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(2002) [] Suicide Circle (Suicide Club) 2002 DVDRip XviD-TheWretched (Eng Sub)










2004-09-30 (by Toba )



Suicide Circle aka Suicide Club. aka Jisatsu circle Japan. 2002. DVDRip. Xvid. Jap Audio. Eng Subs. IMDB Midnight Eye Review .:: S T O R Y ::. "A dark and twisted commentary on social disaffection in modern Tokyo, Suicide Club chronicles a bizarre suicide fad that is quickly escalating out of control. The film becomes increasingly surreal as the suicides become more prevalent, and predicting what will happen next becomes close to impossible. Examining the influences of technology and popular culture on societal norms, Suicide Club is as fascinating as it is horrific. The suicide scenes themselves are fantastically gruesome, ranging from a group of high-school girls jumping to their bloody doom in front of an oncoming train, to a woman happily and slowly slicing away her hand an inch at a time, to a boy who leaps from a building only to land on his unsuspecting girlfriend. The only clues are rolls of stitched-together skin found in duffel bags after a few of the mass suicides, and a web site that counts off the suicides before they even happen. Mixed up in all of this madness is the teen-pop sensation Dessert, whose infectious caterwauling is decidedly more offensive than the hundred billion gallons of blood shed by the disenchanted school kids. Confused? You should be. Suicide Club is a bit of a head-scratcher, as the director's fondness for the surreal and unexpected doesn't always lead the viewer to easy explanations. Suicide Club is challenging cinema, downright hard to watch at times, but very rewarding to the viewers who aren't stomping their feet and howling like monkeys." ************************************************************

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Just do a search for ASIANTORRENTS and you'll find all the movies previously posted by me and others that has this tag (about 170). (Do you too post asian movies? Copy-paste this part to your posts!) ************************************************************ Here is a list of links to all the movies I've posted here on the bay. 2046.2004.RETAiL.DVDRip.XviD-TLF A-1.2004.RETAiL.DVDRip.XViD-TLF Ab-normal.Beauty.2004.DVDRip.XviD-iMBT Address.Unknown.2001.AC3.DVDrip.XviD-WAF Adrenaline.Drive.1999.DVDRip.DivX.EngSub Agitator.2001.DVDRIP.XVID-DiNO All.About.Lily.Chou.Chou.2001.DVDivX-SKY Antenna.Hole.In.The.Sky.2001.DVDRip.DivX Appleseed.2004.DVDRip.XviD.AC3-NDRT Arahan.DVDRip.DivX-TEXiO Bang.Rajan.2000.DVDRip.XviD-THAi Bayside.Shakedown.2.2003.LiMiTED.DVDRip-TLF Blind.Shaft.2003.DVDRip.XviD-iMBT Blue.Spring.2001.DVDRiP.XviD-WRD Bruce.Lee.BOXSET.NORDiC.PAL.DVDR-NEOTERiC Bunshinsaba.2004.DVDRiP.XviD-PLuS Casshern.2004.DVDRip.DivX-UNKNOWN Casshern.2004.NTSC.DVDR-FAG Casshern.2004.Limited.DVDRip.XviD-WRD Dark.Water.2002.DVRrip.DivX Deadly.Outlaw.Rekka.2002.PROPER.DVDRip.XviD-VoMiT Death.Powder.&.Burst.City.VHSRiP.DivX Doppelganger.2003.DVDRip.XviD-IMBT Dragon.Head.2003.DVDRip.XviD-POD Drive.2002.DVDrip.XviD-WRD Dumplings.Three.Extremes.2004.DVDRip-TLF Electric.Dragon.80000V.LIMITED.2001.DVDivX-EPiC Eureka.2000.DVDRip.XviD-QiX Female.Prisoner.Scorpion.BOXSET.DVDRip.DivX Fighter.In.The.Wind.2004.NTSC.DVDR-DELEUZE Flying.Boys.2004.PROPER.DVDRip.XviD-WivX Go.2001.NTSC.DVDR-ICHI Gozu.2003.DVDRip.XviD-PROMiSE Happiness.Of.The.Katakuris.2001.DVDivX-SKY Harakiri.1962.DVDRip.XViD-UNKNOWN Hard.Boiled.1992.PAL.DVDR-PON H.2002.DVDRip.DivX-CiMG If.You.Were.Me.2003.LIMITED.DVDrip.XviD-PLuS Izo.2004.DVDRip.XviD SnuhMCsnort Izo.2004.NTSC.DVDR-ICHI Jam.Films.2003.DVDRiP.XviD-WRD Jam.Films.2.2004.DVDRip.XviD-RiZZ Japanorama.2002.TVRip-BBC Ju-On.DVDRip.DivX.AC3 Lone.Wolf.And.Cub.COMPLETE.DVDRip.XviD-SOUTHSiDE Longinus.2004.DVDRip.XviD-BS Memories.Of.Murder.2003.LiMiTED.DVDRip.DivX-SAPHiRE Memories.of.Murder.2003.LiMiTED.PAL.DVDR-NmG Multiple.Personal.Detective.Psycho.2000.COMPLETE.DVDRip.DivX.AC3-WARSAW My.Wife.Is.A.Gangster.DVDRip.DivX PosTX My.Wife.Is.A.Gangster.2.DVDRip.XViD PosTX New.Police.Story.2004.NTSC.DVDR-ICHI Nine.Souls.2003.DVDRip.XviD-WRD Old.boy.2003.DVDRip.DivX.DTS-MoNG Oldboy.2003.NTSC.DVDR-DELEUZE Once.Upon.A.Time.In.High.School.2004.DVDRip.DivX.AC3-NG One.Missed.Call.2003.DVDRip.XviD-PoD Ong-bak.2003.DVDRip.Xvid.Int-EDRP Phone.2001.DVDRip.DivX-PosTX Ping.Pong.2002.DVDRip.DivX-AG Pirated.Copy.2004.SUBBED.DVDRip.XviD-iMBT Pornostar.1998.DVDRip.DivX Postman.Blues.1997.DVDRip.XviD R.Point.2004.DVDRiP.XviD-PLuS Revenge.Of.The.Ninja.1983.DVDRip.XviD-HORNED Silmido.2003.EngSub.DVDRip.XviD.AC3-DELEUZE Shark.Skin.Man.And.Peach.Hip.Girl.1998.DVDrip.DivX-PosTX Shinobi.No.Mono.1963.DVDRip.DivX.EngSub Shutter.2004.DVDRip.XviD-PROMiSE Some.2004.DVDRip.XviD-BiFOS Spider.Forest.2004.DVDRip.XviD-GaMo Spin.Kick.DVDRip.DivX-TEXiO Story.Of.Ricky.1992.PAL.DVDR-DELUZE Street.Mobster.1972.DVDRip.XviD-FiNaLe Suicide.Circle.2002.DVDRip.XviD-TheWretched Sympathy.For.Mr.Vengeance.2002.DVDivX-SKY Taegukgi.REPACK.DVDrip.DivX-PosTX Takashi.Miikes.Black.Society.Trilogy.DVDRip Tears.of.the.Black.Tiger.2000.PAL.DVDR-DERRIDA Tetsuo.2.Body.Hammer.1992.DVDRip.DivX.EngSub The.Eye.2.2004.DVDRip.XviD-BoB The.Super.Inframan.1975.NTSC.DVDR-ICHI Three.Extremes.2004.DVDRip.XviD-WRD Tokyo.Fist.DVDRip.XviD-GORiE Unlucky.Monkey.1998.DVDivX-DDX Versus.2000.NTSC.DVDR-ICHI Volcano.High.2001.DVDRip.DivX.OGG Wandafuru.Raifu.1998.DVDRip.DivX.AC3 Weather.Woman.1996.DVDRip.DivX.EngSub White.Dragon.2004.DVDRip.XviD-WRD Wild.Zero.2000.DVDRip.DivX.EngSubbed Zatoichi.1962-1989.COMPLETE.BOXSET.DVDRiP Zatoichi.2003.LiMiTED.DVDRiP.XViD-HLS Zatoichi.2003.LiMiTED.NORDiC.PAL.DVDR-iNNSYN Zebraman.2004.DVDRip.XviD-PoD Zebraman.2004.NTSC.DVDR-IGUANA Yakuzas.Law.1969.UNCUT.ENGSUB.DVDRip.XviD-FEROX this was an asiantorrents presentation ^_^

Files count:



702.89 Mb




seanunknown (2004-09-30)

Dumma människor som stampar fötterna och ylar som är anledningen till att jag inte gillar att gå på bio.

Br0nam (2004-09-30)

man this movie is sick !

GhettoFish (2004-10-10)

Asså bättre bärjan på en film får man leta efter :D
Jag var fast efter att dom hoppade, fan va hårt :)

Windforth (2004-10-13)

Fan va skön film alltså.
Vet någon vart man kan få tag på ringsignalen? ^_^

Sensei (2004-10-23)

Och hela DVDn finns här om ni vill ha det...

jisatsu (2004-11-01)

Fan vad jag vill ha ner den här filmen nu. Downloadrate är på 17kb/s medans uploadrate är på 120kb/s..

sparlplug (2004-11-10)

Tänk om någon skulle kunna seeda :D

sparlplug (2004-11-10)

Tack så hjärtligt 3 seedare nu ju :D:D:D

DOTED (2004-11-25)

Tack jag har väntat på att hitta någon som gör bra info om filmerna och lägger ut en massa japanska filmer. Man tackar

lolita_pop (2004-12-16)

Lite knepig film (mycket nonsens och icke-logik i asiatisk film som man kanske inte är van vid) men den är visuellt underhållande. Tågscenen i början är klart godkänd. :)

lainz (2004-12-21)

i need seeds for the last 2 mb PLEASE!
i also read manga 'bout this movie... it s great!

yellowieroo (2004-12-29)

please help to seed this file. i'm on the verge (88%) of finish it. please help.
thank you very much.

dirrrty_boda (2005-05-12)

kom igen nu folk, seeda plz :D

deadroleguy (2006-01-26)

You've got to be kidding me,stuck at 99.9% after without trouble downloading it? come on! Damn I hate this stuck at 99.9% thing.

deadroleguy (2006-01-27)

Finally I completed the download 100%,I wanna say thanks to Toba and whoever willing to seed it,thanks.

camuflach (2006-02-10)

i'm stuck at 87%.please help..

camuflach (2006-02-11)

can someone please seed....i'm at 93.6%..i really want to see this movie

camuflach (2006-02-11)

thanks...i'm done downloading

Aniti-hack (2006-04-12)

är det på denna film dom skär av sig fingrarna osv

Aniti-hack (2006-04-12)


Aniti-hack (2006-04-12)


TORQ227 (2007-12-29)

Any idea where and how to display subs? Movie sounds awesome but have no idea whats happening as I am an American. A-Horror is where it's at. Anyones help is very much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

SaDinski5 (2008-04-07)

whoever ripped this movie dont know wtf they are doing.
poor quality, know before you download

SaDinski5 (2008-04-07)

and sorry if im to late on your comment but to display the subtitles you need to enable the advanced hardware overlay.

poopypants (2008-09-17)

Thank you for this upload Toba.
A movie worth watching many times, one of my favs.

cosmonaut_zero (2008-12-22)

I know this film was free and all but it's really not worth the download, it's comparable to things like 'Fear Dot Com' and 'Fear Dot Com 2' but with less story and substance. Yes, I got the supposed ending but it was rubbish and poorly developed (so many plot holes). If you are downloading this for purely gore-based reasons you'll be dissapointed too. Check out something else. :-)

TiniZombie (2009-01-19)

This is one of my favourite movies, thanks for posting it~

CliveCar (2010-05-12)

Thanks, okay quality.

Ucada (2010-11-05)

com'on plz, anyone. I'm stucking at 99 right now. Help me out!

Stonecold1995 (2012-08-04)

I finished this movie yesterday. Despite quite a few plot holes, I thoroughly enjoyed it! VERY weird, and really quite fucked up!
The torrent downloaded fairly quickly, but stalled for a while. Not enough seeders maybe?


1. Suicide.Circle.2002.DVDRip.XviD-TheWretched/Suicide Circle - sample [no sound].avi 7.67 Mb
2. Suicide.Circle.2002.DVDRip.XviD-TheWretched/Suicide.Circle.2002.DVDRip.XviD-TheWretched.avi 695.06 Mb
3. Suicide.Circle.2002.DVDRip.XviD-TheWretched/ 48.14 Kb
4. Suicide.Circle.2002.DVDRip.XviD-TheWretched/suicidecircle-coverback.jpg 47.82 Kb
5. Suicide.Circle.2002.DVDRip.XviD-TheWretched/suicidecircle-coverfront.jpg 60.33 Kb