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9480 Very Rare and Best Fonts Collection [Malestrom]






9480 Very Rare and Best Fonts Collection [Malestrom]




2009-12-26 (by malestrom_HH )

Description: 9480 Very Rare and Best Fonts Collection TTF

Files count:



257.64 Mb




ioannisarc (2009-12-31)

Thank you very much.

IS-118 (2010-01-04)

Thanks ..Bud.

stylishx (2010-01-05)

thanks , that looks cool ! downloading it and will give you the comment in a while

styrbjorn11 (2010-01-07)


Silencer73 (2010-01-25)

another fine release. good job mate

RALSTON8358 (2010-02-08)


dommels (2010-11-09)

Thx i like the commic once, can i get problems if i use the fonts with copyright?

dommels (2010-11-09)

The big ones are very hard to open./

newslimepirate (2010-12-04)

Holy motherfucker. These fonts are literally over 9000. Will comment after download.

Tml90 (2010-12-08)

This sucks. Some good fonts here, but pretty much only crappy fonts for 14 year old girls...
NOT recommended

0572610879 (2011-01-21)

Huge Thanks To malestrom_HH. Great Work.

skeath (2011-01-26)

Does anyone know if this font package has Bickham Script fonts included

mandarp (2011-02-07)

One of the bayimg images did not open for me

bokehjoe (2011-03-23)

maelstrom: Thnks for the upload. Can't wait to look at the fonts. I use fonts extensively and am always looking for ones I don't have.
dommels: YES- you can get in trouble using copyrighted fonts. You really only need to worry if you are using them in some form or fashion for monetary gain. i.e. making flyers/ business cards from your business. Otherwise you are pretty likely ok.

blasteu (2011-07-21)

Warning for mac users: do no download and unrar that file. Even a single click-get info on some fonts will cause trouble in Safari browser . Big trouble. Defaults fonts are change and browser become unreadable. The computer itself become very slow. The problem come from Enigma fonts contained in this file a quick research on google lead to the creator, Brian Kent , internet woker from norwich, NY. He seems to be the owner of . It seems also that the contact info in the font [email protected] leads to a pishing website, according to Safari. Tested on windows antivirus, it gives nothing.
You are warned.

blasteu (2011-07-21)

Strangely when we right click on ?nigma Scrawl (BRK).ttf to get info , then right click to on [email protected] it proposes to open url...http://[email protected]/ leads to a pishing site. It is more likely to be a Safari bug than anything else.
But I confirm that font render Safari unreadable by times.
Do not load it anyway.

nidluv (2012-05-31)

arabic font include here?

RedHail (2013-02-02)

Excellent! Great collection! Some seem blank in my font manager...but may its a font size issue. Thanks uploader!

KIM0 (2013-03-07)

didnt think you literally meant NINE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND EIGHTY FONTS!!! lol thanks for the upload, and quic download thanks to the seeders


1. 9480 Very Rare and Best Fonts Collection [h33t][Malestrom].rar 257.64 Mb