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Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit SP1 included GERMAN
Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit SP1 included GERMAN
2011-08-12 (by Heidepirat)
This is untouched German Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bit with SP 1 included
as seen on MSDN.
You will need a loader like DAZ loader to register
In German language:
Dies ist Windows 7 Ultimate mit eingebautem Servicepack 1 unverändert (Original).
Stand Mai 2011
Du brauchst zum Registrieren einen Loader wie z.B. den DAZ loader
Files count:
3116.75 Mb
Chiefobi (2011-08-12)
hey heidepirat,can u also upload 32 bit version ???...or AIO incl. SP1 in german...would be nice...thx
Heidepirat (2011-08-12)
@ ChiefobiI am willing to do so.
Win7 SP1 32Bit German is availbale.
Due to my slow upload speed I prefer to complete this torrent before starting another one.
Now, seeding since 9 hours, upload progress is about 40 %. So I will need to seed this torrent for another 24 hours. Please be patient.
By the way, concerning your nickname, are you the boss of OBI (Baumarkt)? :-)
Chiefobi (2011-08-12)
thx a lot...this is my first nickname since 1996mein erster spitzname seit ich im internet bin...seit ca.
Dimmis80 (2011-08-19)
Hi guys.I have a question if anyone knows.I allready have a version on Win7 64Bit Ultimate English but without SP1 included.And they don't need Activation they are activated.I used a lot of updates and they all work fine.But i don't know about SP1(If i will install it) if it will ruin my activation and i will then need to activate it my self and i can't do that because the Win are pirated and stuff.And then i will have to Format and install them and stuff.!!So any help or if anyone knows and can answer my question.???Thanks in Advance.Heidepirat (2011-08-19)
Hi Dimmis,> ...I have Win7 64Bit Ultimate English but without SP1 ...
well, this is German edition, but activation technology should be the same.
> ...SP1(If i will install it) if it will ruin my activation...
I am afraid, nobody can answer your question, because nobody knows, which activation hack you used.
What I can tell you for sure: The software from this torrent can be activated: It is shown as "Genuine" by Windows after you use the Daz loader and reboot. You can install and uninstall this loader as often as you like.
I suggest you to uninstall your previous activation hack, try Daz loader and if it works, then install SP1. But I cannot give you any guarantee. In worst case, if it doesn't work, perform a clean new install with an untouched DVD (like this torrent) and use Daz loader. Good luck!
Dimmis80 (2011-08-20)
@Heidepirat thanks for the quick respond dude.The thing i know for sure is that when i installed my Win it was activated and it wrote "Genuine" windows and stuff.I did not do anything with the activation on these windows..!?Do u think that i got,must Install SP1 do u think that i will need it for games and stuff in the near future.???Heidepirat (2011-08-21)
Hi Dimmis,reading your description I can only guess what kind of activation your system has.
Try running the Daz loader, it will show you an analysis of your system's activation. Starting the loader does not apply any changes unless you hit the 'install' button.
Generally speaking I recommend applying all service packs and all security patches for security reasons.
If I were you I would do this:
1. backup all my data (external hdd / DVDs)
2. apply SP1 and all security patches to your windows
3. should activation fail now,
4a try installing Daz loader - if this fails
4b re-install windows from an untouched install DVD. I didn't get it, if you want German language or other language. German DVD is available with integrated SP1 in both 32 and 64 bit in my torrents, for other languages you will need to look on your own. I think, this is good for W7 SP1 Ultimate 32bit English:
good luck.
Dimmis80 (2011-08-21)
@Heidepirat thanks a lot for the help dude.Be cool.:-)Chiefobi (2011-08-21)
hallo heidepirat...wie sieht es aus mit der w7 aio incl. sp1...?
Heidepirat (2011-08-21)
Hallo Chiefobi,> wie sieht es aus mit der w7 aio incl. sp1...?
eine all-in-one mit 32 und 64 Bit gleichzeitig habe ich nicht, wird es von mir also auch nicht geben.
Um eine AIO für entweder 32 oder 64 zu bekommen, muss man nur die ei.cfg löschen. Das ist eine klitzekleine Änderung, bezogen auf die 2 bis 3 GB, die eine Ultimate-DVD hat.
Es ist super einfach:
- Power ISO besorgen ( )
- Win7-SP1-deutsch-Ultimate-ISO besorgen
( 32:
64: )
- das Win7-ISO mit Power ISO auf Platte entpacken
- auf der Platte im Ordner "sources" die Datei ei.cfg löschen
- mit Power ISO das Image neu packen/brennen
- du hast eine all-in-one-DVD
Ich brauche nichts anderes als Ultimate, deswegen habe ich meine torrents unverändert als Ultimate gelassen. Es ist manchmal schöner, eine komplett unveränderte Original MSDN-DVD zu haben, man kann z.B. den Hashwert des Images bei Microsoft vergleichen, so dass man sicher ist, dass ich nichts hinzugepackt habe.
Du kriegst das bestimmt selber hin. Wenn du willst, kannst du das neue Image dann ja selber als AIO seeden.
cheers, Heidepirat
Heidepirat (2011-09-03)
Daz updated his Loader.You can find Daz's Loader version 2.0.6 here:
You'll need a tool like this unless you have an original key for Windows 7 Ultimate.
- - -
Daz hat eine neue Version seines Loaders herausgebracht. Du kannst Daz's Loader hier herunterladen:
ruffshadow (2011-11-08)
THX Heidepirat. Äusserst lässiger Upload!!!Work's Great.
truthy (2011-12-22)
hi, hab da jetzt nochmal eine frage wegen dem hashwert. lt. MSDN sollte der ja folgender sein, stimmt das?SHA1:
truthy (2011-12-22)
okay, hat sich erledigt. habs gerade mit checksum überprüft hash-werte stimmen:SHA1:
MD5: 62cf81f46437de400e336622ba1ba483
danke vielmals für den upload - ein sauberes aktuelles Win7 SP1, genau was ich gesucht habe echt super!
nero4177 (2012-02-15)
hallonero4177 (2012-02-15)
hallo,ich würde mich freuen wenn mir jemand weiterhelfen könnte. win7 habe ich installiert. alles bestens, jedoch weiss ich nicht wo ich die serial finde. oder brauche ich sie überhaupt nicht?
bitte ums chnelle hilfe
wanna_cairon (2012-04-23)
Bro, i wanna download windows 7 sp1 64 bit only & i found this one. I'm curious about the installation language, in English or German?Help me please!
kalli2013 (2013-03-29)
How to download here ? i dont wanna load an fucking secure.exe wtf ?!and i dont want to download an fucking Torchbrowser thats infected ,too...
Tell me how to download here oO