Torrent Hash - Hash of all existing torrents
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2006-03-21 (by BearishSun)


Here it for all the people who wanted the fixed version. Downloading original + fix still works but this is in most cases better. Be away I didn't have time to test this, but in worst case you will have to download original release + fix. Although chance of it not working is under 1%. This a "proper" release. "" because you still have to do a tiny fix. READ THE instructions.nfo !!!

Files count:



4943.22 Mb




BearishSun (2006-03-22)

be aware*

NecroBeator (2006-03-22)

So you just install and Copy that 600Meg file into the Installed Game Catalog ?

FEvE (2006-03-22)

Awsome! I seed it all.

kung_frost (2006-03-22)

THANX ! ! ! !

sirmattia (2006-03-22)

thanks man!

smothered (2006-03-22)

seeds? :X

T-Dude (2006-03-22)

Even better. God you rock.

NeutRa (2006-03-22)

thx man

piNkified (2006-03-22)

Bah, I'll download everything just in case, moha!

Bluestream (2006-03-22)

hey test it please, so we know that we don't waste alot of time in this. Thx for everything though bear!

NecroBeator (2006-03-22)

Nothings happening...LOL.......Damn computer...

Feilan (2006-03-22)

I bet the ISPs have detected a worldwide surge in bandwidth useage over the last 24 hours as people rush to download the fix that fixes the fixed version of the fixed release that was corrupted while being fixed because the fix that fixed the fix wasn't quite fixed :D

Silverslith (2006-03-22)

Im downloading all three as well. I can't wait.

trigjeeeh (2006-03-22)

Thank you for your time i hope this works, please seed

BearishSun (2006-03-22)

Stupid tracker blokcing will seed soon...not my fault

BearishSun (2006-03-22)

- Original release
- Original release FIX
- Proper version

The_torn_prince (2006-03-22)

We don't blame you.

dimothy10 (2006-03-22)

your the breast man!

 Enthol (2006-03-22)

Suprise suprise, the tracker is down. We'll have to keep being patient.
Thanks BearishSun, I'll keep this torrent going for a long time. If it works that is.

Silverslith (2006-03-22)

Gotta love TPB. One of the few torrent sites where people actually have a cool attitude about sharing. Thx for all your time and effort BearishSun!

Beeeta (2006-03-22)

BearishSun: You are a god among fools

piNkified (2006-03-22)

im' gunna paly dis 12Hur 1minn juzt to brejk de ohtr wons marraton.
Hm.. or maybe I should attend to english classes? meh :p

NecroBeator (2006-03-22)

LOL...I bet the company or person that made QuickPar had his server JUMP through the roof when every one wanted that program...ha ha ha.

Thorond0r (2006-03-22)

BearishSun ftw!

BearishSun (2006-03-22)

No need for quickpar with this proper release it's all been taken care of

Megeees9375 (2006-03-22)

Cant thank you enough Bearishsun.
Will commit 100 Mbit dld and 10 mbit upl.

piNkified (2006-03-22)

dis no BATTLETOADS? :s

TaBuNiW (2006-03-22)

Thanks BearishSun.
I really appreciate the work you do for us.

Flaxnixlax (2006-03-22)

BearishSun thanks! You're the man! (And seed only this proper one so it goes faster ;)
Any way thanks!

damnit199 (2006-03-22)

Connected for 15mins now. Not even a single byte transferred. WTF? No I'm not behind a firewall.

BearishSun (2006-03-22)

Hey guys my Bday is on 25th and giving you all ability to play Oblivion was my best gift

T-Dude (2006-03-22)

Hmmm, not getting much of a response from the tracker...

T-Dude (2006-03-22)

Theeeere we go.

KaraTH (2006-03-22)

aint getting any seeds, what the fudge is going on?

BearishSun (2006-03-22)

Tracker is messed up right now ppl

BearishSun (2006-03-22)

I think we crashed the tracker

NecroBeator (2006-03-22)

LOL...HappyBirthDay in advance...
May there be many more...Sharing is caring...

bibihest (2006-03-22)

Thx alot Bear.. u'r the bear umm I meen man

krutan (2006-03-22)

Thx BearishSun for taking your time to fix this.
Hope it works now :D

almosthero (2006-03-22)

Lets try to avoid that in the future then,
all praise Bearish, bringer of OBLIVION
that sounded terribly wrong when you think of it

gravyhusker (2006-03-22)

Hey BearishSun
Thanks for all the hard work you'd put in today. It's cool that you kept at it. Keep it up. Don't let the lack of pirate ethics get you down. Some people here wish they were more than they are.

piNkified (2006-03-22)

They're here! :D

REDRICK (2006-03-22)

Started d/l. Have to wait before cursing or praising! Meanwhile, thanks!

christy1685 (2006-03-22)

So this one isn't confirmed to work either, brilliant.........
Oh well thanks for the effort anyway bearishsun

NecroBeator (2006-03-22)

Because Ive heard that it was fake ...

Kummaren (2006-03-22)

Yee Yee, jä hade det inte varit bättre om ngn seedade filen?

T-Dude (2006-03-22)

Yea I heard that reloaded release is a fake...

NecroBeator (2006-03-22)

HOLY SHIT....RELOADED has released a Version...HA HA HA....After ALL those FAKES they released in the begining...ha ha ha ah, joking...

piNkified (2006-03-22)

so far, so good ^^

quezcatol (2006-03-22)

What is the extra file for?

scarfacexxx (2006-03-22)

1 word to u bear ..............RESPECT ;D

dremair (2006-03-22)

so were just waiting on seeders then?

FEvE (2006-03-22)

I cancel all 3 torrent, RELOADED IS ON THE WAY!!
All can play the game tonight 2morrowwwwww!

NecroBeator (2006-03-22)

There is only 1 Seeder....Bear who Cares...

minapengar (2006-03-22)

where is the RELOADED version ?

meat4u2 (2006-03-22)

People like you make the world spin thanks, and thanks again.

dremair (2006-03-22)

Meh everyone is on nforce is saying the RELOADED release is just another fake

taz200 (2006-03-22)

ITS lika FUCKIN BIG TRAIN ! wating to leave the station.. soon 1000 Leachers ! and we ALL waiting to leave the station !! HAHA

psiamp (2006-03-22)

first bear i wanna say thany you for dealing with all the people who bad mouthed you about the first upload you..and thank you for fixing it as fast as you bear have you tested this?? does this indeed work now?? also to the guy who said the reload copy coming were did you get that info from???

panluma (2006-03-22)

yeah. Thanks man for taking this time to fix the game

deadbydraino (2006-03-22)

Better off just getting the original and fix.
Both are dling at about 300kb/s consistantly.

Rexxxifon (2006-03-22)

Geez, how many more fixed copies are going to be posted before I can start the DL?

KaraTH (2006-03-22)

still not getting any seeds

taz200 (2006-03-22)

NForce say it ALL..

Ultimezia (2006-03-22)

am i the only one not getting anything down??... why no seed?

KaraTH (2006-03-22)

no your not the only one

caesarion (2006-03-22)

Earlier today a RELOADED version of oblivion was posted on was a fake....Apparantly the a new RELOADED is made and posted on and its not the same as the one on i bet my pants its real

Rapishorrid (2006-03-22)

yo linky to the reloaded? or is not up yet

slackern78 (2006-03-22)

Reloaded Version out now on

BlakIdPea87 (2006-03-22)

Wait for the Reloaded version:

BlakIdPea87 (2006-03-22)

haha you guys beat me to it (had to log in to post comment)

deadbydraino (2006-03-22)

Not up yet as far as i know.
At least not the real one.

BearishSun (2006-03-22)

Upload and seed this thing so I CAN PLAY

Rapishorrid (2006-03-22)

Any idea about when it will be up?
Any chance of having the game runnable before say 10pm eastern time tonight?
(its 4:40 for me right now)

GrayFox2510 (2006-03-22)

Finally, we get working versions. Thanks for all the work you did Bearish, now to wait for RELOADED's release and see which download wins the race...

BlakIdPea87 (2006-03-22)

lol just be patient...the Reloaded releases are always good, and you won't die if you don't get to play for a couple of days (sheesh).

Ultimezia (2006-03-22)

how du you DL on nforce??... cant figure it out?

Felgard (2006-03-22)

um im confused what are the curent recomendations as to download this or wait for a reload?

caesarion (2006-03-22)

you cant download from :p

Hiddnfox (2006-03-22)

yea, how do you DL from that site. I cont figure it out. even after registering

magnuslar (2006-03-22)

First off, great work BearishSun! :)
Second, any progress on the tracker or whatever is the problem, as noone is able to download?
Oh, and have you played the game yet BearishSun? Is it as good as they say? :P

psiamp (2006-03-22)

ok call me dumb but since i never used nforce the hell do u download from them?

Rapishorrid (2006-03-22)

i will die too!!!
I need it before 10 tonight, my parents are gone I WILL PLAY.
damn reloaded i love you but get this shiet up!

Ultimezia (2006-03-22)

its the same in denmark... sooo long waiting time for new media =(

caesarion (2006-03-22) is NOT a download site..its just a site for listing new :p

xunix (2006-03-22)

hey Psiamp,, you cannot DL anything from nforce.. its just a site for announcing releases from different warez groups.. they dont say anything about finding torrents. thats up to you..
hope things got a bit more clear now!

KaraTH (2006-03-22)

jesus, its bbeen said about a million times allready, ill spell it out for you.

Felgard (2006-03-22)

a well i need to sleep will be interesting to see how i will install this game. from my cd that i'll buy on friday or from here

Silverslith (2006-03-22)

It's gonna take some time for the speed on this to increase. But why not just dl this now and dl Reloaded version if it has better speed.

caesarion (2006-03-22)

because no one is seeding it? :p

damnit199 (2006-03-22)

I am connected for the last 20-30 mins I think. And I havent' downloaded a single byte. Yes, not a single byte while connected to 100leechers. WTF!

BlakIdPea87 (2006-03-22) doesn't host any files. It is just a site to check for true NFO's for proper releases. If it is on, then it is a proper/good/working release.
Once it shows up on, you just have to wait until someone seeds it with a torrent file. (Again...PATIENCE!!! You will NOT die if you don't get to play the game 2 minutes from now!).
After all my experience in bit torrent land, I always wait for proper releases (no offense Bearish or anyone else that releases their own version).

Stalker8 (2006-03-22)

BearishSun dude... your THE man, thanks a bunch really. Most people don't take the time to thank people properly and that's sad since i'm sure you put down a lot of work, again big thanks man!
and for those who still are in doubt, this IS the real thing (i hope :P)

KaraTH (2006-03-22)

um, yea, that might be it
Come on RELOADED link please. someone? anyone? no one?

BearishSun (2006-03-22)

I don't know what's with the seems to be a problem with the tracker
we'll have to wait

bearskin (2006-03-22)

Otack är världens lön.
Great name Bear! And awesome work on this whole deal!

IceMaster (2006-03-22)

Whoever said posters on nforce were saying the reloaded version is fake was LYING. I looked myself and that's not what they're saying at all.
If I were you guys, I would wait a few hours for the reloaded one to make its way over here rather than spend days downloading a version that the uploader hasn't even tried to see if it works...

BearishSun (2006-03-22)

This version works, but I just haven't tried with this way of installing(replacing the meshes file manually instead of using quickpar). This should be completely safe, but nothing is ever certain

KennyGzor (2006-03-22)

Thank You Bearish Sun !

bibihest (2006-03-22)

Im just glad Bear has used so much time to make so many people happy even after having to listen to alot of crap

tussii (2006-03-22)

im dl right now from sct.. all the big private sites has it now.. so it should take that long for u lowclass guys to get it : p

scarfacexxx (2006-03-22)

How come the size of ur IND+ IND FIX = smaller than IND PROPER???? Hmmm still 0 come clean if ur at the bollox plus u never tested b4 puttin it on-line yeah right

FEvE (2006-03-22)

Playing the "Reloaded" release now! :D:D:D IAM SO FUCKING HAPPY!!!

Silverslith (2006-03-22)

Where is the reloaded release? Which site?

caesarion (2006-03-22)

Mininova has it

_Loke_ (2006-03-22)

minapengar (2006-03-22)

why not download this one and then just dload reloaded crack when it comes out ?

scarfacexxx (2006-03-22)

gotta also point out ur there to type a response to any comment try this just fuckin SEEDING IT

garymoz (2006-03-22)

Reload version is comming so fast for me from private site.;) Thanks Bearish for the eforth..

Silverslith (2006-03-22)

Not the best speeds on the reloaded release yet. But still a bit better than this one. But wtf. will just dl. all three then...

magnuslar (2006-03-22)

Can anyone confirm that

BesteN1336 (2006-03-22)

The number of files looks real (50X90MB),

scarfacexxx (2006-03-22)

lmao @ ur size for a jpg image wat is it a pic of ur moms ass? :P

BesteN1336 (2006-03-22)

?? what are u talking about?

psiamp (2006-03-22)

i went to that site an started downloading what is suppose to be the reloaded one.. for the site..
...and guess what i found???? it only has 88 files an its size is the reloaded one is suppose to i dont think the one on that site is the real reloaded..ill just wait till one comes along that has right amount of files an..and is prpoer size
on a side note the one from bear im stuck at 1.1mb..for past 30 ill leave it an see what happens..

Silverslith (2006-03-22)

psiamp: Ur forgetting about the .rar file and the .00 file. 88+2 = 90. But ur right about the file size. But im done with it in 16 hours, we'll see then..

BesteN1336 (2006-03-22)

its 92files and all of them is 47.68Mb but 2 of the files is like 5kb and thats the .sfv and .nfo file.

BesteN1336 (2006-03-22)

i hope u know that the files never is exactly is 50mb or 30mb or whatever they just vrite like 30Mb if the file is 27mb etc

BearishSun (2006-03-22)

damn tracker...

almalexia (2006-03-22)

guys is this realease a good one????

TimC (2006-03-22)

Guys the reloaded rars are the right size. It's just because they count MB as 10^6 Bytes, while in "real" MB it's 1024^2. So that's why 50MB turns into 47.68, 15MB into 14.3 etc.

psiamp (2006-03-22)

timc thanks for clearing that up for me.......

almalexia (2006-03-22)

i always downloaded the deviance and reloaded stuff, but i'll stay with this guy's release because he really tried so hard to give us the game.
but i'm wondering why the reloaded guys haven't uploaded the game on TPB ?????????

NightWalker89 (2006-03-22)

Thanks allot Bearshun! You really worked hard even when some of those ass holes showed up. and all for us. Your rock! Hats off to you!

 jnd (2006-03-22)

"but i'm wondering why the reloaded guys haven't uploaded the game on TPB ?????????"
Warez groups never really upload stuff to torrent sites.

psilocybe (2006-03-22)

this fix is working, i got it working, just keep trying, u dont need to write "oblivionlocation -mds and so on, u only need to write bsdtar -xf "oblivionlocation, use backslashes, and oblivion-ind.tar.gz, then let it work until the files r done, itll take about 5 minutes or so, the rest works as it should