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Windows XP Home Edition SP2 x86 (Dell OEM Disc)




Software PC


Windows XP Home Edition SP2 x86 (Dell OEM Disc)




2008-09-24 (by stanky1219 )


This Is An Untouched ISO Of Windows XP Home For A Dell PC. It Will Work On Any PC But It "MAY NOT" Require A Product Key If You Install On A Dell.(Some Newer Dell's Will Require a Key.) I See A Lot Of Modified Versions On The Bay But None That Are Fully Original. This Is An Original Disc. No Tweak,Add-ons,Hacks,or Cracks. ENJOY! MY UPLOAD SPEED IS CRAP. PLEASE HELP ME SEED THIS TORRENT. THANKS! .MZN:,~. ND8MM . .... . . . ........................Z::: M................... .... . . . ......................... ....................... .... . . . ................................................. ........................................................ ........................................................ ............ ............................................... ...........I,=:............................................. ............O=?MM .......................................... .. ............. MMZ. .7.. ,~,8............ ............. ...~:$. .?77. ..O:?............. ............. .,. .?7777.. .MMMM............. ............. .777777.. $~~.M ............. ............. .7777777.. .?~+................ ............. .?77777777?. .. ................ ............. .$7777777777.. ................ ............. .I77777777777. ................ ............. ..?7777777777777. ................ ............. ..7777777777777I7?. ................ ............. . ......I77777777777777777777. ................ ............. ....77I77777777777777777$777777I7. ................ ............. ..,I77777777777777777777777$7777777I7 . ................ ..............77777777777777777777777777$$$77777777II:::::,.................. ............77777777777777777777777777$$$$$7777777777777777777$.............. ..........77777777777777777777777777$$$$$$7$77777777777777777777............. .........I77777777777777777777777$$$$$$$$$$$77777777777777777777............. ........+7777777777777777$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$777777777777777777777............ ........I7777777777$$$7$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$7$77777777777777777+............ .........777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777I............. ..........7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777=.............. .........I777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777$:........... .....777777777$$$$$$$$$$$7$77777777777$$$$$$77777777777$$7$$$$7777777........ ...Z7777$$$$$7$$$$$$777$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$77$$$$777$$7777...... ..Z777$$$$$$7$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$7$$$$77 ..... .,77$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$77...... .7777$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$77777$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$7777$$$$7:...... .,$7$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$77$$$$$$7777$77777777777777777777777........ ..,77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$I....... .....+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.... ..$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.. .$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$7 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$... .=$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$7+..... ..$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$......... . ..,I$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Z?............... ...........~===$$$$$77777777777777777$$$$7==+.......................... ................................................................ ................................................................ . ................M............ M....,MM, ...M... MMM .M? =O M................M........... MM...N+. M .MMM..,M..~M M? .MMMMM .~MMM MMMMM..M..IMON...M ..M...... M ...M..MM...M :MMMM M...OM..M.MM, M .M M:..MI ~M...M.....M$.... M.. MMMMM . M M...M ..M.MM .M .M+OM.. M M... M ..MO.......M......MI MMMMM7 M...~MMMM$7M..M .M..~M.. M... MMM..MMMMM .$MMM...$M, M+ M


  1. windows
  2. dell
  3. oem
  4. recovery disc

Files count:



562.79 Mb




Joana9 (2008-09-25)

Do you have windows xp professional for Dell? If so, can you upload it for me?
Let me know

 stanky1219 (2008-09-25)

no sorry. i will try to find a copy though. check back on my page from time to time. if i can get it i will upload it.

ChuckemuHaven (2008-09-25)

Thank you so much for this download. Thanks to you I was able to suucessfull fix my Uncle's Dell Computer Operating System. YOu were a lifesaver, and saved my Uncle 200+ dollars from stupid Circuit City or Best Buyt Maintenance.

 stanky1219 (2008-09-25)

no problem chuck.

ChuckemuHaven (2008-09-27)

There is one important question that I need to know regarding your Image file download. Now that I installed this Windows XP program on his Dell, is this authentic and Geniune with Microsoft?
Will my Uncle be able to receive updates from the Microsoft udates website??
If the Windows XP version you gave me is not Genuine, can you guide me in the right direction to make Genuine please?
I greatly appreciate it. Also I noticed that the audio drivers are not working on his computer. Its that a minor problem with this image file or does that have nothing to do with your file?
thanks, and sorry to ask you so many things.

 stanky1219 (2008-09-27)

it is the genuine copy. unaltered. it will recieve all updates. this disc came with a friend's dell dimension pc about 2 years ago. and i used it for a few months on my own pc and i recieved all updates. so your uncle is in good hands. :}

 stanky1219 (2008-09-27)

the audio drivers should download from windows update if you go to it should be in the critical updates list. the pc this disc came with had seperate discs for audio,video drivers. windows update should give you drivers.

ChuckemuHaven (2008-09-27)

Ok well thats great!
Thanks for answering all my questions Dude!
I downloaded your other tool Ad- Aware and it works great! Thanks again man and keep posting those apps. Peace!

 stanky1219 (2008-09-27)

No Problem Man.

aghuxavv (2008-09-28)

So fucking wonderful!
Please seed!

aghuxavv (2008-09-28)

Is Internet Modem included?

 stanky1219 (2008-09-28)

works with my modem. and every pc i've ever installed it on.

aghuxavv (2008-09-28)

OK, is this 32 or 64?

 stanky1219 (2008-09-28)

x86. that means 32 bit for future reference.

aghuxavv (2008-09-28)

Sure, thanks!

NickH440 (2008-09-29)

Will this work with boot camp or parallels on a mac?

 stanky1219 (2008-09-29)

im not sure. i have no experience on a mac or using bootcamp

NickH440 (2008-09-29)

it's asking me for the windows product key?

 stanky1219 (2008-09-30)

some pc's will require the key. this is an older disc so maybe it only works with older dell pc's.
my hp is like that. i have a vista oem disc for hp's that didnt require a key on my buddy's new hp but it asked for a key from me on my older hp.
probably the same deal here.

NickH440 (2008-09-30)

So you don't know the product key, or where I could get one?

 stanky1219 (2008-09-30)

any xp home key should do.

 stanky1219 (2008-09-30)

even if you enter a key that is used up you can still acttivate by phone. tell them it is the disc from the manufaturer and that youve only installed it on one pc but you have had to format numerous times due to hardware failure , crash ,etc. they will give you a really long number to type in and you will be activated

XxGhostxX (2008-10-11)

If you need to activate Windows XP, any version, then you should get AntiWPA. Im using it fine, never needed to activate. The place I got it from is here:
Im sure its on TPB but im too lazy to search for it.

 stanky1219 (2008-10-11)

or you could enter a bad key and then call microsoft and get them to activate it for you. you dont have to give any info at all.

dmarci (2008-10-12)

My friends computer w/ Windows XP2 has corrupted. She still has the product key, so can I use this install to recover Windows without it deleting any of her programs/documents?

 stanky1219 (2008-10-12)

you can use it to reinstall windows and all the files will be there. BUT even though the programs will still be there they wont work right because the registry will be new. but all personal files will stay there. just make sure to not choose the format option.

 stanky1219 (2008-10-12)

and yes her key will work.

MacChild (2008-10-16)

I am currently downloading and most likely will be testing on boot camp, that is if my friend doesn't give me his xp install disc;P

MacChild (2008-10-16)

does not work:P my mac basically shot the disc out so hard of the drive while I was doing the reboot into windows, that it fell out and landed on the floor. Scared the crap out of me.

 stanky1219 (2008-10-16)

WHATEVER DUDE!! this disc works. i can think of over 20 people whose pc's i have loaded this into. including an old dinosaur home built that i owned. maybe it just wont work on a mac???

bucsinluck23 (2008-10-17)

do you have the product key???

 stanky1219 (2008-10-17)

any valid xp home key will work. i don't give out keys because they are good for only 3 uses and will be blacklisted if you post them on websites like this.

bamboo576 (2008-10-26)

Tested on friend laptop... Uncompressed files and scanned, files all clean, I used NOD32 and Norton, Got no false positives while using virus scanning software... all scanning software was up to date and updated on 10/20/08... before download anything I wiped drive using killdisk and installed fresh copy on friend the OS was PC manufactures VISTA "nazi" cd which came with computer... No problems in installation on any Toshiba Satellite models ,it will work on newer Toshibas to, all clean all good for you...

schyla (2008-10-29)

Downloaded, burned to a disc, put disc in, set priority to boot from disc, nothing happens. Nothing recognizes the disc.
I've done this a hundred times before and I know I'm forgetting something. Why doesn't it recognize the iso file? I've even "unzipped" all the files inside onto a disk and still doesn't recognize it.

boeing787 (2008-10-31)

Very fast torrent. Everage download speed is 400kB/ps.
Thanks for seeding!

noaudio (2008-11-01)

yeah. fast dl. thanks. but why can't i use the key thats on the side of my dell so it's legit?

noaudio (2008-11-03)

how is it untouched if it didn't ask for a key?

 stanky1219 (2008-11-03)

because it is a dell disc. it wont ask for a key if installed on a dell. only if installed on another pc. it recognizes the dell bios and doesnt ask for a key. i installed it on a toshiba laptop today for somebody and it asked for a key. also it asks for a key if i install on my hp

kn3h (2008-11-04)

Just make sure you have the following:
- list of hardware components of your computer (just in case, make screenshots of device-manager)
- installation CD's/serials of software that came with your friends PC
- backup of c:\documents and setting\yourfriendsname\
- backup of other files you want to save
- driver for your network-card (if non-standard)
Off you go :-)
In my experience it's better to wipe your disc clean.

Thenewguy88 (2008-11-18)

will this work as a replacement Windows XP Home Edition Disc if i burn it to a DVD?
i need one to install language packs on my computer but my computer didnt come with it >.

 stanky1219 (2008-11-18)

yes this is a direct copy of a disc that came with a dell dimension pc.

 stanky1219 (2009-01-12)

no recovery partition.

dave12654 (2009-01-25)

yeah great speed u got there CHARLIE

dave12654 (2009-01-25)

and (by the way) how do you make torrent like that my speed sux ass. Anyway nice torrent thanx

 stanky1219 (2009-01-26)

Who Is Charlie?? LOL

alex_the_only (2009-01-31)

Please Reply A.S.A.P. You said you got this disc with your Dell dimension series right? so this will work on my old Dell Dimension 3000 right? And, it is OEm so I don't need a key but, if I do, I have one. But, still, Do i need a key or will this be pre activated because of my pc being a Dell??? Please Reply A.S.A.P

 stanky1219 (2009-02-06)

preactivated. sorry for the delay. ive been having problems with my internet provider since i moved.

Exavion (2009-03-25)

I am going to try this on bootcamp (and i read this is preactivated right?) and then I will reply if it works or not. I do have a Windows XP home product key, I will just have to see if it works, I have used it oh i think only twice (once for when it came with the computer i think that is using it, and the 2nd time for when i tried bootcamp with my Win XP SP1a dell disk) I do not see why it wouldn't work with bootcamp (or parallels or VMware) this is a genuine disk.

Mr Googles (2009-04-19)

Installed on a Dell Inspiron 700m as it had the XP Home edition sticker found underneath the laptop. Runs fine. CD key not needed and already activated. Passes WGA and Windows Update works.

NoOne898 (2009-04-29)


jayb83 (2009-07-02)

does this need an activation?, i do not use a dell, so i won't need a product key?

jayb83 (2009-07-02)

someone help!!, it's asking me to activate, what is the code?

jayb83 (2009-07-02)


glacen (2009-07-18)

Will this work on a Dell laptop as well?
ex. Dell Inspirion e1505.

DeviousG (2009-08-13)

please seed this people, i will seed after for a month, i really need this!

antv311 (2009-10-30)

worked great.... you do need a key though for regular computers but if you have one then great

 stanky1219 (2009-11-17)

great. i know its a good install. it came with my dads dimension 2400 i think.

shjade0520 (2009-12-09)

download and installation great. After installation while trying to install sp2, ie8, a few more, received message SHLWAPI.dll missing error. Could be because I was installing on Compaq pc.

Fossilie (2009-12-09)

Thanks, man. If this does not work for you try downloading KB310994 from Windows. It is an alternative to CD Rom Boot CD.

pman1515 (2009-12-12)

can i use the oem key on a friends laptop its a dell inspiron 8500 on vmware to test bfor install

Samlaptop (2009-12-18)

Can someone upload the offical retail ISO of XP Home Edition with a prodcut key that activates.

Maleor12 (2010-01-07)

Cheers you have now made me 50 bucks richer (old ladies needing a reformat FTW). not to mention you have SOOO much music on your profile. thanks a bunch

panther1499 (2010-01-12)

Thanks for this Stanky - I needed to reinstall XP onto a formatted Packard Bell but didn't have the disk - only the sticker on the side of the pc - and this torrent worked just fine! Had trouble at first burning the ISO without it dropping a few files but ended up burning a 1xspeed (with verification) using DVD Decrypter and finally got it working. Thanks again, great torrent!! :)

numbers99 (2010-01-23)

i've loaded this onto a dell of mine and i can't seem to change the screen resolution out of 800x640 or raise the colors from 16bit.. were files lost in the burn process? or is this for some other reason? i haven't activated yet and i have a legit product key but haven't input it because i haven't been prompted

ash.rnand (2010-02-11)


 stanky1219 (2010-02-27)

if you loaded it in a dell it wont ask for a key and the video problem is because it doesnt have the video drivers built in. just go to dells website and download the correct ones

martin10 (2010-03-15)

i have slic 2.0 will this work for me

Boltersdriveer (2010-04-10)

If anyone requires a SP2 Activation key, e-mail me @
I'll provide you with the keys :D

Realeyes (2010-04-16)

Listen, you fucking morons. If anyone supplies a product key, it will already be invalid when you try to use it because XP creates a custom code with hardware on your computer and sends it to Microsoft.
Jesus Christ, you fucking idiots, try reading up on XP installation and key codes. Googling had 5 top entries that explained this.
If you are reading this, can't understand shit about it, and sitting behind a desk, chances are your dumb ass has enough money to buy XP. Get the fuck out of here.

tranceg (2010-07-24)

Thanks for the post, much appreciated.

jo_111090 (2010-09-06)

Is this bootable? All I need is to burn this into a CD-r?

nemesis2445 (2010-09-26)

Not quite what i would call a real Dell OEM disk as it installs like a normal microsoft disk. it did however show OEM PID# on a Dell Dimension 4100 (with bios updated to A11, Dell added XP SLP to A10)

Shubda (2010-10-05)

How do I get a genuine activation key for this? -_-

yankees13_2 (2010-12-30)

works w/ HP perfectly. thx for the torrent.

hashishin666 (2011-05-31)

Thanks stanky

ignorantmonkey (2011-06-26)

Well, the download was fast and did write the disc...I installed it on a DELL that had issues... So I formatted it and applied the new OS on the disc...but then the screen resolution ended up at 4bits... and unable to modify that. Thought the disc had everything to replace the old damaged OS on the I ended up to this day with a display on 4 bits... Sorry

noneurdamnbizz (2011-08-13)

i dont usually comment on torrents but on this i will this is a great. i used to this file to make an iso image disc and it fixed my older dell with ease works great thanks

andieviv (2011-10-27)

can some kind soul seed please. promise to seed till the end of the year

2toast (2011-10-29)

Thank you stanky1219!
This works on an old old Toshiba laptop I needed to rebuild after its hard drive died (and of coarse the original XP CD is lost). Fucking Microsoft won't allow a normal XP Home install disc to accept an OEM product key.
All I had to do was activate and enter the laptop's 100% legit key. Why do Microsoft have to make things so fucking difficult..
I honor your mighty stank!

malice936 (2011-11-27)

thank you sooooo much dell is being a douche atm and wont give me a DAMN DISK so i can recover my other comp -.- youd think they would be smart enough to realize that some people actually do need a disk to fix their fuck ups...

kb50 (2012-03-03)

Do Anyone have a key chabger that will accept an OEM Key for XP Home SP3? Microsofts wont. Others are just changing the activation which wont work. There must be some stupid little program that will accept the OEM XP Home and allow you to change the product key after using a non legit key to install XP Home SP3. I want to avoid all the SP updating to install XP on older equipment. The OEM key is legit so will activate fine IF you can get it to accept it. SP3 wont accept the older key, but neither will microsofts Key Changer software...

chopino (2012-05-04)

Thanks! Works well with my IBM t43 (serial number from the sticker)

lilome (2012-07-12)

As it says. This is an OEM "Untouched" iso.
It is the operating system CD. These Cd's come alone or as part of a set that went with a new computer. The drivers & applications are typically on a separate CD or set of CD's
If your Display, Ethernet adapter, sound card or other hardware is not working or working properly , it's because you need to download the driver or drivers for THAT particular model PC & the hardware device.
You may even need the systems chipset driver as well so go to or go here directly:

This upload is the way its suppose to be.
It doesn't come with 10,000 + drivers because people either know how to or won't go to & look up the drivers themselves.

achaios69 (2012-09-13)

Hey man, do you have the XP Pro version of Dell OEM?

FLY635 (2013-02-05)

i want to but win XP on my dell inspiron 15r n5110
is it possible?
i have the XP CD but i dont find drivers for XP

jayhawkX (2013-09-18)

Awesome! Thanks.... Lost mine.


1. WXPSP2Home.iso 562.79 Mb