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PSP Windows 95 Preinstalled Dosbox DSB Windows on PSP






PSP Windows 95 Preinstalled Dosbox DSB Windows on PSP




2008-06-25 (by playstationlibrary)


DBS - DOS BOX How to use: 1) Copy "DosboxPSP" Folder to "game" or "game150" on the PSP 2) Boot up PSP and open the "Dosbox" file in game on the PSP 3) Enjoy!!! ~ PlaystationLibrary from "" takes no responsibiliy for the ~ DBS or DOS Box PSP. All Playstationlibrary did was incorperate the "w95.img" ~ file in and Write this Readme and .rar it all up. ~ I didn't create the "w95.img" file. ~ I didn't write DOSbox ~ I didn't write DBS ~ All I did was upload on thepiratebay Visit this site for help (not from me) or updates:,9.0.html ~ If you want 3.11 or windows 98 just search ~ Windows 3.11 Preinstalled Image for PSP ~ Windows 98 Preinstalled for PSP Just put the image inside the "DosboxPSP" folder on the PSP SEED once you've downloaded (too seed just leave the download in utorrent/watever torrent engine youhave) If you have no intention in seeding for atleast a hour dont download

Files count:



45.18 Mb




playstationlibrary (2008-06-27)

To select Numbers just press up (with the KEYPAD) and still holding up press down then release both and now you can use 1,2 or 9
Hope this helps as i had a hard time with this

mosh_monkey (2008-07-02)

Thanks man, heard about this and will try it! :D

mosh_monkey (2008-07-02)

aaa HALP! can't select booting options on main menu, tried what oyu said, didn't work, help?

playstationlibrary (2008-07-12)

hold up count to 3 and hold downa at THE SAME TIME but you have to keep doing it is a b**tard to get it to work but practice makes perfect lol

i-SnipeZ (2008-08-04)

i cant use this for some reason, i fallowed directions, do i need custom or early firmware, i bet i do cause i have 4.01 and i bet it requires 1.5 or earlier

dotISO (2008-09-19)

Yes, You need a custom firmware or the native 1.5 . You cannot run homebrews on offical firmwares...

hoslabogy1993 (2009-01-11)

what a noob who doesnt have custom firmware
he probs has a slim line psp

hoslabogy1993 (2009-01-11)

hey MICHAEL its mack r u downloading this cause
it is the bomb and that goes for all of u
down load this it is worth it

hoslabogy1993 (2009-01-11)

anyone elses 95 img running slow as
a sloth and a snail making out
help plz

rhmum (2009-01-25)

WTF does having a slim have to do with cfw? ive got a slim with 5.xx 1.5 and 3.xx


1. PSP Dosbox with Windows 95.rar 45.18 Mb