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The Sims 2 INSTALL Disk 1-4 The Sims 2 Apartment LifeThe Sims 2






The Sims 2 INSTALL Disk 1-4 The Sims 2 Apartment LifeThe Sims 2




2009-05-30 (by shootinkill)


OH just forgot to say you need to mount the Iso with deamon tool so Yes you need to Keep them or Just put them on a cd ECT perfer the 8 GB cds or less the 700 mb's Wont Work Or inless you find a good No_cd Crack This is The Compleate Sims 2 Install with daemon tools and all the Patches And seed ect...... CdKeys Game/Patches/Packs/everything 12.2gb The Sims 2 INSTALL Disk 1-4 The Sims 2 Apartment Life The Sims 2 Celebration! Stuff The Sims 2 Family Fun Stuff The Sims 2 Free Time The Sims 2 Glamour Life Stuff The Sims 2 H&M® Fashion Stuff The Sims 2 Teen Style Stuff The Sims 2 Holiday Party Pack The Sims 2 Party Pack The Sims 2 Ikea Home The Sims 2 Kitchen and Bath Interior Design The Sims 2 Mansion Garden Stuff Pack The Sims 2 nightlife Disk 1-2 The Sims 2 University Disk 1-2 The Sims 2 Open For Business The Sims 2 Seasons The Sims 2 Pets this dose not include and No-cd crack but you can find some from " GameCopyWorld " or by Googleing No-cd Crack Sims 2 The sims 2 Doubel Deluxe (The Sims 2, The Sims 2 Nightlife Expansion Pack The Sims 2 Celebration Stuff Pack) 72A2-9C5M-F4A1-G524-CVTY CWNE-SN6P-G392-NDFM-OVTY KE33-YV24-N1BC-H5N8-AVTY HPTT-VX3J-039M-A2C9-HVTY The sims 2 University QL22-Q976-4X8J-QMHX-22PB The sims 2 Holiday Party Pack No CD Key Needed The sims 2 Open For Business BPY8-4ZD4-LHYW-S57F-UZEK 05.The.sims.2.Family.Fun.Stuff F4EN-XDGJ-8HWJ-F8HV-MRLD 06.The.sims.2.Glamour.Life.Stuff RYZ9-29RJ-A8J9-E1R0-1911 The sims 2 Pets AHNW-MG5V-XBOX-LRLD-RULE LYMV-KFW9-EUCU-LXMN-ARLD ZK2S-LSVN-BYPP-3LOF-1RLD IWR9-YUI4-CRLD-AALE-RTHE The sims 2 Happy Holiday Stuff No CD Key Needed The sims 2 Seasons 6DRZ-F33C-CWL4-TDL7-4UR6 The sims 2 H&M Fashion 68JA-SRST-VR32-4LPW-9HGA The sims 2 Bon Voyage 1PH9-2Q1J-1111-G111-1FLT The sims 2 Teen Style Stuff JL7X-25B6-Q4SF-8Q4S-KRLD SB5V-M6FP-2W2K-R2W2-PRLD 28Y8-SSS9-J8JV-CJ8J-ZRLD J6Y8-SST5-37AX-937A-3RLD SLQY-92XD-6GS3-T6GS-7RLD The.sims.2.Free.Time XLUL-AUS3-A8MU-GA8W-VRLD NUK3-KTTS-GQHV-WGQ5-XRLD F4RR-LXSR-QEHU-RQEK-WRLD 8YYQ-KRGN-6AKJ-46AU-KRLD The sims 2 Kitchen And Bath Interior Design H8JA-8LRD-7THY-5YCO-HFLT 32B3-VC33-6C37-W653-EFLT 34SA-H46V-76V3-RV57-3FLT The sims 2 IKEA Home Stuff LWTK-47KE-WWBM-5WWY-MRLD L2TK-45J2-6F4M-Y6FQ-NRLD MGTK-R7TZ-DF8W-NDFN-YRLD G9AS-5XTB-VLUV-PVLA-YRLD The sims 2 Apartment Life 2XL4-R5BG-BPSE-GBPS-JRLD SSW6-DYDH-JPAH-AJPA-MRLD SX6N-YF33-4KS6-24KS-ARLD A76W-H6LV-HQ2Q-LHQ2-URLD JD5V-RVD6-QG2H-YQG2-MRLD


  1. The Sims 2 INSTALL Disk 1-4
  2. The Sims 2 Apartment Life
  3. The Sims 2 Celebration! Stuff
  4. The Sims 2 Family Fun Stuff
  5. The Sims 2 Free Time
  6. The Sims 2 Glamour Life Stuff
  7. The Sims 2 H&M® Fashion Stuff
  8. The Si

Files count:



12532.97 Mb




ennheiro (2009-06-13)


detroitpiston (2009-06-14)

I have a question(and it may be dumb, I'm new to this torrent/cd stuff). After I install the programs, do I have to keep the rar cd files?

detroitpiston (2009-06-19)

I've been downloading for almost 6 days and I'm only at 30%. Make sure you seed when you're done and to those who are, THANK YOU!

rock500 (2009-08-15)

Maxie needs to make The Sims 2 Complete Collection, link me if theres a torrent with The Sims 2 core game and all the stuff/expansion packs

Zauron3000 (2009-08-27)

I would say that this is the torrent you are searching for :S

Exoticaa (2009-12-02)

Ahhhh people PLEEZZ seed! Takes forever to download when you dont, and takes no effort to just leave your torrent downloader open to seed while doing anything else. just DO IT and thanxxx

Tjiznix (2009-12-26)

I've installed everything, tried to start it, the screen turns black and then i got the desktop again. even when i put every crack on it's place.

KarsPwns (2010-01-07)

@ rock500
No offense dude, but are u blind?
This is exactly what u asked for...

Nubcake. (2010-04-08)

Can anyone tell me how to install this? i allready have deamon tools and i know how to mount nd shit, but wich is the actual Sims 2 of them..? i tried the one names INSTALL DISC 1-4 so i extracted them all in different maps, but only disc 1 works.. till 25%, then it asks me to put in disc 2. so i went to the map with disc 2. where is disc 2? only things i see is: TSData - autorun - compressed - RunGame - Sims2. i mounted all (except TSData because thats a folder) but nothing happened. can anyone show me how to install? maybe make a tut in Notepad or something? thank you

MadBrad77 (2010-09-19)

Which code do I use? Because I've tried a lot of them and none of them worked. I didn't download 15 gigs worth of stuff just to not be able to use it.
Please help

NoOneCares1993 (2010-09-29)

I installed every single ISO-file with Daemon Tools, but it just doesn't work. It always tells me to put Pets CD/DVD in (it was the last one I installed) and when I put it on Daemon Tools, it doesn't work. What did I do wrong?
I haven't unrar'd the files, because I tried it but couldn't install it. This can't be a compatibility problem with Windows 7, because the games have been working well on my friend's computers.
Oh, btw MadBrad77, there was a text file named "MoreCdKeys" and there you can find the serial numbers.

nett01 (2010-10-10)

I just got finished installing the first 4 cds it took me sometime to figure out how to use daemon tools and then it wouldn't except any of the serial numbers but i found a serial number online and it works just fine
thanks for the upload

lrscomputer_idiot (2010-11-13)

anyone willing to explain how to do all of this for someone who is a complete technology idiot i mean step by step if you dont want to i totally understand

dani1qw (2011-05-03)

can you please help me my stuff packs are not working after i install them and my sims2 not working

monkiedoody (2011-10-26)

it says that checking if the sims is updated and then uninstalls the expansion pack what do i do?? i got the sism working but any other expansion wont work!!!! plz help thx

g0k1 (2012-04-12)

Thank you all =)
By the way, I noticed there are no Mansion&Garden Stuff CD-keys. So here they are:

bunicuable (2012-05-18)


jmsmith69 (2012-09-10)

will this work with windows 7

dandan19 (2013-07-21)

will this work on a netbook?

HisWife (2013-12-01)

I am new to this site and have a question.. I downloaded this and did everything it said to do with the Sims 2 Apartment Life but it keeps telling me to insert the original disc, I don't know what to do from here. Please help