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AutoCAD LT 2009 32 Bit (x86) English + Keygen & Activation RAR
AutoCAD LT 2009 32 Bit (x86) English + Keygen & Activation RAR
2008-12-28 (by iP00D)
Autodesk AutoCAD LT 2009 - 32Bit (x86) English version .RAR
Keygen/Acivation included - Will update
Please read the Install.nfo (right click & open with notepad/wordpad)
Files count:
519.43 Mb
iP00D (2008-12-29)
Please seed - I'm hard pressed to seed 180 peersThanks in anticipation
gragragragra (2008-12-30)
thanks i'l seeding and it working perfectly!!!!iP00D (2008-12-30)
@gragragragra - thanks for the comment and thanks for seeding. Much appreciateddundasbah (2009-01-03)
I think i may be an idiot as I can not get it activated. I got the activation code generated but which serial to use?iP00D (2009-01-03)
@dundasbahThere are 3 serials in the install.nfo
dundasbah (2009-01-05)
@IPOOD......MAN STILL NO LUCK...I AM A NEWBEEdundasbah (2009-01-05)
@IPOD......HEY I GOT IT...LOL THANKSraylay2 (2009-01-06)
Opening main folder, Opening x86 folder. Running acadlt, windows installation wizard; Installs complete with desktop shortcut...won't let me open program...error!...could you help please?raylay2 (2009-01-06)
Also...wheres Install.nfo?raylay2 (2009-01-06)
Also, where's Install.nforaylay2 (2009-01-06)
WHOO...sorry! done it by the seat of my pants...clever stuff, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!...WAY way over my head...really; I know what this is worth and I will try to be worthy, with respect to my effort to learn it.adelgander (2009-01-09)
I'm having a lot of trouble trying to find the .nfo file that has the serial.iP00D (2009-01-09)
@ adelganderInstall.nfo is in the folder you downloaded to - it has not been RARed
jayking58 (2009-01-11)
i found a site that has autocad 64bit and 32bit at:
what can i say worked like a treat:) couldnt be happier, i wanted activation to it so i got it just sharing cause would reccomd.
cliff344 (2009-01-16)
This will not install from a CD/DVD. You must make sure the files are on your hard-drive somewhere. Otherwise if you copy these files to a DVD, when you install from it, it will prompt you for a disk and will not continue to insall. I saved all the files to a disk for safe keeping. However when I installed, I just copied the files to my hard drive and installed the app, then just deleted the files aftewards. Works perfectly, just follow the instructions in the .nfo file.jutis (2009-01-21)
programet vill inte öppna jag har installerat det som det står i install.nfo HJÄLPsnitsch (2009-01-22)
Seed please !conmat (2009-01-27)
great job man...i followed the (VERY CLEAR) instructions and it worked like a charm...thanksBorreguito (2009-02-11)
Gracias for sharing amigo works greatzgrv (2009-02-12)
Hey iP00D,Do you ( or anyone else), know if this AutoCAD LT 2009 32 Bit (x86) works on Windows 7 beta 32 bit?
iP00D (2009-02-12)
@ zgrvI haven't tried it on 7. Perhaps you could try installing it and post your results back here. Cheers
qosmio2008 (2009-02-24)
Thanks iPOODBut where is the file?
I can't find any serial any where?
qosmio2008 (2009-02-24)
thank you iP00Di was able to find it ....
It's work
Great work iP00D
24si6 (2009-03-06)
thanks for this .. really help me to do my study at home instead of going to the uni campus labbootstraps (2009-03-07)
Still cant locate that serial. Can someone give me a leadbootstraps (2009-03-07)
Oh I see. Never MIND... I'm not a very good pirate user...alexking8 (2009-03-14)
i found a really nice site where i got my autocad 64bit from thats totally worth it :) at:
download was easy and fast got it with activation 2 :P so just awesome. also has 32bit. thanks 2 that site found what i needed. would reccomend ppl.
ApexXxi (2009-03-24)
Ty! Works Fine! :)Taelzos (2009-03-25)
During the installation, I encounter a problem and the installation stops cold.I get a message saying: Internal Error: 2337.
Any Ideas?
jackman234 (2009-03-25)
MY GOD THIS IS A FAST DOWNLOAD!!!! thank you so much everyone who is seeding. i'll make sure to share too because 1.2 mb/sec download is certainly nice to have!shihalude (2009-03-29)
Works perfect thanks much!woetie (2009-04-14)
works and virusses, keep up the good worktaylor09 (2009-06-12)
can anyone help please. i can't get the install file to open at all therefore cant get the serial number. everything else seems to be working fine.Apa1c6hie (2009-06-14)
Works perfectly!Thanks.
Taylor09-you can try anyone of the following serials 666-98989898,653-12354321 or 666-69696969.(After extracting and selecting setup.exe,installation screen will pop-up)
Sepher (2009-06-22)
Taylor, google for DAMN NFO Viewer needed to open the install instructions :Fast download as of 22/6/09, clean install, working serial / activation. Top torrent! :)