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The Walking Dead - The Complete Season 1 [HDTV]
Video TV
The Walking Dead - The Complete Season 1 [HDTV]
Video/TV shows
2010-12-06 (by FaMoUz)
The Walking Dead - The Complete Season 1 [HDTV]
Police officer Rick Grimes leads a group of survivors in a world overrun by zombies.
NFO: the complete season 1.. all 6 episodes [HDTV]
Episode List:
Season 1, Episode 1: Days Gone Bye
Original Air Date 31 October 2010
Sheriff Deputy, Rick Grimes, wakes up in the hospital, after being shot, to find his town overrun by flesh-eating zombies. After making friends with survivor Morgan Jones and his son Duane, Rick sets out to find his wife and son.
Season 1, Episode 2: Guts
Original Air Date 7 November 2010
Rick finds himself trapped, with other survivors, inside a department store, surrounded by zombies.
Season 1, Episode 3: Tell It to the Frogs
Original Air Date 14 November 2010
Rick is reunited with Lori and Carl, but soon decides - along with some of the other survivors - to return to the rooftop and rescue Merle. Back at camp, tensions run high between the other survivors.
Season 1, Episode 4: Vatos
Original Air Date 21 November 2010
While searching for Merle, Rick and the others come across another group of - seemingly hostile - survivors. Meanwhile, back at camp, Jim is deeply disturbed by a dream he cannot fully remember, a dream which may turn out to be prophetic.
Season 1, Episode 5: Wildfire
Original Air Date 28 November 2010
Rick tries to make contact with Morgan to tell him his location. Back at camp, after the fight with the zombies, Jim has been bitten and is slowly beginning to change; Andrea mourns over Amy's death; and Shane blames it all on Rick for leaving. Now that camp isn't safe anymore, Rick decides that it's time for them all to move out. He plans to take them to the C.D.C., a military base, to find a cure for Jim and, hopefully, more survivors.
Season 1, Episode 6: TS-19
Original Air Date 5 December 2010
Files count:
2296.76 Mb
SaKenyi (2010-12-06)
This one looks clean, as far as I know, though the lack of seeders thoroughly disturb me.Don't be douches, guys, even just tweaking your upload speed to a max of 25 kb/s will help everyone who wants this torrent.
Captlet (2010-12-19)
A bit more pixelated than some of the others but nice to have all in one package. Download was quick. Currently seeding up at about 200kB/s. Will keep going for at least a couple days.hootsies (2011-01-15)
Comment on the torrent, damn it, guys!!!FEEDBACK = IMPORTANT
drumwrist0123 (2011-01-19)
Sigh ... I mean I will wait days for free stuff but ... come on guys seeed! My connection runs at around 100MB, but im going at 20 KB? lolRob136 (2011-01-26)
please seed! 21.3 kB/s o.Ora1961 (2011-01-26)
1 Season use to mean 26 episodes then 13 now 6... 6 episodes is not a season it's a mini-series.420therock (2011-02-17)
it's six episodes because its a test season.pukss (2011-02-19)
Seems good torrent to me..This series of 6 eps was a hit n after this, the team of this series is going ahead to make 2nd season with 13 eps...!!!
So rock n seed guys..!!!
Viswe (2011-02-25)
Good torrent but this is far from hd .___.rebootAll (2011-03-02)
This torrent is monitored. I did receive a warning from my provider. By the way. F$$/ them, I'm in canada. ;)TheOri (2011-03-04)
what? no! i need more now, hurry dead people :(jspyder24 (2011-03-10)
I can't believe I never head of this show!!! Looking forward to watching this! Great show!!!This show looks like it's WINNING!!!!
christianjynr (2011-03-11)
this is being tracked by BayTSP. got a warning letter from them and my ISP today. great torrent though.matimike (2011-03-20)
a/v 10 thanksDillanP (2011-03-23)
Awesome upload, thanks FaMoUz.Can't wait for season 2.
A - 9
v - 9
M - 10
raeinar (2011-03-24)
Starz Media, LLC has authorized BayTSP to monitor this torrent and has issued DMCA warnings in direct response to the download of this torrentevilomen07 (2011-03-24)
yep starz media contacted my isp they got a letter so this copy is a no go unless u want a letterMinn2x (2011-03-26)
Yep this is being tracked, XD my father comes to me and says, "do you know what the walking dead is" and I'm like a cool fucking tv series "well son you got caught' "well son you got caught', hes like they sent me an email about you torrenting it. and we both laugh.. cause its the first time we ever got something like that seeing as my dad is a crazy torrent person same with me - thing about it I didn't get mine from here I got it from eztv so they are tracking walking dead series from anywhereFaMoUz (2011-03-26)
2 EVERONE.. sorry if u got a letter i forgot 2 delete the trackers wen i uploaded this.. i got all the tracker from trusted n VIP uploaders torrents.. i guess they have gone bad.. it wont happen again as i delted all the tracker n replaced them with better n SAFE trackers.. u can also delete most of the tracker that dont werk on this torrent.. AGAIN SORRY PEOPLE!!!!!gingerjim (2011-03-30)
Is this safe to download now? I already got one DMCA letter this year, i don't need another one.tracksol (2011-03-31)
Is this safe to download now?Patriquez (2011-04-05)
Thanks for the upload.Starz Media...Suck my d*ck!...
mnutzz (2011-04-20)
the UK - Downloaded last night, email from ISP at 10:30am saying it was tracked.I would advise against downloading from this source unless you are doing so through a VPN etc.
FaMoUz (2011-04-20)
every the walking dead torrent is being tracked sum how.. the only ones that r not being tracked r the single episode torrentsmnutzz (2011-04-20)
My email to my ISP was from BayTSP, I imagine they just connect to a torrent and have software that logs every IP it connects too.Which would mean they are also sharing the file themselves :D tut tut
helpinTPBorg (2011-04-24)
::Thank you very much FaMoUz, can't wait for season two. By the way for those who don't know...season two won't be premiering until October (the next fright-fest on AMC) boo-hoo right? but thanks again!::
Milner132 (2011-04-25)
theres a mole amoungst us... loldaftjustice (2011-05-13)
ok, why are people complaining? MAX i've ever had was 50kb/s ... man up. thanks for the upload, completely forgot to watch it on TV THANKS FaMoUz!N3tw0rkbomb3r (2011-05-25)
Thanks for the up!!
danny_glovah (2011-06-02)
A- 10V- 10
rastas959 (2011-06-06)
wonder when season 2 will start?derrique (2011-07-11)
season 2 airs in October 2011axis013 (2011-07-16)
Ok...they send u an email...telling u 2 delete the file or they will take action...u send them email saying u did delete it ....end of story.....noobs! PS just comment on quality of A n V , file size, whateva, not ya grannies panty size and other irrelevance shit!axis013 (2011-07-16)
PPS THANXS 2 FaMoUz! Remember to thank the up-loader u wimps!jcrpost (2011-07-18)
Nice upload but not HD, not 1080p, not even 720p, barely standard def, thanks anyway.nty1907fb (2011-07-29)
thanks a lot. it's greatpriced324 (2011-08-17)
axis013 toughest guy ever...with a keyboard :C by the way your mom said to clean your room.moviedude19 (2011-08-17)
There really should be a disclaimer in the info box stating that this is being tracked.As for you dumbfucks, use peerblock....PROBLEM FUCKING SOLVED
iZanHF (2011-08-19)
Using PeerBlock hope I don't receive a warning as this would be my THIRD warning. This is being tracked by DMCA.PsychoticBall1 (2011-08-20)
Thanks man, you rock.darusdei (2011-08-21)
so in america they're actually trying to enforce copyrights by sending emails and so on?lol... well i guess that's another perk to live outside the states :D
heyman1981 (2011-08-21)
@jcrpost HDTV is the source you dumbfuckElCinema (2011-08-22)
Awesome Torrent Thanks alot FaMoUz!!ElCinema (2011-08-27)
Thanks alot Famouz Excellent Quality!V10
RxGen (2011-08-30)
A 10V 10
Awesome show
nazgull2k1 (2011-09-15)
I love these people complaining about getting letters from ISP's and whatnot..its called PEERBLOCK... get it, install it, USE it, never hear from these toolbags again. Problem solved.
As for this torrent.. 6 episodes is NOT a fucking "season" .. its bullshit. Barely worth watching, because the second it starts to get good, its over. Lame.
D24A (2011-09-26)
@nazgull2k1Do what I am doing, watching it 2 days before the new season starts.. October 16th
CpssPurplerebellion (2011-09-28)
if i use a proxy will i still get the letter?CpssPurplerebellion (2011-09-29)
idk why but my max is 8kbps yea KBPS not my normal 4mbps.... but ive been wanting to see this soKyarji (2011-10-03)
You're lucky you're getting 8kbps, mine literally is only getting .8kbps and I usually get 2mbps, shit is ridiculous.gkukk (2011-10-07)
what are you people complaneing about download speed..problably you have a shity internet connection :) downloading it at the moment with 700 kb/s +Ruby_pirate (2011-10-07)
VERY GOOD quality :DThank you very much for uploading it FaMouz !
ANGRYUNIBR0W101 (2011-10-16)
Thanks for the UL, the 2nd season starts tonight.WARNING: DO NOT USE IN WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER! MASSIVE AUDIO LAGG!
bronik90 (2011-10-18)
@nazgull2k1peerblock is nice to have, but it is in NO WAY total protection, you dolt. do some more research before you climb up on your pedestal
thw_cokeaddict (2011-10-18)
@ nazgull2k1 this is the whole season 6 ep if u dont believe anyone here is a link proving ther is only 6 eps
as for this torrent ill pass too many bad comments bout copy right infringment notices going round for this series
CuttURface (2011-10-24)
I really wish a zombie Apocalypse would happen.I'll move to the woods and live off the land.
And I'll make zombie traps to capture and study them.
Whose coming with me???? Who???
ChloeJones (2011-10-27)
It is 6 episodes because AMC has NO money. Don't expect season 2 to be any longer. :]aznfirefox (2011-10-29)
are there any eng subs on here?rroulette (2011-10-29)
SEEEEEEEEEED BASTARDShitnrun4fun (2011-11-01)
@CuttURfaceur a tool. there are billions of city dwelling zombies that will EVENTUALLY make their way out to the woods and eat ur face. what are your traps going to do when a whole pack comes? what you need to do is move to an island and live off the land.
ur an even bigger tool than that guy ^
AMC has a tonne of money; ever heard of Breaking Bad?... The Walking Dead season 2 is scheduled for 13 episodes so go pan-handle somewhere else biatch
ZZEEVVEENN (2011-11-01)
thanks,good torrent.ZZEEVVEENN (2011-11-01)
i never had one of those letters before,do u think it's because i don't have internet and i use any open signal i can catch with a long range wifi antenna?or i still can get caught?onkelhoy (2011-12-02)
CuttURface - me :Dbut really whats about it wont work? dont understand.. worked great for me..
one more is ths the hole season? pretty short but great torrent thanks :)
TheReaper1712 (2011-12-11)
Bloody love the walking dead BTW can u please Make The Walking Dead Complete Season 2 That would be so awesome.arnold9000 (2011-12-11)
people dont go cry about DMCA If you do so... GO FUCKING BUY THE SERIES!netnomad25 (2011-12-16)
Thanks a lot mate.PLAZITO (2011-12-17)
Can you add some english subtitles? im learning english and i think could be helpfull, thanks so much for the hardwork you do =) greetings form COSTA RICA =)Estachio (2011-12-23)
Works fine for me, thank you very much kind sir :)szdoodles (2012-01-12)
seed pls ._.szdoodles (2012-01-12)
tnx seeding now @_@SCHWEITZERG (2012-02-25)
V: 10A: 10
Great Torrent! Thanks!
smurf80 (2012-02-27)
WARNING to the GERMANS, IP's are being tracked by german lawyers "Sasse und Partner", be careful for all walking dead episodesexicee (2012-02-29)
i dont like this tv showbtw tnx for the upload!
TehJon (2012-03-15)
I'm only getting audio in all of the files and I've tried this in a few media players, does anyone know how to fix this?TehJon (2012-03-15)
Never mind it seems to be a problem with my computer as other videos have stopped working as well. Will continue to seed though! Thanks!Myth302 (2012-03-23)
@TehJonIf the problem persists it might not be your computer. It could be the media player. VLC player is the best one imo
donnywillo (2012-05-11)
works fine have to run it via VLCclaiho (2012-06-15)
@smurf80So what even if it's true? Just use PeerBlock.
claiho (2012-06-16)
A: 10V: 10
Excellent torrent and fast download.
portouser (2012-06-26)
Great torrent!!! Thanks a lot !rafaellp (2012-06-29)
how i watch this on my sony bravia ex725? PLEASE HELP!!!FatFreddy473 (2012-07-19)
Thanks.Rblas (2012-08-06)
thanks man, nice workbragazar1710 (2012-08-17)
thanks.27black27 (2012-09-15)
Good work :)!! AV(General):7.5 :)!!27black27 (2012-09-15)
ff652 (2012-09-23)
Thanks.standstill2142 (2012-09-29)
thanksJosh6373 (2012-10-13)
A. 10V.10
I am now a fan of the series. Thanks for uploading, will seed!
bencemetal (2012-10-23)
Thanx a fuckin lot man!!!! Love this series its awsome! lmlcervece41 (2012-10-24)
I'll give it a shotcervece41 (2012-11-07)
Just perfect, thanks a lot !!pazilya (2012-11-08)
A: 6V:10
pretty bad audio.
Evil_Star (2012-11-19)
seed please? cant wait to watch this seriesBuLLeTs64 (2012-12-04)
Goddammit! Seeeeeeeeeeeeed!!!kingofmiami6 (2012-12-27)
Support TPB
3rendyn (2013-02-05)
IS there an alternative to peerblock for mac users?SirDomaX (2013-04-13)
Some seeds please :)xxMeninexx (2013-07-03)
SEED!Shoobox (2013-07-14)
Utorrent has a built in blocker just download the list peer-block is for suckers, learn to use your torrent client
hinterland (2013-09-20)
thx palbm.ray (2013-10-04)
Thx !Excellent Torrent!
A: 10
V: 10 !
henriquelico (2013-11-19)
Just the best file out about speed, quality, trusted.
Thank you uploader!! .. seeding
john925 (2014-01-13)
Is this a DVD copy?PirateCreed (2014-08-21)
What's the resolution of the videos?Files:
1. The Walking Dead - The Complete Season 1 [HDTV]/The.Walking.Dead.S01E01.Days.Gone.Bye.HDTV.XviD-FQM.avi 549.29 Mb
2. The Walking Dead - The Complete Season 1 [HDTV]/The.Walking.Dead.S01E04.HDTV.XviD-FEVER.avi 349.88 Mb
3. The Walking Dead - The Complete Season 1 [HDTV]/ 349.63 Mb
4. The Walking Dead - The Complete Season 1 [HDTV]/The.Walking.Dead.S01E06.TS-19.HDTV.XviD-2HD.avi 349.36 Mb
5. The Walking Dead - The Complete Season 1 [HDTV]/The.Walking.Dead.S01E05.Wildfire.HDTV.XviD-FQM.avi 349.36 Mb
6. The Walking Dead - The Complete Season 1 [HDTV]/The.Walking.Dead.S01E02.Guts.HDTV.XviD-FQM.avi 349.24 Mb
7. The Walking Dead - The Complete Season 1 [HDTV]/Torrent downloaded from 59 bytes
8. The Walking Dead - The Complete Season 1 [HDTV]/Torrent downloaded from 47 bytes