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2011-11-18 (by scene4all)


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 444444444 AAA SS:::::::::::::::S 4::::::::4 A:::A S:::::SSSSSS::::::S 4:::::::::4 A:::::A S:::::S SSSSSSS 4::::44::::4 A:::::::A S:::::S 4::::4 4::::4 A:::::::::A S:::::S 4::::4 4::::4 A:::::A:::::A S::::SSSS 4::::4 4::::4 A:::::A A:::::A SS::::::SSSSS 4::::444444::::444 A:::::A A:::::A SSS::::::::SS 4::::::::::::::::4 A:::::A A:::::A SSSSSS::::S4444444444:::::444 A:::::AAAAAAAAA:::::A S:::::S 4::::4 A:::::::::::::::::::::A S:::::S 4::::4 A:::::AAAAAAAAAAAAA:::::A SSSSSSS S:::::S 4::::4 A:::::A A:::::A S::::::SSSSSS:::::S 44::::::44 A:::::A A:::::A S:::::::::::::::SS 4::::::::4 A:::::A A:::::A SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 4444444444AAAAAAA AAAAAAA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VMware.Workstation.v8.0.1.528992.Incl.Keymaker-ZWT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x!FEAR ¯ RELEASE iNFORMATiON ® SOFTWARE NAME : VMware Workstation v8.0.1.528992 PROTECTiON : SERiAL CRACKER : TEAM Z.W.T RELEASE TYPE : KEYGEN SUPPLiER : TEAM Z.W.T RELEASE DATE : 2011-11-18 PACKER : TEAM Z.W.T LANGUAGE : English SiZE : 96 x 5.00MB FORMAT : ZIP/RAR ZiP NAME : zvw801**.zip ¯ ADDiTiONAL NOTES ® COMPANY : VMware PLATFORM : WiNALL SOFTWARE TYPE : UTiLiTY URL : ¯ RELEASE NOTES ® VMware Workstation - The program is designed for workstations, enables a computer to emulate a standalone working environment of the operating system and work with him as with the conventional system. ¯ iNSTALL NOTES ® Unpack and install. Use our keymaker to register it. MD5(keygen.exe) = 7f4f9e2e3d67affc5c093560d86f320d ¯ CONTACT iNFORMATiON ® We are eager for skilled crackers and iso suppliers. Email: TEAM ZERO WAiTiNG TiME 2007 x!FEAR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  1. VMware
  2. Workstation
  3. v8.0.1.528992
  4. Incl
  5. Keymaker
  6. ZWT

Files count:



474.09 Mb




brianxxx (2011-11-18)

Love it! Thanks!

erikfig (2011-11-29)

Worked at the first try! THANK YOU!!!!!

nomad169 (2011-12-23)

Thanks S4A.. Great Upload
Downloaded and works great. But having some problems installing a OS X Snow Leopard virtual machine. Maybe some hardware problem i think.

pingman1969 (2012-01-11)

thank you

Plan9x128 (2012-01-22)

nothinatall4943 (2012-01-27)

Does this work with Linux/Ubuntu?

TheBasslinePirate (2012-02-04)

Operating system and specs?

a283855 (2012-02-26)

Keygen = Virus?
Apparently, according to the latest defs of Avira, the keygen.exe file contains the trojan virus TR/Agent.57344.3...

Can anyone else confirm?

pipeandbeard (2012-02-26)

@ a283855.
It's a False Positive, and is harmless,
Stop panicking !

leodelacruzx (2012-03-05)

Thank you, working!

techneck (2012-03-06)

Thanks dude

JoeH-22 (2012-03-07)

How did you guys extract .exe files on mac? I tried File Juicer but the setup file isnt working

Stan0ne (2012-03-20)

big share.. ouu thnks!!

usynn (2012-03-26)

the video link is private!! what do we do!? :S

(hotrodder) (2012-04-16)

Anybody think you could help with my install? i download this before and didn't have any problems but decided to add another hard drive to my rig to have mac on 1 and windows on the other so i restored my system and now i get half way through this install and i get a script error 1260 / missing/zlib1.dll ? what does this mean? has to be an easy fix right? please help

kacip (2012-04-26)

w0w! c0oL.. ty ;)~

WagWam (2012-04-28)

worked for me, thx!

meridjal (2012-06-06)

Nice, thanks... Let's hope the the keygen is a false positive.

Dem3ssiah (2012-06-07)

Thnaks for the upload. just run keygen in safemode if you have kaspersky

JMC17 (2012-07-02)

You can always use Sandboxie to open unsafe files. Or once you are done downloading this VMware, you can also use that to test files, without any danger for your real computer.

gtaboy34 (2012-07-13)

Greate app!
thank you alot!

ShadowWolf69 (2012-07-26)

To those who think that the keygens are Trojans, due to the strings of coding inside of the keygen an antivirus will detect it as a virus.

jmtucu (2012-07-29)

Works perfect! Thanks!

demis1159 (2012-08-06)


xanat0s (2012-09-09)

Plz don't cry wolf (or virus as it were) unless you've run the exe through virustotal or something. Some ppl really need to understand the concept of *False Positives*

annkung133 (2013-06-07)

i can't dowload


1. VMware.Workstation.v8.0.1.528992.Incl.Keymaker-ZWT/Read Me.txt 3.62 Kb
2. VMware.Workstation.v8.0.1.528992.Incl.Keymaker-ZWT/keygen.exe 56.00 Kb
3. VMware.Workstation.v8.0.1.528992.Incl.Keymaker-ZWT/setup.exe 474.02 Mb
4. VMware.Workstation.v8.0.1.528992.Incl.Keymaker-ZWT/zwt.nfo 6.13 Kb