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Babylon 5, all 5 seasons, the full length movies and the spinoff




Video TV


Babylon 5, all 5 seasons, the full length movies and the spinoff


Video/TV shows


2006-03-27 (by gnunard)


Unrared and ready, All episodesin xvid, all movies in divx and the spioff i xvid aswell Dvdrips No subs But help me spread the love! Don´t give in to the gread, help me seed!!!!!!!!!

Files count:



48004.96 Mb




Pooslice (2006-03-27)

In wich order are you supposed to watch these?

gnunard (2006-03-28)

Start with pilot then season 1, 2..... ;) next to last the movies, then last but not least the rangers..

astaldo (2006-03-28)

Thanks for the torrent gnunard :)
If i got this right you should watch it in this order
1. Season 1-5
2. The Movies 1-5
3. The Crusade 1-13 (the Spinoff)
right ?

gnunard (2006-03-28)

Jag har tilldelat ca 800kb/s nattetid och på dagen är det 1000kb/s
in that order yes!!

SantiagoAtez (2006-03-28)

46.88 gigs?!?!?! That would take me a good 3 years to download! But thanks for uploading this great series...maybe others will be able to download it in only 1 year's time.

phil smith (2006-03-28)

the 5 series are already here with an active torrent,
just thought I'd let you all know.

gnunard (2006-03-28)

I know its mine aswell. but this is unrared and with movies...

travelers10 (2006-03-28)

I want this download, but 47 GiB is hard to absord at one time. Any Chance of breaking into smaller groups of about 10 GiB? Thank you for making it available. This was a great series.

gnunard (2006-03-29)

Well, when I d/l in Azureus I can choose what in the torrent I want to d/l, if thats not the case for you then I´m afraid I can´t help you, I´ve set the seed for 800kb/s and I only have 1000kb/s.
sry m8

gnunard (2006-04-05)

does every1 know that you CAN seed AND watch all at the same time?!?

gnunard (2006-04-16)

I´ve uploaded over 1tb. my computer is on 24/7 and the limit is at the worst 600kb/s at best 950
I´m trying but the electric bill is growing :P

gnunard (2006-05-02)

I applaud your will to help!

ratthing (2006-05-07)

thanks for this upload!

disobedient (2006-05-07)

Fantastic effort, gnunard, and thanks for decompressing the RARs.

thedavenator (2006-05-13)

Great upload. but having trouble with tracker so not a fast download.
still much appreciated

Wyverns (2006-05-21)

Can anyone seed this? I don't even get 1k/s!

MirzaK (2006-05-21)


gnunard (2006-05-22)

Im sry for the low speed m8s I lost ALL my data due to a hd crash. so im d/ling my own torrent :P and when its down ill seed 800kb/s for 20 days and 20 nights!!! hehe IF ill ever get it down again ;)

thedavenator (2006-05-22)

im stuck at 40.7%. if it doesnt get a speed increase soon im just gonna stop it. which is a shame as i really wanted this

d101 (2006-05-24)

You're fucking crazy man! I'm going to try to get enough space on one of my HDs just to say I downloaded this thing!!! Cheers!

Wyverns (2006-05-31)

I've been at it for days. The best speed I can get is 2k/sec when I'm lucky. I've already uploaded more than twice what I have downloaded. Can somebody please seed this?

wishfish (2006-07-20)

The stats above show that there have been 191 downloads of this file since 27th March2006 (less than four months ago) and now ther are only 3 people still seeding it. Given that one of those is the original seed, that suggests people a committing on average a little less than a day to seeding this after downloading it (I think).

Lobo69 (2006-08-18)

Anyone know what codec is needed to view these files? G-spot say that there should be no problem but all my movieviewers refuses to show it.....

soadliz (2006-09-08)

i only wonder how long would it take to DL this torrent...

DjupaTanken (2006-09-08)

Plz Seed!

DjupaTanken (2006-09-08)

Sorry, there are still people seeding!
51.9% and still going!
But its quite slow......

flinteryk (2006-09-09)

ive got most of the files now... all of first season and 50% on all the rest... it does glitch and flash at parts but other then that its im remarkable condition concidering... it is a big file tho... ive been seeding at 20kps but any more then that and my comp will shut down on me... (waiting to get a new one hehe)

flinteryk (2006-09-09)

guess i spoke to soon all my season 2 suddenly died on me and now i can only watch 1min of the eppy ever 2min of it.... im kinda pissed now... spent 3 weeks downloading and now its glitched beyond repair... now i have to go buy the damn thing...

Nemo888 (2006-09-18)

Downloaded fine for me, about 3 Gb a day. Show is much better than I remember, now that I can watch them all in order without commercials.

Nargathos (2006-09-22)

this is some hvy shit... even with my 100/100mbits connection :)

sid1234 (2006-11-05)

this is gonna take ages i have 10mbps and only downing at 1.8kbs ne way can download faster will seed at 200kps for 10 days once have all

slash_8c (2006-11-12)

has any one had this problem: some of the episodes will not run, BSplayer gives me the error: "can't open file", i used a video fixer and it said it is not an avi file (???) but it is an .avi, i never had this problem with torrentz that had the episodes archived. Pls help me, it'z a great sci-fi and i want to watch it

Fourmyle (2006-11-18)

It takes a long time to download but now as I watch it .... now I seed :)
Wireless headphones means I can go for a pee ...

gnunard (2006-12-01)

man... thx all for the kind hdd crashed so i have to reDL my own torrent and then i´ll seed a 400kb/s worth 24/7

xpanterx (2006-12-03)

I love u Gnunard!
Please seed, keep this going!
I never delete my torrents until it's at least 5x up.
Will do this with this one to if I only get it!

gnunard (2006-12-05)

The one to be heroes isn't the one uploading the torrent, its the people seeding it. therefore you and all the other seeding this and every torrent in the world are the heroes. together we are strong! United against the opression of the goverments and the power of monetary greed.

Gecko12 (2007-01-01)

Ok wanna help spread the love I downloaded this but now has the download on a diffrent computer how do I connect those files to this torrent????

gnunard (2007-01-02)

im afraid i dont know. sry m8. isnt just to open in prefered program, i have a small feeling i did that

xLogicx (2007-02-07)

i have just finished downloading babylon5 and i have only one thing to say, its the best sci fi series ever!!!!!!!

xLogicx (2007-02-07)

ps. thanx , gnunard!!.... i have waited for this series for some time now++++++

 naxosking (2007-02-08)

if you have a rapidshare account, you can download all the episodes here:

MrBogdan (2007-02-16)

plz plz plz plz seed

Triarity (2007-02-22)


gnunard (2007-03-06)

Mikkel64 and everyone els who seeds applaud you!

gnunard (2007-03-18)

1johnsmith123, you are one of the 999 who downloaded this. You will be the next seeder I hope...

nytowl (2007-03-21)

Have just started to this epic download and assure you will seed for as long as it takes if as good as it promise to be...Many thanks in advance gnunard :-)

aNIL (2007-04-02)

what a geeky tv-show, just finished watching 2 episodes. Check it out before you waste your time folks.

neepo (2007-04-07)

the show is great, its the spinoff called crusade that sucks

gnunard (2007-04-16)

b5 is one of the most interesting and complex stories ever written. one of the absolutely best shows

gnunard (2007-04-19)

i´ve upgraded my line so i´ll seed 2mbit/s 24/7 but seriously...almost 1300 downloads and 30 (22 active) seeders.. i´m disapointed...

gnunard (2007-04-20)

sry I ment 2mbyte

gnunard (2007-04-28)

atlana, u´re my hero

jumpinjamez (2007-05-19)

Plz keep this seeding
i am downloading and seeding as much as i can , still will take a few weeks to download on my connection.

gnunard (2007-05-20)

atlana, HDD crashes and hardware upgrades aside I have uploaded since then. about 10TB :)

phzapata (2007-05-23)

Thanks! i've been looking everywhere for this.....

gnunard (2007-05-23)

np m8, I had the same problem, thats why I did it.

FatFreddiesCat (2007-05-25)

Thank you, gnunard!
I'm devoting 90% of my bandwidth to this. My family hates me. :D

gnunard (2007-05-26)

and thank you for helping me and the few others seed

gnunard (2007-05-28)

nice atlana. thanx :)

Torrentjesus (2007-05-30)

Could someone help me out.....
How do convert these using WINAVI to fit on numerous DVD's so I dont have to reduce too much of the quality
Burned plenty of movies, but usually only 700-1400MB (2.7GB when converted to DVD), so they always fit on one DVD and never had the problem.

jumpinjamez (2007-06-05)

upgraded my internet just to get this...i will keep it on as much as possible. Thanks to all the seeders you guys are legends of the net.

gnunard (2007-06-06)

jumpinjamez, thanks m8.

gnunard (2007-06-14)

thank you Xschtar. im seeding @ 2mbyte/sec so i hope you´ll get it soon and remain a seeder for atleast 5 ratio :P i have 110 :)

pepsimaz (2007-06-21)

fuck u fredssister stupid fuck just posting teh same fucking message everywhere

ApocalypseBob (2007-06-25)

I don't understand why people want smaller packages. It's not rar'ed together, all seperate files, so just download the files you want?
Using Azureus, but assuming that any decent client should allow you to download only what you need.
And speaking of .rar files: Please do NOT lump whole seasons together in a single archive file. Makes it impossible to download just the episodes people need.

tavisjohn (2007-06-26)

Am I the ONLY person here who has a hard drive dedicated for Torrents Only?
I mean a 250gig drive is dirt cheap now.

Ran4 (2007-06-29)

Atlana - you are an IDIOT.

jumpinjamez (2007-07-04)

Still dl this thanks for seeding guys its been a few weeks now and only 15gb to go :-)

gnunard (2007-07-04)

sry atlana that it took so long to answer. If you think that more peeps would be able to get the best series in the world then go right ahead. the music from franke is really good but i have all of the albums. I will be staying with this torrent. but feel free to dice it up and reseed in season packages :)

washmecar (2007-07-18)


alphaoslo (2007-07-20)

I'm kinda new to the whole pirate-thing. I just want to know one thing 4 certain; to seed a torent all I need to do is is keep it running after it's completely downloaded. Correct?
It allso seeds the parts of the file I've already downloaded on a partial. Right?
Åerhaps this is a stupid fucking question, but please give me an answer.
Great torrent BTW. Thanks gnunard.

gnunard (2007-07-21)

@ alphaoslo, just don´t delete it from ure torrent client.
@ washmecar, just download, I and others are seeding as fast as we can. just don´t be greedy and stop seeding after 1 copy.
@ atlana, I have 4 albums. maybe there´s more
@ all leechers, please keep seeding for atleast 2 copies so we´ll be number one at top 100/TV. lets show all that B5 is the greatest series of all time

limplenny (2007-08-03)

great torrent! missed this show
just need to keep my computer on for 6 months and ill have it all ;)

gnunard (2007-08-05)

@ atlana, just search for Christopher Franke on demonoid

T_A_G (2007-08-19)

i have downloaded this for 2 weeks now and ive have a crapy line....but stil i have a ratio off 1:4 now. i se the greedie peeps whit 4000-20000kb/s dwn and disaper when they reach 100%. pls share youre line in night or somthing...whant this gig in this year.
And il seed to the last dude got this piece:)

Critic (2007-08-23)

This is much beter than Star Trek....
Thank's gnunard
Keep it up :)

Critic (2007-08-23)

some people don't have much memory space so yes when i finish i stop seeding my computer seeds more than downloading so ratio is always good with me ;)

coldzone (2007-08-27)

look more closely - season 4 episode 21 is here, just named differently so it is out of order in the list.
This one also has the movies...

gnunard (2007-08-29)

@ Xamindar, that´s why I haven´t changed the name of the rippers in folders. they should have the creds. When I did the torrent 2006-03-27 there was NO B5 torrents available. For some reason there are plenty now :P
@ coldzone, thanks.

Xantheris (2007-10-20)

Please please seed if you can. I have been downloading this for a while, my ratio is already at 4+ and I only have 25% completed. I love the show and will seed for weeks when done.
Thanks in advance everyone!

Baracuda83 (2007-10-20)

im currently watching the episodes as they finish downloading but i have a little problem, some of the episodes i dont get anything but sound on no visual at all.
Anyone know where i can get the right codec for this ?
Tried VLC , WMP, MP classic.... and a few others... pls help

gnunard (2007-11-14)

@Baracuda83, sorry no, i watch everything using powerdvd and vlc and had no problems

DREDD2 (2007-11-18)

gnunard, you are a true pirate. B5 was an excellent series. well done.

gnunard (2007-12-11)

@ DREDD2, :)

DaddyHorseSense (2008-01-20)

Just started downloading, no idea how long it will take, but will keep it up for a few weeks once it is on my hard-drive - my PC is on just about 24/7, and I have an 8meg connection, unlimited downloads, so it may help to speed it up for others.

greven87 (2008-02-19)

Just started downloading, 18 days just to get the first season -.- but well.. u seeders hang in there

kodiak90 (2008-02-20)

ive been dl it for almost 3 weeks now and its at 34% with an avg of like 10 k/b. nothing is ready

lucifer71 (2008-02-27)

Gnunard, write me i will help you with wath you want, i love this show, i have down at 24mb/s and up a 1mb/s. [email protected]

lesjes179 (2008-03-15)

great quality download!! have seeded 360gigs @1.5mps. will seed for another 5 days. thanx gnunard for the dl!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LoveLord (2008-04-29)

does anyone know what format these files are in? the last batch was in .mkv format and I cant play them.

nova.alpha (2008-05-06)

Downloaded 100%, thank you. Seeding at ~60 KB/s (ratio is already 1.018 - 48912 mb given away).
Mira forever!!

nova.alpha (2008-05-16)

Previous link (weballfreestuff's) is spam!

nova.alpha (2008-05-19)

About one thousand people is leeching this serial and less than 1 hundred is seeding! Help spreading the love and seed!!!!!!!

nezh (2008-06-28)

Thanks gnunard! The quality is absolutely superior, great show too. As a lover of most things SciFi, this is a real treat.
As far as the Star Trek vs. Babylon 5 debate, I'll leave that one alone, as I can hear the distant Star Trek TOS fight theme song echoing in the distance already... :o

mic1303 (2008-07-03)

Thank you!

Quantum (2008-07-04)

Great torrent, when it comes to the five seasons of babylon and the crusade stuff. But! Whats up whith the stoopid ass matroska file format on the movies? .mkv files. Been trying some stuff to get to the contents of the mkv container, but had to give up in the end. Allthough they play fine on VLC I'd like to convert them to divX so I can play them on my dvd player. Why on earth would you or anybody else for that matter use this format??
thanks very much for the upp though, as I said, the five seasons of B5 and the crusade stuff was asome.
thanks dude!

Quantum (2008-07-04)

I beg your pardon for my last coment!
keep up the good work! Exelent torrent!

zen-TAO (2008-08-03)

But i agree - the torrent is HUGE...
I hope a can help a little bit. I can upload with 3-5Mbps. But I will only dl the 2 first seasons.
You dont have to dl the whole torrent at once.
Take it season by season, it will go faster...

zen-TAO (2008-08-04)

Thank U!
About 8 hours to download season 1 and 2.
Sorry to say, but s2e5 was damaged,
and could not be played.
English subs at

gnunard (2008-08-16)

i love that the torrent is still running. ive uploaded some 8 tb

nova.alpha (2008-08-17)

zen-TAO, none of the episodes are damaged.

CatLass (2008-09-11)

New to this whole torrent thing. This is actually the first thing I've ever downloaded. I definitely don't want to be a leech, which I gather is a bad thing. My uTorrent info says Seeds 3(60). Is that good? My PC is usually on 24/7 so I should be able to contribute. What is seeding? Am I sharing bandwidth? I bow before the greatness of you all and confess my ignorance. Grunard, you are amazing for putting this here for all to use!!! Let me know if there is anything more I can do.

Leifff (2008-10-15)

Why isn't there more seeders to this torrent? 102 seeders and 1717 leechers? That's bullshit!!!!
Normally I seed untill I have 2-3 ratio. Larger torrents, I seed for as long as possible.
I'm on a 25/15mbit line, and my computer is online 24/7.
Come on ppl. SEED!!!!!!!

rat2e (2008-10-26)

need help was 62% done now torrent won't load, did back up of what i had done, can i restart torrent and just copy what i have done, back to the new torrent. by the way thanks, will seed like crazy when done. great torrent.

sluggoleo (2008-11-03)

It took me a couple of weeks to download but I am now fully seeding! As of now I have uploaded 17G.
I have 2 questions, my sound is a little choppy, am I missiong something? Also, I am a new user on this site and the torrent isn't showing on my user profile, how do I link it?
This is really amazing file, thanks so much.
Another queastion, is there any major difference between this torrent and the other one that is slightly smaller?

T-Fish (2008-11-21)

any special reason you have the gathering twice in there?

RedYote (2008-11-25)

Seeding as we speak. Thanks again for putting this up!

VoR2k (2008-12-02)

Hey Gnunard, great Torrent!
I've actually watched almost all of these on dvd years ago, a friend had em.. And last year watched pretty much all the B5 series, movies and crusade on tudou, and yukou, and just anywhere I could find it - tell ya, interesting task really.. Anyways, YOU ROCK!
I've only downloaded 3 other torrents before, all games. And never seeded - I feel so bad now, had I really known what an IMPACT sharing a LITTLE BANDWIDTH came down too..
NEEDLess to say Im looking at a battle that will last between 2 weeks and 3 years! lol. No biggy, I have a new found love for Unlimited UPload Bandwidth. And yes, I feel Im being abused, when I run on a decimal and give in on the 50's... Well, maybe others might wake up to a revelation. I know I wont
Seeding this one FOREVER.

VoR2k (2008-12-04)

Just out of curiousity, are there still seeders out there with the full 100% of this torrent? No where near the end, and wont be for a while - but I'd like to know if it will enivitably finish>? Any shouts would be greatly appreciated

kingjd299 (2008-12-08)

seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed
seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed
seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed
seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seedseed seed seed seed seed
plz plz
plz 0.8% it's beain 3 days ffs

gnunard (2008-12-21)

im still seeding and wanting to spread the love. plz seed everybody

BombDoc (2008-12-28)

I'll seed if you seed!!!! PLEASE!!!

ChrisCobra (2009-01-22)

Constantly seeding at 20k , im uk so shit speed.
almsot got all series 2 now.

gnunard (2009-01-26)

Im still seeding and its on the top 100 list of TV shows, not bad for a three year old torrent!!

massacro (2009-02-04)

Is it still possible to completely download this torrent? I hear sometimes the amount of seeders listed can be wrong - that plus age make me hesitant to commit all my bandwidth for a week in order to attempt it.

Shuyin2 (2009-02-27)

Seriously! Seed!

gnunard (2009-03-30)

happy birthday sweet torrent! although 2 days late :) im still seeding, and well get an upgrade on my bandwidth soon...

agrouse (2009-04-16)

I really cannot understand why this torrent is so slow. Perhaps I should learn more about the technology, however ..
121 seeds in the swarm and only 7 connected
1930 leechers in the swarm and 64 connected
And yet download speed = 40kbs !!!
What is going on here, am I doing something daft?

gnunard (2009-05-16)

c'mon this is still the best B5 torrent online d/l it and we'll get a spot on the top 100 again

deFted (2009-05-26)

Yeehaw :)
My favourite sci-fi serial of all time.
Going to seed it as long as there are other seeders as well.

shinobiung (2009-06-07)

ITS "dont give in to greed, we all need to seed! "
Trust me my fellow pirateBayers, DONT watch Babylon5's "Crusade", it is so not written and produced by the same people, it really takes away the magic of B5.
Start with 3 and watch from then on, it really is only any good during the war with the Shadows. Star Trek DS9 and Voyager copied aspects from series 4.

shinobiung (2009-06-09)

this is ridiculas, Im booting of all ip's that are downloading more than they are proportionately uploading

cros (2009-07-15)

woot. finished the d/l!! took a few weeks, but it was worth the wait. babylon 5 rules

EngMitrado (2009-08-04)

Going to watch epi 2 of season 5... im downloading one epi at a time because im downloading and seeding as long as i watch it/record or delete other stuff so i can free disk space for this.. i guess im going to buy a external harddrive but this is worth it! i'll be seeding this during 2-9h portuguese nigth time for a long time...

Luckmann (2009-09-05)

I agree with the previous posters. The download speed for this is truly horrible, but I don't understand -why-.

Luckmann (2009-09-05)

Arrgh. This is infuriating. Currently at ETA 4 weeks. This torrent desperately needs seeding.
I'm going to seed this for bloody forever, if I ever manage to get it home (minus the spinoff, because I'm not downloading that).

poulmba (2009-09-28)

SEED !!! FFS:... i'we been downloading for 2 weeks now, and still om 1% ??? come on !

Hannibal99 (2009-10-13)

Has anyone figured out why no-one can connect to more than a couple of seeds yet?? Why this download is so sloooowwwww ????????????

lifer42 (2009-12-10)

I have no sound for all of season 1
all other seasons and movies good to go.
anyone else have this problem?

woyerr (2010-01-27)

thanks its slow, but a season at a time. u can seed & watch, and dl the next season

Gen3sis (2010-02-21)

why is the dl speed so low? im seeding with 20mbps but dling only with 100kbps

woyerr (2010-02-23)

21 days to dl seasons 2,3,4,5 30 GB will be seeding for some time my friends, why because "u r the 1 , u r the 1 & u r the 1"

B.Genaaid (2010-02-25)

Why this torrent is so slow???
Because only 96 seeders (with an average upload speed of 25Kb/s because they have old telephone modem.... oherwise they download stargate SG1 and atlantis and universe) and about 1430 leaches that dont seed at the same time what they donloaded.. that is why this download is so slow...
I guess babylon 5 lovers are greedy sons of.....
Wanted to upload everything of stargate and everything of startrek...DVD format...but hell yeah my mobile HSDPA modem of my laptop is only 358Kbit up.... and I need the bandwith to seed this fu**** B5 because (almost) no one else does. So that will take me 10 years. :) who gives a F**** this is free and real lovers buy original anyway...
So everyone stop complaining and so what if it takes 2 years....
By the way... ETA of B5 is now 2y322d but I seed what I have (0.5%) :) love you all

B.Genaaid (2010-03-07)

Not so bad after all, still 25 minutes to go,
little shorter than 2 years. even shorter than 2 weeks, :)
for other Peers (leeches).... sharing for this torrent almost all your upload bandwidth (90%) in my case 30KB/s helps speed up things. to prevent too much overhead data restrict uploadslots to a maximum of 15.
Will seed all when online, will have to shut down laptop for a while soon to let it cool of.. but... i'll be back.

tangariatto (2010-04-01)

hey people im trying hard to help this torrent get back on track and i suggest some of you grow a pair and keep on seeding when you're done.
been uploading from 500 kb/s to 1mb/s during the last 3 weeks, and that makes a total of about 700 gb's of upload. so some people ARE trying
if you have the bandwidth, there's hardly anything to loose from seeding. do the right thing guys
btw americans can watch the series streamed for free, just google it

hulk1027 (2010-05-02)


DustyBtmz (2010-05-13)

Grand Kudos Gnunard. Many Many thanks for the great collection.
To the folks whining about download speed.
This is a mega torrent. The rough equivalent of 70 average feature length files in size.
If you aren't prepared to wait patiently for it, don't start it. If you aren't prepared to leave it in seed queue for however long it takes you to download it, times about 3-10 depending on your bandwidth asymmetry, then walk away.
Consider that the current 10:1 leach to seed ratio means each seed is spread thin. If you expect to just pop on with your bottom tier DSL and blaze through it then don't bother starting it, you'll just stop 30% into it and soak up seed bandwidth put to better use by patient people. People who are likely to seed it faithfully.
If you expect to connect and get any sort of DL at all... be prepared to upload as you go. If you can't manage that, don't bitch. If you have a crap share ratio in this torrent... nobody will care that you can't leach quickly. Try shutting down your other 15 torrents so your have some upload bandwidth and see if uploading doesn't get you a better download speed.
If you have all sorts of disposable bandwidth... good for you. Other people with tons of disposable bandwidth don't need to drop everything to get you fixed up quickly.
There are seeders out there servicing large libraries...
Just because this file is large, doesn't mean they need to drop everything else just to make you comfy.
If you're one of those folks who can't figure out how to set up their own torrent client, stick to smaller torrents till you can RTFM.
This collection is worth the wait and is in high demand.
everybody just STFU and wait... patiently.
If you don't feel like seeding, just GTFO.

woyerr (2010-06-08)

Babylon 5 viewing order:
Movie: The Gathering
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Movie: In the Beginning
1st 2 disks of Season 4
Movie: Thirdspace
Remainder of Season 4
Season 5 (all but the last episode)
Movie: River of Souls
Movie: Call to Arms
Season 5 (final episode)

DogNo7 (2010-06-14)

For the people having speed issues...
In most bittorrent clients, you can set individual files for higher priority.
This way, you can watch episodes that have downloaded while you are still downloading the rest.
I'm just saying... rather than bitch, deal with it.

MonkeyMe (2010-06-20)

Thanks for compiling this. I missed the series when it aired originally. I look forward to seeing it finally. Yes...I'm seeding :)

littledeadgirl (2010-09-26)

A little help please, I am new to torrent usage and don't want to be a leech however I do desperately want babylon 5. How do I seed while I download? I don't know if it matters or not but I am using utorrent. Thank you.

littledeadgirl (2010-09-27)

Never mind, I think I've figured it out. Attempting download of season 1... NOW!

douggard (2010-10-03)

at shinobiung.
It's " IT'S "dont give in to greed, we all need to seed! " "
Its is the possessive form of it. It's is an abbreviation for it is. If you're going to correct others...
At uploader. Thanks. Way to make a great fucking torrent.

cartman19987 (2010-12-31)

Season 5 episodes 1 and 2 aren't playing correctly in VLC Media Player, or on my Xbox. No video plays, and I just hear some choppy audio. Everything else plays flawlessly, though. Thanks so much!

venabili (2011-01-30)

Please seed! :)

jeffzero (2011-02-02)

Yes, please seed. I'm very interesting in rekindling memories with this show and I'll gladly keep it up for folks for many months if we can get some more seeding going. It was blazing fast yesterday but all throughout today it's zilch. :(

John_Doe1214 (2011-04-02)

All those people promising to seed must have lied. Current download time is 3-4 YEARS! Thanks to gnunard for the upload. I have also been wanting this one for years.

asputasdaminhavida (2011-04-11)

Great collection!
I will be seeding!
It's a must have!

Arkz86 (2011-04-28)

3x11 is broken for a few minutes near the beginning. :(

Arkz86 (2011-04-28)

ignore my message, turns out i thought the ep had finished downloading and it hadnt.. thats why it was skipping lol

jeffzero (2011-05-22)

Gods, I love this show. And gods, I love how active the fandom still seems to be. Thanks a million, gnunard. Seriously.

WvBrsci (2011-06-01)

Thanks, gnunard! I'll dl the whole thing now, and seed for as long as it takes me to watch, plus some. That should be a few TB of seeding, right there. Spreading the love!

velcroman0001 (2011-06-19)

What a pity, you say that "all movies in divx and not rared" BUT I could only play Season 1 using VCL. DIVX would only return an error message about getting MORE Codecs and in Seasons 2,3,4 and 5 even VCL won't play. So...... what did you build the files with? It might help when finding which of the hundreds of codecs files I need.

jotunhammer (2011-08-09)

wonder if seeding 2 TB is sufficient?

 chabosun4 (2011-09-03)

Amazing torrent, thanks so much. Will seed as long as possible.

markododa (2011-11-08)

There are 2 versions of the gathering in this torrent, are they the same or is one the re-edited as it says on wikipedia ?

brutal_product (2011-11-28)

tyvm, will seed accordingly.

jratpirat (2012-03-01)

IF I can get this downloaded @ currently 250/650 kb/s, I will seed for one month minimum.

Feyyore (2012-04-13)

Seems I keep getting an error while trying to download it. "Error Missing element"

MitchAllen (2012-04-28)

Going from season 1 into season 2 there is a new commander. They did not tell why in the first season (im guessing its in a movie, but which one)

MitchAllen (2012-05-07)

Forgot i said anything. Whoever wrote the name for the episodes should be shot :P one mistake and your watching episode 20 instead of 2. Thanks for the upload Man i miss this show, never understood why it went off.

5c0tt (2012-07-05)

Please seed. It's 46 GB!

Clank2 (2012-09-15)

Thanks to the upload. I do appreciate it.
To AMC: fuck your fucking shitty metadata. I don't want my fucking media player to tell me that I'm watching "AMC - AMC". I want it to tell me which actual file is playing. Fuck.

ChuChullain (2012-09-18)

Thanks for this.... I'm a huge fan... even after all these years...

Skram0 (2012-11-17)

Jesus Christ 350MB an episode!? Must look like crap. Thanks for the video, I guess.

mtrex90 (2013-01-30)

SEEEEEEEEED!!!!!!!!!!!! im at 54% uploading at 450 and downloading at 3.2kb/s

piizda (2013-03-23)

Is Babulon some kind a comdey?

ProphetZarquon (2013-04-17)

Comprehensive, consistent quality collection! This torrent is flying fast: 35mins elapsed, 1.2Mbps current speed, 2 files 90% complete. (I'm previewing s03e01 right now)
Only flaws are older AVI format & a few files to Relocate in uTorrent so they appear in numerical order.
Reasonable size for a complete set. I'm also downloading Doctor Who (286gb):

And I'm seeding my own Star Trek torrent (200gb):

Overall, I give this torrent:
Great upload, thanks gnunard!

Pe3i (2013-04-20)

Thanx alot :0) will seed 2 weeks

Maquabra (2013-04-25)

Guys, I'm pretty new to the series. Could you help me out?
My question is simple: are these movies interwoven with the series or are they stand-alone productions? What I mean is whether I should watch them in any specific order or I can complete the series and then get to the movies? I've noticed that the pilot for S01 seems to be the same file/movie as the movie no.1. They are both named "Gathering".
It's going to be some time before I have some time to watch it so please answer this little question even if you are reading it w week after it was posted. Thanks in advance.

kapazita (2013-05-20)

For viewing order see this:

kapazita (2013-05-20)

For viewing order see this:

kapazita (2013-05-20)

For viewing order see this:

Maquabra (2013-05-27)

Thank you very much, kapazita :)

astridge (2013-06-09)

dl speed going from 1kbps to 800kbps. Will be seeding when my computer is on. the more seeders the merrier.

ca198524 (2013-07-03)

if this takes you a year or more to download then you obviously need to look into higher bandwidth....seriously

ant303 (2013-09-01)

some countries don't have ISP's that provide internet on the type of bandwidth speed you want,
so chill with the flaming ca198524

reikano (2013-11-03)

please seed i will as soon as i get this downloaded

Jotunhammertoo (2013-11-30)

I has set this to my seedbox, intend to have it there for as long as I got the seedbox, thank you :)

Jotunhammertoo (2013-12-19)

Holy crap I have seeded for 244 times the amount of the download, 11.2TB worth already, many interested :)

gnunard (2014-03-31)

wow such age! very survival! :)

rainmaker7 (2014-08-17)

What's the point of this torrent?! You can now get the WHOLE Babylon 5 DVD set (all 5 seasons and movies) for under $100!
Risking getting caught for downloading low quality DVD rips, when you can buy high quality new DVDs dirt cheap?! Come on, really?!
If every B5 fan buys such new DVD set, JMS will have a good incentive to continue filming some B5 spin-off.

Xenois (2014-12-08)

Thanks for your effort, uploader, but I reviewed some of the finished files and the quality is pretty bad. I guess I will just rip the DVDs from my own set. I was hoping to just download a decent collection to save the time.
Thanks again!

Xenois (2014-12-08)

@ rainmaker7
The same could be said of why a person would risk breaking into a car to steal a stereo when a major brand CD player can be purchased for $50-$60. It also begs the question "Why are you here?"

DBV1K1NG (2015-05-11)

I have really enjoyed watching these so thank you so much for uploading !

exzizt (2015-08-01)

var är S05E19 - E22 hittar inte dom avsnitten

Ish13 (2015-08-30)

super great!
A/V 7/7 (for current a/v tech)
But then again.. the series was never made with great a/v, its just old hehehe so this isnt the fault of the uploader.
It does sometimes have a few seconds where the V gets out of v/sync meaning it gets lines trough it but its rare and hardly disrupts.
TY for the great upload!


1. Babylon 5/B5 Crusade 1-13/B5 Crusade.md5 1.16 Kb
2. Babylon 5/B5 Crusade 1-13/b5c.s01e01.war_zone.dvdrip_xvid-medieval.avi 348.48 Mb
3. Babylon 5/B5 Crusade 1-13/b5c.s01e02.the_long_road.dvdrip_xvid-medieval.avi 347.91 Mb
4. Babylon 5/B5 Crusade 1-13/b5c.s01e03.the_well_of_forever.dvdrip_xvid-medieval.avi 348.60 Mb
5. Babylon 5/B5 Crusade 1-13/b5c.s01e04.the_path_of_sorrows.dvdrip_xvid-medieval.avi 345.72 Mb
6. Babylon 5/B5 Crusade 1-13/b5c.s01e05.patterns_of_the_soul.dvdrip_xvid-medieval.avi 346.26 Mb
7. Babylon 5/B5 Crusade 1-13/b5c.s01e06.ruling_from_the_tomb.dvdrip_xvid-medieval.avi 347.24 Mb
8. Babylon 5/B5 Crusade 1-13/b5c.s01e07.the_rules_of_the_game.dvdrip_xvid-medieval.avi 346.78 Mb
9. Babylon 5/B5 Crusade 1-13/b5c.s01e08.appearances_and_other_deceits.dvdrip_xvid-medieval.avi 347.54 Mb
10. Babylon 5/B5 Crusade 1-13/b5c.s01e09.racing_the_night.dvdrip_xvid-medieval.avi 348.68 Mb
11. Babylon 5/B5 Crusade 1-13/b5c.s01e10.the_memory_of_war.dvdrip_xvid-medieval.avi 315.83 Mb
12. Babylon 5/B5 Crusade 1-13/b5c.s01e11.the_needs_of_earth.dvdrip_xvid-medieval.avi 348.02 Mb
13. Babylon 5/B5 Crusade 1-13/b5c.s01e12.visitors_from_down_the_street.dvdrip_xvid-medieval.avi 347.44 Mb
14. Babylon 5/B5 Crusade 1-13/b5c.s01e13.each_night_i_dream_of_home.dvdrip_xvid-medieval.avi 346.89 Mb
15. Babylon 5/B5 Crusade 1-13/Info.txt 630 bytes
16. Babylon 5/B5 Movies/1 - The Gathering.avi 690.08 Mb
17. Babylon 5/B5 Movies/2 - In the Beginning.avi 690.21 Mb
18. Babylon 5/B5 Movies/3 - Thirdspace.avi 690.40 Mb
19. Babylon 5/B5 Movies/4 - River of Souls.avi 690.36 Mb
20. Babylon 5/B5 Movies/5 - A Call to Arms.avi 690.36 Mb
21. Babylon 5/B5 Movies/Babylon 5 -The Legend Of The Rangers - To Live And Die In Starlight.avi 696.90 Mb
22. Babylon 5/Season 1/b5.101-amc.avi 348.32 Mb
23. Babylon 5/Season 1/b5.102-amc.avi 348.98 Mb
24. Babylon 5/Season 1/b5.103-amc.avi 349.75 Mb
25. Babylon 5/Season 1/b5.104-amc.avi 350.80 Mb
26. Babylon 5/Season 1/b5.105-amc.avi 350.74 Mb
27. Babylon 5/Season 1/b5.106-amc.avi 350.05 Mb
28. Babylon 5/Season 1/b5.107-amc.avi 349.72 Mb
29. Babylon 5/Season 1/b5.108-amc.avi 350.51 Mb
30. Babylon 5/Season 1/b5.109-amc.avi 350.32 Mb
31. Babylon 5/Season 1/b5.110-amc.avi 349.83 Mb
32. Babylon 5/Season 1/b5.111-amc.avi 350.59 Mb
33. Babylon 5/Season 1/b5.112-amc.avi 349.81 Mb
34. Babylon 5/Season 1/b5.113-amc.avi 350.62 Mb
35. Babylon 5/Season 1/b5.114-amc.avi 350.76 Mb
36. Babylon 5/Season 1/b5.115-amc.avi 348.78 Mb
37. Babylon 5/Season 1/b5.116-amc.avi 350.28 Mb
38. Babylon 5/Season 1/b5.117-amc.avi 350.02 Mb
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40. Babylon 5/Season 1/b5.119-amc.avi 350.24 Mb
41. Babylon 5/Season 1/b5.120-amc.avi 350.45 Mb
42. Babylon 5/Season 1/b5.121-amc.avi 350.54 Mb
43. Babylon 5/Season 1/b5.122-amc.avi 350.64 Mb
44. Babylon 5/Season 1/Babylon5.1x00.The_Gathering.REPACK.DVDRip.XviD-DKi.avi 701.59 Mb
45. Babylon 5/Season 2/babylon.5.205.dvdrip.proper-lol.avi 351.00 Mb
46. Babylon 5/Season 2/babylon.5.207.dvdrip.proper-lol.avi 350.55 Mb
47. Babylon 5/Season 2/babylon.5.209.dvdrip.proper-lol.avi 350.40 Mb
48. Babylon 5/Season 2/babylon5.s02e01.dvdrip.xvid-sfm.avi 348.64 Mb
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80. Babylon 5/Season 3/babylon.5.s03e15.dvdrip.xvid-sfm.avi 348.57 Mb
81. Babylon 5/Season 3/Babylon.5.S03E16.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 350.07 Mb
82. Babylon 5/Season 3/babylon.5.s03e17.dvdrip.xvid-vf.avi 350.07 Mb
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84. Babylon 5/Season 3/Babylon.5.S03E19.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 350.08 Mb
85. Babylon 5/Season 3/babylon.5.s03e20.dvdrip.xvid-sfm.avi 348.54 Mb
86. Babylon 5/Season 3/Babylon.5.S03E21.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 349.95 Mb
87. Babylon 5/Season 3/Babylon.5.S03E22.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 349.96 Mb
88. Babylon 5/Season 3/babylon5.s03e01.dvdrip.xvid-sfm.avi 349.56 Mb
89. Babylon 5/Season 4/Babylon 5 - 4x21 - Rising Star.avi 350.03 Mb
90. Babylon 5/Season 4/Babylon.5.S04E01.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 350.08 Mb
91. Babylon 5/Season 4/Babylon.5.S04E02.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 346.20 Mb
92. Babylon 5/Season 4/Babylon.5.S04E03.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 350.04 Mb
93. Babylon 5/Season 4/Babylon.5.S04E04.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 350.08 Mb
94. Babylon 5/Season 4/Babylon.5.S04E05.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 350.05 Mb
95. Babylon 5/Season 4/Babylon.5.S04E06.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 348.26 Mb
96. Babylon 5/Season 4/Babylon.5.S04E07.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 350.03 Mb
97. Babylon 5/Season 4/Babylon.5.S04E08.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 350.13 Mb
98. Babylon 5/Season 4/Babylon.5.S04E09.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 350.05 Mb
99. Babylon 5/Season 4/Babylon.5.S04E10.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 349.99 Mb
100. Babylon 5/Season 4/Babylon.5.S04E11.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 350.06 Mb
101. Babylon 5/Season 4/Babylon.5.S04E12.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 349.99 Mb
102. Babylon 5/Season 4/Babylon.5.S04E13.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 350.03 Mb
103. Babylon 5/Season 4/Babylon.5.S04E14.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 350.01 Mb
104. Babylon 5/Season 4/Babylon.5.S04E15.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 350.04 Mb
105. Babylon 5/Season 4/Babylon.5.S04E16.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 349.96 Mb
106. Babylon 5/Season 4/Babylon.5.S04E17.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 348.94 Mb
107. Babylon 5/Season 4/Babylon.5.S04E18.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 341.51 Mb
108. Babylon 5/Season 4/Babylon.5.S04E19.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 349.99 Mb
109. Babylon 5/Season 4/Babylon.5.S04E20.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 350.01 Mb
110. Babylon 5/Season 4/Babylon.5.S04E22.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 349.96 Mb
111. Babylon 5/Season 4/Extras/Babylon.5.Season.4.No.Surrender.No.Retreat.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 53.68 Mb
112. Babylon 5/Season 4/Extras/Celestial.Sounds.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 58.84 Mb
113. Babylon 5/Season 4/Extras/CGI.Easter.Egg.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 9.21 Mb
114. Babylon 5/Season 4/Extras/Gag.Real.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 38.29 Mb
115. Babylon 5/Season 4/Extras/No.Surrender.No.Retreat.DVD.Suite.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 74.28 Mb
116. Babylon 5/Season 5/Babylon.5.S05E01.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 346.95 Mb
117. Babylon 5/Season 5/Babylon.5.S05E02.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 349.83 Mb
118. Babylon 5/Season 5/Babylon.5.S05E03.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 346.87 Mb
119. Babylon 5/Season 5/Babylon.5.S05E04.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 350.02 Mb
120. Babylon 5/Season 5/Babylon.5.S05E05.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 349.94 Mb
121. Babylon 5/Season 5/Babylon.5.S05E06.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 351.49 Mb
122. Babylon 5/Season 5/Babylon.5.S05E07.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 349.96 Mb
123. Babylon 5/Season 5/Babylon.5.S05E08.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 349.99 Mb
124. Babylon 5/Season 5/Babylon.5.S05E09.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 346.93 Mb
125. Babylon 5/Season 5/Babylon.5.S05E10.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 349.98 Mb
126. Babylon 5/Season 5/Babylon.5.S05E11.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 346.57 Mb
127. Babylon 5/Season 5/Babylon.5.S05E12.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 350.12 Mb
128. Babylon 5/Season 5/Babylon.5.S05E13.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 348.70 Mb
129. Babylon 5/Season 5/Babylon.5.S05E14.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 350.07 Mb
130. Babylon 5/Season 5/Babylon.5.S05E15.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 350.00 Mb
131. Babylon 5/Season 5/Babylon.5.S05E16.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 349.95 Mb
132. Babylon 5/Season 5/Babylon.5.S05E17.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 350.01 Mb
133. Babylon 5/Season 5/Babylon.5.S05E18.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 349.46 Mb
134. Babylon 5/Season 5/Babylon.5.S05E19.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 350.01 Mb
135. Babylon 5/Season 5/Babylon.5.S05E20.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 350.10 Mb
136. Babylon 5/Season 5/Babylon.5.S05E21.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 350.06 Mb
137. Babylon 5/Season 5/Babylon.5.S05E22.DVDRip.XviD-SFM.avi 350.05 Mb