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Burnout Paradise The Ultimate Box [RIP] [Multi-8] by Synergy






Burnout Paradise The Ultimate Box [RIP] [Multi-8] by Synergy




2009-02-04 (by Shroo)


Burnout Paradise (formerly known as Burnout 6) by Criterion Games is the seventh game in the Burnout video game series. It was released in January 2008 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It was also released on the PlayStation Store in September 2008 and will be available on Microsoft Windows from February 2009. It has an open world set in the fictional Paradise City, with no loading times and no traditional online lobbies or game menus. The song "Paradise City" by Guns N' Roses is the game's title music and also featured on the in-game soundtrack RiPPeD: Nothin, Nil, Nada, None RiPPeR: Synergy CraCKeD: RELOADED PatcheD: v1.1 Languages: EN,DE,FR,IT,ES,JP,PL,RU Installation: 1. Unrar with 7z or Winrar 2. Run setup.bat 3. Wait 4. To change language go to Soft folder Languages choose your language copy it to your desktop and run the registry. 4. Play the game Njoy ;] Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box Download Minimum System Requirements * OS: Windows XP (SP2), Vista * CPU: 2.8 GHz Pentium 4 or faster * RAM: 1 GB RAM XP / 1.5 GB Vista, 2GB recommended * Hard Drive: 4 GB of free space or more * Video: DirectX 9.0c compatible with Shader Model 3.0. Video card must be 128MB or more and contain one of the following chipsets: NVIDIA 6600 or greater; Radeon X1300 or greater. * Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible * Multiplayer requires one disc or digital copy per PC and a 512 Kb/s or faster connection. * Internet or network (up to 8 players).

Files count:



1799.22 Mb




 Shroo (2009-02-04)

Had to reuppload it, found an error.
SOrry for that

indian12 (2009-02-04)

What was the error

AshEnke (2009-02-04)

I unzipped it, ran the setup.bat ...
But I can't change the language, I have an error.
And when I launch the game, it loads for hour so I can't play it.
Any solution ?

CaptainJacSparrow (2009-02-04)

OH fuck off, just installing it now and have read re - up error. mines extracting now in win 7. shall i sack it and get this one?

CaptainJacSparrow (2009-02-04)

Keep getting bsod upon reboot after installing this, well it was the other one. Never had bsod before, what have you done to my computer shroo. I know it dont contain a virus so wtf. help me out here.

AshEnke (2009-02-04)

I tried to launch BurnoutLauncher.exe and I get this :
"Could not find a copy of Burnout Paradise installed."

Knight_Rider (2009-02-04)

Shroo....pls help me. In some pc games there are files w/ pak as their extension. When i try to open it using 7zip, winrar, winzip, pakexplorer and many more is says
""This file can't be opened""
Can i open these files via any program. If yes then pls help me. A little help will bo more applicable.

danikaix (2009-02-04)

im sorry but ur rip didnt work for me this time
i apreciate your effort thoght
I extracted and installed the game, everything whent fine but when i run the game it starts loading on an endless lop(it stays on the loading screen forever), and if i try the game laucher this message shows up
"Could not find a copy of Burnout Paradise installed."
pc specs
core 2 duo 2.2
ge force 8600 driver 181.22
2gb ram 667
win xp sp3 everything you could imagine up to date

danikaix (2009-02-04)

hey dude i figured out the problem regarding the endless lop
theres a rar file called "sound" inside the game folder C:\urfolderhere\Burnout Paradise The Ultimate Box\SOUND.rar
all i needed to do was extract it the the game root folder C:\urfolderhere\Burnout Paradise The Ultimate Box\SOUND

 Shroo (2009-02-04)

@Knight_Rider update your winrar

 Shroo (2009-02-04)

@AshEnke just extract

 Shroo (2009-02-04)

@CaptainJacSparrow hmm, i have no idea. Especially when its windows 7beta

 Shroo (2009-02-04)


marioplayer (2009-02-05)

when i run the setup it gos to 30% and then freezes what do i do

 Shroo (2009-02-05)

@marioplayer wait, be patient.

marioplayer (2009-02-05)

ya o got jumpy it finished and works great good upload man

marioplayer (2009-02-05)

ok i made an account and when it trys to connect it stops responding and i get that stupid windows arror what can i do

maksovizija (2009-02-05)

I think the registry is not installed

 Shroo (2009-02-05)

If the game run its not a registry problem, hmm...

danikaix (2009-02-05)

you dont need to create an account to play
When the account menu pops up press backspace (

danikaix (2009-02-05)

you dont need to create an account to play
When the account menu pops up press backspace then enter, it will take u directly to the main menu
ps: sorry somehow my last comment wasnt posted propely

d_wizzay (2009-02-05)

the games works great, thanks man

rowyncole (2009-02-05)

Thanks Shroo

indian12 (2009-02-05)

Thanx man dwnloaded the previous upld nd it works perfect.Just had the extract the sound myself.

 Shroo (2009-02-05)

This one is fixed so sound archive will get extracted too

CaptainJacSparrow (2009-02-05)

Thanx for reply mate, got it working eventually. You do a good job so keep em commin, nice one.

Mikax_cv (2009-02-05)

any one can give the Soft folder Languages just this i have the game in multi but he instaled in german

arnibold (2009-02-05)

thanks dude im downloading by the moment.

KleroBoy (2009-02-06)

Damn it... I can't start the download, I press "Download this torrent" and it says that I can't connect to server

carpetcarl (2009-02-06)

Thanks Shroo this works perfectly for me. Just one question, how do you change video options in this game? The main menu doesn't have an options section and neither does the pause menu in game.

CaptainJacSparrow (2009-02-06)

@carpetcarl, the video options are in the pause menu, you have to scroll through the options which have three different menus, hope this helps.

CaptainJacSparrow (2009-02-06)

Does anybody know how to implement the patch for this thing, im sick off the stunt cam. when i go to install it says burnout paradise not installed - reinstalling the application blah blah. doe anyone know how to install the patch> thanx.

 Shroo (2009-02-06)

@CaptainJacSparrow this was patched to latest version 1.1

arnibold (2009-02-06)

How to change the language?
Run setup.bat
and then? how to run the registry?

arnibold (2009-02-06)

BTW: when i copy the language file to desktop and run it, it says German.reg isn't a registry file

arnibold (2009-02-06)

when i want to run german.reg from desktop it says german.reg isn't a registry file

 Shroo (2009-02-06)

Here is fixed languages

ElvIsAlive (2009-02-06)

darm im just finshing the first version- any info on extructing the sound manually

thanna (2009-02-07)

rips usually are copy paste games..
if i install this in one computer then copy that folder to another pc,will multiplayer work via lan?
does multiplayer via lan work with this rip version or not?

sarahandkevin (2009-02-07)

thank you

 Shroo (2009-02-07)

@thanna there is a big chance that the game will not work. But in many cases games do work without registry.

 Shroo (2009-02-07)

@ElvIsAlive pm me on here
nick Shroo will help you.

thanna (2009-02-09)

i know this may be asking too much,but,nevertheless,is there by any chance to have just a separate *.reg file to have the game registered?
i mean,you have this kind of installation for your GTA IV Rip right? where,after the end of the setup,you will just have to click that reg file or something.
because of this method,i just had to install GTA 4 on one of my PC's and all i had to do was copy the whole GTA 4 folder,install all the other required apps for it,then clicked that reg file and voila,it's working. saved me a whole lot of minutes,not to mention even an hour i guess,of extra time of installing.

luigivamp (2009-02-09)

Hey Shroo love your work but i can't get this one to work. I open the app and it goes black and shuts down and i open the launcher and it says "Could not find a copy of Burnout Paradise installed. You may need to reinstall your copy of Burnout Paradise". It's not the sound.rar problem because there are no rar files. Any chance you know what's wrong? If not don't worry i'll just grab the crack instead. Cheers mate

ElvIsAlive (2009-02-09)

Shroo im there- help

ElvIsAlive (2009-02-11)

Thanks Shroo ya magic
works online too, dont tell anybody hehe

 Shroo (2009-02-12)

@bigtool. when in game press esc and then with F1 and F2 keys scroll trough menu.

ZabijeCie (2009-02-13)

Does not work. Crashes whole computer with blue screen of death upon loading game, after clicking cancel for internet connect.
Installation went fine, and this game uses up more than 1gb of memory on TASK MANAGER!!!
Seems like a great game, if it worked :S

ZabijeCie (2009-02-13)

i do meet the requirements.
2gb ram
3200+ processor
6600GT nvidia. 256mb

Hotstylerchrizz (2009-02-13)

I have downloaded and installed it as its supposed to, but when i get past the go online (i click backspace and move on) and get to the next loading screen im just stuck there forever until i reboot my pc, anyone knows what can be wrong please?

Hotstylerchrizz (2009-02-13)

And i have no SOUND.rar in my burnout folder, only a folder named SOUND, like its alrdy extracted, but please anyone able to help?

 Shroo (2009-02-14)

@ZabijeCie semes that you have some OS problems... hmm i dunno what to suggest..

ZabijeCie (2009-02-14)

yeah, im sure this works, because i've downloaded a RELOADED release as well, and the same thing happens, Upon reaching the loading screen after the cancel online, it wants to load but gets stuck, then if i do not ctrl+alt+del, i will get blue screen of death!

Redrumthepirate (2009-02-14)

Thank you Shroo, works perfectly, and only 1.76 GB ! :) one of the best compressions i've ever seen, i've even got the online play to work, one of the best racing games on pc out there. Thanks againt to Shroo and Synergy.

mrwout (2009-02-23)

Hey shroo, thanks for this upload but i've got a rather strange problem :s after i installed the game it worked perfectly but the next day after I restarted my pc it would't work and crash after the first lading screen (before the company logos)
After this I reinstalled the game, and it worked again but after I restarted my pc another time the game crashed again.
ANy idea what the problem might be and how to solve it ?

Technocian (2009-02-28)

I know this sounds newbie but... I can't seem to find a way to connect online. The option doesn't come up in my game menu.

PcConquerer1399 (2009-03-21)

Shroo= AMAZIn!!!
and it works great

hash94 (2009-03-26)

its works fine
great job!!!

nooblube (2009-03-27)

amazing torrent, no viruss Trojans or the like. easy installation and it works perfectly thank you so much!

SomewhatTasteful (2009-03-27)

Nice Compression...Will seed like a biznatch!

hash94 (2009-03-27)

can anyone tell me how to play this online????

SomewhatTasteful (2009-03-27)

hey man i don't have a sound folder to extract sound.ARC to. and i get the loading screen for foreverrrrr. Pleaseee help shroo.

ElvIsAlive (2009-03-28)

Shroo bet ya cant crack the new patch

zurphie (2009-03-28)

i'm stuck at the setup.bat
can't get throught 30%. an error pop up
any solutions?

ElvIsAlive (2009-03-28)

maybe if ya told us the error - we could help
id say download the RELOADED version
sounds like ya windows Needs RELOADING
no pun intented

zurphie (2009-03-28)

error - the system cannot find the file specified.
after the program finished setting up data2.arc

SomewhatTasteful (2009-03-28)

now when i try to redo the setup i get the same error as ^ but mine is at 1%
please help anyone.

ElvIsAlive (2009-03-29)

ya go buy the game - ya cant play online anymore, with the orginal hey

PcConquerer1399 (2009-04-16)

Wrks, but Ehh on the game

dimmidice (2009-04-28)

hello, i'm having trouble finding "setup.bat" anyone know where to find it?

dimmidice (2009-04-28)

also everytime i press "instal" on autorun it closes and 25processes come up in task manager all calle "ssm" and i keep getting popups from framework. help pls?

dimmidice (2009-04-29)

has virus, causes ctrl to be pushded at random times.

dimmidice (2009-04-30)

nvm my last comment, i suppose that could've been from something else also :p!
i still could not get this torrent too work though. advice downloading the other one :p

bjrn92 (2009-06-18)

Ey Shroo, I see some other ppl have got the same problem as I do but none of them has been solved.
So, I run the game, press backspace when I come to the "create account" menu and then it starts to load... After a while my screen turns black and all I can do is to press altf4. Got any solutions to this problem?

murderme (2009-06-25)

man this is fucked up.
it loads an everything and when i get to the loading screen after the login shit (i push backspace to cancel) it goes to load then poof....nothing. the music and everything still plays, and after a while i hit enter and u can hear lady talking about paradise city.
how the hell do i get past the loading screen?

Faynor (2009-07-21)

I am stuck at a endless load screen after I click "enter paradise city". Happened on one other I tried. Fix for it? thanks

Faynor (2009-08-01)

I figured out the problem with the endless loading screen. adjust your screen resolution of your desktop to 1024 by 768 that should solve your problem. As it did mine, the game can't run on a desktop any bigger then that. If your desktop is that size or smaller and doesn't work I haven't figured that out yet.

robot456 (2009-12-04)

does this work online?

robot456 (2009-12-04)

please does anybody know how to get this working online ill really appreciate it

robot456 (2009-12-04)

i rated this down by accident
downloading 1H 50MINS-42%

Chyeaa (2009-12-09)

I cant get it to work online. when i create an account and it tries to connect to the server. it then says that i need the latest patch to go on. helpp

dhruv990 (2010-01-31)

For those facing the endless loading screen as i was.
Note that when the files get ectracted theres a file reg.exe in the extracted folder.
Double click this, a window will quickly pop open and close. Now click the configurator and set the screen size to 1024*768(I set it to 800*600) WORKS PERFECTLY!!!!!!

dhruv990 (2010-01-31)

got too excited while writing my last comment here is an error free version:
For those facing the endless loading screen as i was.
Note that when the files get extracted theres a file reg.exe in the extracted folder.
Double click this, a window will quickly pop open and close. Now click the configurator and set the screen size to 1024*768(I set it to 800*600 to be sure) NOW IT WORKS PERFECTLY!!!!!!

banovecjoze (2010-04-27)

i want to update it bur when in download and want to install it says : Software Not Found
i want to know why can't i install it .


seed thank u