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Crysis 2 Update 1.1 + Multiplayer Patch-NoGrp






Crysis 2 Update 1.1 + Multiplayer Patch-NoGrp




2011-03-26 (by extremezone )


Crysis 2 Update 1.1 + MP Play NoGrp 2. Copy original exe to your crysis/bin32 directory 3. Run Update 1.1 4. Copy v1.1 cracked file to your game directory 5. Play the game thanks to vovan31377 for crack! With this crack you can play Multiplayer. Register free online account in game, and when you are asked for a serial/key use: 1fa1-gws2-gs31-4wt5-1y5d or 1ge2-1r42-df12-4ds1-f32d or something else Do not use CD Key like 1234-1234-1234-1234-1234 or XOXO-XOXO-XOXO-XOXO-XOXO, because if someone player use same key it will say "Serial code already in use" for both players. Just tested and it's working (start from Instant game not Join game) Crysis 2 Update 1.1 + Multiplayer Patch-NoGrp Torrent Free Download


  1. Crysis 2 Update 1.1
  2. Multiplayer Patch
  3. NoGrp

Files count:



114.51 Mb




PossiAtti (2011-03-26)

Nice! :) Ty

pizarrin (2011-03-26)

Thanks! But what is the update for? Does it fix something?

Reviewer (2011-03-26)

wow awesome upload, thanks.

Bummie (2011-03-26)


resi10 (2011-03-26)

Update Notes:
•Server Browser shows incorrect pings – Fixed
•Some matches never initiate – Fixed
•Faster text chat – As speedy as can be
•Console re-enabled – Console has been re-activated
•Cheat detection – Now in place to ensure all users are on a level playing field
•Fix USB headset issues – Current issues have been addressed and fixed
•Fix hologram icon staying on screen after being used – Fixed
•Remove Auto Aim – This has now been completely removed due to overwhelming community feedback

spyros17ronaldo (2011-03-26)

no more "strict firewall" with this patch???

xiIix (2011-03-26)

I would assume it fixes many problems, otherwise Crytek wouldn't have spent all of the money actually writing the code for the patch. One thing I do know that it's suppose to fix is the console not showing up when you hit the tilde key.

antoxa-kms (2011-03-26)

Multiplayer works?

Deadman17 (2011-03-26)

as it seems it works i used a serial of my own and it says it is already in use so i will try again later with the same one and if i still can not join a game i will try another one
thanks again extremezone you are the best

RMJ13 (2011-03-26)

this patch BSOD my XP harddrive and erased my boot menu I had to swap it to my 7 harddrive to share my experence with this I will not try it again!
and just silly ? if 1234 or xoxo keys cannot be used how can only 2 keys work for many

xiIix (2011-03-26)

Great. I didn't "install" crysis, I simply extracted that piece of shit cloneDVD one and played it as is because it refuses to install or uninstall (lots of us are dealing with this issue). Fuckit. First Crysis was better anyway. I'll just download a different image of C2, and until then I'll play Crysis1. Or Warhead maybe.
Thank you for the upload though. I've noticed most of my shit comes from you.

xiIix (2011-03-26)

By shit I mean stuff I've downloaded, not that your uploads are rubbish.

xiIix (2011-03-26)

Good news for those of you who have the dame prb as me, the crack works even if you don't run the update itself. I just simply wanted the console back and it did that for me so I'm happy.

thcfreak666 (2011-03-26)

Thanks works for me

Deadman17 (2011-03-26)

it worked even from join game
too bad i does not support my video card and i might have some probs

spyros17ronaldo (2011-03-26)

i cant play online.this message about "strict firewall" is always appears to me...

ChiliNoMoreX (2011-03-26)

yes, MP works. but servers still a bit buggy, they crash a lot, hosts can't start the game..
but those problems are related to server administration and has nothing to do with the crack, with works perfectly well..

ChiliNoMoreX (2011-03-26)

and for those with "strict firewall" problem:
deactivate your firewall --
and search about port forwarding.

Wolfvalor (2011-03-26)

Anyone know of a Serial key generator? It always says "Serial key is in use" ..
Also, where is the LAN option?

Aerionix (2011-03-26)

Worked great, have only tried starting from instant game, but no problems there except for my apparent general suckage at the game. And I guess there's no plausible way I can blame NoGrp or extremezone for that. If I think of one, I'll be back.
Thanks for uploading.

Wolfvalor (2011-03-26)

"Serial Key in Use" pops up every time i try to join a server..
Also, where is the LAN option?

rher53 (2011-03-26)

Alright im confused at step 4, so i just copy the whole file in the directory? or i copy the bin 32 into the folder and over write the other bin 32?? Im confused

elitegamernl (2011-03-26)

woooot thanks it works :D playing multiplayer

zazally (2011-03-26)

Thank you so much extremezone the other crack that was uploaded would not start with my logitech USB 7.1 dolby digital surround sound headset plugged in the only way I could play it with the other crack was if I unplugged my headset or removed my software drivers for my headset which I did not want to do that not saying the other crack was bad still respect the work you guys do so thank you so much to all that made this game possible I love it! :D

TheWierd86 (2011-03-26)

GAVE ME BSOD after some memory error and now im having SHITLOADS of problems to get it back up runnign!!!!

elitegamernl (2011-03-26)

i think your doing it wrong :P
I'm playing mutiplayer since this crack was released and still not kicked yet so ...

Aerionix (2011-03-26)

the server kicks and other issues seem to be related to server-side problems, not due to anything wrong with this patch. I had disconnects from a couple of servers during loading, tried a different server and worked fine. Can now confirm that it is not necessary to use the "instant" game. You can use the server browser and join a game just like any of those high falutin store bought copies. Can't imagine this going unfixed for long tho, so enjoy while it lasts.
Side note, are the rest of you having to input a cd key every time you get into the multiplayer menu? It saves my user info, but have to put a random key in every time I start a new session. Can live with it, but was curious.

lhgsh (2011-03-27)

Ok, kids. The UPDATE itself (v 1.1 exe) contains a VERY harmful virus that made me reinstall my WHOLE system.
The crack, however works ok in multiplayer too.
Solution: Go and download official update from filefront and then apply this crack.

tops.c (2011-03-27)

Dirty AVG deleted v1.0, I have been playing on EA servers for years there is cheat engines running right by PunkCluster but guessing a key/code that will work online is laughable, now there are side servers but EA is watching them you may get to play a little while.

betonin (2011-03-27)

@ShiftNoob & lhghs...Idiots stop complaining unnecessarily...Virus is in ur brain fucker its working fine...Randya magas

Dumbbanus (2011-03-27)

Multiplayer works if you juin a quick match! And crytek thought they will deter people from torrenting by adding a major multiplayer component that can only be accessed with a legit version...haha not gonna happen!

WydawMakah (2011-03-27)

The virus is inside the update.
It is a rootkit type of virus.
When you open the executable, your antivirus SHOULD warn you.
To avoid all this, simply open the update with 7zip and erase "DLL.exe", which is the virus itself.

WydawMakah (2011-03-27)

Also, for some reason my game will crash before even starting...
Crysis2 stopped working...
Any ideas people?

edtrix (2011-03-27)

Works perfectly , gw.

Insomneac (2011-03-27)

Why do all these noobs cry virus when they can hardly switch their PC's on?
This works fine, there is no problem with it.
If it doesn't, the problem is with you.
Give up computers, in fact, give up anything that uses electricity.

tops.c (2011-03-27)

I got my game iso and crack from d e m o n oi d, the controller sucks in FPS games and in this gmae you can't disable the game pad in options, I want to run my game profiler.

tops.c (2011-03-27)

This uploader is good but a virus is a virus, he don't make these cracks anyways.

Blackluc (2011-03-27)

I get the "serial code already in use" error that even legit players get, but when it's ok and I actually join a game, I get kicked 100% of the time so I can't play online... And since the servers looks like crap (only empty and full games and few players) I won't buy the game. Anyway, anybody else getting kicked with this crack?

Nitro2012 (2011-03-27)

This works great !
No problem at all!
no crash or BSOD
just copy crack
install 1.1 update
copy updated crack 1.1
and then you can play !!
Thanks ExtemeZone for this upload!

PGHammer (2011-03-27)

Since the update has issues, instead, let the *legit* 1.1 update (yes, it works with the FLT cracked version as well) apply, then, if you want MP, use the crack here - otherwise, use FLT's crack (both the crack only and the FLT release are at TPB). I'm grabbing the cracked MP as a test (I already know the FLT crack works).


You son of a BITCH
This fucking update gave me a fucking VIRUS !!!
And you wanna know something, I'm using NORTON ANTI VIRUS 2011 that I acutally PAID for and it pointed out it was a virus, this DOES give you the MULTIPLAYER ABILITY ... ONLY BCAUSE OF THE VIRUS THAT FAKES IT ,

Deadman17 (2011-03-27)

first of all i haven't found a virus
secondly if you find a virus download the legal update
thirdly it works perfectly i just got 2 lvl in an hour play without getting kicked
thanks extremezone

svadilfari (2011-03-27)

1st premise, youre using norton
2nd premise, youre an idiot
3rd premise, nothing you say in addition to "i use norton antivir 2011 and payed for it" has any meaning

6patera9 (2011-03-27)

Simply put, this is a slick release. No viruses and no BS it works exactly as advertised. Thank you so much Extremezone. I appreciate the work dude big time.

cirios8300 (2011-03-27)

@extremezone your torrent is working for me too!
I am level 7 now and i dont have a single crash.I run this game on Windows 7 64 bit.

PredatorPT999 (2011-03-27)

The crack give me a Trojan with Avira antivirus? Its real??

2040Gamer (2011-03-27)

keep ur survey downloads up ur ass!!!
can some 1 tell me if this works or not?

cmoyano (2011-03-27)

yes you douchebags..this works perfectly...just make sure u make a unique cd key fo rurself...if u get disconnected its server issues, but that rarely happens...this works beautifully....for those who dont know, the master keys from beta were used for relax and stfu about ur stupid virus alert, this works flawlessly....played for hours today, go to rank 12 and worked prefectly...thanks for upload

arghya90 (2011-03-27)

WORKS LIKE CHARM...NO PROBLEM...NO BUG.....NO VIRUSES....thanks EXTREMEZONE.....if u still alerted by antiviruses just dwnld official patch from proper site...n then follow other steps....
its just great....playing for almost 16-18 hours prblm other than serial key false alert(it rarely happen)....thanks...+1....

Reviewer (2011-03-27)

I keep getting kicked out at the start of a session while the map loads. My NAT is set to 'Moderate' could this be causing the disconnections ?

danilo86 (2011-03-27)

Works like a charm.

AngryGamer94 (2011-03-27)

To the PIECE OF SHIT who made this:
The fucking exe had a fucking virus in it that crashed my fucking system and i had to completely wipe my fucking hdd.
I've lost 800 GIGABYTES of data because of this fucker.
Fuck you very much and i hope you fucking die.

Aerionix (2011-03-27)

the above couple of folk getting kicked from servers. It happens now and then, but sounds like for you guys its an all the time thing. Have you been able to join ANY game at all yet?
Hate saying this cuz its almost insulting, but I've forgotten to do it a time or 2 and felt like a jackass afterwards. Have you made sure that the game is enabled in your firewall?

71460 (2011-03-27)

I installed. No problem, no virus.
Running fine.
Thanks extremezone.

Aerionix (2011-03-27)

WydawMakah at 2011-03-26 23:55 CET:
To avoid all this, simply open the update with 7zip and erase "DLL.exe"
WydawMakah at 2011-03-27 00:03 CET:
Also, for some reason my game will crash before even starting...
Crysis2 stopped working...
Any ideas people?"

DTRoni (2011-03-27)

it works :) on mu gameplay:
w w w * y o u t u b e * c o m / w a t c h ? v = G P Q z q e f a w Z c

Dhatz (2011-03-28)

just advice if your ATI keeps freezing after prolonged play: disable crossfire

auricon69 (2011-03-28)

For those of you having trouble with disconnection issues.. This was a problem for the beta as well. A couple things worked for me during that time, and I still am currently able to play online with this as well. Make sure if you're using Peerblock that it is off. Second, I used a program recommended during the beta called TCP Optimizer (its free). That cleared up the login/constant disconnecting issues. I can confirm that this download WORKS for MP. However because of the "virus" outcry I decided to download the patch from filefront, and used the 1.0 and 1.1 exes in this download.

telstar1324 (2011-03-28)

thanks very much for the crack, multiplayer is working perfectly and very fun :)

brianxxx (2011-03-28)

I finally found a crack that works.
Is full of crap and spamming this site like crazy with his garbage. Don't believe him!
Now, I have a legal copy and the update works fine for me.
My neighbor downloaded the FLT version and his update goes fine but the crack does not work and crashes on start up. I tried for 2 hours today to help Then I said he should go buy a copy. I pre-ordered! lol
So, he bought me a beer and burger for my time and he is now playing Crysis 2.
Seems the patch has not fixed the NANO CATALYST bug though!!!!!!!!! lol

mehest (2011-03-28)

pssst...DX11 patch?

Showstrength (2011-03-28)

Working perfectly on Vista 64!
Thanks from Brazil.

Showstrength (2011-03-28)

Working perfectly on Vista 64!
Thanks from Brazil.
the only problem is my ping, lol

arghya90 (2011-03-28)

Friends if u really have Virus problems regarding the update file just Download The official update frm 100% virus free n ok(tested with my original kasprsky 11)......then dwnld other 2 files frm this torrent..(original n update crack exe).......these r clean....
this crack really i told earlier i hv played fr now 2 days without any issues.....the serial key,server full n other small issues r also in original crysis 2, great on window 7(32 & 64 both bits...).....thanks...

achut93 (2011-03-28)

man the multiplayer key aint working . it kicks me of telling key is used by someone
can any one give me one

zazally (2011-03-28)

@AngryGamer94 suck shit you fuck head your as fail as your dad's condom don't ever abuse extremezone you fucking retard learn how to do it right and I bet you would be kissing extremezone's feet so fuck off with your stupidity and go back to school you fucking broke nigger bitch.
Thank you extremezone this works perfectly ignore the retards.

Kossy077 (2011-03-28)

This works! No BS people. I've tested it by having a good tear up online for the past 4 hours, lol.
1: Download FLT release.
2: Install game - don't bother using crack, just leave everything as it is. (auto update won't patch otherwise)
3: Start game and let it auto update and patch.
4: Copy and paste this! crack into game Dir.
5: Play game - single player and online.

DaChosen1 (2011-03-28)

this doesn't work for me, i did everything by the book, installed FLT version, first time start with org exe, let it update, after update copied the cracked exe to bin32 folder, but everytime it says "crysis2.exe"stopped working.
I also tried the trivium crack , but still the same problem. I'm using W7 x64. I'm sure the problem is in the cracked exe because when i try to start it with the org exe , it starts up the activator...

Amonic (2011-03-28)

wtf ? - theres a problem, when I apply the patch, copy the crack, the game lags, but with FLT crack it doesnt any ideas peaople please ?

Kossy077 (2011-03-28)

Are you taking the piss? What's with all the steps... you're just confusing people.

riahc3 (2011-03-28)

Does this work for single player? I pretty much dont care about multiplayer

LaneyEFC (2011-03-28)

hes only trying to help, if it confusers you ignore it simple as. ...... mine still crashes 5 minutes into gameplay after following your methed, (you have lost connection, you have been signed out)

LaneyEFC (2011-03-28)

sorry mistake on above post its ment to be @Kossy077

zabrin (2011-03-28)

if anybody needs a key i build a online keygen
new key every time you open the page

XHaloX (2011-03-28)

lol @ShiftNoob

cfitz94 (2011-03-28)

When I use Instant Game, i get sent to an empty lobby. When in there people rarely join my game.
My NAT says moderate.
Anybody know how to get a game with people? Please reply :)
Apart from that, it seems to be working for me, I can vote for maps, put in clan tags, so no reason to think its fake :)
Thanks exteremezone !

cfitz94 (2011-03-28)

I keep getting dumped in empty lobbys... :(
It says my NAT is moderate, and I searched around on google and apperently it should still be fine. I have decent internet, and no idea as to why I can get a game from the auto finder.
Please help :)
Thanks extremezone 8===D

Kossy077 (2011-03-28)

@ShiftNoob Nah thanks, I'm busy fucking your mom's sweet little asshole! Say high for me.

nuxuit (2011-03-28)

console isn't working with this one. anyone else or just me?

Kossy077 (2011-03-28)

@ShiftNoob Does the sheer sight of text get me confused? No, it doesn't, but the sheer sight of your mom's arse does. Bum! Bum! I'm sorry, that's bad, I know. Playground level humor - I feel ashamed, but then again, you sound like a proper A class cunt, so it kinda cancels it self out. Don't hate now - you! started on the moms.
Maybe I should go for the "witty"/surrealist approach next time... like you. It was so funny. My sides are still hurting.

LaneyEFC (2011-03-28)

surely you have better things to do Kossy077 ??

MrCornelius (2011-03-28)

does this work for FLT version?

MrCornelius (2011-03-28)

does this work for FLT version?

utterr18 (2011-03-29)

This worked for me. Just played 3 matches in king of the hill (whatever its called pod or something). I didn't get into any matches at first, just empty lobbies but then I finally got in. I think your not supposed to use join, only quick matches

utterr18 (2011-03-29)

Axtually, it was the opposite, join match worked but quick match didnt

dedragon (2011-03-29)

dam this crack 1.1 wont work for windows 7,copied 1.1 crack to binaris game wont start at all got error

JohnRas1 (2011-03-29)

crysis 2 strategy tips - goo (.) gl/8JTcy

LaneyEFC (2011-03-29)

tbh i think its the save games thats causing the dc from internet while playing, i get kicked when i dont delete save game, when i delete it i actually complete games

Blackluc (2011-03-29)

Ok for everybody that was getting kicked from servers and could not play, well I fixed it in my case. I was using random keys but tried 1ge2-1r42-df12-4ds1-f32d and it worked. I am now able to play.

zabrin (2011-03-29)

if anybody still gets kicked from the game try my keygen:
it makes a new key every time you open the page and it stays online for aslong as i can keep it that way.
Enjoy shooting!

zabrin (2011-03-29)

if anybody still has problems with the key try this:
it gives a new key everytime the page loads!
I'll keep it online for aslong as i can!
happy shooting!

Blackout1051 (2011-03-29)

Not completely sure how the CD Key thing works.
Are you just supposed to type in some random numbers and letters and hope that it works?
and what about the 2 CD-Keys listed below, wouldn't it just say "CD Key is in-use" and not let you play?

Blackout1051 (2011-03-29)

By below i mean the 2 CD-Keys in the Torrent Description.

Protoz (2011-03-29)

I can confirm what some other people are saying as i had this first hand few hours ago. After launching the patch updater my system shut off, rebooted tried again... Same thing... This time it didn't reboot as i got BSOD before windows loads as this also happened in safe-mode.
Side-noteI had crysis2 successfully installed & i've played it. But after trying to run this multiplayer patch update i ended up re-formatting.

dieger666 (2011-03-29)

awsome crack vovan31377 props bro props

FakeLight (2011-03-29)

Thanks for the torrent extremezone, working perfectly.

pegaz001 (2011-03-29)

for everybody who updated crysis 2 to 1.1 version and have win 7 64 bit: i downloaded crack by FairLight from gamecopyworld under Crysis 2 Gamefix
and i updated my directX 11
i hope this helps !

grimreaper217 (2011-03-29)


repulzor (2011-03-29)

AVG and AVIRA detects VVIIRRUUSSS ;: WIN32/Heur

is it only me who detects virus or?

HardcoreGaming (2011-03-29)

it says
Crysis 2 could not be located on your system.
Re-install Crysis 2 and then use this patch again.

Nemecis123 (2011-03-29)

When i join a game its just keep saying "connection to host failed"
Can i have some help, please?

Cheppo (2011-03-30)

@ HardcoreGaming
No. We copied the entire game from a LAN and patching works. Just remember to apply the original.exe before updating.
I get allot of Serial in use when trying to play with others who have a cracked game. We dont have the same serial !

Valik111 (2011-03-30)

Serial/Activation keys inside worked on all cracks + FLT crack.

zabrin (2011-03-30)

if anybody still has problems with the key failing, or being used allready thus being kicked out of the server, try my online keygen:
it gives a new key everytime the page loads/opens!
it works!

Kossy077 (2011-03-30)

I read an article saying that EA are aware of people with pirated copies being able to play on-line on official servers and are going to release a patch with "enhanced" security features later this week!
That kinda sucks - I've actually got into the game now. I bet they did it on purpose to suck people into leveling up and investing in the on-line experience only to shut the door on them - it wouldn't surprise me. This just seemed too easy.
What are the chances of a new crack being released to combat this? nill, me thinks.

Blackout1051 (2011-03-30)

For the CD-Key part, can we just mash anything in? or do we have to put in one of the keys in the description or elsewhere (youtube)?

PhonixFire (2011-03-30)

I keep getting Creating Account when i try to create one, anyone has the solution?

betonin (2011-03-30)

@zabrin : hey dude love u for worked :-) lovely game and lovely experience on mp

betonin (2011-03-30)

Dont worry Extrremezone ll come up with a crack for the new patch :-)

2040Gamer (2011-03-30)

guyz for all ur gaming requirements please refer to this site!

DestructiveCracks (2011-03-30)

This is awesome, perfectly working & multiplayer working too !!!! Love you thnx alott !!!!

LaneyEFC (2011-03-30)

@Nemecis123 try deleting your save game before entering the game, local disk c, user, save games, delete the folder cyrtek (Make sure you back your save data first)

Blackluc (2011-03-30)

Everything was flawless but since today I can't play anymore, I get disconnected after 2-3 minutes of playing in any game :(

zelopes (2011-03-31)

tested and working ty

SynikaI (2011-03-31)

I don't mind it when people pirate games for the singleplayer but MULTIPLAYER? That just saddens me.

iOnlyEatTang (2011-03-31)

Is the server we are playing on the official server? Or is this some Private Server..?

Kossy077 (2011-03-31)

@ShiftNoob Well, we can only keep our fingers crossed and hope Crytek are as dumb as we hoped. I mean, I'll buy the fucking game if I have to - I just don't want to level up again when I do.
I just wanted to give people a heads up so they can be on the look out for the auto update when they start the game over the next few days.

sk897halden (2011-03-31)

thanks. its working . with cheppos information :D

Blackout1051 (2011-03-31)

Works fine, not sure how the new patch will affect the game though.

LaneyEFC (2011-03-31)

do quick game not join game

0wn4age (2011-03-31)

Help me i did the crack it says "game not found game folder" help pls
0wn4ag3 -

blah2355 (2011-04-01)

Sometimes, even though I press quick join, it usually makes me lose connection to the host after a few minutes which is really annoying. Also for some reason, if I finish a round, my rank gets demoted 2 ranks. Need help please.

JordanTPB (2011-04-01)

Everytime I logg out and quit game and go back in it doesnt save my level in multiplayer.

xChadx (2011-04-01)

So I do the "Quick Join" and choose "Instant Action"
And everytime I get a kill I get kicked...any reason for this?

Kossy077 (2011-04-01)

@xChadx That's an odd one. Personally, with this crack I can join any game I want, any way I want - be that through quick game or join game. I've never had any problem with using "join game". I use it to filter my results for maps, ping, players, etc,. Are you certain it's every time you kill someone... or is it just a coincidence?

xChadx (2011-04-01)

Thanks guys for gettin back to fast.(@ShiftNoob and Kossy077)
Fixed the problem it was a problem with my scripts folder under the crysis dir.
But now I'm having a different problem.
My rank gets reset randomly. Once at rank 10 and again at 3. Possible fix?

qhdsagjuj (2011-04-01)

I found out this game forces you into updates so delete all of the contents of C:/Program Files (x86)/Electronic Arts/Crytek/Crysis 2/bin32/EAcore. After you do this there no longer will be any more forced update. When you start the game it takes a bit longer, but it still loads! Just leave the EAcore folder there empty!

ckleindl91 (2011-04-01)

Whenever I close outta the game and go back into it. in multilayer it seem to reset my status of gameplay and my rankings.. anyone knows what is going on???

Kossy077 (2011-04-01)

The game has a lot of level up bugs... with stats/perks reseting, disappearing and the like. Not much you can do about it I'm afraid.

YOSSI2010 (2011-04-01)

just add crysis2.exe to the DEP list.
START>(rightclick)my computer
>propertries>advanced system settings>the first settings button>DATA EXECUTION PREVENTION>make sure the second one is marked> add crysis2.exe to the list and thats it ur good to go!!!!

ckleindl91 (2011-04-01)

But it asks me everytime to input a new keygen for multilayer

Kossy077 (2011-04-02)

@ckleindl91 On the sign in page, make sure you tick the box that says "remember me" or something like that - You'll never have to put the key in again. I just made up a random key (off the top of my head - no key-gen needed) and haven't had to put it in since.

itsfelix (2011-04-02)

The crack works great! It's easier to auto-update it then copy over the crack.

Dave_247 (2011-04-02)

Works fine for me.
Get this random lag spikes, but it's not just me, seems to be everyone.
Even on your own regions servers.

Zeeevil (2011-04-02)

Played for about an hour. Works fine. Will do some test games again later to see if all works well. Thanks extremezone and vovan31377! Question though, will this affect the single player mode?

Zeeevil (2011-04-02)

Okay, now I'm getting kicked. Did all the steps correctly and yeah, got me kicked after playing 10-20mins. Will uninstall it later and try again.

Zeeevil (2011-04-03)

3rd comment. Have just played again for a couple of hours. I don't get kicked anymore. Might be a server side problem, not sure yet, but hopefully it is. Another thing is, as ckleindl91 said. Whevenever you re-launch the game/relog/re-sign it, it somehome resets my status. I'm trying to do this with the same serial key and have ticked the box that says remember me. Anyway, still a great upload. I just downloaded this game to test it, and I'm pretty happy so I'm going to buy this game. Thanks again extremezone and vovan31377. :)

azisco (2011-04-03)

The ranks are buggy, as people have said, but the online works. Too bad the game is shit... I really pity whoever forked out 60 bucks for this crap.

kully2002 (2011-04-03)

Ok, so I'm all quite new to the pirate stuff and such so this might be (probably will) one hell of a noobish question.
I used the crack and done it like explained. But when I click on the launcher, it still wants to connect and install update v1.1 . When I go back to the update and try again it says it's already installed. So do I install the update from the launcher or not? If not, how can I bypass it? Ignoring it leads to game folder not found.

kully2002 (2011-04-03)

So, I'm quite new to this all and not the most technical expert. And this will certainly sound noobish.
I have installed the game and used the cracks, did everything step by step. But when I use the launcher, it still wants to update to patch v1.1 even though it's already on my system. Do I need to download this, or try to bypass it and then how? Cancelling the update results in game folder not found.

kully2002 (2011-04-03)

Sorry about the double post, internet did a sudden flip out and though it didn't got through the first time.

fudd4ry (2011-04-03)

always if i want to play online and if i want to log in it says no connection to the internet but i am connected whats the problem ??

Zeeevil (2011-04-03)


achut93 (2011-04-03)

man its kicking me from server
i am able to connect the multiplayer but when the game starts it says you are kicked from the server . i've even reinstalled my os

DrKoNfLiCt (2011-04-04)

Fuck off and go buy it fucking fags !!! i do download allot from tpb but sometimes you have to buy a game if you want multiplayer for fuck sakes...

pclove (2011-04-04)

Dear fellow Pirates,
DO NOT STEAL THIS GAME. I'm a die-hard pirate myself but this title is just too... wrong. Crytek is extremely dedicated to PC gaming, they're one of the few big companies that make games exclusively for PC gamers. This title was on other platforms but everyone knows who it's meant for. DON'T MESS THIS UP! crysis 2 has been devastated, cracked before its release AND multiplayer cracked too? if this doesn't end now it may be the end of PC gaming as a whole. BUY THIS GAME!

xChadx (2011-04-04)

Any permanent fixes for the D/Cing?
I found a temporary fix and thats to change your serial key but that only works for about a game and then it back to being D/Ced! Hard to test it out when you're constantly being D/Ced...
Fuckin noob flamers.
Any help would be appreciated. :)

Kossy077 (2011-04-04)

@pclove Oh yeah, Crytek are just falling over themselves to support PC gaming - that's why they couldn't wait to jump ship with Crysis 2 and gave us a dumbed down console port. Yeah, my heart just bleeds for Crytek.
I mean the fact that Crysis 1 wasn't the world beater they, somewhat arrogantly, expected it to be was down to PC gamers, with us all being pirates and all. It had nothing to do with the small issue of needing to buy a new PC to play the fucker.

achut93 (2011-04-04)

am i the only one being kicked out . i tried over 10 mutiplayer keys but in vain. and one guy came out with multiplayer key site sorry dude they even aint working for me. hey guys please help me

fudd4ry (2011-04-04)

i only want to test this game if i like it i ll buy it if not i uninstall it but the most important thing in a shooter for me is the multiplayer

fudd4ry (2011-04-04)

i cant join any game 1!!!

Blackluc (2011-04-04)

Hey, I was a cd key taken here and everything was fine. Now I am getting kicked from every game. My friend uses a cd taken here too and it works for him so I tried but it does the same thing. I don't understand...

Blackluc (2011-04-04)

Ok I just tried an other cd key on an other website and I still get kicked

fudd4ry (2011-04-04)



LaneyEFC (2011-04-05)

crysis just been patched for 1.2 will there be a crack shortly ?

LaneyEFC (2011-04-05)

sounds like ye having withdrawal symptoms already, hopefully there will b one soon :D

LaneyEFC (2011-04-05)

btw fella its not curtain cd keys you use, you enter your own xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx

Showstrength (2011-04-05)

Do NOT start the game with the launcher.
It will download patch 1.2, but If you already have the crack, it won't find the file to install the patch.
Go to BIN32 and start the game with Crysis2.exe
Create a path of it to your desktop or Games paste.
Hugs from Brazil.

LaneyEFC (2011-04-05)

nice 1 it worked

Kossy077 (2011-04-05)

This is what I was warning about a few days back. If you want single player just block the EA client auto updater with a firewall. As for multi-player, I have a feeling that even though a 1.2 crack will come out it won't be for multi player.
Looks like I'm going back to BFBC 2 for my on-line fix, as even though it's been fun I've seen nothing from Crysis 2 that makes me want to buy it... which most of us can easily do.

Blackluc (2011-04-05)

When I used my "own" cd key it never worked and it only worked when I started using cd keys from here. Now it doesn't work anymore, thanks anyway I'll give a shot but I think it will kick me like before.

LaneyEFC (2011-04-05)

when your on mp leave it stood for abit dont go ingame for 5 mins i read it helped alot of ppl do quick match not join 2

Kossy077 (2011-04-05)

@ShiftNoob I think, and hope, you may be right. Don't mind me, as you can probably tell, I'm somewhat of a pessimist.
Hopefully it's just a matter of some kind person working their magic again and releasing an update of the existing cracked exe. I can't wait to try out the on-line as soon as it's released anyway.

carllegendx (2011-04-05)

Showstrength!! It Worked
yeh people
start the game fron bin32 > crysis2.exe
it isnt the launcher so it wont update :)

Kossy077 (2011-04-05)

@Shiftnoob Crack is out - been playing on-line just. Shame I don't upload torrents and I can't even post the link here... I tried!

Rodan.H (2011-04-05)

It worked fine until today. I can start the game but when I go online I only get about 132 - 160 servers. Before I got up to 1600 servers and it played fine. Is this because of the update? If so, Kossy077 would you be kind enough to link the download for patch 1.2 :)?

Kossy077 (2011-04-05)

@Rodan.H Sorry people - I think the crack I used is actually the same crack (v1.1). All I did was to copy back the original (uncracked) exe then I let the game auto update and then copied the "new" crack back over - I thought it was a new crack but have been told that it's actually the v1.1 crack (this crack) but it still works! but with a couple bugs.
It's not big deal to me that I haven't got 1500 servers.... why would you need that many anyway? I can still easily find a game and play just like before. The only thing I noticed was that I can't use game chat.
Can't you find any games or something? what's the problem?

Rodan.H (2011-04-06)

The problem is when i connect to the servers instantly when it's about to being it says that I get disconnected and I'm sure there is something wrong x) Thanks anyways!

Dig1taL (2011-04-06)

Uhm I can't even register.
I installed the game, updated before cracking, then dragged in this 1.1 crack.
When I choose multiplayer, then create acount, I put in my credentials, it says "invalid serial number" every time.
I tried both the ones in the info, plus a few random ones (I gathered that's what you could do according to the info on this torrent).

ReMorse216 (2011-04-06)

I was able to play online perfectly fine for a while by using a random key. Not only that, but I didn't even have to select "quick game" I just clicked "join game" and was able to select from a list of servers.
I stopped playing for a bit, and now when I try to go back into the game, it asks for a key again, I type in randomness, but then it says invalid key.

Dig1taL (2011-04-06)

Looks like they fixed it... maybe someone will work out a way to downgrade the game back to 1.1 without it wanting to update at every launch.

rayferenc (2011-04-06)

OK, i patched 1.2 and cracked, but multiplayer doesn't work anymore like few days back, its asking for valid key.
that's shit!

Showstrength (2011-04-06)

My hint on page 8 doesn't work anymore.
They've found a way to check the serial code.
Now it's invalid.
We'll have to hang on a little guys.
Don't give up. Keep it up GodCrackers, crack 1.2 for us as soon as possible!

AzekYo (2011-04-06)


adad429 (2011-04-06)

heyyyy the key is not valid...........all the thing is good bt it is saying that the key is no vaild ....i also tried difeerent-2 keys bt it still says that the key is invalid.???? what i do now....????

Showstrength (2011-04-06)

my tip last page does Not work anymore. Let's hold on.

Rodan.H (2011-04-06)

To the people who doesn't know how to get a working key: Use any key, a random, just press a bunch of numbers like I did. The uploader meant don't use keys like XOXOXOX because they will work but only for one guy, so if you too press XOXOXO it will say that it's already in use.

Dig1taL (2011-04-06)

@Rodan.H It's not working because 1.2 has fixed the any old serial thing.

adad429 (2011-04-06)

i installs the update nd it works like a charm..i also made my new account nd i played 13-15 games bt after that it says that the serial key is invalid.......i dont know why i always use different keys like u said now it dosent work.......tell me what cn i do........?????

LaneyEFC (2011-04-06)


Kossy077 (2011-04-06)

Free rides over boys - it don't work no more, and I doubt it ever will... on-line that is. I don't know about anyone else but I've kinda had my fun out of it anyway, and the fact that I'm not itching to buy the game proves that.

Rodan.H (2011-04-06)

Wops, sorry people. When I tried playing today it said the same thing that the key is invalid. I guess that multiplayer is over huh :(

LaneyEFC (2011-04-06)

if they found out how to once they will find out to again!! so i dont think its over just yet

Dig1taL (2011-04-07)

I doubt it. There was a loophole, our crackers found it, Crytek patched it.
Wave goodbye to online play, just like every pirated game.

Kossy077 (2011-04-07)

@LaneyEFC You don't understand mate, yeah these clever guys always update cracks for single player, but the fact that the multi-player player was cracked in the first place was extremely rare. It turns out it was due to a master activation key getting leaked from inside Crytek - the chances of that happening again are next to nil - so now that they have identified and changed the keys means it's over. Trust me, you want to play on-line buy the game - it's the only way.

LaneyEFC (2011-04-07)

what you dont understand tho mate is, i read that the people who cracked crysis 1.1 have the master activation key, and i read the master activation key of games cost alot of money plus could take up to a few months to re-build so in that case, id rather listen to other people than someone on PB, it wont bother me as much as ive got the actuall crysis 2 on ps3, but i enjoy playing it with keyboard and mouse reason for me havin it on pc.

LaneyEFC (2011-04-07)

they might be wrong you might be right but as i said in the other post,
dont think its over just YET untill its comfirmed and a crack as bean released without MP.... ill agree the free run has come to an end

Kossy077 (2011-04-08)

@LaneyEFC Sorry if I came across like I was patronizing you - That wasn't my intention. I just didn't want you waiting for something that wasn't going to happen IMO. I don't know what website you got your info from, but it may be right. I can't say for a 100% that a new multi-player crack won't come out, but it seems Crytek have identified the keys and managed to block them. So when you mention about it been expensive and time consuming to change the keys, I'm thinking well haven't Crytek done just that? Isn't that the reason we are all getting the "Valid key required" message?

Kossy077 (2011-04-08)

@ShiftNoob Just use the same crack - it works. Copy back the original exe update and then copy back the 1.1 crack.

cmoyano (2011-04-09)

you retards...just wait...the master keys were in the beta, unless they change their entire code, they cant stop the master keys form being used...its just a matter of time, so just be patient...its not like tthe retail is as good as beta anyways, in terms of least in beta we had conrtol when hosting, how many kills and points, unlike this gay shit which is only 50 kills and 150 points in crash site..fucl you crytek u deserve all this shit

f18roni (2011-04-09)

Thanks Kossy077 :) its Work!

f18roni (2011-04-10)

I Cant goin to server its says the connection to the server has been lost

Bowolters (2011-04-10)

is says the connection to your session has been how do i start a game from instant game because i dont understand...

Bowolters (2011-04-10)

how do i start the game from instant game??

Bowolters (2011-04-10)

how do i start a game from instant game??

ron13th (2011-04-10)

evry code i put in is there some particualr wayh of putting in a key????

ron13th (2011-04-10)

ok i found one code thaT WORKED........but now everytime i switch back to sp....and back to asks for the code all over again........amazing upload thx a lot

Deadman17 (2011-04-10)

guys i have updated and the copy the 1.1 crack but still says that i need a valid key
what i did wrong?

dawiddox (2011-04-10)

Does it work with x64 system ?

LaneyEFC (2011-04-11)

what you have done wrong is came a week 2 late.... THIS PATCH NO LONGER WORKS WITH MULTIPLAYER !!!

Deadman17 (2011-04-11)

i have played multiplayer before the 1.2 update and i have seen some guys saying that they have managed to play after 1.2 too by copying the crack thats why i am asking

LaneyEFC (2011-04-11)

yes i was able to play it after the 1.2 patch by creating a desktop shortcut of 1.1 to your desktop but that methed does not work any more

chrismichaeld1 (2011-04-14)

So is anyone at all still able to play Multiplayer??

f18roni (2011-04-14)

When will out 1.2 i want to play already!!?

adverse_game (2011-04-17)

H, I can still play online, but after an hour or so it disconnects me, but that doesnt matter, thank you so much!!!

remie234 (2011-04-17)

My serial works etc ...
But i have 0 games/servers in the instant ...
Who can help ?

LaneyEFC (2011-04-18)

thought the free run was over ?? am back on now got the 1.2 crack of a private server, PB should have it shortly

Kossy077 (2011-04-21)

@LaneyEFC I've been able to "play" it too after the fix - your comment was no big surprise - but why bother when you can only see about 17 full servers? most of which you can't even connect to. That's why I didn't even bother posting a comment here. So comparing that to what we had before, with hundreds of ranked servers that I could connect to at any time, I still call it over. I'm not interested in picking up scraps.
But if you find something that works like it did before fix (same as if you'd brought the game) then please let me know - I'll happily admit I was wrong and start playing again with a big smile on my face.

LaneyEFC (2011-04-21)

fair enough cant fight back at that comment but the servers aren't a problem for me i connect like i did before. what Ive witnessed since a fix is its limited by time, i can only play between the hours of 5pm to 10pm which is a bit pointless

lordhemant (2011-04-22)


killit007 (2011-04-25)

Does the mp still works? It says i have an invalid key

FTL3 (2011-05-01)


Aypolo (2011-05-06)

wheres the newest patch?

Fibrasek (2011-05-07)

doesn't work here. =/ I think not work anymore. Shows the message Invalid Serial

Hokrollo (2011-05-21)

Multiplayer doesn't work. But what the hack - patch is always nice:D

fatbobinspain (2011-05-25)

Thanks!!! tried no end of updates and this is the one that works!!! Good on ya!

KRCO95 (2011-08-07)

Guys do not download this it is a fake not work !!!

WayneCM (2011-11-16)

no qoek

Y4RDAP3 (2012-04-02)


filip222 (2012-08-14)

when i start up the game just shows black screen and green arrow i hear music but it dont shoes screen wtf any help???

aligosun (2013-06-20)

not working. I tried any serial code I even got a keygen for it but it didn't work and keeps saying wrong serial code.


1. Crysis 2 Patch 1.1 + MP Play-NoGrp/cry2up11-nogrp/Original v1.0 exe/Crysis2.exe 37.31 Mb
2. Crysis 2 Patch 1.1 + MP Play-NoGrp/cry2up11-nogrp/v1.1 Crack/bin32/Crysis2.exe 41.77 Mb
3. Crysis 2 Patch 1.1 + MP Play-NoGrp/cry2up11-nogrp/Crysis 2 v1.1 Update.exe 35.43 Mb
4. Crysis 2 Patch 1.1 + MP Play-NoGrp/Read Me.txt 390 bytes