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AutoCAD LT 2009 32 Bit (x86) English + Keygen & Activation RAR






AutoCAD LT 2009 32 Bit (x86) English + Keygen & Activation RAR




2008-12-28 (by iP00D)


Autodesk AutoCAD LT 2009 - 32Bit (x86) English version .RAR Keygen/Acivation included - Will update Please read the Install.nfo (right click & open with notepad/wordpad)

Files count:



519.43 Mb




iP00D (2008-12-29)

Please seed - I'm hard pressed to seed 180 peers
Thanks in anticipation

gragragragra (2008-12-30)

thanks i'l seeding and it working perfectly!!!!

iP00D (2008-12-30)

@gragragragra - thanks for the comment and thanks for seeding. Much appreciated

dundasbah (2009-01-03)

I think i may be an idiot as I can not get it activated. I got the activation code generated but which serial to use?

iP00D (2009-01-03)

There are 3 serials in the install.nfo

dundasbah (2009-01-05)


dundasbah (2009-01-05)


raylay2 (2009-01-06)

Opening main folder, Opening x86 folder. Running acadlt, windows installation wizard; Installs complete with desktop shortcut...won't let me open program...error!...could you help please?

raylay2 (2009-01-06)

Also...wheres Install.nfo?

raylay2 (2009-01-06)

Also, where's Install.nfo

raylay2 (2009-01-06)

WHOO...sorry! done it by the seat of my pants...clever stuff, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!...WAY way over my head...really; I know what this is worth and I will try to be worthy, with respect to my effort to learn it.

adelgander (2009-01-09)

I'm having a lot of trouble trying to find the .nfo file that has the serial.

iP00D (2009-01-09)

@ adelgander
Install.nfo is in the folder you downloaded to - it has not been RARed

jayking58 (2009-01-11)

i found a site that has autocad 64bit and 32bit at:
what can i say worked like a treat:) couldnt be happier, i wanted activation to it so i got it just sharing cause would reccomd.

cliff344 (2009-01-16)

This will not install from a CD/DVD. You must make sure the files are on your hard-drive somewhere. Otherwise if you copy these files to a DVD, when you install from it, it will prompt you for a disk and will not continue to insall. I saved all the files to a disk for safe keeping. However when I installed, I just copied the files to my hard drive and installed the app, then just deleted the files aftewards. Works perfectly, just follow the instructions in the .nfo file.

jutis (2009-01-21)

programet vill inte öppna jag har installerat det som det står i install.nfo HJÄLP

snitsch (2009-01-22)

Seed please !

conmat (2009-01-27)

great job man...i followed the (VERY CLEAR) instructions and it worked like a charm...thanks

Borreguito (2009-02-11)

Gracias for sharing amigo works great

zgrv (2009-02-12)

Hey iP00D,
Do you ( or anyone else), know if this AutoCAD LT 2009 32 Bit (x86) works on Windows 7 beta 32 bit?

iP00D (2009-02-12)

@ zgrv
I haven't tried it on 7. Perhaps you could try installing it and post your results back here. Cheers

qosmio2008 (2009-02-24)

Thanks iPOOD
But where is the file?
I can't find any serial any where?

qosmio2008 (2009-02-24)

thank you iP00D
i was able to find it ....
It's work
Great work iP00D

24si6 (2009-03-06)

thanks for this .. really help me to do my study at home instead of going to the uni campus lab

bootstraps (2009-03-07)

Still cant locate that serial. Can someone give me a lead

bootstraps (2009-03-07)

Oh I see. Never MIND... I'm not a very good pirate user...

alexking8 (2009-03-14)

i found a really nice site where i got my autocad 64bit from thats totally worth it :) at:
download was easy and fast got it with activation 2 :P so just awesome. also has 32bit. thanks 2 that site found what i needed. would reccomend ppl.

ApexXxi (2009-03-24)

Ty! Works Fine! :)

Taelzos (2009-03-25)

During the installation, I encounter a problem and the installation stops cold.
I get a message saying: Internal Error: 2337.
Any Ideas?

jackman234 (2009-03-25)

MY GOD THIS IS A FAST DOWNLOAD!!!! thank you so much everyone who is seeding. i'll make sure to share too because 1.2 mb/sec download is certainly nice to have!

shihalude (2009-03-29)

Works perfect thanks much!

woetie (2009-04-14)

works and virusses, keep up the good work

taylor09 (2009-06-12)

can anyone help please. i can't get the install file to open at all therefore cant get the serial number. everything else seems to be working fine.

Apa1c6hie (2009-06-14)

Works perfectly!
Taylor09-you can try anyone of the following serials 666-98989898,653-12354321 or 666-69696969.(After extracting and selecting setup.exe,installation screen will pop-up)

Sepher (2009-06-22)

Taylor, google for DAMN NFO Viewer needed to open the install instructions :
Fast download as of 22/6/09, clean install, working serial / activation. Top torrent! :)

imsharing (2009-06-25)

took only 80 minutes total for gr8 too

SPANDEXGIRL (2009-07-15)

Hi, I've just downloaded this and am having issues with the registration... I've tried the different serial numbers as posted on here (the info file wouldn't open for me) but it's not having any of it. I've used the jey gen and it just keeps telling me there's a problem with my activation code... any ideas?

SPANDEXGIRL (2009-07-15)

Ignore that, it finally worked... now it just keeps telling me it's not installed proplerly and i need to reinstall Let's go again.......

zero131313 (2009-10-18)

What the hell my computer isnt downloading its taking me to can not display my page.

treatesl (2009-10-25)

Great upload, thanks

rcm00 (2011-02-26)

hi, please i need an activation code, not a serial number , i already did the setup and it did work