replicant2 (2007-06-16)

Not that that's ^ a good review, I think he's a bit of an idiot.

illy5603 (2008-03-20)

This is a quality torrent and a quality bootleg! I prefer the SACD but this is still worth listening to!

wejones (2008-05-07)

Normally I don't add comments to so many, but this is a great torrent. A few glitches, but negligible, especially being an old album head like myself. If this was even a mediocre cut I'd slam it. Clarity is very good and it justs blasts, a torrent well worth your time to download.

kenny22922 (2008-09-19)

I just wanted to Thank, graciously, the person who put this back up for everyone to download. Listening and thinking about what really is available here blows my mind. Today I burnt a copy to give my good friend and we listened to it in her new Acura TSX w/5.1 DVD player and sound system. All I can say is I almost felt like I was a little child again, listening to Dark Side of the Moon for the first time. The clarity, precise depth and 5.1 channeling that was heard inside that car was breath taking. Needless to say, this is by far the best find I have downloaded through Utorrent. Thanks again my VERY good friend, cisciokid. Really, you effin rock!

cisciokid (2009-08-29)

I am pleased by the comments, but the real appreciation should of course go to the artists and engineers that made it possible.
Glad to see that the torrent is still running after 3,5 years. (i initiated the original torrent on 2006-02-22 22:06:40)

lonely_milkman (2009-11-26)

Can someone please seed this torrent! I would really appreciate it. I've been a fan of Pink Floyd since I was 5 and I'd really like to experience this album in a new way.

nadrat (2009-12-10)

I used DVD-Audio Explorer to extract the individual tracks from the Audio-TS folder. You can either choose "Store" to extract the mlp files (Which can be played for ex. with Winamp using the mlp plugin), or choose "Convert to Wav" as either one multichannel file, or split into individual channel wav files. This works either after burning the iso to a disc first, or by double clicking the iso file to extract to your hard drive.

gcia (2010-01-10)

seed please..

retardoface (2010-04-08)

they fucked up us and them, doesnt sound right, and any colour you like doesnt go speaker to speaker like its supposed to, hence this is a shitty DVDA, i like the wish you were here one though tits good

dmkartist (2010-04-28)

I burned this on a Mac using Toast Ti 9. I used the disc copy feature and just copied the ISO file to disc and ended up with a playable DVD but I can't seem to find a way to play the MLP hi-res audio tracks in the on screen menu just the DD and DTS. Am I missing something? Does Toast just not recognize this format in the ISO or do I need to do something different? Help would be appreciated.

dmkartist (2010-04-28)

^^BTW I am playing this on a DVDA capable player. Toshiba SD9200.

dmkartist (2010-05-11)

OK, so I figured out how to get the MLP/DVD-Audio portion of this image to burn on a Mac. Through a little research and trial and error I discovered that Toast will NOT allow you to burn the DVD-Audio format. However, the standard "Disk Utility" application will burn the .iso file in its entirety. So hope is not lost for us Mac users and I can now listen to this masterpiece in pristine resolution. Many thanks to cisciokid for the upload.

dmkartist (2010-05-11)

Mac users,
To burn the .iso properly, use the standard Disk Utility application. Toast and the like will not burn the DVD-Audio portion of the image. Thanks for the upload cisciokid!

denverr (2010-06-17)

Burnt DVD with Nero no problem.
Flashback to the 70's! We had a vinyl Original Master Recording of Dark Side of the Moon. Listened to it with headphones so many times. With this, I'm hearing sounds that I've never heard before! Thanks for sharing!

rayjay (2011-09-03)

All I can say is "WOW" used this to test run my new 5.0 system. I was Blown away! The seperation and sound was awesum. I've heard this cd a thousand times, but I've just really heard it for the first time. Thanks, buy the way used Ultra Iso to burn with no problems. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

MarceloMMK (2012-09-22)

Very Nice!!!
Thank You!!

Cygnus_X1 (2013-05-31)

My thanks go to dmkartist posts from 3 years ago on how to burn this on a Mac. I ruined a couple of DVD's trying to figure it out until I read his posts.
Sounds amazing in my Acura TL.


1. Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon - DVDA/DSOTM Info.txt 1.47 Kb
2. Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon - DVDA/DSOTMlabel .jpg 300.08 Kb
3. Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon - DVDA/DVDcoverDSOTM.jpg 900.45 Kb
4. Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon - DVDA/Pink Floyd - Ultimate DSOTM 4_1.iso 3515.44 Mb