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63 Documents by Jesse Ventura






63 Documents The Government Doesn't Want Yo Read - Jesse Ventur


Audio/Audio books


2011-06-11 (by captainelliotspencer )


There’s the Freedom of Information Act, and then there’s Ventura’s way. The official spin on numerous government programs is flat-out bullshit, according to Jesse Ventura. In this incredible collection of actual government documents, Ventura, the ultimate non- partisan truth-seeker, proves it beyond any doubt. He and Dick Russell walk readers through 63 of the most incriminating programs to reveal what really happens behind the closed doors. In addition to providing original government data, Ventura discusses what it really means and how regular Americans can stop criminal behavior at the top levels of government and in the media. Among the cases discussed: • The CIA’s top-secret program to control human behavior • Operation Northwoods—the military plan to hijack airplanes and blame it on Cuban terrorists • The discovery of a secret Afghan archive—information that never left the boardroom • Potentially deadly healthcare cover-ups, including a dengue fever outbreak • What the Department of Defense knows about our food supply—but is keeping mum Although these documents are now in the public domain, the powers that be would just as soon they stay under wraps. Ventura’s research and commentary sheds new light on what they’re not telling you—and why it matters. About the Authors Jesse Ventura is the former governor of Minnesota and author of several bestselling books, including Don’t Start the Revolution Without Me! and American Conspiracies. Ventura is the host of the television show Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura on truTV. He lives in Minnesota and Mexico. Dick Russell is a nationally respected activist, environmentalist, and author of critically acclaimed books, including, with Jesse Ventura, The New York Times bestsellers Don't Start the Revolution Without Me! and American Conspiracies. He is also the author of On the Trail of the JFK Assassins and The Man Who Knew Too Much. Russell is a prolific publisher in many of the nation's top magazines and has been a guest on many national TV and radio programs, including the Joan Rivers Show and NBC Nightly News. He lives in Los Angeles, California. --------------------------------------- Visit us for this and loads more: ---------------------------------------

Files count:



738.44 Mb




PopolVuh2 (2011-06-13)

A great torrent

 BigDadE (2011-06-19)

captainelliotspencer, Cheers m8!

idxcue (2011-07-07)

This is bullshit. Jesse Venture is a Quack. The documents included are all cleared by the Freedom of Information Act. You can google them. Clearly the Government doesn't give a shit about these documents. How could he publish this book if that were the case...
This type of Conspiracy Mongering is the death of common sense. 9-11 WAS a conspiracy... by Muslim extermeists. Do you really think the Bush admin were smart enough to pull off a false flag operation to invade a country that didn't attack us. come on people WAKE UP Alex Jones and Jesse Ventura are nuts. Think CRITICALLY.

Cosades (2011-07-12)

idxcue, what evidence can you provide to prove your point? The conspiracy theorists provided evidence to back their claims; for instance, the curvature to the collapse of building 7. What actual evidence do you have to suggest that members of the united states' government were not involved?
Critical thinking involves evidence-based reasoning.

kylejftheone (2011-07-16)

You are all fucking robots, furthermore I say we all lynch Gorgie bush, Dick c, Donald rums, I cant believe they are still allowed to live or see the light of day. I think they should be water boarded day and night till they give up the will to live and die. What a sick fucking world we live in fucking cunts load your guns and stop being scared ignorant pussy's. I will be awaiting the revolution lets get this shit started

saintamadas (2011-07-21)

@idxcue, you are just too dumb despite the fact that you have a system to search the web for information to keep you balanced. With overwhelming evidence you are yet to come to terms with reality? Have you watched the documentary-SUPERPOWER? American servicemen and women analyzing issues based on information they were fed and the facts on ground. Till date no WMD has been found. You must be very dumb. A great Nigerian musician(FELA) once said, read the book but use your initiative. Why is it that anytime the American won a war it is good planning and whenever they lose its an ambush? @captainelliotspencer, thanks for this informative upload. Its highly appreciated!

WideStance (2011-07-24)

"Critical thinking involves evidence-based reasoning."
This is hilarious. The fact that you yourself describe these people as "conspiracy theorists" and not "people with logical, evidence-based facts" says more than anything.

Amaximus (2011-08-03)

Conspiracy theorist is a name normally used to axiomatically discredit someone. Alex Jones is a bit much, and it's too bad, but Ventura gets a lot of the files right. 911 had nothing to do with the US government - aside from some incompetence. Kennedy was hawkish on Vietnam and nobody would assassinate him for any of his policies unless they were well outside the mainstream and that wouldn't have been covered up. Other than that, most of it is fairly accurate and informative. Most of the facts are right even in the cases were I disagree with his conclusions.
The thing ism, George Bush's connection to 911 is not a solid case in very hard to prove and I doubt he had anything to do with it anyway, BUT, the fact that he's a war criminal is right out in the open. So why try to make this hard to prove easily self isolating case for 911 when you can pursue him on war crimes - in the sense of getting his place in history right if not an actual court case - although you could make one for war crimes easily and not for 911 - Netherlands Invasion Act notwithstanding.

nelson316 (2011-09-14)

911 was used to take are rights away

sublimize (2011-09-21)

And bigfoot stole my flying saucer

exTerrorist (2011-10-27)

Here is a fact for you.
The majority of people in Europe, the UK, Australia, New Zealand and China all think Americans are brainwashed disillusioned idiots and the remainder simply does not care about America.
I know it sounds like stereotyping but I don’t think a lot of people from the US cannot criticize that without proving to be a hypocrite.

kungfupy (2012-01-20)

I have to agree with idxcue, but only about the fact that this stuff has to be bullshit cause if it wasn't don't you think the US Government would kill to have this info seize existence, oh no or maybe that's part of their plan; having the info out there people will just think its more propaganda.. doubt it the Government doesn't think that way, they're to dumb, and they know people are dumb enough to believe this shit. Not saying anything about 911 cause truthfully i don't know what happened. evidence can sometimes be quite misleading, yet again it can be pinpointing. But unless you actually conduct the experiments necessary, then you don't know for sure either, so keep being gullible. But i think in one way or another everyone knows its all political bullshit.

kungfupy (2012-01-20)

exTerrorist : what a coincidence because Americans feel the same way about Europe! Although personally i dislike great Briton and don't care much for France, most of Europe are a bunch of morons, Australia is cool in my book, and china i don't have a problem with. And while the rest of the world is just as brainwashed as anyone else, but you wouldn't think so, and that proves my point o0 I admit there are a bunch of retards in America but just like anywhere else, you also have intelligent people who don't always agree with mainstream bullshit. So look in a mirror buddy!

kungfupy (2012-01-20)

And don't you see that you no body is brought up to respect each others views and work together? War is oh so profitable. Wake up and quit being a yuppy!

kungfupy (2012-01-20)

mistype: it was just supposed to be no body, not the you preceding.

SearchOrganizedStalking (2012-06-12)

Here's the 64th document the Government doesn't want you to read
I bet most of you have never heard of it.

bricks777 (2013-01-25)

Thank you for sharing the truth


1. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/00. Internet Links - Document Sources.doc 87.00 Kb
2. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/01a. A Study of Assassination - Pg. 1.GIF 122.22 Kb
3. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/01b. A Study of Assassination - Pg. 5.GIF 86.33 Kb
4. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/01c. CIA Assassination Manual - Complete Transcript [Excerpt 6, 8-9, 7-10].pdf 460.00 Kb
5. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/02a. Institutionalizing Assassination - Pg. 1.png 60.76 Kb
6. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/02b. Institutionalizing Assassination - Pg. 2.png 66.35 Kb
7. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/03. 1946-48 STD Inoculation Study.doc 29.00 Kb
8. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/04. Project ARTICHOKE.pdf 275.47 Kb
9. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/05a. Hypnotic Experimentation - Pg. 1.jpg 327.65 Kb
10. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/05a. Hypnotic Experimentation - Pg. 2.jpg 311.16 Kb
11. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/06. Report of Inspection of MK-ULTRA [Excerpt 1-2, 6-9 (Pg. 5-7)].pdf 3.85 Mb
12. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/07. Operation Northwoods [Excerpt 1, 8-14 (Cover, Pg. 5-11)].pdf 777.16 Kb
13. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/08a. SECDEF Conference - May 6, 1963 - Pg. 4.png 29.12 Kb
14. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/08b. SECDEF Conference - May 6, 1963 - Pg. 6.png 32.98 Kb
15. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/08c. SECDEF Conference - May 6, 1963 - Pg. 7.png 22.93 Kb
16. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/09. 1,000 US Military Withdrawal from Vietnam.png 27.46 Kb
17. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/10. The Gulf of Tonkin Mystery [Excerpt 2-5, 50 (Pg. 1-4, 49)].pdf 4.53 Mb
18. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/11a. DOD Appropriations for 1970 - HB 15090 - Cover Sheet.gif 44.47 Kb
19. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/11b. Chemical & Biological Warfare [Excerpt Pg. 104-10, 112-14, 116-17, 119-21, 124-25, 126, 127, 129, 131, 135, 142-43].pdf 33.18 Mb
20. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/12a. Nazis in the US - Redacted [Excerpt 9 (Pg. 8)].pdf 15.69 Mb
21. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/12b. Nazis in the US - Complete [Excerpt 19, 270, 272-3, 342-3 (Pg. 8, 259, 261-2, 331-2)].pdf 64.65 Mb
22. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/13, 14 & 15. Hitler's Shadow [Excerpt 9-12, 24, 80 (Pg. 1-4, 16, 72)].pdf 1.58 Mb
23. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/16a. Propaganda Notes - Pg. 2.jpeg 68.51 Kb
24. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/16b. Propaganda Notes - Pg. 1.jpeg 78.16 Kb
25. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/17a. Oliver North E-Mail - Aug. 23, 1986.pdf 739.46 Kb
26. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/17b. John Poindexter Response E-Mail - Aug. 23, 1986.pdf 829.09 Kb
27. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/18. Talking Points on Rwanda-Burundi.pdf 122.91 Kb
28. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/19a. Discussion Paper Rwanda.pdf 111.93 Kb
29. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/19b. Has Genocide Occurred in Rwanda.pdf 197.98 Kb
30. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/20. Is Military Research Hazardous to Veterans' Health [Excerpt 1-9 (Cover-Pg. 4)].pdf 3.37 Mb
31. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/21. Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses Task Force [Excerpt 2, 3, 8, 13-14].pdf 431.37 Kb
32. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/22. Gulf War Illness - The Future for Dissatisfied Veterans [Excerpt 1-4].doc 53.00 Kb
33. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/23. DoD Civil Disturbance Plan - Operation GARDEN PLOT [Excerpt 4, 16 (Pg. i, 2)].pdf 358.93 Kb
34. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/24. KBR Awarded DHS Contingency Support Project.doc 26.00 Kb
35. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/25. Civilian Inmate Labor Program 210-35 [Excerpt 3, 5-7, 12, 24-25 (Pg. i, 1-3, 8, 20-21)].pdf 774.46 Kb
36. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/26. US Army Continuity Program 500-3 [Excerpt 7, 11-13, 17, 19 (Pg. 1, 5-7, 11, 13)].pdf 118.62 Kb
37. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/27. Spain Details Strategy to Combat The Russian Maffia.doc 42.00 Kb
38. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/28. FDA Inspections of Domestic Food Facilities - April 2010 [2-4 (Pg. i-iii)].pdf 621.42 Kb
39. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/29. Nov. 2010 Memo on Clothianidin [Excerpt 1-2, 15-16, 5, 11].pdf 1.16 Mb
40. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/30. France & The WTO AG Biotech Case.doc 33.00 Kb
41. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/31. National Security & the Threat of Climate Change [Excerpt 5-6 (Pg. 6-8)].pdf 1.17 Mb
42. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/32. Secret Aspen Koch Industries Meeting [Excerpt 1-2, 4-9 (Letter, Pg. 3-8)].pdf 1.98 Mb
43. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/33. World-Wide Increased Readiness Posture - October 1969 - EBB 81 Doc. 5.pdf 126.51 Kb
44. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/34. Memorandum for the Record by John Ehrlichman [Excerpt 2-3].pdf 108.26 Kb
45. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/35. Restless Youth by Richard Helms - June 1970.pdf 122.79 Kb
46. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/36. GES Memos - 2000 November Election Emails.doc 33.00 Kb
47. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/37. Elecction Night 2000 - Analysis of the Call for Bush [Excerpt 24-25].pdf 230.82 Kb
48. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/38. In Regard to the DIEBOLD Systems.pdf 48.32 Kb
49. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/39. GovTech - Ohio SOS Statement of Work - Election 2004.pdf 1.78 Mb
50. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/40. Washington Calls for Intelligence on Top UN Officials [Excerpt 1-2, 16].pdf 118.96 Kb
51. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/41a. Congressional Research Service Protecting Cyberspace Review.doc 30.00 Kb
52. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/41b. Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act of 2010 [Excerpt 1-2, 76-77, 79].pdf 418.39 Kb
53. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/42. Memorandum of Agreement Between DHS & DoD Regarding Cybersecurity [Excerpt 1].pdf 2.52 Mb
54. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/43. PNAC Report - Rebuilding America's Defenses [Excerpt 11, 62-63 (Pg. iv, 50-51)].pdf 852.85 Kb
55. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/44. UBL & AL-MUHAJIROUN Supporters Attending Civil Aviation Universities [Excerpt 1-2].pdf 321.83 Kb
56. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/45. Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US.pdf 60.20 Kb
57. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/46. Aircraft Piracy & Destruction of Derelict Airborne Objects [Excerpt 1-3, 8].pdf 62.85 Kb
58. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/47a. NIST NCSTAR 1-9 Vol. 2 [Excerpt 269 (Pg. 607)].pdf 28.64 Mb
59. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/47b. NIST NCSTAR 1A [Excerpt 86-88 (Pg. 44-46)].pdf 5.47 Mb
60. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/48. Evidence for Informed Trading on the Attacks of September 11.doc 48.00 Kb
61. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/49. FBI's Briefing on Trading to the 911 Commission.pdf 1.06 Mb
62. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/50. Authority to Use Military Force Within US [Excerpt 1-2, 3-4, 14, 19, 24-25, 30-32, 37].pdf 8.34 Mb
63. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/51. Humane Treatment of Al-Qaeda & Taliban Detainees.pdf 13.14 Kb
64. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/52. Media Ground Rules for Guantanamo Bay, Cuba [Excerpt 3-7, 8].pdf 80.12 Kb
65. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/53. Counter-Resistance Strategies - 11 October 2002 [Excerpt 3-4].pdf 4.00 Mb
66. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/54. Counter-Resistance Techniques - November 27, 2002.pdf 305.84 Kb
67. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/55. GTMO Detainee Health Records [Excerpt 1, 7 (GTMO JMG 12, 18)].pdf 1.19 Mb
68. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/56. Drug Abuse -Use of Mefloquine at Gunatanamo [Excerpt 1-12, 15, 19].pdf 1.18 Mb
69. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/57. Destruction of Torture Videos - Oct 2002 [Excerpt 3-4].pdf 1.01 Mb
70. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/58, 59. Destruction of Detainee Videotapes - Nov. 9, 2005 [Excerpt 1, 17-16].pdf 3.92 Mb
71. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/60. Ordered Decapitation - Detailed Description of Events.doc 23.50 Kb
72. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/61. Afghanistan - Capital Flight & It's Impact on Future Stability.doc 32.50 Kb
73. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/62. Afghanistan's Opium Economy.doc 30.00 Kb
74. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/63. How Terrorist Groups End - Implications for Countering al Qa'ida.pdf 127.80 Kb
75. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/The Documents/64. Epologue - Rummaging in the Government's Attic - Lessons Learned from 1,000 FOIA Requests.pdf 2.69 Mb
76. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/00. Introduction - Why You Need to Read this Book.mp3 22.16 Mb
77. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/01. Pt. 1 - Our Scandelous Postwar History - Ch. 1 - The CIA's Secret Assassination Manual.mp3 12.13 Mb
78. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/02. Ch. 2 - US Assassination Plots Against Foreign Leaders.mp3 5.97 Mb
79. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/03. Ch. 3 - Secret Experiments.mp3 4.57 Mb
80. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/04. Ch. 4, 5 & 6 - The CIA's Project ARTICHOKE & MK-ULTRA.mp3 14.88 Mb
81. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/05. Ch. 7 - A Fake Terrorist Attack - Operation Northwoods.mp3 13.03 Mb
82. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/06. Ch. 8 & 9 - The Vietnam Sham - Kennedy's Plans to Withdraw Troops from Vietnam.mp3 5.33 Mb
83. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/07. Ch. 10 - Flawed Intelligence - What Really Happened at The Gulf of Tonkin.mp3 14.07 Mb
84. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/08. Ch. 11 - Agent Orange - US Capabilities in Chemical & Biological Warfare.mp3 26.72 Mb
85. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/09. Deployment of New Incapacitants.mp3 18.81 Mb
86. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/10. Pt. 2 - Government, Military & Corporate Secrets - Ch. 12 - Nazis in the US - Putting War Criminals to Work for America.mp3 11.59 Mb
87. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/11. Ch. 13, 14 & 15 - Nazi War Crimes - More on US Intelligence & the Nazis.mp3 15.72 Mb
88. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/12. Ch. 16 - Warren Commission - CIA Propaganda Notes on the Kennedy Assassination.mp3 5.43 Mb
89. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/13. Ch. 17 - Noriega & the US - Running Drugs with Dictators.mp3 6.88 Mb
90. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/14. Ch. 18 & 19 - Rwanda Atrocities - America's Blind Eye to Genocide.mp3 10.64 Mb
91. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/15. Ch. 20 - Soldiers as Guinea Pigs - Military Experiments on Our Own Troops.mp3 13.64 Mb
92. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/16. Ch. 21 & 22 - War's Real Cost - Gulf War Illness & Our Veterans.mp3 16.77 Mb
93. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/17. Ch. 23 - Military Takeover - Operation Garden Plot - Our Military & Civil Disturbances.mp3 5.53 Mb
94. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/18. Ch. 24 & 25 - Freedoms for Safety - Emergency Detention Camps & Civilian Inmate Labor Programs.mp3 20.93 Mb
95. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/19. Ch. 26 - Contingency Planning - The Army's Continuity of Operations Plan.mp3 14.77 Mb
96. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/20. Ch. 27 - Embassy Cables - The State Department Cable on Russia as a Maffia State.mp3 8.64 Mb
97. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/21. Ch. 28 - The FDA's Blindside - Our Food Supply in Peril by Lack of Inspection.mp3 5.83 Mb
98. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/22. Ch. 29 - The EPA's Blindside - Pesticides & Honeybees.mp3 8.46 Mb
99. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/23. Ch. 30 - Embassy Cables - America's Fight Against Europe Over Biotech Crops.mp3 5.18 Mb
100. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/24. Ch. 31 - Military Studies Climate - Climate Change as a Threat to National Security.mp3 8.13 Mb
101. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/25. Ch. 32 - Corporate Influence - Koch Industry's Siminars for the Rich & Powerful.mp3 9.02 Mb
102. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/26. Pt. 3 - Shady White Houses - Ch. 33 - Nuke the Russians - Nixon's Vietnam Peace Plan.mp3 3.91 Mb
103. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/27. Ch. 34 - The CIA Versus The President - Nixon's Persuit of the CIA's Secret Files.mp3 4.15 Mb
104. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/28. Ch. 35 - Restless Youth - How Nixon Wanted the CIA & FBI to Crackdown on Youthful Dissidents.mp3 3.75 Mb
105. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/29. Ch. 36 & 37 - Stolen 2000 Election - The GES Emails & a CBS News Analysis.mp3 10.34 Mb
106. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/30. Ch. 38 & 39 - Stolen 2004 Election - Fixing the Vote in Ohio.mp3 14.97 Mb
107. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/31. Ch. 40 - Embassy Cables - Hilary Clinton's Call for Diplomats to Spy on the UN.mp3 5.33 Mb
108. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/32. Ch. 41 - Protecting Cyberspace & Internet Kill Switch.mp3 9.54 Mb
109. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/33. Ch. 42 - More Cyber Security - Homeland Securities - Cyber Security Agreement with the Pentagon.mp3 3.48 Mb
110. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/34. Pt. 4 - 911 - Ch. 43 - A New Pearl Harbor - A Thinktank's Anticipation of 911.mp3 11.87 Mb
111. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/35. Ch. 44 - 911 Warning - FBI Knowledge of Terrorists Training at Flight Schools.mp3 4.38 Mb
112. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/36. Ch. 45 - 911 Warning 2 - Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US - Bush was Told.mp3 3.39 Mb
113. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/37. Ch. 46 - A Change of Policy - The Pentagon's Stand Down Order on 911.mp3 8.03 Mb
114. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/38. Ch. 47 - Controlled Demolition - The Freefall of Building 7.mp3 7.81 Mb
115. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/39. Ch. 48 - Follow the Money - Evidence for Insider Stocktrading Before 911.mp3 20.98 Mb
116. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/40. Ch. 49 - Turning a Blind Eye - The FBI's Briefing on Trading for The 911 Commission.mp3 18.83 Mb
117. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/41. Pt. 5 - The War on Terror - Ch. 50 - Subverting the Constitution - The Justice Department's Plan.mp3 21.82 Mb
118. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/42. Ch. 51 - No More Rule of Law - President Bush's Justification for Torture.mp3 4.62 Mb
119. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/43. Ch. 52 - No Freedom of the Press - The Military's Astounding Media Ground Rules for Guantanamo.mp3 14.99 Mb
120. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/44. Ch. 53 & 54 - Torture Techniques - The Detainees at Guantanamo.mp3 6.63 Mb
121. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/45. Ch. 55 & 56 - Drug Abuse - A Medical Experiment on the Detainees.mp3 12.04 Mb
122. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/46. Ch. 57, 58 & 59 - Enhanced Interrogation - The Papertrail on the CIA's Destruction of 92 Torture Videos.mp3 8.74 Mb
123. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/47. Ch. 60 - An Ordered Beheading - Decapitation of a Detainee by US Forces in Iraq.mp3 1.47 Mb
124. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/48. Ch. 61 - Embassy Cables - The State Department's Take on Drug Money Leaving Afghanistan.mp3 8.40 Mb
125. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/49. Ch. 62 - Afghanistan's Opium Economy - A World Bank Report on Drugs.mp3 6.32 Mb
126. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/50. Ch. 63 - Rethinking The War on Terror - The Rand Report on Terrorism.mp3 7.27 Mb
127. 63 Documents by Jesse Ventura/51. Epologue - Resources for Curious Listeners.mp3 7.25 Mb