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Pinnacle Studio 12.1.3 + Bonuses + All Pemium Packs
Pinnacle Studio 12.1.3 + Bonuses + All Pemium Packs
2009-01-31 (by millsm)
This is a ecerything you need to install Pinnacle Studio 12. It all includes all thansitions, titles and menus that I could find.
The problem I noticed is that after I install Pinnacle and crack it, I started the application and it worked great but there were only a few transitions and menus to choose from. I looke and all of the keys were good. Problem is that you need to install the premium packs. They can come from version 10,11 and 12. This is how you do it.
1) Mount pinnacle studio 12
2) Install pinnacle studio 12 and crack it (crack is built in to a menu)
3) Check and make sure it works
do the following step to each premium pack:
** make sure pinnacle studio is not running!**
1) mount the premium pack
2) go to Start/program/Pinnacle Studio 12/Tools/Transfer Content
3) choose "yes" then version 10
4) it will say preparing computer...wait...
5) now install the premium pack (if this do not work try step 4 again and choose version 11)
6) go back to Start/program/Pinnacle Studio 12/Tools/Transfer Content
7) IT will now say found content and transfer the content
8) new content is ready to use!
start over with step 1-7 for each pack! (unmount and then mount mext pack :P
The Winter pack is a .exe Paswword is in the name of the file "". its a little weird but works ok. I scaned and no virius. up to you to install. not much in the winter pack. bunch of seasonel stuff.
This is a big program! all in all its about 10 gigs or so...
But wow you have so much stuff to pick from.. really bring out your ability to create a masterpeice..
have fun!
Files count:
12344.73 Mb
millsm (2009-02-01)
Please seed a little when yu are done! and let me know if you find any other premium packs!glens411 (2009-02-01)
are you crazy 12 gibglens411 (2009-02-01)
the best editing program is Avid Liquid and around 800mb. Pinnacle make worst resultmillsm (2009-02-01)
12 gigs is a big large. crazy? most computer have 500 gig out of the box. I add 2TB. so not crazy for me. I did not make the program! but I do like it... I have used liquid and it is good. but very limited on pazaaaz... I like all the extra fun stuff you can do in pinnacle.millsm (2009-02-01)
I am seeding 120 KBS. but I have 55 leechers! Please seed a little after you get it...millsm (2009-02-04)
My torrent shows 15 seeders and 180 leechers. Stange piratebay show zero seederszlayall (2009-02-11)
When i try the option to install for the first time, the install. prog. stops and says that it canĀ“t find studio 12 on the computer. What do i do wrong?Good up btw
smartmeister (2009-02-14)
@ Zlayall, read this carefully again :2) go to Start/program/Pinnacle Studio 12/Tools/Transfer Content
3) choose "yes" then version 10
4) it will say preparing computer...wait...
5) now install the premium pack (if this do not work try step 4 again and choose version 11)
6) go back to Start/program/Pinnacle Studio 12/Tools/Transfer Content
7) IT will now say found content and transfer the content
8) new content is ready to use!
amex1992 (2009-02-15)
hey can anyone tell if it is ok to only download the oinnacle studio and leave the premium packs and the winter .somethin crack what shall i need to download to work only pinnacle studio ultimate basic from this toorentamex1992 (2009-02-15)
plzzz replymillsm (2009-02-19)
yes it is! but the product is boring without all the goodies...amex1992 (2009-02-23)
hey millsm i have one more problem i am installing dis on vista as well as xpi tried it on xp first when i clicked install it fresh it said u dont have pinnacle studio plus on ur pc
should i even download that now plzz reply thxx
amex1992 (2009-02-23)
i love this torrent man i cant install this kewl program i understud how to install the premium packs but tell how to install this ulitimate part do i need pinnacle plusDKirk13 (2009-02-27)
Does this include soundsoap?away1 (2009-03-07)
I had to install Studio 12 Plus first, before I could use this. Bit weird that this is not mentioned here.Monrizzy (2009-03-10)
I'm having an issue with the install. When I click on install Pinnacle Studio Ultimate 12 the installer tells me I don't have a copy of Ultimate 12 on my pc. I know this and I didn't click on the upgrade. I click on the fresh install.sbalig (2009-03-15)
Fresh instal not work!Need's manual install. \Studio\setup.exe
Ginbe (2009-03-18)
Yes, yes ..."Sbalig at 2009-03-15 12:38 CET:
Fresh Instal not work!
Need's manual install. \ Studio \ setup.exe "
My respect, everything other works, good job;)
ashman5147 (2009-03-23)
I have extracted packs 1+2 but I keep getting an error when trying to extract the 3rd pack, any help would be great.rahmel05 (2009-03-24)
Plzzz HELP HELP HELP how to add proDAD i have only 2 ADO and VITA i have proDAD instalet 219mb but nothing not activetedthimmy87 (2009-03-26)
PLZ SEED !!!!!!!!!Have download this file for 1 week sone !! Only 50kb/s )= PLZ HELP!!!
mariusrsallaup (2009-05-01)
LOL I actually downloading this in 178 kb/s and will be finished hopefully tomorrow.mariusrsallaup (2009-05-02)
Damn I got from 178 KB/S to 1,6 KB/S wtf, common SEED pleaze, I'm around 82,1%.evolution111 (2009-05-31)
somebody seed pls!!!! cant wait so long to download!axxos (2009-06-18)
when I put all the packages, it say that we can confirm the hfx (hollywood) It would otherwise be a picture at the time I put a transition !!
millsm (2009-07-04)
Some of u need common sense instead of this program. YES, you install the studio program first and then the premium packs... great day..x2rob (2009-07-11)
Thank you very much for this very usefull apps!
Best regards
------------------------ - - ---------------------- - -
yatin1234 (2009-07-15)
xcvcxvgilby1971 (2009-07-25)
i would like to say...well done to the fuck wit who put a trojan in the really are a waste of space.Mitch_Bainwol (2009-08-14)
Security. Install Free Comodo.Boot into Linux every day.
Run Winbloz in the free VMware for Linux, I run x64.
Clone (VMware operation) your Linux VM a couple times. One copy is for "dirty" software that Comodo says is infected. One copy is set to run in "non-persistent" mode. Run all Keygens in that. No matter what malware there might be, it goes poof when you exit the VM.
In the persistent VM for malware, keep the Net disconnected.
And never run in a daily account with admin privs.
davidav11 (2009-08-16)
@glens411 the best editing program is Avid Liquid and around 800mb. Pinnacle make worst resultyou do realise That Avid Liquid is a registered trademark from Pinnacle Systems, Inc.
ro20895 (2009-08-17)
Does it also include Hollywood FX???ro20895 (2009-08-17)
Can someone please upload Hollywood FX & RTFX???? Please................katjing501 (2009-08-18)
Hi millsm,3 questions:
1. I installed studio 12 a couple of weeks ago. now I am back from holliday and want to start the programm. on startup I get a pop-up asking if I want to register. Does this mean I have not cracked yet? (hope it isn't the most stupid question, I have only just started).
2. If I haven't cracked it, can you tell me where to get the keygen. I am affraid I (or anoter user of this computer) deleted it.
3. about winterpack: I don't know activation code here also, and I don't understand 'Paswword is in the name of the file ' in your description. my file is called: "Winter Pack - Activation code -"
replies very much appreciated
ro20895 (2009-08-18)
the password for winter pack is - ( for heavens sake...pisvlekje (2009-08-24)
krijg een melding met;het pad is leeg,direct na het opstarten van de installatieNoaHime (2009-09-12)
Hello all,I'm having trouble installing the Premium Packs. Every time I try it says it can't find Pinnacle 10... well I have 12 so shouldn't that be enough?
millsm (2009-10-19)
Some people mentioned that the keygen is trojan. you must be new at this. Norton says all keygen are trojans. to get the program you will need to stop norton during the download so that it does not delete it. or use a smarter antivirus. One that has not been baught out by the software industry.megachimchar (2010-04-20)
and agin same old story some INDIAN PEOPLE like gilby1971 that have they idiotic norton 360mon their laptops and wanna be cool by NOT KNOWING EANY THING about hacking says that THE KEYGEN IS A TROJAN for fucks sake its not ur antivirus onyl detects it as an trojan but the jeygen is not just disable antivirus for the time ur instaling the progam geezsdmaggie (2010-05-16)
A very nice up. A couple tips:1. The file in this torrent called Premium Pack Vol. 3 is really the Bonus DVD from Studio 11.
2. As it says in the .nfo you have to first install Studio 12, then use the Transfer Content tool to install Prem Pack vol. 1 & 2. Those packs are for Studio 9, 10 or 11. In the Transfer Content utility I selected Studio 10 as the previous Studio version. For the Bonus DVD install (called Premium Pack Vol. 3 in this torrent) I selected Studio 11. Everything transferred into Studio 12.
3. The Winter Themes pack is a self-extracting archive file. The correct password needed for the extractor is (notice the .ru). Once the extractor finishes, you get an image screen. Click on the Christmas Tree image in the lower left to start the install.
qqshoe (2010-06-28)
I already have Pinnacle Studio 12, which I got when I bought my capture card. Would I be able to just install the 3 other .iso's and would they work, or do I need this pirated version of Pinnacle Studio 12 specifically?Please seed.
rupankur (2010-09-19)
upload Effects Pinnacle Hollywood FX Pro v5.2.5050krunalshah_21 (2010-12-05)
Can any 1 guide me how to enable adorage???? its not showing evn aftr transfr contnt... !!! :( plz...krunalshah_21 (2010-12-05)
Can any 1 guide me how to enable adorage... its not showing evn aftr transfr contnt... plz...krunalshah_21 (2010-12-05)
cn any 1 tell me hw to enable adorage in prodad menu!!! its nt thr evn aftr trnsfr contnt!!guten100 (2010-12-15)
Premiumpack 1 and 2 dont work.... -6001Files:
1. Pinnacle Studio 12.1.3 + Bonuses + All Pemium Packs/Pinnacle Studio Ultimate DVD 12.1.iso 3302.79 Mb
2. Pinnacle Studio 12.1.3 + Bonuses + All Pemium Packs/Premium Pack Vol-1.iso 3255.66 Mb
3. Pinnacle Studio 12.1.3 + Bonuses + All Pemium Packs/Premium Pack Vol-2.iso 1255.88 Mb
4. Pinnacle Studio 12.1.3 + Bonuses + All Pemium Packs/Premium Pack Vol-3.iso 3926.24 Mb
5. Pinnacle Studio 12.1.3 + Bonuses + All Pemium Packs/Winter Pack - Activation code - 604.17 Mb